Their Virgin Mate [Panther Cove 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (6 page)

BOOK: Their Virgin Mate [Panther Cove 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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He tapped his chest. “We’re animals inside.”

All men were animals. “Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah. Just being near you brings it out. I want to growl and purr.” He lifted her chin and kissed her like a man possessed.

When he nudged open her lips, it was like she was with a wild beast. His tongue, which tasted of sweet apples, darted in and twisted around her mouth. Her pulse raced.

He broke the kiss, grabbed her hand, and placed it over his crotch. The bulge was unmistaken. “Oh, my.”

“You don’t know what you’re doing to us. Can we take this someplace more comfortable?”

They both had to bend down so far their backs were sure to give out. Kissing them did put a kink in her neck, too, so she understood. “Right this way.”

With each step, her pace became slower. She wanted them both so much, but if they changed their minds, she’d be unbelievably disappointed. Tanya opened the bedroom door. She should have thought this through. When she’d invited them, she figured they’d be drinking some wine and munching on snacks.

On her dresser sat an array of vibrators, dildos, floggers, nipple clamps, and every imaginable sex toy. Some she used, others she only dreamt about someone using on her.

Casius whistled. “Babe, you shouldn’t have.” He picked up the flogger with its many leather falls.

“I, ah, like to experiment.”

He brought over the flogger and one of the dildos. “Care if we try some of these?”

She reached out for the flogger. “I’ll be happy to show you how to use it.” Being in her sassy mode allowed her to be someone she wasn’t.

“Oh, I know how to use it.” He stepped closer.

Hercules blocked her view of Casius, and he stepped in front. “I’ve been dreaming about seeing your lacy bra. I couldn’t keep my gaze off it at dinner. You are such a tease.”

Thrilled she could excite him, the imp in her responded. “What are you going to do about it?”

His response was to unbutton her shirt. He got halfway down when she stopped him. “I don’t mind you doing what you want, but would you mind if we turn off the lights?” He grinned. Again his response perplexed her. “I thought you wanted to see my bra up close.”

“I told you that we’re really animals. Of the cat family as a matter of fact. As such, we see very well at night. Turning off the lights won’t matter to us.”

He was carrying this animal idea a little too far. “Indulge me.”

“Sure, babe.”

Casius stepped over to the light switch and turned it off. Now she saw nothing, but at least she wouldn’t have to look at the disappointment in their eyes once she got naked.

She reached out and happened to touch one of the men. By chance, she ran into something very hard and throbbing.

“I think we need to get our woman naked and tie her down so she can’t touch us.” Hercules leaned over. “Like I said before, if I get too excited I might turn into an animal.”

She wished she were clever enough to come back with a good response. “Ooh. I’d like to see that.”

“Touch my brother once more, and you just might find out.”

How did Casius know she’d touched Hercules? Before she had a chance to ponder much more, Hercules finished unbuttoning her shirt. She reached up to clasp onto Hercules shoulders when Casius’s hands grabbed onto her wrists and gently pulled them down. His head brushed her shoulder. “Let us love you.”

His words came out so soft, her legs almost bent. “Okay.”

Hercules lowered the shirt down her shoulders. His touch was so gentle that she only felt the whisper of the material crawl down her arms. From deep within his chest came something she could only describe as close to a purr.

“You look good in red.”

Her shoulders relaxed. “You can’t see that my bra is red.” When Casius had taken off her coat, her blouse much have slipped and exposed a bra strap.

“You would be surprised what I can see.”

Her eyes had adjusted somewhat because the green glow of the alarm clock helped illuminate the room. Overhead lights would be too harsh, but candles might be nice. “Would you like me to light some candles?”

“If you would be comfortable with that, we’re game.”

Casius tapped her arm. “I’ll get them if you tell me where they are.”

She had a few in her drawer, but then she’d have to turn on the overhead light. “There are some in the dining room.” She gave him instructions.

When he opened the bedroom door, the hall light filtered in. It was a good thing she had her back to the entrance. That way Hercules wouldn’t see much.

Hercules traced a finger over the top of her bra. “So pretty.”

“Since I’m half undressed, it’s only fair to get you out of your clothes.”

With Casius on his treasure hunt, she had her hands free to do what she wished. She pulled his shirt out from his pants, and to her delight, he allowed her to lift his shirt over his head. Now she wished there was more light, as she so wanted to see his muscled body.

The door behind her opened and light poured in. Her breath caught at the amazing sight in front of her. His muscles had muscles. “I’ve never seen anyone so well defined.”

“I’ve spent years working on honing my body. I’m a fighter and need to be in top form.”

“Do you ever model?”

He laughed. “No, sugar. My body is designed to give pure pleasure or much pain.”

“I might like to experience all of you.”

He laughed. “Trust me when I say you don’t.”

Casius placed three lit candles around the room. Once he closed the door, her eyes adjusted quite quickly. Before either man stopped her, she ran her fingers down Hercules chest. She couldn’t stop her moan from escaping. “You are so beautiful.”

“I think you have that backward. You’re the one that makes my blood boil and my body explode.”

She loved how he worded things.

Casius stepped behind her and unhooked her bra. She inhaled because this was the moment she’d waited her life for—to love a man, or in this case, two men. When his fingers slid under the bra cups, goose bumps rippled across her skin. His callused palms scraped her nipples, sending contractions down her pussy.

“You are so divine.”

His words sounded like he really meant them. “Thank you. Do you think you two could get undressed so I don’t feel so vulnerable here?”

Hercules ran his knuckles down her cheek. “You just have to ask.”

They both stepped back. Casius was behind her, so she watched Hercules kick off his boots and unsnap his jeans. She couldn’t help but stare at his cock as he took off his shoes and slipped his jeans over his hips.

“I’d let you help, sugar, but then I’d have to impale you, and I want to explore your body for a while first.”

His dirty talk helped her relax. Casius’s shoes thudded on the floor behind her, and she wondered if, when she turned around, he’d be naked, too. Hercules stood before her in his underwear, and she willed him to continue undressing.

Hercules stepped closer, and her breath came out faster. “You have to earn the right to see us naked.”

“What do you mean?”

“Casius and I have rules in the bedroom.”

“What would they be?” Her mouth turned dry as she imagined what they were going to say.

“The usual. We demand total obedience. We won’t do anything that won’t bring you the utmost pleasure. That is our goal. To make you happy. In return, you will keep your gaze cast downward, don’t talk unless spoken to, and do as we say. Can you do that?”

She’d watched hundreds of hours of BDSM videos and loved every minute of them. She’d often pictured herself as the one in control, but clearly that wasn’t going to happen with these men. “Yes, Master Hercules.”

“Good, slave. You’ll need a safe word if you want us to stop. We hope you’ll never need it, but we are very large men. We will take it slow. As corny as it sounds, let’s use
as your safe word since you seem to have an affinity for that color.” He slipped two fingers under her loose bra and pinched her nipple.


The action caught her by surprise and hurt only for a moment. Then a rush of lust shot through her.

“You spoke, slave.” Casius reached around her and pulled back her arms. “Go ahead, Hercules, and strip her.”

His command sounded harsh, but if she’d been able to see his eyes, she bet he was just acting like a tough guy.

She expected Hercules to step forward and tug down her pants. To her surprise, Casius gripped her under her arms and leaned her back. Hercules lifted one of her legs and pulled off one boot then the other. It only took a second for him to drag her pants down her legs.

She held her breath, waiting for him to say her thighs were too thick, but he didn’t. Casius set her upright.

“I have to play with your tits.” Hercules dragged a tongue along his bottom lip, and her stomach tumbled.

No man had the right to be so gorgeous. She really wanted to glance at Casius, but if she turned around without their permission, she didn’t know what they’d do.

“I’ll help you, bro.” Casius lowered one strap and pulled through her arm. One flick, and the bra fell to the ground.

“Holy fuck, but you are amazing. Come here, Casius. We struck pay dirt.”

Tanya was tempted to cover herself, but she really wanted them to like her. “I’m not too big?” Hercules immediately turned his back to her.
. She forgot she wasn’t supposed to speak. “I’m so sorry, Master. It won’t happen again.”

Casius moved in front of her. “It better not, slave, or you will feel Hercules’s wrath.” He clasped her hand and walked her over to the bed. “Kneel on the bed and close your eyes.”

She wanted to look at them so bad, but she wanted them to touch her more. If they didn’t, she’d have to go through every sex toy in the store just to satisfy her throbbing pussy.

Chapter Six


Casius moved behind Tanya, who had obediently knelt on the bed and lowered her head. Her glorious, blonde hair draped over her face, making it hard not to shift.

I think we should blindfold her. I’m not sure my fangs won’t drip.

Good idea.
Thank God his brother agreed.

Even if she’d been used to having two dominant men in her bedroom, seeing their fangs would scare her. His balls were so hard they were about to explode, and he’d had to lick the blood from his teeth several times. That’s why he’d stayed behind her for so long.

He searched the top of her dresser for something to cover her eyes, but it made sense she wouldn’t have used a blindfold on herself. A quick glance in her closet provided the perfect item. She had several silk scarves. He grabbed four in case she was into bondage.

Casius returned to the bed. “Babe, we don’t want you to look, so I’m going to tie a scarf over your eyes.”

She knew the safe word and could have used it, but thankfully she didn’t. Once he was satisfied she couldn’t see, she raised her hands to touch it. That gave him the perfect opportunity to tie up her hands.

Tell her Hercules that she just disobeyed another rule.

“Tsk, tsk, Tanya.”

She raised her head, but now it didn’t matter. She couldn’t see, which was just as well, because the back of Hercules’s hands were now covered in fur. Here, he thought he was on the brink.

Casius pulled back her arms and, in two seconds, had her secured. His urged to claim her took over, and he cupped her large breasts. The nipples hardened, and his cock dripped pre-cum.

She is so beautiful. I can’t stand it.
He knew his brother was experiencing the same lust mixed with pain.

I know. We must be patient for Tanya’s sake

He totally got that, but when he rubbed his thumbs over her nipples and they puckered even more, he could barely control himself. His cock twitched. Then she had to moan. This was pure torture.

If I don’t lick her, I will shift

His brother looked up.
. “Slave, we are going to have you lie back. Casius is going to undo your hands, but he must retie them over your head.”

“Yes, Masters.”

Blood dripped down his chin, and Casius swiped it away. She was the perfect sub. And here, she pretended to be dominant. He sensed the moment he’d gotten close that she’d love being under him.

He untied her hands and rubbed her wrists. As soon as Hercules placed her on her back, Casius retied her hands over her head.

Get the other ties.
He motioned to the dresser where he’d left them. He wondered if she’d purchased a four-poster bed for this purpose. He wouldn’t be surprised. Their little vixen oozed sex appeal. Her scent was filling the room and causing all sorts of havoc on his body.

Hercules returned with the ties and handed him one.

“If I don’t see you, Tanya, right now, I won’t be able to last.” He prayed she was okay with being spread-eagle and totally at their mercy.

BOOK: Their Virgin Mate [Panther Cove 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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