Their Marriage Reunited (4 page)

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Authors: Sheena Morrish

BOOK: Their Marriage Reunited
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“Maybe if you weren’t such an arrogant jackass things would have worked out better,” she said extra sweetly and she was certain she saw humour lurking in his eyes before it was successfully blocked.

“Is it wise to insult the man you came to beg money from?” he asked suddenly and she winced at the realisation that she was blowing her only chance at saving her mother.

“I’m sorry,” she said stiffly though they both knew she wasn’t.

“So tell me. What is it you need this money for?” he asked and she stiffened at the question.

“That’s none of your business,” she told him and he revealed a smile that reminded her more of a predator than the man who had once been her lover.

“I’m making it my business. That is if you still want my money of course,” he said and she balled her hands in to fists.

“Maybe I’m tired of being poor,” she suggested and his eyes narrowed.

“I would suggest the truth Lilly. I’ll know if you’re lying and I might be less inclined to help if I hear too many lies,” he told her and she winced.

“You didn’t used to be so cruel,” she said furiously and that predatory smile was back.

“And you didn’t used to be so secretive,” he countered.

“Fine. You really want to know?” she said and at his nod she told him the whole sorry story.

“It’s quite a situation you’ve got there,” he said finally and she glared at him. That was all he could say after she had poured her heart out to him in the hopes he would see how desperate she was for his help.

“So will you help me?” she pleaded certain that even after everything that had happened between them he wouldn’t turn her down.

“Provided you agree to certain conditions I don’t see a problem,” he finally agreed and she tensed up. The Connor she knew would never have attached conditions to the money. He would never have made her jump through all these hoops.

“What conditions?” she asked suspiciously for she didn’t trust this new Connor.

“There is only really one thing you have to do,” he said reassuringly and she frowned for he hadn’t been this helpful since she’d called him.

“And what would that be?” she questioned.

“It’s quite simple Lilly. I want what I once had, that’s all,” he said and her heart began beating so fast she thought it would burst from her chest. Surely he couldn’t be saying what she thought he was saying. It was impossible.

“I don’t understand,” she lied and he gave a harsh laugh.

“Yes you do. And this is my only offer so take it or leave it. All you have to do is return to my side as my wife and I will make sure your problems are all taken care of,” he told her while she stared at him in horror.



Lilly continued to stare at him in disbelief certain that this must be some kind of sick joke and that any moment now he would laugh and tell her that he was only kidding but he simply remained where he was waiting for her to answer.

“Is this some kind of joke?” she finally choked out and his expression didn’t change though his eyes hardened slightly at her question.

“I’m perfectly serious,” he answered calmly and she choked out a harsh laugh that sounded foreign even to her own ears.

“You’re delusional if you think that’s ever going to happen,” she said scornfully as though the whole idea was disgusting to her, which it should have been. She most definitely should not be feeling the faint flicker of lust right now.

“Is that your final decision?” he asked in that same calm tone as though they were just discussing the weather and she glared at him. Just who the hell did he think he was to make these kinds of demands?

“You know I would never come back to you,” she said in disgust and he shrugged as he moved behind his desk and took a seat.

“If that’s your final decision then fine. I trust you can see yourself out,” he told her as he picked up a file and began reading apparently done with their conversation. Lilly stared at him for a few minutes certain that he was just punishing her. Surely he wouldn’t just let her walk out of here knowing that her family could die if he didn’t help her. But he didn’t so much as glance her way or even show any sign that he knew she was still there.

“You’re really not going to help me?” she finally asked as it sank in that he wasn’t just playing games.

“I told you my condition Lilly. It was your choice not to accept it,” he reminded her and she gritted her teeth. If she had thought that she hated him before it was nothing to the white-hot rage she was feeling right now.

“My family could die if you don’t help me,” she told him angrily and he did glance at her then with ice-cold eyes that struck straight through her and sent shivers down her spine.

“I offered my help and you chose not to accept,” he again reminded her.

“Your offer was completely unreasonable,” she countered and again was that broad shrug that said he really didn’t care how she saw it.

“Yet it is the only one you are going to get. I am not running a charity here Lilly,” he warned her and she ran her hands roughly through her hair unaware of several tendrils coming loose as she fought for control.

“I’m not after charity. I could take you through the divorce courts and demand half of everything you have instead,” she threatened and he narrowed his eyes on her making her mouth run dry with sudden nervousness.

“Try it darling,” he said with that same predatory smile that was starting to make her uneasy.

“But you could lose half of everything. All I’m asking for is pennies compared to that,” she said in bemusement.

“I doubt it. I have an exceptionally good legal team who would make sure that the case was stuck in court for years without an outcome. Maybe someday you would get half of everything but by then it would be of no use to your family,” he said calmly and she was shocked at how little he seemed to care.

“You bastard,” she shouted and his eyebrow rose at that for she had never sworn in front of him. He probably wasn’t even aware that she could swear.

“Something I have often been accused of being,” he assured her and she felt the sudden urge to cry or scream or throw something. Preferably at him.

“You don’t even care. My family could die and you don’t care,” she said sadly as the realisation sank in. He didn’t give a damn about her anymore, if he ever even had.

“Do you really think that I hand out money to every sob story that walks in my door? Every day there are people dying out there and I can’t help all of them,” he said and she blinked back tears.

“But you could help me,” she pleaded and he grimaced.

“I’ve told you my offer Lilly. But I’ll be generous. I’ll give you twenty-four hours to think about it,” he said finally and she stared at him in genuine disbelief at how someone could be so cruel.

“You think that’s generous?” she asked hoarsely and he gave a grim smile.

“It is the best you are going to get from me I’m afraid. So go away and think about it. Let me know by eleven tomorrow what your decision is and believe me that decision will be final,” he warned her and she licked dry lips.

“So if I say no?” she asked uncertainly and those cool eyes met hers.

“Then that is the end of it. I won’t offer to help again,” he said.

“And if I say yes?” she asked already disgusted at herself for even thinking of agreeing. A triumphant light shone in his eyes for a second before he disguised it and she told herself that she must have imagined it.

“Then I will get rid of the problem and pay the debt. I will also provide your stepfather with round the clock care until he is better and a decent allowance to ensure that they don’t end up in this mess again,” he told her. A tempting offer if ever she heard one.

“And what of me?” she asked wishing that she didn’t have to even consider it.

“You will move back in with me and take your place as my wife just as you were meant to,” he said and she crossed her arms over her stomach as it churned uneasily.

“Please don’t do this,” she begged him one more time but his eyes hardened and she knew that there was no getting through to the old Connor.

“Think about it Lilly. I expect to hear from you,” he said and she took that as her dismissal as she turned and walked from his office. She wasn’t even sure how she was still standing let alone walking but she made it out to where his secretary and Melissa were colouring in pictures and giggling.

“ Lilly look what I drew,” Melissa said in excitement as she thrust a picture under her nose. Lilly smiled at it and praised her even as her thoughts were elsewhere.

She left the office in a daze and it wasn’t until they were outside in the sunlight that she realised she didn’t have a clue where she was heading. She felt suddenly adrift as though at any moment a small breeze might tip her world upside down. Needing some air and some space to breathe she took Melissa to a nearby park and watched from a bench as she played. Some other kids joined in playing games and Lilly sat there watching as her brain raced with all the thoughts jumbling about.

Surely she couldn’t be considering his offer. Yet what other choice did she have? She could approach her father but it was doubtful he would help her and he definitely wouldn’t if he found out who the money was really for. He had already prevented her mother from benefitting in any way from the divorce so it was unlikely he would help. Which left her with nowhere else to turn but Connor.

She was still debating the issue when she arrived back at her house with Melissa and long after Melissa had eaten tea and been tucked in to bed. She should be exhausted after not sleeping all night and running after an energetic four year old all day yet Lilly found that she couldn’t sleep. Instead she lay in bed tossing and turning as she tried to relax and fall in to the oblivion that sleep offered.

She had heard from her mother several times during the day and though David was conscious he wasn’t out of the woods completely. Just the thought that it could be Melissa or her mother in that hospital was enough to make her consider Connor’s offer though she hated herself for doing it. She knew that he was their only option yet she really didn’t want it to be true. Unfortunately she had no savings and her stepsisters lived wage to wage so they wouldn’t have any to spare which meant that whether she wanted to consider it or not Connor’s offer was the only one on the table.

Lilly was up before dawn the next morning. She had slept maybe an hour all night and she felt the worse for wear but her thoughts were in turmoil. She only had until eleven to decide what she was going to do. Much as she wanted to throw his offer back in his smug face she knew that it might be the only offer she would have.

Just before eleven she dialled the number with numb fingers and waited with increasing tension as it rang. Several times she thought about hanging back up but in the end she knew that she didn’t have a choice.


“It’s Lilly,” she said with a sense of déjà vu.

“What is your decision?” he asked in a bored tone as though it didn’t really matter to him one way or another whereas this decision was the hardest one she had ever made.

“Yes damn you,” she snapped and could almost see his smug smile.

“I have contracts for you to sign,” he said suddenly all business and she frowned.

“What contracts?” she asked in confusion and heard his husky laugh.

“You didn’t think that I would simply hand over the money without some sort of assurance that you won’t just walk away once your family are out of danger,” he said and she sucked in a stunned breath. He was accusing her of being the untrustworthy one?

“I wouldn’t go back on my word,” she said fiercely.

“I find that hard to believe after all the evidence to the contrary,” Connor replied and she dug her nails in to the palm of her hand. He was actually suggesting that she was untrustworthy when he was the one who had cheated? Unbelievable.

“I don’t have time to sign any contracts. I’m busy,” she told him furiously and he sighed.

“No problem. I’ll have them bought to you,” he said as though he were making huge sacrifices by even going to that trouble.

“Fine,” Lilly said and then she hung up feeling utterly exhausted.

Melissa was playing with her dolls in the bedroom by the time the knock sounded at the door announcing the arrival of the contracts. Lilly answered quickly hoping not to disturb her and was stunned when instead of a courier she found Connor stood there.

“Can I come in?” he asked when she made no attempt to invite him in and she glared at him.

“I think not,” she answered furiously and he sighed.

“Lilly we need to go through the contracts and I think that might be a bit easier in the comfort of your apartment than out here in the corridor,” he suggested and finally with obvious reluctance she stepped back to let him through. Immediately he made himself at home as he headed to her lounge and took a seat on her sofa. Suddenly the room felt too small, the whole apartment seemed to shrink. Determined to ignore her sudden awareness of him Lilly took a seat opposite and lifted her chin as she fought for some control of her wayward emotions.

“So what do you need me to sign?” she asked and he gave a light smile at her eagerness to get down to business.

“Don’t I even get the offer of coffee?” he mocked and she gritted her teeth together wondering how she would ever survive spending any time with him when she couldn’t even stand ten minutes in the same room.

“No,” she answered firmly and he gave a low chuckle.

“I remember you having better manners towards guests,” he reminded her and she fought not to blush.

“And I thought you said you were a busy man,” she retaliated.

“Touché, then by all means let us get down to business,” he allowed as he passed her a thick document that made her wince.

“What is all this?” she asked as she slowly flipped through trying not to be distracted by the legal speak and instead concentrating on just what was included that would directly affect her life.

“The first couple of pages are confirming what we already said that I will release the funds to your mother as soon as you are living back under my roof with me and that I will take care of the current problem they face and provide care for your stepdad until he is recovered,” he said and she followed the first few pages confirming that was exactly what it said.

“And the rest of it?” she asked suspiciously as surely a document didn’t need to be this large just to confirm what they had already discussed.

“A layout of our terms so there will be no misunderstandings,” he answered and she frowned as she slowly flicked through.

The document was embarrassingly thorough and Lilly couldn’t help the embarrassed blush that stole up her cheeks at the realisation that someone had actually written up these forms and knew what he was expecting of her. It started off simple with the requests she had expected and dreaded. She would move back to his home before she received a penny, she would share his room and his bed as well as accompanying him to events that required their presence. Then came the added requests that she hadn’t expected such as the need to accompany him on his business trips when he requested it and allowing him to provide a generous allowance so she could dress in the way that was expected of his wife. Before she could even argue about those she reached the even more demanding section that stole her breath away. It stated that no matter how she felt about the marriage she could not leave for twelve months or she would forfeit all rights and would be required to pay the money back with interest. It then stated that if she were to fall pregnant then she would not be entitled to leave at all and the resulting child would remain with Connor should she decide that she wanted to leave him still. More insultingly came the clause that just pissed her off completely. During the marriage she was to take no lovers other than him and if she did not follow this request then she would again be forced to pay all the money back with interest.

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