Theirs To Claim (Predatory Desires Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Theirs To Claim (Predatory Desires Book 1)
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He began to pull out just to the rim of her pussy and then crash back into her, causing them both to cry out. Emily looked on as he watched his dick gliding into her with such male pride and satisfaction. He seemed fascinated that she was taking all of him with each powerful thrust he generated.

He looked back into her eyes and then fell forward. Gabriel gathered her close to his body and kissed her deeply, their tongues moving over and under each other’s, trying to infuse the same emotion and love they felt for one another, during each drugging kiss. He rested his forehead on hers and stared into her eyes as he rocked into her body again and again.

“Come with me, Emily. Come with me now and look at me while you do. Give me everything. Your heart, your soul, your mind, and your body. Now, Em, come now,” he urged, and his words completely undid her.

Emily’s body was not her own, but his in that one moment in time. She felt her back bow as her entire body yielded to Gabriel. She clutched his broad back and cried out his name over and over again. Still he moved inside her, and he stared into her eyes as she came in wave after wave of mind-numbing pleasure.

Only when the last vestiges of her orgasm were over did Gabriel speed up his thrusts and shout his surrender. And though his body collapsed against hers, he kept his forehead resting on Emily’s and his eyes wide open. His lips lightly grazed hers once, then twice, before he blew out a tired breath.

She smiled and saw him smile in return.

“I love you, Emily Matherson. Don’t you ever forget it.”

“Never, Gabriel. Never,” she whispered.








Gabriel walked into the cabin’s kitchen and stretched high over his head. He rolled his head from side to side and then his shoulders. He headed for the refrigerator, and snagged one of the beers he and Noah had brought along. Emily wasn’t much of a beer drinker, so they knew if they wanted one, they had to supply their own. He also knew he’d only have one, wanting to remain alert and watchful. But that one was going to taste so damn good right about now.

“Where’s Emily?” Noah asked, glancing over his shoulder.

“Asleep in the tub,” Gabe chuckled.

“I’m not surprised,” Noah grinned and shook his head. When he’d stepped out of the shower he’d heard them in the throes of passion, and so he had headed on down the hall, giving them the same privacy Gabriel had afforded him earlier that morning.

“What are we havin’?”

“Steaks, potatoes, and salad,” Noah supplied. “I’ve got the meat marinating until she comes out. No sense letting it cook and then get cold.”

Gabriel nodded and took a long swallow from his bottle.

Noah leaned against the bar and lifted his own bottle to his lips. When he lowered it, he gestured towards the laptop. “I read the report and looked over Jonathan’s social media page while you were bathing. Gotta say, I’m not liking the guy at all. But it also feels a little too convenient, if you know what I mean.”

“I do,” Gabe said quietly.

“I hate to question her tonight,” Noah muttered. He stepped away to clean the potatoes and start them baking.

“So do I, Noah, but it’s got to be done. The sooner we figure this mess out, the sooner we can get on with life.”

“Yeah,” Noah sighed. He took his frustration out on the food, scrubbing the potatoes a little too hard and chopping the salad makings with a bit too much gusto. He wanted to bask in the glow of everything they were sharing and discovering with Emily. Not watch her smile give way to that haunted look he’d seen in her eyes several times now. He hated it. He just damn well hated it.

Noah paused in mid-slice when two delicate, warm arms encircled his waist and a head pressed against his back between his shoulder blades.

“Whatever it is, we’ll deal with it together,” Emily murmured and then placed a kiss where her cheek had rested. “Calm down, Noah.”

He blew out a heavy breath and set his knife to the side. Noah braced his hands on the counter’s edge and hung his head. He’d been caught and he couldn’t help but smile over her insightful words. She knew him as well as he knew himself.

Emily moved around and under Noah’s arms. She leaned back against the counter and cupped his face. She smiled as she stared into his green eyes, happy to see that she was drawing him away from his anger.

“Hello, handsome.”

“Hello, yourself.” Noah chuckled and leaned in to lightly match his lips to hers, needing Emily more than he had words to say in the moment.

When he straightened, he wrapped his arms around her and dropped his chin atop her head. Slowly, he rocked her, thinking to himself how well she fit his frame. Emily was tall, but his height made her mold to him perfectly, so that he always felt as though she was safely tucked in the shelter his body could provide her. He liked the idea of keeping her safe. He liked it a lot.

“Now,” Emily said as she leaned away and locked her hands behind his back, “how about you tell me what’s got you so miffed.”

“Miffed?” he smirked. “I like your words just as much as mine, I think.”

“You always have,” she played back, determined to keep the mood light.

“Yes, I have,” he said more sincerely. “Em…” Noah broke off and shook his head. His jaw clenched, because he just couldn’t say the words.

She cupped his face again and stared into his eyes, willing him not to break contact with her. “Since I think you enjoyed making love earlier as much as I did, I don’t think it’s that aspect of our lives that has you flustered. So it must have something to do with the one who’s been targeting me.”

He arched an eyebrow at her, but she only nodded and pressed on.

“I told you earlier today that I won’t break, and I won’t, Noah. Yes, it’s upsetting and hurtful, but I’ve dealt with all of this for months now. I can talk about it with you and Gabriel and help you as you investigate. That’s what has you so upset, isn’t it, sweetheart? You’re worried that it’ll take away from what we’re building between us, and dampen the mood?”

“You called me sweetheart.” He grinned a lopsided, lighthearted smile at her. The smile that spoke of her playful partner. Her Noah.

“Is that all you heard?” Emily chuckled and threaded her fingers through his thick, blond hair.

“That was the only important thing.” He shrugged.

“Well, then,
,” she smiled in return, “as you and Gabriel have consistently told me since you arrived here - I’m no longer alone. Not in this challenge, nor in the next one that comes along. So even though I detest this freak as much as you, I’m also ready to do my part in removing the worry from our lives indefinitely. And I say
, because this is
future we’re talking about here. Breathe a little easier, Noah, and know that there’s three of us in this fight together, not just one.”

Noah reached down and cupped her backside in his hands. In one swift motion he lifted her and felt Emily wrap her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. He turned and placed her atop the bar, then took her lips in a hungry kiss. He felt his dick surge to life, but he ignored it, knowing she couldn’t handle any more than they’d already given her during the day.

Instead, he kissed her with all the love and pride he held in his heart for her. He growled softly when she nipped his lower lip playfully. Noah’s lips moved down her neck until he reached the hollow of her throat. It was only then he noticed what Emily was wearing.

He lifted his head and stared into her eyes, clearly clouded by passion, need, and yes, even want. She wanted him, and that did all sorts of things to his body. And his heart. He swept his fingers into her hair and moved in closer, hovering over her lips.

“Did you steal my shirt?”

“No,” she grinned.

“Then what would you call it, if it’s not theft?”

“Borrowed?” Emily said so innocently, that he couldn’t help but laugh.

“You know, you’ve borrowed my clothes before through the years. And every damn time you did I’ve wanted to peel said garment off of you.”

“Let me close the blinds so Kaden and Garrett don’t get an eye full,” Gabriel muttered from behind them.

Emily flushed deeply from her embarrassment, while Noah only continued to chuckle. She swatted his chest, but he easily captured her hands and pinned them behind her back. She struggled a bit, but finally gave up when she realized he wasn’t letting go.

“Now, that’s better.” Noah nodded in approval and then glanced over her shoulder. “Help me out?”

Emily looked behind her and saw Gabe standing just on the other side of the bar again. The blinds were closed and he wore that predatory look that always took her breath away. She shook her head at him, only to see his slow nod in Noah’s direction.

“We told you earlier, Em, that we want unfettered access to you. Have we betrayed your trust yet?” Gabe asked her in a low tone.

“Of course not,” she breathed, unable to will her voice to sound any louder.

“Then be still,” Gabriel instructed as he moved in closer.

Within a blink, Noah released her hands and Gabe’s replaced them. His palms flattened out against hers and she felt his thumbs sweeping gently across her wrists. Over and over Gabriel repeated the motion, calming and reassuring her with that simple touch that she was safe in their care.

Noah hands moved under the edge of the t-shirt she wore while he watched her eyes intently. Her stomach muscles contracted as he skimmed across her skin. He smiled, but continued on a path upward.

“Ah, no bra again,” Noah sighed with delight. “I like that a lot. Makes it easier to touch you.”

A rumble worked its way through Gabriel’s chest, and Emily felt its vibrations in her own. As if she were so attuned to both of them, that even the sounds they made could arouse her. She moaned and Noah’s fingers moved upward still.

He played with the underswell of her breasts, running the backs of his fingernails across the sensitive area repeatedly. Emily couldn’t help but squirm, and Noah stilled his movements until she settled back down. He smiled and then let his fingertips glide across her nipples, feeling how tight and alert they already were. Just waiting for his exploration.

“Noah, please,” she begged. “This is too much.”

“No, it’s not, baby. Let me give you a little more, and then you can tell me if it’s too much.”

Emily whimpered as his fingers began to pluck her eager nipples.

“Gabe, this shirt has got to go.” Noah issued the demand just as four hands moved in unison to pull it up and over her head. Before Emily could protest, Gabriel had her hands secured under his again behind her back and Noah was leaning in to blow warm air over her breasts.

“Noah,” she moaned and shook her head slowly from side to side. She felt Gabriel’s head come to rest next to hers, stopping her light thrashing.

“Be still, Em, and watch him. See what your body responds to. Learn what you like for us to do to you,” Gabe murmured next to her ear.

Noah’s tongue darted out and he traced her right nipple in a delicate circle that had her hips arching up. He moved over and repeated the teasing trail around her left nipple, then he balanced the rosy tip on the edge of his tongue. He looked up and watched her as he slowly closed his teeth around it. She whimpered again as the pressure increased. It didn’t really hurt, but it made her burn.

He smoothed his tongue over the nub and then he began to suckle her. Lightly at first, but then with more pressure. Noah lifted a hand to gently fondle her other nipple, keeping it rigid and ready for his pleasure and hers.

“Noah!” Emily cried out, unable to bear the delectable pressure.

“You’re close to coming, aren’t you, Em?” Gabriel asked in a soft voice.

“Yes,” she panted. Noah moved his mouth and suckled her other nipple, hard enough to make her back bow between them.

“Then come,” Gabe said. “Now.”

She yelled again, her eyes rolling closed and her head falling back against Gabriel’s shoulder as Noah brought her to first one peak and then another. He grazed her nipple with his teeth again and Emily felt moisture flood her folds below.

Noah’s lips moved down her chest to her ribs and then on to her abdomen. His tongue encircled her navel before he lightly nipped her hip just above her low-slung jeans.

Emily was all but sobbing by then, calling out both their names in a hoarse whisper. Gabriel released her hands and brought them around in front of her while he rubbed them gently between his. Noah stepped forward and cupped her face.

“Look at me, Em,” he said softly. She finally focused on Noah’s face and had to swallow hard at the look of love and tenderness she found radiating in those emerald depths. “Breathe with me, baby. That was beautiful, you know? Just to see you let go and come apart from something as simple as my touch and kiss. Just beautiful.”

Noah pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. He seemed to know Emily was at her limit and any further stimulation would be too much. So instead, he and Gabriel held her between them and warmed her as her breathing and erratic heartbeat calmed.

“I don’t know how you can both make me come so completely undone in a matter of seconds. Is it like this for everyone else?”

Gabriel chuckled and then he nuzzled her neck with his lips. “I don’t know about everyone else, but it’s how it will be for us. Always.”

“Yep. Always, Em,” Noah smiled and leaned in for one last soft kiss. “Now,” he said as he moved back from her tempting body, “let me finish dinner while you relax. We’ve worn you out, so let Gabe keep you warm.”

“Noah,” she called to him. Emily lifted her arms from Gabriel’s hold and wrapped them around Noah’s neck when he stepped closer. Noah dropped a kiss on her shoulder and enfolded her against his chest. “I love you.”

“And I love you, baby,” he said.

He was happier than he could ever remember being in his entire life. And he was so grateful that she had delicately diffused his anger, turning the night back around from the direction his brooding thoughts were leading them. Hell, Noah admitted, he owed her all the orgasms she could take, for seeing to his worries and care before her own. That thought made him smile all the more, as he squeezed Emily and then released her to Gabriel so he could prepare their dinner.

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