Read Then You Happened Online

Authors: Sandi Lynn

Then You Happened (3 page)

BOOK: Then You Happened
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James opened the gate and pulled up the driveway. He got out, helped me from the limo, and walked me up to the door. “Listen, Sierra. You need to stop doing this shit with these guys. You deserve better than them and you most certainly deserve to be treated better.”

“Shut up, James. You’re my driver.”

“I’m your friend,” he said as he kissed my forehead. “Good night. I’ll see you in about five hours. Sleep off that tequila.”

I rolled my eyes as I shut the door and leaned against it. I clutched my purse tightly against my chest. I took in a deep breath and headed upstairs. As I slipped into bed, the feeling of loneliness crept in. What was I chasing?


“Wake up, sleepy head. It’s time to rise and shine!” Kirsty said.

“What the fuck time is it?” I asked in a pissed-off tone.

“It’s six a.m. and it’s a beautiful day,” she said as she walked over to the window and pulled back the curtains. “Damn, I will never get used to that view.”

“Go away and shut the fucking curtains!” I said as I put the pillow over my head.

“Nope. By the way, I thought you were spending the night at the king’s house.”

“He’s a fucker and it’s a long story. I need coffee. Lots of strong black coffee and some aspirin. Tell Rosa to fix me some dry toast. Whole wheat.”

She walked over to the intercom. “Rosa, Sierra needs strong black coffee, dry whole wheat toast, and some aspirin.”

“Coming right up, Miss Kirsty,” Rosa replied.

I moaned as I rolled over, holding the pillow tight against my throbbing head. Too much champagne. It wasn’t the tequila. Tequila didn’t let me down. It was that damn champagne. Two glasses and I was fine. Five glasses – I was feeling it the next day.

“Sierra, you need to get up now,” Kirsty whined. “I want to hear all about last night.”

“Just give me thirty more minutes. I’ll give you a raise if you just give me thirty.”

“As tempting as that sounds, I’m afraid I can’t.”

I heard the door open and Rosa’s voice as she set the tray on the dresser.

“Come on,
. It’s time to get up.”

She grabbed one arm and Kirsty grabbed the other as they pulled me into a sitting position.

“Ugh. You two are fired.”

“This is what happens when you drink too much.” Rosa scowled as she put the tray in my lap. “Now eat the toast, take the aspirin, and drink the coffee. You’ll be okay in a bit. And hurry up and go to work. I have to change your bed sheets today and I don’t want to get off schedule. This house is big and it takes me longer to clean.”

“Don’t forget that I doubled your pay when I moved here. I know it’s a lot bigger than the apartment I was living in.”

“That’s why I can’t get off schedule. Now hurry it up,” she said as she walked out of the room.

Kirsty laughed as she sat on the bed next to me. “I love her. So, tell me what happened last night and why I found you sleeping in your bed when I came over.”

“He told me he’s getting married,” I said as I took a bite of toast. “And that it won’t change our sex relationship.”

“What? What a douchebag! What did you say to him?”

I popped three aspirin. “I told him that I don’t have sex with guys who are in relationships. Then I told him I faked the last orgasm as I walked out the door.”

“Good for you.” She smiled. “Did you really, though?”

“Yes.” I laughed.

“I had a date last night with my boyfriend on batteries. What does a girl have to do to get laid by a real penis?”

I spit out my coffee as I looked up and saw James standing in the doorway with his arms folded, staring at Kirsty. The look of horror on her face was priceless.

“Please tell me you didn’t hear that,” she said in embarrassment.

“Hear what?” James smiled.

“Morning, James.”

“Morning, ladies. It’s kind of a turn on seeing the two of you in bed together.” He winked.

I threw my pillow at him. “Get out of here. I’ll be down in a bit.”

He laughed as he shut the door and Kirsty grabbed my arm. “Great. Now he probably thinks I’m some horny whore.”

“Well, you are. Not a whore, but horny.” I smiled as I got up and got in the shower.

Chapter 4



When I got out of the limo, I turned around and stared at the Starbucks across the street. I wondered if Green Eyes was in there today.

“Kirsty, do me a favor and go to my office and make sure the campaigns are ready for the meeting. I’m going to hit up Starbucks. Do you want anything?”

“No. I can go for you.”

“No. I’ll go myself. Just go up to the office.  James, I’ll see you later,” I said as I walked across the street.

When I stepped through the door, I didn’t want to make it obvious by looking around for him, so I stood in line with about fifteen other people. This was why I hated Starbucks and always sent either Kirsty or Sasha. I wondered if he was here. I pretended that I was looking at the pictures on the wall. As I scanned each wall, my eyes diverted themselves over to the construction area and
! There he was, except he didn’t notice me today or at least he wasn’t looking my way. Maybe he didn’t know I was here. Maybe he didn’t see me walk in. Maybe he was just too busy to know what was going on around him. The line was moving rather slowly and, as I was looking up at the drink menu on the wall, I felt someone put their hand on the small of my back.

“Excuse me, miss. I need to get through here,” the warm and deep voice spoke.

I turned my head and saw Green Eyes smiling at me as he pushed his way through the crowd of people. His light touch sent chills running throughout my body.
Holy shit!
He was even sexier up close. He stood about six feet tall. Maybe six one. His light brownish-sandy blonde hair was short and sexy. Did I mention the scruff? Good lord, the scruff on his face was perfect. Not too much and not too little. When I looked at him, he smiled at me and his green eyes looked into mine. I was brought back to reality by the text tone of my phone.

“Where the hell are you? Are you still in line across the street? You have a meeting in ten minutes.”

“Tell them I’m running late and I’ll be there soon. I’m the fucking CEO, for god sakes. I can be late!”

It was finally my turn and I ordered my coffee. Green Eyes walked by and the girls behind me started to giggle.

“He’s so hot,” one girl said.

“I know. I love a hard-working man who gets all dirty and sweaty,” her friend said.

I rolled my eyes because they had to be all of eighteen. But they were right about the “hot” part. As for the dirty and sweaty, not my cup of tea. I grabbed my coffee from the counter and, as I approached the door, Green Eyes opened it and held it for me.

“Thank you.” I smiled.

“You’re welcome.” He nodded.



I looked over and there she was, the girl that was way out of my league, standing in line to get coffee. I tried not to make it obvious by staring at her the way I did yesterday, but I caught myself stealing little glances. I had to use the bathroom and it was on the other side of the shop. There was a line of people and I needed to get through, so I decided to cut in between the corporate woman and some young girl. This was my chance to get closer to her, even if it was only for a split second. As soon as I said “excuse me,” she turned and smiled at me as she moved up. I was right; she was even more beautiful up close. Damn her. Why did she have to be so beautiful? I needed to get some tools out of my truck and, as I approached the door, so did she. I held it open for her and she thanked me. Her voice was soft with a happy tone to it.

As I opened the back of my truck, I watched her walk across the street and into the building. She walked with confidence. I could tell just by her actions that she was a strong woman and not a force to be reckoned with.

“You still gushing over that CEO lady?” Paolo asked as he put his hand on my shoulder.

“Nah. I don’t gush. Let’s get back to work.”



The meeting was a success and we landed a new client.

“Sasha, come in here, please,” I said through the intercom.

I walked over to the bar
, got out three glasses and the bottle of tequila. Sasha walked in and smiled.

“Are we celebrating?” she asked.

“We sure are,” I replied.

Before I cut up the limes, I handed the salt to Sasha and Kirsty. After I poured the tequila, I handed them their glasses, poured salt on the back of my hand, and got my lime ready.

“Here’s to landing another account and continuing to grow this company! Woo hoo!” I said with excitement as all three of us drank the shots. “Damn, that’s good.” I smiled.

My phone began to ring and I walked over to my desk, only to see that it was my mother calling. “Party’s over, girls. Delia’s calling.”

“Hello, Mother,” I answered.

“Sierra, darling. Tell me you don’t have plans for tonight? Silly question, I know, because you don’t ever have plans. Anyway, Ava and I are coming over for dinner. I’ve already called Rosa and planned the menu, so you don’t need
to worry about a thing. Dinner is at seven sharp, so please don’t be late. See you later, darling. Love you.”

And just like that, she was gone. I looked at my phone and then at Kirsty. “You’re coming to dinner tonight at my house at seven sharp. You are not leaving me alone with that woman.”

“Hell, no. I have plans tonight.”

“What plans do you have? Because I know damn well that if you had plans, you would have told me. You tell me everything.”

“Well. Uh, I forgot.”

I set my glass down on the bar. “Oh well. Looks like I’ll have James to keep me company.”

Her ears perked up like a dog’s when it hears a noise outside. “James is coming?”

“Yep. Too bad you have plans.”

“No big deal. I can cancel them.”

“Are you sure? Because I wouldn’t want you to miss out on something special.”

“No…no. It’s fine. I’ll be at your house at seven sharp.” She smiled as she opened the door and left.

I sat down in my chair behind my desk and turned it so I was facing the window. I sent a text message to James.

“Dinner. Tonight. My house. Seven sharp. You’ll be there or else.”

he replied.


“Okay. I’ll be by the office to pick you up around six thirty.”

“I’ll be waiting with a bottle of tequila in my hand.”

I stared out the window of my office and at the city of Los Angeles. Actually, I stared at the Starbucks across the street. That’s right; my window faced Starbucks. I sat and watched for any sign of Green Eyes. I couldn’t get him out of my head, especially when his hand touched the small of my back and he held the door open for me.
What the hell is it about him? Why do I feel like a stalker right now?
This was not me. But I sat there in my big, oversized executive chair and watched and waited, even to catch a glimpse of him. My phone rang, and when I looked at it, I saw Don was calling. I hit ignore and it rang again. I hit ignore, and it rang again. For fuck sake.

“What do you want, Don?” I answered.

“I don’t want you to be upset about Milania.”

“Who the fuck is Milania?” I asked in anger.

“My fiancée. I promise nothing between us will change,” he said.

I rolled my eyes. “What part of goodbye do you not understand? Don’t ever call me again. Before I let you go, let me give you one piece of advice. If you’re going to marry this woman, at least have the decency to stay faithful to her or don’t marry her at all. Goodbye, Don.”
I said out loud.

I was startled when I heard someone clear their throat from behind. I turned my chair around and nearly stopped breathing when Green Eyes was standing there, staring at me. I suddenly became heated and nervous. The butterflies began to flutter and my heart started to pick up the pace. My lips wouldn’t form any words, so I just sat there and smiled.

“Asshole, huh?” he chuckled.

“Oh, yeah,” I said as I looked at my phone. “Just a guy I know who cheats on his fiancée, repeatedly.”

“Yeah, then he’s an asshole. A big one, in fact.”

“Can I help you with something?” I asked.

“Sorry,” he said as he reached in his pocket. “You left your credit card across the street. I overheard the girl saying that she was going to bring it by later, and I was heading over here anyway to the deli down the street, so I told her that I’d drop it off.”

“Thank you. Thank you so much. I didn’t realize that it was missing.”

“You’re welcome,” he said, and then looked at my card. “Sierra Adams.”

walked over to my desk, and when he handed me the card, our fingers touched. I swear a bolt of electricity penetrated my body. Then that awkward moment happened. You know; the one where you both stand there and don’t say anything because you don’t know what to say? Yeah. That happened.

“I need to get going.” He smiled as he pointed behind him.

I got up from my desk and walked over to him. He sure was sexy. Holy shit. I stuck out my hand.

“Thank you again—” I stopped and looked into his green eyes.

“Cameron. Cameron Cole.” He smiled as he shook my hand.

The intensity of our hands clasped around each other was overwhelming. Just as we were saying goodbye, Kirsty walked in.

“Thank you again, Cameron.”

“No problem. I’ll see you around.” He smiled and walked out.

Kirsty stood there with her mouth wide open. “Who in the name of Adonis was that hot-looking guy?”

“I don’t know. He’s doing some work across the street. I left my credit card at Starbucks and he brought it back to me.”

She stood there and stared at me with her hands on her hips and tapping her foot.

“What?” I asked.

“Something’s off with you, and I think it has something to do with that hot guy.”

I rolled my eyes and sat down at my desk. “The only thing that’s off is you. Now get back to work before I fire you.”

“You always threaten that, but think of how screwed up your life would be if I wasn’t around.”

I looked up at her. “True.”

She left and I sat there pondering. Green Eyes wasn’t Green Eyes anymore. He was Cameron Cole.

BOOK: Then You Happened
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