Their Seductress [The Hot Millionaires #1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (5 page)

BOOK: Their Seductress [The Hot Millionaires #1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Tell Isaac what I did to you,” Nick said, rubbing his erection through his shorts. “Tell us how you were fucked, baby.”

“We fell into a taxi, and Nick immediately went to work on me. He slipped the straps off my shoulders and sucked my nipples, right there for anyone passing to see. Remember I was wearing that bodysuit with cutouts for my nipples. They were so fucking hard, it was unreal. My legs fell open, the plug in my butt was pulsating red-hot, and I would have done it right there in that taxi given half a chance. I was on fire! The taxi driver was watching us in his mirror, which was an added turn-on.” Paige laughed. “He almost drove off the road several times. I couldn’t see his lap, but I’m pretty sure he was playing with himself.”

“I’ll just bet he was,” Isaac hissed.

“When we got back here he said there’d be no charge. We’d entertained him more than enough. I’d left another huge puddle on the poor man’s upholstery,” she said, giggling.

“Paige had been staying for a few days by then, and I could tell that Ellie thought of her as a challenge.” Nick smiled at Paige. “Shall we show him how it went down?”

Paige paused for a moment, came to a decision, and nodded. Nick inserted another DVD into the machine, and Isaac groaned even louder when he was confronted with a picture of Paige, clad only in that damned bodysuit, nipple clamps again in place, bending over while Nick brought a whip down gently over her PVC-covered buttocks. He could actually see moisture trickling down her legs on the screen. Isaac’s erection throbbed so hard that he absently stroked it in an effort to keep it under control. It wasn’t working, and it was all he could do to stop himself from coming then and there, right in his pants. Christ, he hadn’t lost control like that since his school days.

The sound of Paige’s voice with its clipped upper-class British accent describing such a hot event, calmly telling him how Ellie coaxed her out of her deep-seated inhibitions by directing operations between her and Nick, was something Isaac had never thought he’d hear. Doug had described Paige as reserved in bed, never willing to take the lead. That was Isaac’s impression of British women as a whole, especially Paige, who, on the brief occasions he’d met her before Doug’s death, struck him as remote and ambitious.

On screen, Nick stroked a massive erection as he made sure Paige enjoyed her thrashing.

“She’s an ass virgin,” Ellie said to him.

Nick chuckled. “Not for much longer.”

Isaac felt raw jealousy rip through him at the thought of Nick being the one to remedy that situation.

At a command from Ellie, Paige stood up.

“On your hands and knees,” Ellie said. “Crawl across to Nick and beg him to fuck your ass.”

Paige scurried across the floor on all fours, whimpering with desire, large tits pushing against the tight confines of the PVC. She reached Nick’s position and looked up at him, her expression desperate.

“Please fuck me,” she said.

“Please fuck you what?” Nick asked.

“Please fuck me, sir.”

“Where do you want to be fucked?”

“Please fuck my ass, sir.” She licked her lips. “And my cunt.”

“She needs to be spanked again before she gets her reward.”

Nick smirked, sat on the edge of the huge waterbed, and pulled Paige across his lap. He brought the flat of his hand down against her rear, at the same time slipping his other hand beneath her, opening the lips to her pussy through the split crotch and sliding a couple of fingers inside. Paige groaned, wriggling against those fingers as Nick continued to spank her ass.

“Keep still,” Nick commanded.

Paige immediately stopped moving, and Nick sparked her a little harder. Isaac sat forward, looking more closely at the screen. The whole of Nick’s other hand had now disappeared, presumably inside Paige.

“Did you take his entire hand?” he asked her, needing to know.

“Hmm, yes. I was so damned close, but Ellie said if I came before she said I could, Nick wouldn’t fuck me.” She groaned at the memory. “It was
most exquisite torture.”

Isaac knew exactly what she meant. He was going through something similar himself at that very moment.

At a nod from Ellie, Nick righted Paige and peeled the sodden bodysuit off her, treating Isaac to a full-frontal view of her nakedness. He sucked in a sharp breath, aroused almost beyond recall. She was stacked, slender, absolutely stunning, a total turn-on.

And she was slowly killing him.

He still couldn’t get his head round the fact that he’d been completely out of line. She had been wronged by Doug—not the other way round—and he owed her one hell of an apology. If she’d ever give him the time of day, that is, which he rather doubted, and who could blame her?

Nick, Isaac noticed, had unzipped his shorts and was openly massaging his cock. Isaac wanted to do the same with his but somehow restrained himself.

On-screen, Nick removed the plug from Paige’s butt and replaced it with his finger. No more foreplay than that. He whipped on a condom and replaced that finger with his cock, slamming into Paige as she remained on the floor. She whimpered but held her position, tossing her head from side to side as they picked up the rhythm and she continued to beg for more. Paige climaxed almost immediately, screaming out Nick’s name and pushing back against him so hard that Isaac could hear Nick’s swollen balls slap against her ass. Swearing and straining, the veins in his neck standing out, Nick came, too.

“Jesus!” Isaac said, wondering how much he’d have to grovel to get Paige to go down on him like that.

Nick stood to turn the DVD off, still fully erect. “Okay, Isaac, now you know the score. In honor of Ellie’s memory, I suggest we stop pussyfooting past her room and put it to the use for which it’s intended.”

“What!” Paige looked astounded by the suggestion and, Isaac couldn’t help hoping, just a little interested.

“I reckon that’s why she wanted the three of us to stay here together. Don’t you?”

Chapter Five


“What do you think of that suggestion then, Paige?” Nick asked.

What indeed? Paige glanced at Isaac, conscious of his eyes zeroing in on her like twin laser beams. The hostility she’d grown to expect had been replaced with an expression she found hard to interpret. Regret perhaps, disbelief and confusion certainly, but that was hardly surprising. She’d been in a permanent state of confusion herself ever since setting foot on American soil.

Her gaze clashed with Isaac’s, and she was the first to break the contact, finding it difficult to think coherently when he looked at her with an open invitation in his eyes. He was a photo image of Doug but even better looking. He had more presence, a definite authority figure who dominated any room he entered like he was born to lead. No question he was an alpha male, but his willingness to jump to conclusions about her role in Doug’s life bordered on arrogance. Was she supposed to put that all behind her, just like that?

Forgiveness was one thing but jumping into bed with him…with both of them? Moisture seeped from her fanny at the mere thought of it. Her brain might have doubts, but her body appeared to have made up its own mind. She ran her tongue along her lower lip, severely tempted.

“I think you’re asking too much,” Isaac answered for her. “I don’t think Ms. Fairfax is my number-one fan right now, and I can’t say that I blame her.”

“I can speak for myself,” she said crossly.

“No pressure, babe,” Nick said. “I just thought it explained why Ellie wanted us all here when she knew of the animosity between the two of you.”

“Don’t coerce her, Nick,” Isaac said in a warning tone, still watching her intently.

“Look.” Nick threw up his hands. “You two need to clear the air. I have a few jobs to do on the boat, so I’ll leave you to it.”

Paige didn’t think that was such a good idea, but before she could ask Nick to stay he’d already slipped out the door and disappeared down the dock. Damn, she wasn’t ready to face Isaac Drake and his unsettling intelligence on her own. His kiss had affected her profoundly, and that was when he wasn’t trying to make an impression. If he decided to launch a charm campaign, God help her.

Paige straightened her spine. What the hell was she thinking? She was the victim here, and Drake had some grovelling to do. If he was capable of feeling shame then he damned well ought to be swamped with the emotion right now. He owed her an apology, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to hear it. Worse, he’d doubtless have a dozen questions about Doug, and she was too emotionally charged right now to get into all that.

Neither of them moved, and the silence was in danger of becoming embarrassing. Paige simply didn’t care and refused to be the first to speak.

“Look at me,” he said.

He spoke softly, but his commanding tone made her glance his way without question. “Why?” She sighed, fiddling with a throw cushion on the end of the couch. “There’s nothing more to be said.”

“The hell there isn’t!” He moved in front of her, blocking her path. “I’ve been a complete prick.”

She flashed a brief smile. “No argument there.”

“I had no idea Doug felt so threatened by me. Not a fucking clue.” He scrubbed a hand down his face. “We were twins, for crying out loud. Aren’t twins supposed to be superintuitive?”

Paige felt her anger waning and a modicum of sympathy creeping beneath her guard in the face of his obvious anguish. “I’m not the right person to ask about happy families. I don’t have any siblings, much less a twin.”

“We were always so close. At least I thought we were.” He raised a troubled gaze to her face. “Did you know how he felt about me?”

“Not at first.” Paige shook her head, dragged back to the past in spite of herself. “Gradually, from a few things he said I thought perhaps he felt threatened by your success, but I didn’t know how deeply entrenched those feelings actually were. The direction he tried to take the London office in, the types of clients he went that extra mile to sign up…I could see it was wrong, that it would all end in tears, but he wouldn’t listen to me.”

“I’ve been a blind idiot,” he said bleakly. “Far from blaming you for Doug self-destructing, I ought to blame myself.”

He looked so desolate that Paige acted without thinking. She stepped up to him, touched his arm, and ran a hand down his cheek.

“It’s not your fault,” she said softly. “Doug was an adult, and he knew what he was doing.”

“Christ, Paige, I’m sorry!”

Almost savagely he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. This time she knew he was doing it because he wanted to—not to prove some obscure point. She also knew she didn’t have a hope of stopping him, even if she’d wanted to, which she most emphatically didn’t. As he fed from her mouth like a dying man desperate for oxygen, her half-hearted thoughts of ending this before it started took flight. Their bodies meshed together with hot urgency. It was like coming home.

Only better.

Paige pushed the disloyal thought aside as his hands roamed over her back. They came to rest on her butt, and his massive erection, pressing into her stomach, sent sensation cascading through her in dizzying waves. Her lips parted, and his tongue plundered her mouth with ruthless desperation. Paige wrapped her hands round his neck, running her fingers repeatedly through the thick hair that spilled over his collar.

When he broke the kiss, they were both fully aroused and breathing heavily. He gazed down at her, clearly as astounded as she’d been by the intense passion that drove them both.

“I’ve wanted to do that since the first time I met you.”

Paige didn’t have to feign surprise. “I always got the impression that you didn’t like me, even before Doug died.”

“Actually I was jealous of Doug.”

Paige opened her eyes very wide. “Jealous? Whatever for?”

“Because he had you.”

“But you and I only met a couple of times when you stopped over in London.”

“That was enough for me to know how lucky he was.” He shook his head, a shock of dark hair cascading across his brow. “Christ, I was really pissed when I saw you walk through that door yesterday, but I’ve still been going around with a hard-on every time I looked at you.”

Paige simply gaped at him. He was actually serious. A feeling of empowerment swept through her. Ellie, intuitive lady that she was, had arranged this little get-together for a reason. She very much doubted if Isaac had told her any of this, but Ellie would have guessed and decided to straighten things out from beyond the grave.

“I don’t know what to say,” she muttered, shaking her head against his chest. “Every time Doug mentioned your name it was linked with a different babe.”

He smiled and tweaked her nose. “I was trying to find another you.”

Paige felt euphoric, which disgusted her. Her ego had no right to put in an appearance when they were discussing his dead brother. When they were both here to mourn the death of their friend. “I don’t believe you.”

“And I don’t believe Doug was in his right mind when he told me you were…er, cold,” he said, smiling.

“I was with him. I didn’t know any better until Ellie educated me.”

“Well, that kiss was as hot as hell.”

BOOK: Their Seductress [The Hot Millionaires #1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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