Thin Ice (38 page)

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Authors: K. R. Bankston

BOOK: Thin Ice
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“Here we are,” the attorney told him as they arrived some 45 minutes later at the 5-star hotel, downtown Buckhead.

“Thanks again for everything,” Ian told his attorney sincerely.

The man had been paid handsomely to keep both himself and Ryan out of jail, and he’d come through with flying colors.

“My pleasure Mr. Bailey,” the attorney replied smiling as they shook hands and Ian headed inside the main lobby.

Greeting the clerk at the counter, Ian retrieved his room key and headed upstairs to his suite. He grabbed himself a bottle of beer from the mini-bar in the room and laid back across the sumptuously down-encased comforter on the king sized bed. Sitting up again moments later, Ian finished the beer and rose, heading over to the window and enjoying the view. He’d intentionally asked for a suite on the 15
floor so he could look down on the city. He liked the aerial view. Sighing lightly and knowing what he still had to do, Ian called the front desk. The clerk told him his rental had indeed been delivered and she had the keys for him. Ian thanked her and disconnected heading for the elevator. The ride down was quick and uneventful. He retrieved his keys and headed out of the same front door he’d entered an hour or so earlier.

Ian got inside the luxurious Mercedes SL600 coupe and headed toward his destination, his mind racing as he drove. He made one quick stop, picking out and paying for the item requested. The drive was short and thankfully the traffic cooperated. He arrived a little while later and entered the establishment.

“Hello,” Ian greeted the receptionist as she smiled back.

He made an inquiry and she directed him to the appropriate department.

“Thank you,” Ian returned as she smiled again and he walked away.

After boarding the elevator and going to the correct floor, Ian found the number she’d given him relatively easy. Taking a deep breath and blowing it out slowly, Ian opened the door and walked inside.


“Help me get dressed,” Kaitlyn told Jaleesa trying to sit up in bed.

“OK, wait a minute,” Jaleesa told her turning around as they both froze.

“Hey KiKi, Tweety,” Ian greeted them both.

Jaleesa returned a soft hello as Kaitlyn continued to watch him, transfixed.

“Tweety, can I talk to KiKi alone for a minute please,” Ian asked calmly.

Jaleesa gave Kaitlyn a look, as Kaitlyn nodded slightly.

“I’ll be right outside,” Jaleesa made a point of saying before she left.

Ian smiled slightly at the statement but said nothing. After the door closed, he walked closer to the bed and placed the roses he’d purchased on her bed table.

“I’m glad to see you’re doing better,” Ian told her softly.

Kaitlyn swallowed hard, trying to find the words.

“I never meant to shoot you, KiKi,” he continued. “You took me by surprise, and it was impulse,” Ian finished as she nodded slightly.

Kaitlyn’s mind was racing as Ian continued to watch her and say nothing. Finally she gathered her courage and put it out there.

“So, now what,” she asked, her voice still raspy.

Ian walked over and sat on the bed beside Kaitlyn. She held her hands clasped tightly together trying to stop the tremors that were overtaking her body.

“You tell me,” Ian said softly. “Is this the life you want, Landon the man you wanna be with,” Ian asked, having heard from Ryan about Tariq being killed.

“You would leave us alone,” Kaitlyn asked skeptically.

Ian sighed deeply again. “KiKi, be honest with yourself,” he began, deliberately not answering her question. “Can you be content being the happy homemaker,” Ian asked looking into her eyes. “What happens when Prince Charming finds out about your old life,” he asked again as Kaitlyn sighed slightly.

“What do you want from me Ice, really,” she asked finally giving him a chance to put everything on the table.

“I want you to come back where you belong, where you really belong,” Ian told her. “I want you to admit you loved the life you lived with me, the thrill of the chase,” he challenged.

“So you wanna take me somewhere else to kill me,” Kaitlyn threw out.

Ian smiled slightly.

“KiKi,” he began earnestly. “Killing you would be like killing a part of myself,” he told her, leaning in and kissing her lips softly.

“You are imbedded in me, and I think I’m imbedded in you too, and that’s what scares the hell outta you,” he finished as Kaitlyn wiped the tear that’d escaped and ran down her cheek.

She thought about the things Ian was saying to her, admitting to herself that as nice a guy as Landon was, he wasn’t a hustler. He didn’t know the streets. He didn’t know her. There was no way he could love her still knowing she sold drugs, ran guns, killed people, and the fact that she enjoyed it would definitely be far beyond his realm of reality to accept.
You’ve already cost one man his life trying to lie to yourself and run from who you are,
Kaitlyn thought as she remained quiet.
Leave with Ice and give Landon his life back,
her mind completed for her as Ian spoke once more.

“Come home, KiKi,” he said simply as they embraced and kissed passionately.

Taking the time to write Landon a short note thanking him for his love, his support, and his care, Kaitlyn apologized for hurting him, but explained she wasn’t who or what he thought she was. She asked him to forgive her and find someone worthwhile to love. Folding it and putting it on her night table, Kaitlyn dressed, looked up at Ian and spoke once more.

“Let’s go,” she said simply as he smiled and helped her to the elevator where Jaleesa joined them, getting in and pushing the down button.


Thank you for reading this novel.
We hope you’ve enjoyed and will continue to follow the ongoing saga of Ice, KiKi, Ryan, Tweety and the rest of the Thin Ice crew as they allow us to tag along inside their world.


A sneak preview of
Thin Ice 2: Hide & Seek
, follows this page, (debuts September 2011). Also, check out these other offerings from the Author KR Bankston available at all fine online retailers:,, and more.



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The Gianni Legacy:

A Deadly Encounter (eBook/paperback)

Sins of the Father (eBook/paperback)

Smoke & Mirrors (eBook/paperback)


Other Books:

King of the Game (eBook)

Unraveled: A Short Story Collective (eBook)


About the Author:

KR has been writing for years creating several poems, short stories and inspirational plays, before finally venturing into a full-length novel. Some of her greatest literary influences came early in the form of V.C. Andrews, and Stephen King. Later she discovered E. Lynn Harris, Robin Cook, Alex Haley, and Victoria Holt to name a few more of the influential authors who have help shape her writing style.

When she’s not writing, K.R. Bankston is an avid Dallas Cowboys, Atlanta Falcons football fan, and Orlando Magic, Miami Heat, basketball fan. She is currently in the process of writing a new novel.


Contact the Author:
[email protected]
Cover Design info:
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Thin Ice 2: Hide & Seek


Back to the Beginning


No matter how much things change, they remain the same. Ian was back in business; he and Ryan doing bigger and better things than before. Tweety and KiKi were still by their side, their right hands, running the clubs, handling the books, keeping the empire flowing. That was the nice thing about Atlanta. It was a very forgiving city. After a couple years hiatus in Gary Indiana, Ian and Ryan came back and began quietly buying up the shut down, foreclosed clubs in the city. They now owned a total of eight; each doing banner business on any given night. Once the clubs began returning profits, Ian and Ryan again set up their illegal and invisible business dealings in the other three states they’d taken residence in once more. They were far more careful this time. From the general observer’s point of view and even the police that dropped by from time to time, each business was legitimate. The proper paperwork was filed, licenses up-to-date and kept in plain sight. No one was employed, or in the limelight, who had a criminal record or failed a drug test. Ian and Ryan were reformed as far as the powers that be were concerned. They operated successful businesses, staying within the confines of the law. The two brothers chuckled inwardly at how well they kept up the charade and continued to amass a multi-million dollar fortune.


Jaleesa was closing the Peppermint Club located in the NW part of the city. It was an upscale strip club catering exclusively to women. The city hosted multiple male oriented strip clubs but nothing for the ladies. The club was packed again tonight as the ladies enjoyed all the toned, oiled, nude bodies on display for them. Azibo disturbed her thoughts as he brought her the bar receipts for the evening. Jaleesa took in the tall, dark complexioned man smiling at her as he handed her the monies.

“How are you tonight, Miss Jaleesa,” Azibo asked all the while taking in the beautiful woman.

He was well aware she dated Ryan, one of the owners, but he still thought she was sexy as hell and if she would give him a chance, he would show her how much he thought of her.

“I’m good Azi,” Jaleesa returned using the man’s nickname.

He told her he was of Nigerian descent, which she could tell from his pronounced accent.

“Have a good night,” she asked taking the cash and laying it on the desk in front of her.

Azibo told her it had been a banner night at the bar. Tweety laughed before answering him.

“Yeah, it generally is when Exotic and Kaos dance,” she told him as Azibo smiled again and left her presence still thinking about the, what if.


“Hey chick, Wassup,” Kaitlyn heard Jaleesa chirp in her ear.

She was at another of the clubs on the SW side called Mardi Gras. This was the 25 and older club, where old school was the music of choice and the hunting grounds a bit more mature. This club also turned huge profits with the weekly male and female reviews. There were plenty of private parties booked each week which made Mardi Gras the spot to be.

“Not a lot girl,” Kaitlyn returned as she finished up the deposit for the evening. “About to be up outta here and head for the house,” she added as Jaleesa grunted her acknowledgement.

“How are you, KiKi, really,” Jaleesa asked softly.

Kaitlyn sighed deeply before answering, swallowing the huge lump in her throat. “I’m okay, Tweety,” she replied quietly.

“Are you sure,” Jaleesa asked once more.

“Yeah,” Kaitlyn returned quietly before her friend let the conversation go.

“You going with Ice to Baton Rouge tomorrow,” Jaleesa asked changing the subject. “Not that I know of, but you know that is subject to change,” she replied as they both laughed.

Kaitlyn chatted with her best friend a few moments more before finally disconnecting and rising to leave the club.

Walking outside she bid Dixon goodnight. He was the doorman at the club. Huge at 6’8”, 370lbs, he kept order both inside and outside the club.

“Do you want me to walk you to the car, KiKi,” he asked as she passed where he stood directly inside the door.

“No, I’m fine,” Kaitlyn returned as he glanced the .9mm in her pocket.

Smiling slightly he told her okay and let her out, watching as she walked across the parking lot. Just as she reached her car, Dixon was called away by the bartender needing help reaching a box. Kaitlyn removed her keys from her pocket and used the fob to unlock her doors. She threw the bank bag on her passenger seat and climbed in, placing the gun between the two seats. Her mind was still whirling thinking about the earlier question Jaleesa asked.
I still can’t believe he’s gone,
Kaitlyn thought of Tariq. It still hurt everyday to think about him dying. Today was the anniversary of his death. She’d gone out to the cemetery earlier and replaced the flowers in his urn, sat and talked to him for a while, cried herself to exhaustion, then finally left.

Sighing deeply, she thought of all the drama after he died even finding out about his body. The Medical Examiner’s office wouldn’t give her any info because she wasn’t next of kin. Kaitlyn had given up finally after hitting dead end after dead end; simply buying a plot at a private cemetery and having a beautiful marker placed.
I love you so much, Tariq,
Kaitlyn thought, never uttering the thoughts aloud, knowing Ice would blow a gasket if he knew she still carried a torch for her fallen love. Kaitlyn was so deep in thought she never saw the man approach her car until he broke the window, scaring the hell out of her.
What the fuck,
Kaitlyn thought as he reached through the window trying to grab her. Kaitlyn swung and the man cursed aloud, his hand bleeding from the cut she’d inflicted with the straight razor she still held. Taking the split second, Kaitlyn reached for the gun when the second man jumped into her passenger seat and put the chloroform to her nose.
Don’t pass out,
her mind told her as Kaitlyn tried to fight. Unfortunately her adrenaline had kicked in and her breathing was erratic. The darkness was closing in quickly.

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