TheSatellite (4 page)

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Authors: Storm Savage

Tags: #Dark Fantasy, Erotic Romance, Paranormal

BOOK: TheSatellite
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“Not yet, love. Go back to sleep. Raef called…he sends you his love.”

“Mmm…nice,” she murmured before snuggling deeper into the pillow.

He watched her sleep while finishing his smoke. They’d only been together about three months before he’d asked her to marry him. She was a rare jewel that he didn’t want to lose. He didn’t waste time making her his. From the day they met, he knew he had to have her. He thought back to that day with a reminiscent smile.


On a beautiful morning in early May, he had been getting ready for another show from their latest tour. A group of women caught his eye so he asked one of the bouncers to invite them backstage.

Hatch looked up from signing and spotted Flame near the back. She was staring at him with sultry eyes and had a mane of lustrous gold hair he longed to bury his hands in while taking her hard. Her killer body with legs that never quit sparked an intense ache in his groin. Instantly he became attracted to her. Once she and her friends were ushered to the front of the excited gathering, he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

He towered over her petite frame and smiled. “Would you like an autograph?”

She shrugged with a casual smile. “If you want to give me one.”

He recalled the moment that set Flame apart from the crowd. Despite the flurry of activity around them and fans clambering to get close, she looked up at him and had spoken very softly.

“Would you be kind enough to take your sunglasses off?” she had politely asked with sincere deep blue eyes. “I’d like to look into your eyes.”

Fascinated by her request, he stared back at her for a brief moment. Then he honored her by removing his shades.

“Oh my,” she’d said breathlessly, her words audible only to Hatch. “You
gorgeous, like my friends said.”

Taken aback by her candor, he felt something ignite inside. He knew right then he needed to know more about her. She exhibited genuine warmth that his life severely lacked at the time. Checking his watch, he’d glanced around before suggesting they take a walk. She responded with a consenting nod. He casually draped an arm around her as he led her down the corridor to his dressing room.

Flint, the security guard stood by the door. Hatch told him to guard it, as he wanted no interruptions. Flint nodded to his friend—he had received those instructions many times before, but not recently.

Once Hatch had Flame inside his room, he relaxed a bit, leaning back against a sofa with his feet braced apart on the floor. His discerning eyes looked her over. She looked luscious in her black leather skirt and sleeveless vest. Her sexy cleavage was slightly visible from the zippered front.

“What’s your name, baby?”

“Flame,” she replied with a smile that set him ablaze. She was as hot as her name.

“Well, Flame, my love,” he began with a slight grin. “I don’t have the luxury of time ‘ere, babe, but I sure would enjoy your company right now,” he told her, hoping she would get his drift.

She stepped up to him so that she was standing between his outstretched legs. Her arms slid up around his neck in a gentle embrace. Hatch stood still. He was curious as to what she would do. He thought she was going to kiss him when she leaned in close. Light, distinctive perfume flooded his senses. Her eyes held his in one of the most intense gazes he’d ever engaged in. He found himself lost in those pools of sapphire blue. A hunger in her eyes riveted him.

“You’re the man,” she whispered. “Lead the way.”

Her words blew his mind. His ego surged as he offered her a grateful smile. She returned his smile with a sweet one of her own from those pouty lips glossed in light pink. He had to have her. He pulled her against him with his legs, wrapping himself around her like he’d never let her go. He made wild, animal love to her right there on that dressing room sofa and she gave him one hell of a hot ride in return. The woman did not hold back. After slaking his lust with her sweetness, he regretfully had to leave her behind.

However, before they parted he’d managed to get her phone number. She’d seemed reluctant but he used his charm to persuade her. Over the days that followed, she dominated his every waking thought. He was long past the days of groupies and having sex with anything in a skirt. Still, alone was not his style either, so he gave her a call one night a couple weeks after their hot tryst backstage.

Fortunately, she was still single. They chatted on the phone exchanging basic information about each other, and a deeper connection established itself. During the phone calls that followed, she opened up to him a little more. He learned that she’d recently come out of an ugly divorce and she was ready to make a fresh start away from her past. She seemed eager to travel so he swung her way during the tour in late May and picked her up.

They’d agreed on a casual relationship, as she was not anxious to dive into another so soon. However, three months after they met he charmed her into accepting his ring—pleaded, was more like it. Still, he didn’t care. He couldn’t wait to marry her and solidify their bond in every way.


Now here they were a little more than five months later, and in that short time span she’d killed a man, fought off two attackers, and survived a brutal beating by her ex’s family. He wondered what the future held with a woman like this. The way she whipped out those daggers at the truck stop and sent the men running was nothing less than mind-blowing. He had become addicted to her fiery spirit.

A matter of concern was the attraction he sensed growing between Flame and Raef. Though she tried to hide it, he caught the subtle glances and the endearing tones they used when speaking to one another. He wasn’t quite sure how he felt about it but decided to allow the situation play out for now. Perhaps the chemistry he sensed between his fiancé and his bandmate was nothing more than innocent friendship.

Flame had trouble blending with the women in their circle, no doubt because of her guarded nature, plus the celebrity gals hadn’t exactly rolled out the welcome mat. Hatch hoped that her attraction to Raef would wane as she became better acquainted with the other women. Their acceptance of a newcomer would help.

He sighed. He couldn’t sleep.

She slept like a rock during the day and was alert as ever all night. He struggled to adjust to the odd hours she kept. The closer they got to LA the more tense he felt. He’d wanted to stay in New York until after they married, but Flame had been extremely insistent about taking this trip. After everything she’d suffered through since her divorce, he didn’t have the heart to deny her this one request. They’d visit his friends, do some partying, then fly back to New York. He had no intention of riding across country again and planned to have their bikes shipped home.

Surely Flame would be agreeable once this road trip madness was out of her system. And now that she’d visited her
, as she called it, she’d certainly feel more at ease, he hoped.

His curiosity over her covert family grew stronger along the way, yet he’d refrained from prying. Her already guarded disposition on the subject led him to believe that she’d not likely relinquish any more info than she already had. He lit another smoke and leaned against the headboard, lost in deep contemplation over this wild vixen sleeping soundly at his side.

Soon this grueling road trip would end and he could return to his soft life of luxury. He gazed down at her. Long golden hair fanned across her pillow, concealing her pretty face except for a glimpse of long lashes resting gently on smooth cheeks. Her soft breathing floated around him as did her light floral scent. He longed to take her and put out the fire they started at the truck stop.

Ah hell, she won’t wake up until dusk. I should just rub one out so I can get some sleep.
Maybe she’ll take care of me before we head out. He snuffed out the spent stick in an ashtray, slid off the bed and padded to the bathroom. He wasn’t angry. After all, she’d given him sex every night since they left New York. He assumed her trip to the secret village must’ve tired her out.

After one more glance at her sleeping on the bed, he sighed and closed the bathroom door.





Chapter Three



Hatch did his best to subdue his growly frame of mind. Flame showed no signs of wanting sex upon waking. Instead she was anxious to get back on the road. Since her visit to the sisterhood, her aura had changed and he couldn’t discern how, only that she seemed more confident and even more naturally seductive. He wondered exactly what had taken place.
Does she have another man in the wings?
He fought off the petulant mood seeking to settle over him.

During their rest stop on the last leg to LA, they sat in the back booth of a small all night diner. Two waitresses were running the midnight shift. Other than a couple drifters, he and Flame had the place to themselves.

“Nice jacket,” a server said upon approach, then glanced at Flame’s daggers before eying her skeptically as she took their order. “Word on the biker loop is that a woman with unusual daggers fought off three men to protect a perfect stranger.”

“Really...” Flame remarked with no emotion.

“They say she’s pretty badass and wears a jacket like yours,” the woman added.

Hatch looked down while stirring his coffee. “Hmm, sure would like to meet her.”

Flame laughed. “Maybe you will, love...maybe you will.”

The waitress smiled knowingly and walked away. Fifteen minutes later, she returned with their food and refilled the coffee cups. “Your meal is on the house.”

Flame nodded her thanks. Then she tackled the stack of pancakes.

Hatch watched her for a moment. “Hungry, babe?”

“Mm-hmm,” she muttered, scanning the diner with her eyes.

She amazed him with her constant, intuitive awareness. They made small talk while enjoying their meal. Flame began to relax and engage in conversation a bit more. She expressed her excitement over spending time with his friends and visiting the Pacific Ocean. Hatch learned something new about her each day. He didn’t know she’d never seen the West Coast or that it was the only part of America she hadn’t visited yet, which explained much of her enthusiasm regarding their trip. He felt somewhat relieved that the bulk of her excitement did not revolve around Raef.

“What do you know of Ian’s biker group?” she asked. “I’ve been riding for years but never joined a group. What’s the name of his pack?”

“They call themselves
Citizen Soldiers
and are pretty low profile.” Hatch gave a casual shrug. “I don’t know really know much about them except that they ride at night, so you should fit right in. Ian has been with them for years and Cooper O’Tool heads the organization. Oh, and that Von character used to run with them, but he left to lead his own gang. Those Black Pythons he rides with are a seedy pack of miscreants.”

“Speak of the devil…” Flame’s gaze shifted toward the diner entrance.

Hatch briefly stole a look to see what caught her attention. In walked Von Calder accompanied by several of his cronies.

Von swaggered over. “Well how nice. My two favorite people…Hatch Elliot and Flame…what’s your last name again?” His voice dripped with sarcasm.

“Don’t have one.” She shot him a fiery look. “You have a lot of balls coming over here after the shit you pulled.”

“Hey…” He threw his hands up in feigned defense. “That was your ex’s doing. If you recall, I got your fine ass out of that mess.”

“Whatever.” She looked down at her plate while nervously toying with her fork.

Hatch observed with narrowed eyes, wondering why this renegade had such a potent effect on her.

“What brings you two out here on the open road all by yourselves? Shouldn’t you be in a limo or on a tour bus?”

Flame laughed cynically but didn’t look up. “Never know
we will show up.”

Von looked her over. “You’re even more beautiful than the first time we met. Our encounter was much too brief.” Then he turned his stare on Hatch. “What’s wrong, Hatch? Not so brave without your mates?” Von taunted. “I bet I could take this hot little vamp right out from under you.”

Her head jerked up. Flame stared in open shock. “You are one cocky bastard.”

Hatch stood up. “Go ahead and try.” From the corner of his eye, he saw Flame slowly reach to her thighs and release the snaps that secured her blades. The light caught the metal, drawing Von’s eyes to the long steel daggers.

“I’ve never had to force myself on a woman. I’ll let Flame decide who the better man is.”

She didn’t say anything, which puzzled Hatch.

Flame kept her hands on the blades while standing beside Hatch. Von appeared momentarily awestruck. She brazenly stared back at him, in what felt to Hatch like an unspoken challenge. He looked at the two oddly. A strange connection between his woman and her previous captor revealed itself. Jealousy began to rise inside like molten lava, his muscles tensed.

“Another day,” Von smirked and swung away.

“That was really weird.” Flame slowly slid back into the booth.

“Very.” Hatch agreed. “What happened between the two of you?”

“Nothing. He was just nice to me and offered comfort after they beat me. I don’t know what his agenda was, but he did get me away from them.”

“I don’t like this. He’s trailing you.” Hatch raised suspicious brows, but she merely shrugged while staring at the man as he walked away. “This will be our last stop before we reach LA.”

He didn’t want to take any chances of another encounter with Von’s gang. Even with her superior fighting skills, Flame would be no match for an entire pack of lusty men, and Hatch was not anything close to a warrior. If not for Ian and his biker friends, Flame’s rescue might still be under way—not a fact he was proud of, but living life in the fast lane of fortune and fame didn’t require combat skills. His new woman brought many challenges to his life.

Even so, he’d never let her go. She belonged to him and made each day an adventure. Making love to her was like getting down with fire. He’d never experienced anything like it and wasn’t about to let anyone take her away.

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