TheOneandOnly (9 page)

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Authors: Tori Carson

BOOK: TheOneandOnly
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She shook her head. “Sean, I don’t need the EpiPen. My mouth
is on fire. Something’s on the pizza. My whole throat’s on fire. I need milk.”
She felt Sean’s arm lower her feet to the ground and she thought they were
heading back to the bar. Instead he opened his office.

“Go brush your teeth. Use my brush in the medicine cabinet.
I’ll be right back.”


Sean was furious as he returned to the bar. He didn’t know
what the fuck was going on but he intended to find out. The look of betrayal on
Michelle’s face ate at his gut. She’d believed he’d done something to hurt her
on purpose. First he went to the slice of pizza he’d dropped back onto the
plate as soon as Michelle had reacted. It was missing.

“Is Michelle all right?” Luke asked.

“I think so. Where’s her pizza? It was right here.”

Luke nodded toward a series of tables where Stella was

“She was at that end of the bar while you two were talking
to the Richardsons. I don’t know what she did to it, but as soon as you carried
Michelle out of here, Stella went and threw it in the trash over there. She’s
been taking swipes at Michelle all evening. I should have said something but I
never dreamed she’d actually hurt her.”

“Neither did I. Thanks, Luke. Would you ask Ethan to take
over? I’m taking Michelle home.” Sean pulled a quart of milk out of the bar
fridge and headed back to his office.

Michelle was at the bathroom vanity brushing her teeth. He
noticed it wasn’t his brush and had to assume it too came out of that purse of
hers. “Drink this.”

She took the container and started drinking. After a few
swallows, she wiped the sweat off her face.

“I’m so sorry, baby. Looks like Dana might have been right
on the money.”

After Michelle drank more of the milk, she asked, “Stella?”

Sean nodded. He put his hands on her shoulders, needing the
contact. “Luke said she’s been catty all night. Is that true?”

“Cat claws might have been a more appropriate name for your
club. So who else do I need to watch out for? I’d rather not find out the hard
way again.”

Tears had streaked mascara down Michelle’s cheeks. She
looked tired and pale. Sean wanted to put his fist through something. He dug
his cell phone out of his pants and texted Steven
. Send Stella to my office.
She’s fired.

Michelle took another drink of the milk straight from the
container. “Sorry about my manners. I know it’s rude but damn, that shit was
hot. What the hell did she put on it, gasoline? My ears and throat are still on
fire.” She took the towel and wiped the sweat from her face again. After
looking in the mirror, she held the cloth under the water, then washed all the
makeup off her face.

She looked so young and innocent that Sean’s heart
contracted. What the hell was he doing bringing her here? “Do you want to go to
the hospital?”

“No.” She shook her head. “I only swallowed a bit. I’ll be
fine. Thank God it wasn’t seafood.”

“I don’t understand why she would do this. What did she hope
she’d gain by this stunt?”

Michelle blushed. “She wants me to quit. She made a crack
that I got this job by giving you head and that I’d better continue to practice
because you’d get bored and fire me within the month.” Michelle looked at her
knees. The marks had disappeared. “It hit a little too close to home, so I
smarted back that the job was mine for as long as I wanted it. I think this was
her way of making me not want it any longer. It was stupid. I shouldn’t have
engaged her.”

A sharp knock sounded at the door. Sean answered, a bit
surprised to find both Steven and Stella at the door. He waved them to the two
chairs in front of his desk. As he passed the pocket door, he slid it mostly
closed, giving Michelle a bit of privacy.

“Do you know why I asked you in here, Stella?” Sean took his
place behind his desk.

“No, Master Sean. Did I do something wrong?”

Sean watched her closely. She looked like the perfect
submissive with her head bowed, her back straight and her hands in her lap.
“You tell me, Stella.”

“I hope I didn’t do anything wrong, Master Sean. You know I
would never wish to displease you.”

“Cut the crap, Stella. What did you put on Michelle’s

She raised her head, looking shocked, then dropped her gaze toward
the desk. “Nothing bad. Only some hot peppers, Sir. She was saying how she
liked spicy food. Master David brought in some Trinidad Moruga Scorpion
peppers. I thought she’d like them. I didn’t have a chance to tell her before
she ate it because I was waiting on tables. I’m so sorry if she didn’t like

Sean had never heard of those peppers before. He typed it
into a search program on his computer and let Stella sit and wait while he
scrolled through the information. They were indeed hot and painful to eat, but
not necessarily harmful. “Wait outside.”

Stella came around to the corner of his desk and kneeled.
“I’m sorry I displeased you, Master Sean. Please punish me.”

“Do as you’re told.” Sean’s voice was as cold and impersonal
as he felt.

After she went outside, Sean turned to Steven. “Do you
believe her crap?”

“No. Chrissy said she’s been bitching all evening about
Michelle, but you don’t really have grounds to fire her.”

“Bullshit. Tampering with food is plenty of grounds to fire
her ass. Michelle has food allergies. This could have sent her to the hospital,
not to mention lying and harassing another employee.”

Sean looked up as he heard the door slide farther open.
“Don’t fire her, Sean. She probably needs this job. I can always keep my other
gig. You’ll have a few days to find someone else and no one’s out anything.”

“Was she telling the truth? Did you have a conversation
about spicy foods?”

Michelle shook her head no.

“Fuck it. She’s out of here.”

“Sean, please listen. She has friends here. They’ll all
rally to her defense and I’ll be the outsider who made waves. If you really
want me to work here then firing her will only make that more difficult.”

“She’s right,” Steven chimed in. “Let’s suspend her for a
week without pay and transfer her to the dungeon.”

Michelle closed the door and left them to their

“Make sure she understands the gift she’s been given. And if
she comes within ten feet of Michelle, there’s no saving her. She’s gone.”

“You got it.” Steven stood. “I like her.” He nodded toward
the dressing room. “I didn’t want to after you strong-armed me into hiring her,
but she’s all right.”

Steven took a few more steps toward the door. “You know,
boss, Stella isn’t the only one who is going to be upset that you’re interested
in Michelle.”

“I don’t give a fuck.”

Chapter Four


Another dream about Mr. Jameson.
Geez, this had to
end. She needed to stop living in her mind and find a man who was actually
attracted to her. God, she felt like she’d been run over by a truck. She
reluctantly opened one eye. Sunshine? What happened to her blackout blinds?

Her eyes flew open. This wasn’t her bedroom and that wasn’t
the blanket making her way too warm. With a squeak, she tried to scramble out
of bed.

A strong arm pulled her back, “Michelle, relax. You’re

“Mr. Jameson?”

“I think we’ve moved beyond that, Michelle.” He chuckled.
“How’d you sleep?”

“Where are we?” Michelle looked out the window at the
beautiful lagoon. Were they in a hotel? Why couldn’t she remember?

“You feel asleep in the car so I brought you to my house. I
was worried that you might get sick after the stunt Stella pulled and I didn’t
want you to be alone. Hell,
didn’t want to be alone.”

She dropped her head back onto the pillow. “Now I remember.”
If their heavenly encounters on the club’s St. Andrew’s Cross and in his shower
had been real, then the debacle with Stella must have been too. “How long have
I been asleep?”

Sean sat up and looked at the alarm clock. “About eleven

“No wonder my head is so fuzzy.” She turned to look at Sean,
smiling, she scraped her finger along his whiskers. “You’re fuzzy too.”

He ran a hand over his cheeks. “It happens.” Sean tossed the
covers off her and gently rubbed his face across her tummy. She squirmed and
giggled as he kissed her side.

As she tried to scoot away, he locked his leg over hers.
Sean’s hard-on was pressing against her hip and a wave of heat flooded her
pussy when she realized they were naked in bed together.
Such a dream come

There were so many things they needed to talk about. She
still had questions about his actions with Stella, but none of it mattered as
much as fulfilling a few fantasies.

“I want you,” Sean murmured against the underside of her

Her nipple pebbled, aching for his touch. “I’m all yours.”
Michelle wanted this moment with him before reality intruded.

“Hmm, not yet, but a man can hope. I want to learn your
every secret and know exactly how to please you.”

He lay over top of her, his weight exquisite and sheltering.
She felt safe with Sean and her body reacted to him in every way. His voice
alone could weaken her knees. The breath rushed from her body as his lips
skimmed down her neck.

“You’re so sexy and responsive.” His hands glided down her
arms and linked with hers. Sean brought them above her head. “Yesterday, I
wanted so much to see the rope wrap around your bare skin. You have such
perfect skin, so soft. Leave your hands there for me. I need to touch you.”

Michelle closed her eyes and remembered how it felt to be
restrained to the cross. “I was so excited. It was embarrassing.”

“It was intimate and hot. There was nothing to be
embarrassed about. Every time I’m with you, I’m hard.” He laughed. “Yesterday I
wore jeans to a party night because I knew my leathers would strangle my cock
with you around.” Sean moved down her body, kissing every curve and hollow.

“I’m sure it had nothing to do with the mostly naked women
swarming around you and was caused by me alone.” She giggled. “Your eyes should
be brown, Sean, ‘cuz you’re full of bull…” She couldn’t stay still. Sean’s
hands and lips were making her wet and needy.

He pinched her nipple. “My eyes are blue, silly girl, and
I’m speaking the truth. You keep accusing me of lying and I’m going to pinken
that perfect ass of yours.”

Michelle moaned and rocked her hips into him. She was
curious what his strong hands would feel like striking her butt. Was there
something too all those stories she’d read about? If she had the courage with
Sean, she could explore those fantasies and more.

When Sean took her nipple into his mouth, she held his head
to her and arched her back as his tongue stroked and teased her senseless.

“Now you did it. You disobeyed me.” His voice was more of a
purr, soft and seductive. The tone he used set her clit throbbing.

“I can’t help it. You’re driving me crazy.”

“Do I need to restrain you, subbie? You know I want to see
my rope wrapped around you, binding you to me. Completely at my mercy.”

Breathing hard and her heart pounding, Michelle was sinking
into a submissive mindset. He couldn’t say things like that without her
melting. “Yes,” she whispered, needing to feel his hands and the pull of the
rope along her skin.

“Do you trust me, Michelle, to secure the rope?” He
stretched her arm toward the corner of the bed. He wrapped his hands around
both her wrists and held her tight. “You won’t be able to pull free this time.
It’s dangerous. I could do anything I wanted to you.”

She opened her eyes and met his steady gaze. He was warning
her, just as he had the first time, wanting her to take this seriously and
understand the risk. “Will you untie me if I ask you to?”

“Yes, but you have to trust that I’m telling you the truth.
Once you’re restrained, you’ll be at my mercy. Think about that while I get the

Sean gave her a hot, wet kiss that had her gasping for
breath once he pulled away. As his body left hers, she felt adrift, alone, even
though she could see him in the closet. The anticipation had her heart beating
faster. A hint of fear was skirting along the edges of her mind. He knew
exactly what he was doing to her and it only made her crave him more.

When he came back to the bed, he tossed a large gym bag on
the floor within reach. What all did he have in there? What did he have planned
for her? She wasn’t experienced enough with Dominance and submission to have
any real idea.

With several bundles of black rope in his hand, he sat on
the edge of the bed. Resting his left foot on the side rail, his right forearm
was on his knee closest to her as he laid the rope on her torso.

“So Michelle. I’ll ask you again. Do you trust me?”

He was making this scary on purpose. Fear nudged closer. Why
was he doing this? He drew a finger down the side of her face and pushed a lock
of hair behind her ear. She automatically leaned into his hand, wanting,
needing his touch. “You’re scaring me.”

“Is it fear or anticipation? Or perhaps a bit of both?
They’re important tools in a Dom’s arsenal. Do you have a safeword, Michelle? A
word you’ll remember if our play gets too intense?”

She shook her head.

“Remember to talk to me, Michelle. I need you to use your
voice for me every time.” Sean picked up one of the rope bundles and ran it
through his hands. He doubled it and pulled it taut. The snapping sound made
her jump. “Think about it.”

Sean pushed the rope piles further down her body. The weight
felt so good. He traced the rope around her boobs and across her nipples. The
sliding of the ropes along her skin felt erotic and naughty. Michelle closed
her eyes and gave in to the feeling as Sean picked up her left arm and massaged
her palm while he ran the strands across her stomach and began wrapping them
around her wrist. He worked slowly, gliding the rope along her body with each
pass he made.

As he pulled the jute through the loop and wraps he’d made
along her forearm, the vibrations ran down her torso, hardening her nipples
until they begged for his attention.

“Look at the strands along your skin. So beautiful.” He put
his finger through the circle at the end of the rope near her wrist. “I like
this tie. The wide cuff makes it easy to wear for extended periods. I could
keep you tied to my bed all day without any worry that the rope would harm you.”

Her mind went on a journey all its own at the idea of being
at his mercy for an entire day. Her breathing had shallowed and a fog swirling
around in her head was making it hard to think.

“Give me your other hand.” He set her bound arm on the bed
stretching toward the nightstand. “A safeword is the only way to stop our play.
Telling me no or stop won’t do it, but if you say your safeword, I will stop
and untie you immediately. Do you understand, Michelle?”

“Mmhmm,” she managed to answer out loud. Sort of. She hoped
that was enough.

“Do you trust me to stop, Michelle…trust me to keep you
safe?” He skimmed the strands over her neck as he drew the rope toward her
right arm.

She moaned and squirmed at the exquisite feeling. Again,
each movement he made was slow and drawn-out, causing her entire focus to be on
the ropes and the sensations he was sending through her body. It was more than
just sexual. Her heart rate had slowed and she felt a calmness descend over
her. Sweet submission, blissful surrender.

She heard his question but he sounded far away. She
whispered, “Yes.” Or she thought she had.

Sean tipped her chin up. “Look at me.” He sounded so stern that
she rallied to followed his command. “Oh, Michelle, baby. You’re killing me.”
He cupped her neck in his palm and kissed her soundly. “Your eyes are glazing.
You definitely love rope play. I can’t wait to put you in a full harness and
watch you fly for me.” He massaged her neck. “Talk to me, baby. Did you think
of a safeword or do you want to use red?”

She nodded. “Seafood.” The more he talked to her, the easier
it was to focus on him. The tunnel she’d drifted down didn’t seem as long as it
had only a moment ago. Now that her arms were tied and the vibrations and slide
of the rope had stopped, her brain was beginning to function again.

A smile softened his features as he stroked his thumb across
her cheek.

“Got it. Seafood. I hope you never need to use it but I
promise to remember and respect it.” He gave her a light kiss on the lips
before he stood and quickly tied another piece around the corner post of his

Her arm was slightly elevated and the sway of the rope sent
a shiver through her. She wrapped her hand around the rope and held on. She had
no idea what he had in mind, but she willingly put herself into his hands.

“Is that too tight?”

“No.” He’d run his finger between her and the rope. It was
secure, but not pinching.

Sean leaned in and kissed her before he stood and walked
around to the other side of his huge bed. “This time Steven won’t rescue you.
This time, I have you all to myself and I’m going to bury my cock balls-deep
inside your pussy while I make hot, passionate love to you.”

Sean pulled another piece of rope from her torso and wrapped
it around the other corner post. He kept his movements quick and minimized the
rope’s travel. Once her arms were restrained, he sat down on the bed. “This is
a view I want to see over and over again. You’re so beautiful, Michelle. Thank
you for trusting me.”

His words and the look in his eyes made her wonder if maybe
love was something more than lust on steroids.

Running his hand down the center of her chest, he lightly
caressed the sides of her breasts. “Trust should never be given lightly,
Michelle. You’re a very cautious woman, as you should be, and yet you let me restrain
you. Whether you want to admit it or not, you feel the same pull toward me that
I do for you. Otherwise you would never have put yourself in such a vulnerable

He was right. She overthought everything down to which
toilet paper was better for the environment. There was a strange, undeniable
attraction between them that she prayed wouldn’t end in heartbreak.

“Close your eyes for me. I know you’re afraid to be
blindfolded and I don’t intend to break your trust, but I do want you to focus
on what you’re feeling, on each individual sensation. Will you do that for me?”

“Yes. I’ll try.”

“Good girl. You have a gorgeous body, Michelle.” He ran his
finger along her bottom lip. “Last night, I dreamed about this talented mouth
of yours. Your gift to me yesterday was unexpected and fucking hot. You stole
my control.”

She almost opened her eyes and only remembered at the last
second to keep them closed. “I want to do it again. And often.”

“There’s something else I’d like to see here sometime.” His
finger teased her lip. “Do you know what that would be?” His voice was smooth
and seductive. She could listen to him for all time. As he talked to her, he
lightly skimmed his hands over her skin, lighting her nerve endings on fire.

“No.” Several ideas came to mind, but she couldn’t bring
herself to speak any of them aloud.

“Have you read about a ball gag?” He drew his finger across
the path the straps would take.

Michelle nodded. “Yes. Different kinds.” She shook her head.

“Controlling,” he corrected. “Imagine if you couldn’t
scream, couldn’t speak your safeword and had to rely on a gesture. Think about
the trust you’d have to have for your Dom.” Sean leaned down and kissed her,
invading her mouth with his tongue, a teasing dance that left them both needing
more. “I want your trust, Michelle.”

Sean rested his hand along her throat and stroked her jaw
with his thumb, slow and easy. “Are you curious, Michelle? Do you wonder what
the feel of the straps pulling along your cheeks would feel like?”

She nodded. “Yes.” She was curious but afraid. Michelle felt
him straighten something along the edge of her neck and chest and remembered
the collar he’d bought for her. She hadn’t noticed the weight of it until then.
It felt natural to have it on.

As his hands moved down to her breasts, the air rushed from
her lungs. His light caresses had her body alive and aching. “Sean…please.”

“Sshh, just feel, Michelle. I’ve got you. You’re safe with
me.” Sean cupped her breasts and pinched her nipples gently at first, then gradually
increased the pressure.

Opening her mouth, she panted for air and moaned. As he
continued, the pressure turned to little bites of pain. She rocked her hips as
heat flooded her pussy. She’d read pain could increase the pleasure, but had never
really believed it until now.

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