Their Mating Rituals [Paranormal Protection Unit 4] (Siren Publishing Classic) (14 page)

BOOK: Their Mating Rituals [Paranormal Protection Unit 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Anywhere at all.” He smiled and looked around the room, “Except for this desecrated space,” he sneered. Maybe those that had emptied his place had been semi-smart and taken the coffee maker to Allister’s. He’d have to check with his brother in the morning. Looking to her, he smiled again and laid a hand on her belly. Dropping to his knees, Aiden pulled her in close and pressed a kiss to her rounded stomach. He still couldn’t believe how truly blessed he was. A mate, children, a full and promising future before him, them.

Her fingers feathered through his hair and she smiled. “I love you, too, darling. Now, take us somewhere so we can fuck like bunnies, please.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he smiled at her, lifting her up in his arms, and turned from the kitchen. His cock ached too much to go far so he took them to the living room. Putting her on her feet Aiden rubbed a hand over her back lightly and down the curve of her ass. “Turn around and put your hands on the back of the couch,” he ordered.

Her tongue darted out in a quick swipe before she smiled at him and lifted her chin. “And if I don’t?”

Smacking her ass sharply, more for sound than anything else, Aiden let out a growl. “If you don’t I will put you there myself,” he said.

Her eyes dilated slightly at his words. “Promises, promises,” she whispered, her breasts rising and falling as her breathing sped up.

“Absolutely, now, turn around and put your hands on the couch. I want your ass up in the air so I can fuck you,” he said in a low tone. Running his hand around her belly he stroked up to capture a breast and squeezed, his thumb flicking over her nipple. “You want me to fuck you, don’t you?”

Talina nodded, her breath even more ragged. “I do Aiden.”

“Then turn your cute little ass around and stick it in the air so I can see how wet your pretty pussy is,” he demanded of her.

Nodding she let out a shaky breath. “It’s very wet, dripping even,” she told him in a husky tone. “I need you Aiden, so much,” she shifted on her feet. Turning around she bent over with her hands on the couch before looking back over her shoulder. “Like this?”

Letting his gaze roam down her body he growled happily. “Just like that darling.” Stepping in closer to her he pressed her shoulders down more before cupping her pussy in his hand. “You are wet,” he said, sliding his fingers through her slick folds.

She wiggled against him. “Aiden please, now,” she begged.

“Not yet love,” he told her, dropping to his knees behind her, and, spreading her legs wider, put his mouth to her cunt. Lapping at her sweet juices he slid his tongue around her clitoris and into her pussy, fucking her with his tongue.

“Aiden!” she screamed out.

Catching her hips when she tried to wiggle from him, he growled against her wet folds.
You taste so damned good,
he told her through their connection.

“Aiden, now, please God, I’m begging you,” she whimpered.

Knowing frustration when he heard it Aiden got to his feet and, fisting his cock, rubbed it through her folds before pressing it into her pussy slowly. When she rocked back against him he moved his hands to her breasts and gently massaged.

“Oh God that feels so good,” she moaned out. “Harder, Aiden, please fuck me hard.”

“As you wish, my angel,” he whispered, moving a hand to her hips to hold her as he began to slam his hard cock into her hard and fast.

“Yes,” she screamed out, arching her back as she pushed back into him.

“Gods you are perfect.” He growled, rolling her nipple as he shifted his stance and moved his hips faster. His balls slapped against her pussy with each hard thrust of his cock into her slick sheath. Growling as he felt his orgasm coming he dropped his hand from her breast to her clitoris and rubbed it frantically.

Her body started to tighten around him, a keening sound coming from her lips, and then she screamed as her inner muscles clamped hard down on his cock. Thrusting twice more, he slammed his cock in deep and came, his balls up tight as his seed splashed against her womb entrance.

Her head was down, her legs shaking and her breathing was ragged. “Wow,” she breathed out. “Aiden”—Lina turned her head to look at him, her eyes half-closed—“I think I need a nap now, baby.”

Chuckling softly he groaned as his cock twitched once again, more semen spurting into her red-hot pussy. “I think we can manage that, angel.” When he was finished he pulled his only partially limp cock from her and lifted her up in his arms. “Time for a nap now darling.”

Smiling at him she suddenly yawned, “Already asleep,” she whispered before she fell asleep in his arms.

Chapter Ten


“You need to tell her,” Allister murmured, passing him another bottle of water, shooting his bond-mate and sister-in-law a look where they sat on the bleachers along a wall in the training center on base. Both had one of his twins and were making faces at them.

“I know, but how the hell do you think she’s going to take it, bro?” Aiden asked quietly. “Look at how Talon took the news, and my mate is pregnant. She’s had a hard pregnancy as it is. She’s on a strict diet”—
Sort of
—“not supposed to lift a finger, and, most of all, absolutely no fucking stress.” He hissed out the last words. “Don’t you think finding out about a possible twin brother would freak her the hell out?”

“I know, I know,” Allister said, holding up his hands. His twin was on edge, he understood that. Lina was literally ready to pop any day. “But how do you think she’ll feel if she finds out from someone else?”

“You told Jackie?” Aiden hissed out angrily. “I did not tell Jackie. I’m not a moron, you know,” Allister said, smacking his fist into Aiden’s shoulder. “Jackie would have ripped us and Talon a new one before storming over and telling Lina in her own ‘gentle’ way.” Which really wouldn’t have been all that gentle. His mate had a hell of a lot of great qualities. Subtlety was not one of them. They’d been working on it, but sadly she still didn’t quite seem to grasp the concept.

“Sorry,” Aiden instantly apologized. “I’m tensed and I’m tired. I shouldn’t be taking it out on you, bro, sorry. But I just don’t know how to tell her,” he murmured.

“Darling mine, your mother had twins and decided to keep you and give your brother away,” Quincy offered as he walked past, tapping on his datapad. Looking up he grinned. “But all nicey nice and whatever. But I’d tell her. You do not want to piss a pregnant woman off, especially one that is half-Dragon.” Wiggling his eyebrows, he kept going and perched on the bleachers just below the women and kids as he continued to work.

“Not exactly subtle,” Allister grumbled under his breath

“Must be teaching Jackie.” Aiden couldn’t resist the poke and smirked at the look he got in return. “I’ll tell her,” he murmured. “Tonight I think would be best. How, I still have no idea, but I’d rather do it with a bunch of medical people around in case.” Since they had their final checkup before the potential due date, he could tell her, and if she went into labor, they’d be in the right place.

Are you boys done discussing whatever it is that you wanted to have Talina away from you for?
Jackie sent to Allister.
Because your sons both want to be held by their uncles. Yes, honey, sorry, but they are utterly fascinated with Quincy and of course with Aiden, love.

“Gimme.” Quincy set the pad down and turned to steal one of the babies. Making silly expressions, he dropped kisses all over the pudgy, adorable face. Cuddling him close, he played peek-a-boo with the baby Dragon, who was all giggly.

We’re done,
Allister said with a sigh and tipped his head toward the bleachers. “Babies apparently want some of your attention.”

Grinning, Aiden grabbed up his sweatshirt and pulled it on before collecting a full bottle of water and heading over to the bleachers. Taking the baby from his mother, he dropped a kiss on Jackie’s cheek before kissing his mate gently. Sitting above them, he settled the baby on his knee and bobbed him up and down gently. “You are growing so fast.”

Turning around to face him, Lina smiled up at Aiden and caressed her rather large belly. “I can’t wait to see you holding our baby like that.” She still couldn’t really say babies because it freaked her out on a primal level. “You are going to be the best dad ever.” She shot Allister a look and added, “Sorry, Allister, but I think that Aiden is going to be the best pop ever.”

“That’s because big brother has always been the biggest kid in the universe,” Allister said, leaning back and wiggling his fingers at his youngest son. “He relates to them very easily since he’s never fully mentally grown up. Can’t hurt me in front of the young and impressionable,” he said when Aiden leaned forward, a look of malicious intent on his face.

“Very true, brother,” Aiden said honestly. “But they do go to sleep eventually, and then your ass is mine.”

Jackie laughed and shook her head. “Yeah, but I can’t let you get at my husband, Aiden, because I would seriously be cross with you if you were to do something to him that would make it where he couldn’t function. I love having him with me. I need to have him there with me. I need him to rub my back, give me love, and hold me close, and it’s hard for him to do that when he’s hurting, so I really would be cross with you if you were to do that.” She hesitated and added, “And I need him for diaper duty, so nope, you aren’t allowed to give him trouble.”

Snorting at that, Aiden shot her a look. “I wasn’t planning on giving him trouble. I was planning on pounding him into the dirt,” he clarified for Jackie. “But that’s all right. I have a long memory. I will just wait until the diaper duty is all done and get him then.”

Allister wiggled his brows at his brother. “By then you’ll still be on diaper duty, bro. You won’t have time for that with the
word that I’ve promised never to say in front of Lina.”

Lina looked from brother to brother. “What
word are you talking about?” she asked now with a serious frown. “Since I’ve gotten over my fear with my father, what other
word is there that might cause me some issues?” She had a feeling something was being hidden from her, and that was seriously making her want to hit both brothers over the side of the head.

“Twins, darling,” Aiden said and rolled his eyes. “Why do you think he has been avoiding saying it? You get all glazed over and start to hyperventilate, my love,” he said, reaching out to touch her cheek gently. “Slow your breathing, Talina,” he whispered to her, adjusting the baby in his arms.

“Oh Lord.” She had forgotten that word. She had literally tried to take it out of her vocabulary but it hadn’t worked. Not now. “Oh Lordy,” she whispered and closed her eyes. “Yeah, that’s a word that I don’t like.” She still had the niggling sensation that something else was missing, but she didn’t care. Right now all she could think of was that she was having two babies. Lordy Lordy.

“Slow breaths,” he said and passed Jackie her son as Talina started to panic. Slipping down so he could sit behind her and wrap her in his arms, Aiden rocked her very gently. “I need you to focus, angel, and let it all flow away,” he murmured quietly against her temple.

“I hope like heck I’m able to be over this panic by the time that our baby comes into the world.” Babies. Not baby. “All right,” she whispered and turned closer into Aiden. “I know that I need to get over this, I really do, but good Lord, I just can’t seem to face the simple fact that we are having two.” And she loved them both so much already. She just was scared to death of having them.

“Shh,” he whispered, stroking his hand gently over her belly. “It’s fine, love. They will be here soon and you will hold them both in your arms. You will feed them both, change them both, and reality will settle in. I know it’s been hard, love. I wish I knew of some way to make it all better and easier for you.”

Talina nodded and gulped. She knew why she was afraid. It was because her mother had been an awful woman and she was terrified of hurting not just one child, but two. She didn’t have a loving childhood like Katherine had or even Jackie. Hers had been cold and emotionless, filled with her fully and always trying to take care of her mother or get her mother to notice her. “What if I fail though?” she whispered softly. “What if I’m just like her?” Aiden would know who “her” was.

“You are nothing like her, baby,” he murmured against her ear. “You are amazing, loving, and so giving. You are half your father, angel, and that is all Talon,” he pointed out. “Are you in my mind, baby?” he asked softly. “Because if not, get in there. I want you to see yourself as I see and know you to be.”

Closing her eyes, Talina closed off the looks they were getting from others. She just focused on Aiden and allowed the doors into his mind to swing open for her. Taking a breath, she leaned in closer, her hand caressing the back of his neck and one caressing his chest lovingly as she did so. “Show me,” she whispered aloud.

Wrapping her mind with his, he showed her laughing, the pleasure in her face, the glow that was in her eyes, the life that she exuded in every breath. He showed her the look she got on her face when she spotted him. He showed her the mischief that occasionally colored her eyes and the pleasure that flushed her entire body when they made love.
That is how I see you, how you are,
he whispered in her mind as he stroked her arm gently.

A sigh of pure delight escaped her when she whispered, “God, I love you.”
And you will help me to be the best mother possible, right?

As long as you promise to help me be the best father possible,
he whispered softly. Brushing his lips over her cheek, he breathed her in slowly.
We’re in this together, love,
Aiden told her honestly.
You and I and all of our family that will be there to help and guide us. We’re not alone. We’ll never be alone again, my little angel.

I don’t know if that helps me feel more at ease or worries me all the more,
Talina admitted to Aiden, pressing her forehead to his.
I love you so very much, Aiden, but I am scared out of my mind. I’m terrified that I will turn out like my mother. What if something happened to you? How would I ever survive that?

BOOK: Their Mating Rituals [Paranormal Protection Unit 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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