Theirs To Claim (Predatory Desires Book 1) (27 page)

BOOK: Theirs To Claim (Predatory Desires Book 1)
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“This isn’t exactly as we planned it, but it’s the right moment. We feel exactly the same. There’s no one else in this world that we want to make a lifetime commitment to, other than you, Emily Nicole Matherson,” Gabriel said in a thick voice.

“No one else who completes us,” Noah grinned, his eyes looking bright from the moisture flooding them. “No one who we want to laugh with, love, and grow old with, like you, Em. No one who has ever taken the time to really see
, the person behind the face. So we have a question, and we want your answer.”

Emily held her breath, so afraid and excited at the same time at what she thought was coming, that she dared not move a muscle. The moment was too perfect in its fleeting stillness for her to disturb it in any way. She looked from one man to the other and watched their smiles grow.

“Marry us, Emily?” Gabriel and Noah asked in unison.

She lost sight of them as tears obliterated her vision. But she began to nod as she leaned forward and wrapped an arm around each of their necks. Emily felt their hands slide to her back, steadying her as she cried against their warm chests.

“Is that a yes?” Gabriel whispered in her ear. He kissed the delicate shell and then tugged on her lobe lightly with his teeth.

“Yes,” she breathed and sobbed happily all over their shoulders.

Noah chuckled helplessly against her. He leaned his head against hers and nuzzled Emily while his hand stroked soothing lines up and down her side. Finally, he turned his head and kissed her wet cheek.

“Be right back, baby. Hold on to Gabe,” he murmured against her skin and then slid from the bed. He walked across the room and stepped into the adjacent bedroom. Noah found the small box in his luggage that held the promise of a future he and Gabriel had agreed upon before coming home. He smiled to himself as he turned to carry it back to the beautiful lady who was still weeping in their bed.

“Emily, look at us,” Gabriel said. He cupped her face and drew her away from his shoulder as Noah rejoined them. While Noah got settled, Gabriel used his fingers to wipe the moisture from her skin. He smiled when she finally focused on him, happy that she could see him again.

“Accept this from us, as a promise of what’s to come,” Gabe added huskily. “For all the years ahead that we’ll share, through the good and the bad.”

“We picked this out to represent us, Emily.” Noah managed to get the words out, but he had to turn and cough to clear the knot in his throat. Damn it, he wanted to be stronger than this during such a significant moment. Be the rock
could lean on. But he was just as moved as she, and Noah couldn’t remain stoic to save his life.

“You see, Em,” Noah tried again, “we decided before we came home this last time to finally tell you how we felt, to make
official. We couldn’t ask your dad for your hand, nor your granddad, but it sounds like your Gram gave us her blessing from what you just said. So that makes me happy to know that when she passed, she knew that somehow we’d work it out and make a go of it together.”

Emily watched as Noah opened the box he held in his trembling hands. She gasped and placed a hand over her heart when she beheld what they had chosen together. It was extraordinary, and she looked from it to Noah and then Gabriel in wide-eyed wonder.

“The center diamond is you, Em,” Gabriel said and palmed the side of her face. “The big, bright spot in our lives, who makes it all possible. The two diamonds on either side represent me and Noah. We’ll be strong partners, we’ll never leave you, and we’ll keep you protected between us until our dying day. The three of us, forever, honey.”

“Oh my, gosh!” she breathed, shaking her head slightly from the beauty of it all.

“Hold your hand out,” Noah chuckled. Gabriel had to help Emily and he supported her hand as Noah slid the three-stone, platinum diamond ring on her finger. “Perfect fit,” he grinned. Noah leaned forward and kissed the ring. When he leaned away, Gabriel did the same, sealing their engagement and their lives together in an unbreakable promise.

“I love you both, so very much.” Emily reached out to trail her hands over their faces and necks. She let her hands glide down until they rested over each man’s heart and she paused there. She leaned in and kissed first Noah’s chest above his heart, and then she turned and swept her lips across Gabriel’s skin in the same place.

“Make love to me. Both of you, until I can’t feel where I end and you begin.”

“Always,” Gabriel rumbled low in his throat. He cupped her face and then turned her, laying Emily down on the bed between them. His lips moved over hers with amazing strength and gentleness, stealing her breath with each masterful stroke of his tongue along hers.

Noah’s lips roamed over her skin, tasting and teasing her nipples initially, until the treasure below called to him. He glided down her body and parted her thighs, settling himself there for a while. There was no hurry, because they really did have a lifetime, he thought. Noah drew in a deep breath, savoring her scent, and then he pressed a delicate kiss to her folds.

Emily arched up and he smiled. His hands smoothed over her thighs and then he sent his tongue dancing over her intimate flesh until he worked it inside her channel. He used his thumbs to open her up further. His fingers massaged her clit in firm presses as he made love to her with his mouth, fucking as deep as he could with his tongue.

He felt her quivering beneath him, knew she was close, and he looked up to see Gabriel loving her breasts, tonguing them and lightly biting the excited little nubs. The sight made him dive back into her heat and with that last plunge of his mouth and tongue, in and against her, Emily cried out their names and came forcefully. Noah drank from her, smiling as he heard her cry his name again while she soared to yet another peak.


Emily felt completely swept away from the first orgasms she had achieved under their skillful hands and lips, but she knew there was so much more to come. She held Gabriel’s head to her breast as he suckled one, while plucking her other nipple to a rigid nub. Noah’s hand palmed her face and he turned her towards him, taking her lips in a deep kiss that had his tongue plunging in against hers. She groaned when she tasted herself, his head moving artfully over hers, claiming her mouth as she writhed under them.

When Noah drew back, there was a look in his eyes that was so intensely possessive, it stole away what little breath he had left her with. As though he were reaching in through that portal to her soul and taking everything. Every thought, every dream, and every wish she had ever made about them.

“Trust us, Emily,” he said huskily, his tone making her shiver. “We won’t hurt you, ever, but we both need to claim you now as ours. Together, baby. No taking turns today.”

Gabriel lifted his head from her breast and stared at Noah, hearing the shift in his tone. Noah glanced at him and then turned away momentarily to grab the lubrication the guys had brought along. He returned a scant second later and began to place gel on his rigid cock.

Gabe leaned in to kiss and stroke her while Noah prepared himself. His hands were everywhere. He petted and coaxed Emily between her legs, drawing her right back to the edge of release, but easing off just before she plummeted over the cliff again. She panted and clutched at his shoulders, wanting more than he was giving her in the moment, but still Gabriel held back.

“Lift her on top of me and help steady her,” Noah directed him.

Gabriel slid his fingers away from her pussy and sat up, taking Emily with him. He moved in front of her on his knees and she mimicked his stance, not knowing what Noah had in mind. But Gabe obviously did, so she followed his lead.

“Straddle Noah, facing away from him, Em,” Gabriel said softly. He kept his hands on her waist, holding her above Noah’s cock as she positioned herself. “Now ease down, honey, and let him get you ready. Slowly.”

Noah’s hands skated up her spine and smoothed across her back, eliciting chills over her skin. She shivered and Gabriel released her waist to cup her face. He swept back in for a passionate kiss. He kept her drugged with his lips while Noah’s hands fell to her buttocks, palming and cupping her cheeks, stretching Emily with each circular motion of her flesh.

She felt the tip of one finger touch her rosette and she knew then where he wanted to take her. She tried to relax while he played and pressed, massaging until his finger slipped past her resistance and into her core. He continued to ply her with that single digit until it became two, all while Gabriel created a wet trail down her neck and across her collarbone.

Emily had just run her hands back into Gabriel’s thick, dark hair when Noah’s fingers left her and the broad head of his cock touched her tight ring. Somehow Gabriel knew what was happening out of sight, maybe because she had tensed slightly, Emily thought, but he moved his hands back to her waist and began to help her bear down as Noah pressed upward. As Noah gained depth, she gasped loudly, but it was swallowed by Gabriel’s kiss.

After what felt like minutes or maybe hours, she couldn’t tell, the slow glide ended with her ass resting on Noah’s pelvis. He filled her so snuggly that she felt as though she couldn’t breathe or move. But move she did. Not under her own power, that was certain, but under their guidance.

Noah’s fingers replaced Gabriel’s at her waist and he began to move Emily slowly up and down while Gabriel lightly cupped her ribs, just under the swell of her breasts, and moved her in time with Noah’s gentle thrusts. Emily began to glide along his cock, the burn stretching out until it became a longing and a heaviness that felt as though it spread throughout her entire abdomen.

Slow thrust after delicious thrust kept her on edge, but never did Noah pick up his pace to help her achieve completion. She had begun to squirm restlessly, until Noah stilled his movements and moved his hands up her spine until his fingers curled over her shoulders. He began to pull her back, as Gabriel gently lifted her legs and repositioned her. He draped her legs over Noah’s, spreading her wider and forcing Noah’s cock deeper in her ass.

Emily’s eyes widened as Gabriel moved over her, for now she truly understood their plan. But she had no idea how her body could accommodate them or accomplish such a thing at that angle. She whimpered as Gabe took his large cock in one hand and began to run it through her moist folds, ensuring her readiness to take him.

“Shhh, baby,” Noah murmured in her ear. “We only want to love you. If it’s too much, you only have to tell us. Relax,” he intoned. He glided his hands up and down her arms, keeping her calm as Gabriel began to press inside.

Gabriel watched Emily’s eyes, seeing them widened as he worked into her snug channel, made even more so by Noah’s presence. He slowed his movements and felt sweat break out on his forehead as he tried to give her time to adjust. Her hands shook as they feathered over his jaw, and he could not help but turn his face into her palm to press a lingering kiss there.

“I’m okay,” she whispered.

Gabriel wasn’t sure if Emily was saying that to convince herself or them, but he gave her a tender smile and then pushed in again. “Almost there, Em,” he murmured. “Exhale now,” Gabrial instructed, and when she did, he seated himself to the balls in her moist heat.

“Oh my, gosh!” she yelled, her body arching between them. Four hands latched on, keeping her from unseating them as they filled her.

,” Noah drawled. He kissed and tongued her exposed neck. “We’ve got you. Just give yourself time to adjust, okay?”

“Okay,” she panted and nodded her head in a jerky motion.

“Emily,” Gabriel called to her, and she focused her glassy eyes on his. “Remember what we said before about giving all of yourself to us?”

“Mmm-hmm,” she continued to nod.

“Do that now. You’re too tense for this to feel good to you. Completely let go and let us take over. Relax, so we can move you between us. Don’t fight it. Can you do that, honey? Let go and let us have you?”

And damned if she didn’t give him exactly what he wanted. What he and Noah wanted. Gabe saw her surrender and submission within the next heartbeat reflected in her gaze. So incredibly precious, he thought.

“Yes, Gabriel,” she murmured. Emily stared into his blue eyes and willed herself to relax. Though it was hard to do with the myriad of sensations swamping her senses, she exhaled and let her body go completely lax in their hold. She saw that fire flare in the depths of Gabriel’s eyes, which came only when he watched her give herself to them, and she smiled.

“Oh, yes,” he rumbled low in his throat. His nostrils expanded with the deep breath he drew in. Gabriel smiled back at her as he began to slowly glide through her pussy. He paused when the head of his cock rested at her entrance, waiting while Noah wrapped his hands back around her waist and lifted her along the length of his straining erection.

They began an alternating rhythm as they had before, one claiming her and then the other tunneling inside. For many minutes, Emily’s smaller frame was buffeted by their larger, more powerful bodies stroking deep within her, yet making her feel so cherished and protected at the same time.

Gabriel palmed her breasts, lifting and kneading the mounds until he could see the need for more stimulation deepen in her gaze. His fingers began to tease her nipples into a fever pitch as he moved in and over her. Emily clutched at his shoulders and their pace increased.

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