Their Rebel Mate [Helan Universe 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (2 page)

BOOK: Their Rebel Mate [Helan Universe 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Well, that worked for him. Kerek would make sure there was no room in his brain for anything other than the overwhelming pleasure anyway. “I love you,” he said instead. Technically it was still against the rules Kerek had just laid out, but he knew his mate wouldn’t punish him for the words.

Instead…oh yes. He moaned loudly when Kerek tweaked his nipples. “I love you, too. Now hush, and let me concentrate.”

Thantos reached up and threaded his fingers through Kerek’s heavy mass of hair, tugging him down to kiss him properly.

He feasted on Kerek’s lips, stroking his tongue against Kerek’s when it slipped into his mouth. His mate tasted of sweet Earth chocolate, wine, and coffee, the flavors combining with Kerek’s natural, lovely flavor to make something that tasted like ambrosia. He could kiss Kerek forever, could keep him close and breathe the air Kerek had just exhaled for the rest of his life.

Thantos spread his legs, making room for Kerek when he shifted around and lowered his upper body against Thantos’s.

Oh, this was his favorite thing in the whole wide universe. Nothing could compare to the feeling of his heart pounding against Kerek’s or that single moment when their bodies’ became perfectly attuned to each other. Hearts beating in the exact same rhythm, their breathing patterns slowing or quickening to match. Knowing that his blood rushed through his veins at the same speed as Kerek’s, and that his pulse was perfectly harmonized with Kerek’s, gave him a thrill every time.

Kerek’s hard dick, already wet tipped and pulsing, was kissing his own. A small spurt of fluid burst from his slit, and combined with Kerek’s own small explosion, it made for a silky slide of skin on velvet skin.

“Let go,” Kerek murmured, moving his head.

He’d forgotten the grip he’d had on his mate’s hair. Gods, he was probably pulling the beautiful black strands out by the handful. He untangled his fingers, and sure enough, a few strands of hair were wound around them, clinging to his skin as if they couldn’t stand to let go. He knew how they felt. He wanted to cling to Kerek and never let go.

Kerek rocked his hips, rubbing them together from thigh to chest. Now that his fingers weren’t in Kerek’s hair, it fell around them, shrouding them in a fragrant, luxurious veil, hiding them from everything other than the damp, humid feel of panting breaths and the increasingly urgent sounds of his moans. It wouldn’t be long before he begged for his mate to fill him.

His hands were pressed next to his head, the soft mattress yielding under the almost violent pressure. Kerek knew exactly how far to push Thantos, and he was already skating on the edge of an incredible release, just from his mate’s display of strength.

“Keep them there.” Like Thantos would ever move his hands after they’d been placed there by Kerek. He nodded anyway, loving the approving look he got from Kerek.

He shuddered when Kerek mouthed his way down his chest, pausing to suck at his nipple. Shit, he hadn’t realized until he’d been with Kerek the first time just how sensitive the little nubs actually were. It was like there was a nerve running directly from his nipple to his cock, and his erection jumped with every pull of Kerek’s hot mouth, wet mouth. “Kerek,” he said on a gasp.

Of course, his mate wasn’t going to settle for making him come by just playing with his nipples, which was entirely possible.

No, Kerek followed the trail of hair from his belly button down to his groin, licking and teasing every inch of skin his tongue came across.

Harsh breaths were ripping from his lungs, causing his chest to heave with anticipation when Kerek nuzzled his nose into the crease where his hip and pelvis met. Oh fuck. Kerek only did that when he was about to do one thing and only one thing.

Thantos flipped his hands over and gripped the sheets tightly. He was about to lose his mind because he knew exactly how talented Kerek’s tongue really was. Strong hands pushed his knees up until the soles of his feet were planted firmly and then gripped his ass, pulling his cheeks apart.

Oh, here it came. The first swipe of Kerek’s velvety tongue against his pucker was nearly too much, and he had to clench every muscle in his body to stop himself from coming right then and there.

“Not yet. Don’t come quite now.”

“Then you have to give me a minute, Kerek. I need you too much.”

Thantos closed his eyes and thought about the most disgusting, most hideous thing he could. But even an image of Jedan soldiers in full armor, complete with necklaces made from the enemies’ bones, couldn’t dampen his arousal.

He panted through yet another urge to orgasm and yelped when a finger pushed roughly past the vulnerable ring of muscle. The sweet burn pushed him even higher, the bite of pain emphasizing the almost unbearable pleasure.

Kerek stretched him quickly, adding another finger and scissoring them apart. He pulled them out almost roughly and replaced them with the tip of his cock.

He relished the burn, loving the stretch and the fullness. It didn’t matter how many times Kerek took him. He was always surprised by how big his lover was.

His hole expanded to accommodate Kerek, and he tossed his head from side to side, panting as Kerek finally bottomed out in him. Oh, that felt heavenly. A single finger traced his rim, prodding against the seal he had around Kerek’s cock.

Every nerve in his body flared to life. Could it get any better than this?

, it’s about to get much better. I went exploring today. I found a nice little shop that sold toys.”

Gods, why was Kerek talking to him about children’s playthings at a time like this?

Kerek rooted around under the pillow next to them and extracted a small, slim silver rod. “I can’t wait to show you everything I bought at the…toy store. We’ll start with this one.”

His dick was about to snap off, and Kerek was showing him toys? And what the fuck kind of toy was that? It certainly didn’t look like anything he’d played with as a boy.

Kerek twisted the base, and the rod began buzzing. “I found this little beauty. It’s called a vibrator, and I thought you might like how it felt if I put it here.”

The humming toy was placed against one nipple. The feeling was so exquisite, his eyes rolled back. He’d never felt anything like it, and his body instantly skipped about fifteen levels of arousal and went straight into
gotta come, gotta come, gotta come.

The vibrating wand was removed from his nipple, and he breathed a sigh of relief. And then he sobbed with desperation when his prick bobbed over his stomach, throbbing in time with each beat of his heart.

“You liked that, didn’t you?” Kerek pressed the toy against his nipple again, brushing so lightly he barely felt it.

At his frantic nod, Kerek leaned down and began nuzzling into his neck, kissing and licking all those sensitive spots Kerek had discovered after five years together. “Then you’re going to love this,” he muttered against his skin.

Before Thantos could even wonder what the hell Kerek was talking about, the rod was feathered against his jerking cock.

Kerek used his free hand to press Thantos’s cock against his belly and pushed the toy against the knot of nerves at the base of the head of his dick. Kerek’s hips began pumping, rubbing against his gland with every pass, and Thantos lost it.

He arched his back, screaming his pleasure to the ceiling as he began spurting all over his abs.

The cock in his ass pulsed wildly, and Kerek grunted in his ear. The hot wash of Kerek’s release sent him even higher and pushed his orgasm to a new level. It went on and on until he thought he would pass out. The vibrating toy was still humming away, and the sensation was quickly becoming too much for him. He whimpered and wedged his hand between their bodies, pushing the rod off his dick. It rolled off the edge of the bed and clattered to the hardwood floor.

Kerek collapsed on top of him, breathing heavily. His mate’s weight and the pounding of his heart made him feel safe and secure, just like it always did.

He looped his arms around Kerek’s waist and rubbed circles on his back, his fingers slipping easily in the perspiration that had beaded there. It was so comfortable, and he wanted to stay just like this, wrapped up in his mate’s arms. He was tired, hungry, and now sticky, but there was nowhere else he’d rather be.

The quiet of the room surrounded them like a cocoon, and the now-gentle rhythm of Kerek’s breathing lulled him to sleep.

Chapter 2


The digital clock flipped over to nine o’clock. Kerek frowned and stroked Thantos’s flame-red hair out of his face. He’d have to wake his mate up soon if Thantos was going to make it to his next appointment on time. Kerek would have just let him sleep, but Thantos always got twitchy at the thought of being late.

Thantos scrunched up his face in his sleep and kicked off the blanket. The man never really did like to be covered up, even when it was freezing out. Not that it was all that cold in here, just pleasantly cool, unlike the temperature outside. He didn’t mind the loss of blankets though. It gave him a chance to study his mate’s spectacular body.

His mate was long and lean with defined muscles but nothing that bulged, unlike most males of their species. His skin was pale all over, the color and texture of expensive cream. The luscious pink nipples reminded Kerek of the
berries from home, and his mouth watered for a taste. Fiery-red hair started at his belly button and trailed down to a nest of curls at his groin.

The adult toy store he’d discovered earlier in the day proved to be a veritable treasure trove of devices that would drive Thantos out of his mind. Kerek had purchased so much, he’d had to have the store box up his order and ship it to the house. The vibrator that Thantos had enjoyed so much was only the tip of the iceberg. The rest of his treats were stashed safely in the closet.

Cool air blew up from the vents and made Thantos’s nipples peak even in his sleep. The man’s nipples were so sensitive, he could orgasm from a few minutes of manipulation. Kerek couldn’t wait to try the vibrating nipple clamps on his mate.

He stroked Thantos’s hair again and heaved himself out of the bed. The vidscreen was beeping away downstairs, and he wanted to make something for his mate to eat before he had to rush off.

The carpet was soft and squishy between his bare toes as he crept down the stairs, completely different from the rough rugs that had been placed in their quarters on the star ship. It was perfect for making love on, but they hadn’t had the chance to do that yet.

The vidscreen beeped again, demanding his attention. He flipped it open and carried it into the kitchen with him. “Kerek here.”

“Chief, how are you today?”

The soft, deep voice of King Jaron’s Consort, R’oan, floated through the connection. He switched on the screen, and the handsome face came into view.

“We’re well, Consort R’oan, thank you. And yourselves?”

Roan chuckled and rubbed his bristled chin. “Jaron is beside himself right now. We have some good news, and we need your help announcing it.”

High King D’Arik and Queen Jacy had asked him to become the spokesman for the royal family when they’d left orbit without him. He had a sneaking suspicion they’d been trying to find a way to keep him feeling useful. He appreciated it, though he had yet to actually have any contact with the Earth press. He didn’t regret staying behind, though, if only because he would never leave Thantos, and the man had been born for a role like this.

He waited respectfully for Consort R’oan to tell him why he’d been contacted. He didn’t have to wait long.

A broad smile broke out on R’oan’s face. “Queen Jacy is expecting D’Arik’s first child.”

Oh, thank the gods. There was hope for their species after all. “That’s wonderful, Consort. Our people will rejoice.”

“Yes. Jaron is beside himself. He’s by turns thrilled that he will be an uncle and sad because he’s going to miss Nalan’s Choosing.”

Kerek winced sympathetically. The Choosing Ceremony was among the most sacred traditions in their society. To witness a Choosing was a great honor, one that no family member would ever willingly miss. Unfortunately, the urgency of the Helan population was such that Jaron would have no choice but to miss his younger brother’s Ceremony. “It will be okay. King Nalan will forgive you. Especially if the two of you find a mate and begin having little ones of your own.”

R’oan’s face closed, and he shook his head. “Anyway, D’Arik has asked that you make a statement to the human press. Something joyful and uplifting.”

He nodded thoughtfully, the announcement already beginning to form in his mind. “When would you like me to make the announcement?”

“In a week or so. D’Arik and Varin are considering inviting a number of the political leaders on Earth for a stay on Helan to celebrate the occasion.”

“Sounds good. I’ve got to get Thantos up for his next session. Is there anything else I can help you with?”

R’oan shook his head but quickly changed the action into a nod. “Yes. You can find a nice female and mate with her.”

His mind flashed to a delicate little blonde who had been all over the media lately. “We’ll do our best, Consort.”

He signed off and began getting his mate’s meal ready. The meat, cheese, and fruit he’d purchased earlier in the day were set on a tray, and a light, bubbly wine from home was placed alongside it. Two sparkling glasses were the last touch.

Thantos was still fast asleep when he got back to the bedroom, so he put the tray down on the foot of the bed and crawled across the mattress until he was right next to Thantos. He stroked the red strands completely off his lover’s face and rubbed his thumb over the high cheekbones. “Thantos?
? It’s time to get up and eat.”

His mate never woke up easily. Thantos wrinkled his nose and flipped over to bury his face in his pillow, grumbling something unintelligible. The move left the entire span of Thantos’s spine free for his hands, which itched to touch the milky, smooth skin. If he touched, though, Thantos would be late for sure, and Thantos in a snit was not necessarily something he wanted to deal with. At least not when he couldn’t restrain Thantos to the bed and fuck him into a better mood.

BOOK: Their Rebel Mate [Helan Universe 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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