Thinking Functionally with Haskell (13 page)

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The two facts have a name: they are called the
laws of
. The name is borrowed from a branch of mathematics called Category Theory. In fact, Haskell provides a type class
, whose definition is

class Functor f where

fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

The method
is expected to satisfy exactly the same laws as
. The reason for this type class is that the idea of mapping a function over a list can be generalised to one of mapping a function over an arbitrary data structure, such as trees of various kinds. For example, consider the type
data Tree a = Tip a | Fork (Tree a) (Tree a)

of binary trees with labels in their tips. Tree-structured data arise in a number of places, for example with the syntax of expressions of various kinds. We can define a mapping function over trees, but rather than calling it
we can call it
by making trees a member of the

instance Functor Tree where

fmap f (Tip x) = Tip (f x)

fmap f (Fork u v) = Fork (fmap f u) (fmap f v)

In fact
is just a synonym for the instance
for lists:
ghci> fmap (+1) [2,3,4]


We mention the
type class here primarily to show that if ever you think some function on lists can be usefully generalised to other kinds of data structure, the chances are good that the designers of Haskell have already spotted it and introduced an appropriate type class. As we will see later on, and especially in
Chapter 12
, the functor laws of
appear in many calculations.

There is another group of laws that involve
, all of which have a common theme. Consider the equations

f . head
= head . map f

map f . tail
= tail . map f

map f . concat = concat . map (map f)

The first equation holds only if
is a strict function, but the others hold for arbitrary
. If we apply both sides of the equation to the empty list, we get
f (head []) = head (map f []) = head []

Since the head of an empty list is undefined, we require
to be strict to make the equation true.

Each of the laws has a simple interpretation. In each case you can apply the operation (
, and so on) to a list and then change each element, or you can change each element first and then apply the operation. The common theme lies in the types of the operations involved:

:: [a] -> a

:: [a] -> [a]

concat :: [[a]] -> [a]

The point about the operations is that they do not depend in any way on the nature of the list elements; they are simply functions that shuffle, discard or extract elements from lists. That is why they have polymorphic types. And functions with polymorphic types all satisfy some law that says you can change values before or after applying the function. In mathematics such functions are called
natural transformations
and the associated laws,

As another example, since
reverse :: [a] -> [a]
we would expect that
map f . reverse = reverse . map f

Indeed this is the case. Of course, this naturality law still has to be proved. Another law is
concat . map concat = concat . concat

The two sides assert that two ways of concatenating a list of lists of lists (either do the inner concatenations first, or do the outer concatenations first) give the same result.

Finally, here is just one property of

filter p . map f = map f . filter (p . f)

We can prove this law by simple equational reasoning:

filter p . map f

{second definition of

concat . map (test p) . map f

{functor property of

concat . map (test p . f)

test p . f = map f . test (p . f)

concat . map (map f . test (p . f))

{functor property of

concat . map (map f) . map (test (p . f))

{naturality of

map f . concat . map (test (p . f))

{second definition of

map f . filter (p . f)

Laws like those above are not just of academic interest, but are deployed in finding new and better ways of expressing definitions. That’s why functional programming is the best thing since sliced bread.


Finally, to complete a simple toolbox of useful operations, we consider the functions
. The definitions in the standard prelude are:

zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]

zip (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x,y): zip xs ys

= []


zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]

zipWith f (x:xs) (y:ys) = f x y : zipWith f xs ys

zipWith f
= []

A caring programmer (one who doesn’t like ‘don’t care’ patterns) would have written

zip [] ys
= []

zip (x:xs) []
= []

zip (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x,y):zip xs ys

Both definitions use pattern matching on both arguments. You have to know that pattern matching is applied from top to bottom and from left to right. Thus

zip [] undefined = []

zip undefined [] = undefined

The definition of
can be given another way:

zip = zipWith (,)

The operation
is a constructor for pairs:
(,) a b = (a,b)

Here is one example of the use of
. Suppose we want to determine whether a list is in nondecreasing order. A direct definition would have:

nondec :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Bool

nondec []
= True

nondec [x]
= True

nondec (x:y:xs) = (x <= y) && nondec (y:xs)

But another, equivalent and shorter definition is

nondec xs = and (zipWith (<=) xs (tail xs))

The function
is yet another useful function in the standard prelude. It takes a list of booleans and returns
if all the elements are
, and

and :: [Bool] -> Bool

and []
= True

and (x:xs) = x && and xs

One final example. Consider the task of building a function
that takes a value
and a finite list
and returns the first position in
(counting positions from 0) at which
occurs. If
does not occur in the list, then −1 is returned. We can define

position :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Int

position x xs

= head ([j | (j,y) <- zip [0..] xs, y==x] ++ [-1])

The expression
zip [0..] xs
pairs each element of
with its position in
. Although the first argument of
is an infinite list, the result is a finite list whenever
is. Observe that the problem is solved by first computing the list of
positions at which
is found, and then taking the first element. Under lazy evaluation it is not necessary to construct the value of every element of the list in order
to calculate the head of the list, so there is no great loss of efficiency in solving the problem this way. And there is a great deal of simplicity in defining one search result in terms of all search results.

4.8 Common words, completed

Let’s now return to
Section 1.3
and complete the definition of
. Recall that we finished with

commonWords :: Int -> [Char] -> [Char]

commonWords n = concat . map showRun . take n .

sortRuns . countRuns . sortWords .

words . map toLower

The only functions we have still to give definitions for are

showRun countRuns sortRuns sortWords

All the others, including
, are provided in the standard Haskell libraries.

The first one is easy:

showRun :: (Int,Word) -> [Char]

showRun (n,w) = w ++ ": " ++ show n ++ "\n"

The second one can be defined by

countRuns :: [Word] -> [(Int,Word)]

countRuns []
= []

countRuns (w:ws) = (1+length us,w):countRuns vs

where (us,vs) = span (==w) ws

The prelude function
span p
splits a list into two, the first being the longest prefix of the list all of whose elements satisfy the test
, and the second being the suffix that remains. Here is the definition:
span :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a],[a])

span p []
= ([],[])

span p (x:xs) = if p x then (x:ys,zs)

else ([],x:xs)

where (ys,zs) = span p xs

That leaves
. We can import the function
by the command
import Data.List (sort)

sort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
we can then define

sortWords :: [Word] -> [Word]

sortWords = sort


sortRuns :: [(Int,Word)] -> [(Int,Word)]

sortRuns = reverse . sort

To understand the second definition you have to know that Haskell automatically defines the comparison operation
on pairs by
(x1,y1) <= (x2,y2) = (x1 < x2) || (x1 == x2 && y1 <= y2)
You also have to know that
sorts into ascending order. Since we want the codes in descending order of count, we just sort into ascending order and reverse the result. That, by the way, is why we defined frequency counts by having the count before the word rather than afterwards.

Instead of relying on the library function for sorting, let us end by programming a sorting function ourselves. One good way to sort is to use a
divide and conquer
strategy: if the list has length at most one then it is already sorted; otherwise we can divide the list into two equal halves, sort each half by using the sorting algorithm recursively, and then merge the two sorted halves together. That leads to

sort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]

sort []
= []

sort [x] = [x]

sort xs
= merge (sort ys) (sort zs)
where (ys,zs) = halve xs


halve xs = (take n xs, drop n xs)

where n = length xs `div` 2

That leaves us with the definition of
, which merges two sorted lists together into one sorted list:

merge :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]

merge [] ys = ys

merge xs [] = xs

merge (x:xs) (y:ys)

| x <= y
= x:merge xs (y:ys)

| otherwise = y:merge (x:xs) ys

In fact, many Haskell programmers wouldn’t write the last clause of
in quite this way. Instead they would write

merge xs'@(x:xs) ys'@(y:ys)

| x <= y
= x:merge xs ys'

| otherwise
= y:merge xs' ys

This definition uses an
. You can see the point: rather than deconstructing a list and then reconstructing it again (a cheap but not free operation), it is better to reuse the value that we matched with. True, but it does obscure a simple mathematical equation, and we will use such patterns only very sparingly in this book.

are defined recursively and it is worthwhile pointing out why the two recursions terminate. In the case of
you have to see that one or other of the two arguments of
decreases in size at each recursive call. Hence one of the base cases will eventually be reached. In the case of
the critical observation is that if
has length at least two, then both
have length strictly less than
, and the same argument applies. But see what happens if we had omitted the clause
sort [x] = [x]
. Since 1 div 2 = 0 we would have,
sort [x] = merge (sort []) (sort [x])

That means evaluation of
sort [x]
requires evaluation of
sort [x]
, and the whole definition of
spins off into an infinite loop for nonempty arguments. Checking that you have all the necessary base cases is one of the most important parts of constructing a recursive function.

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