Their Heart Search: Bethany & Jordan's Story (Search Series) (16 page)

BOOK: Their Heart Search: Bethany & Jordan's Story (Search Series)
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“It’s no problem at all. What had you so deep?” Bethany pressed.

“My mom,” Tai sighed. “I’m not really sure I want her at the wedding, she’s unpredictable.” Bethany worried too. Jordan hadn’t seen Meredith in months. “I’m terrified she’ll do something to interrupt the ceremony and cause problems for you and Jordan. Things for all of us are complicated enough,” Tai rambled.

Bethany shrugged, “What does Raiden think?”

“I haven’t told him yet about this last conversation, but based on the last one he was a part of, he won’t like what she said last night,” Tai paused, sipping her drink and Bethany knew that Meredith hadn’t dropped the whole Tai and Jordan thing she wanted.

“I know you’ll hate yourself if she doesn’t come, but if she does pull something it would screw with what is supposed to be your day.” How did she explain her and Jordan? “As for me and Jordan, well that’s complicated.” She let a long sigh because she knew she complicated things further last night.

“Bethany, you know he’s willing to wait, just don’t make him wait too long.” Tai winked. Bethany just nodded in reply. He had agreed to wait till after the wedding. It wasn’t too far away, Bethany was just hoping Jordan felt that way.

“I know. Jordan is great, things are progressing slowly. He calls me baby and I like that, it comforts me, but I still find myself holding back.” Last night she held nothing back until it was over. That was when she asked to have till the wedding. “Like sooner or later the rug is going to be pulled out from under me.” Tai nodded in understanding.

“Yeah, I know what you mean.” Tai sighed.

“Too perfect,” Bethany muttered and Tai nodded. They got each other and that was what Bethany loved. Tai wouldn’t push Jordan on Bethany, but she didn’t want her to push him away either. Bethany just needed a little bit more time.


“Jordan, thank you for the last few days, you’ve been a big help.” Grace spoke walking into reception.

“Of course, Ma’am. I think it’s been good for Bethany and me to have a little space.” She smiled and nodded.

“I like you, Jordan. I’m not fond of what happened between you and Tai, but I do like what you’ve been doing for Bethany.” Jordan smiled.

“She asked to have till after the wedding.” Grace looked at Jordan and nodded.

“You’re okay with this?” she questioned. Jordan answered with a nod right as the door chimed. In walked Kai Lukas.

Jordan looked from Kai to Grace several times before Grace broke the silence. “Kai, I haven’t seen you in here for a while.” Jordan just continued to stare.

“What are you doing here?” Kai questioned.

“Jordan is working for me, shall we go to the back?” Both Jordan and Kai continued to stare at each other. Kai Lukas had a black eye and Jordan wondered where that had come from. “Jordan, you’re free to go.” Grace addressed breaking the stare he had with Kai.

“Are you sure?” Jordan questioned looking towards her. She looked to Kai and back at him and nodded. Jordan thought it would be best to not argue and quickly gathered himself to leave the clinic.


He was already in her room when she arrived home. The room was dark only being lighted by the hall light. “Jordan,” she called gently.

“Hi, baby, was waiting for you.” He yawned.

“Were you asleep?” She chuckled walking into the room.

“No, was just thinking,” Jordan replied.

“Oh really? what about?” she questioned as she crawled in bed next to him.

“Kai Lukas came into the clinic today. He had a black eye. I’m not sure what happened and your mom sent me home.” Bethany was processing what Jordan said when her phone started ringing. 
‘Tai Calling.’

“It’s Tai,” she said he nodded for her to answer so she did.

“Hey Beth, got a minute?” she asked the second Bethany answered. For Tai, of course she had a minute.

“For the woman that saved me from marrying Raiden’s behind, always.” Jordan stifled a laugh.

“Good,” Tai sighed. Oh wait, this wasn’t good at all.

“Wait a minute, what’s up?” she replied sitting straight up. Jordan followed her movement.

“Raiden got a document hand delivered by Kai.” Bethany looked at Jordan as Tai spoke. His eyes widened and she shrugged at him.

“Oh dear. What did it say?” She didn’t want to hear this answer. She knew it was going to change everything.

“Basically, I have to become a vampire.” Bethany gasped at Tai’s statement.

“What are you going to do?” Jordan was now wrapping his arm around her shoulder she leaned into him

Trying to stay calm.

“The choice is easy, Bethany, no worries. I want Raiden.” Bethany felt relieved for a brief moment. “The problem is Raiden.” What was Tai saying?

“What does that mean?” Bethany asked.

“It means he made a promise to me that I wouldn’t have to change and now he feels like this breaks his promise.” Tai choked up and Bethany knew she had to find some strength for Tai. Of course Raiden would feel like that.

“Oh Tai, I’m sorry. We’ll figure it out, we’ll make him see. He just loves you.” Bethany felt the tears hit her cheek. They had to make Raiden see this wasn’t breaking his promise. They had to.

“I need to go, Beth,” Tai sighed.

“Yeah, of course, goodnight,” she said regaining a little composure.

“Goodnight,” Tai replied before ending the call.

Bethany set her phone down and put her head in Jordan’s lap. His hand came to her hair. “Are we going to talk about it?” he asked quietly.

“Raiden hit Kai,” she said. She of course didn’t know that for sure, but she knew if Kai delivered that document Raiden would have snapped.

“Tai say that?” Jordan pressed.

“She didn’t have to. Kai delivered a document to Raiden that said Tai had to become a vampire.” Jordan nodded.

“What does this mean?” he asked, his hand continuing to stroke her hair.

Bethany shrugged, “I don’t know. Tai said the choice was easy for her. Raiden feels, however, he’s breaking a promise to her.”

“I get that,” Jordan replied to her. “Let’s go to sleep. We can figure out how to help in the morning.”

“That sounds good, Superman,” she answered moving her head off his lap.

He pulled her to him and kissed her temple she closed her eyes as he held her and drifted off.


Once he was sure she was asleep, he carefully slipped out of bed grabbing his phone that was on the nightstand. He closed the bedroom door as he stepped out. He dialed Grace.

“Jordan?” she said clearly confused by his call.

“I need to know if Raiden hit Kai,” Jordan pressed.

Grace sighed, “Jordan, I can’t answer that.”

“Bullshit!” he snapped.

“Jordan, I won’t confirm that, but if you are calling and asking then you already know the answer.” She hung up on him.

“Shit!” he mumbled. He didn’t want her mad at him, but he needed to know what they could be up against. His phone signaled a text.
‘I know she didn’t tell you, but her birthday is tomorrow.’
Jordan sighed Bethany hadn’t told him it was her birthday. He replied to Grace’s text,
‘Thank you.’
He returned to her bedroom and slipped back into bed. He wanted to make it special for her. It would be special. She deserved special.


He wasn’t in bed when she woke up which confused her. He didn’t have work today with it being Saturday. She rolled over and something crinkled under her head. She reached up for the piece of paper.

‘Good Morning, Beautiful,

Someone forgot to tell me it was their birthday today. I have called the diner and you have the day off now.’
She smiled at him doing that for her.

‘I had to run a couple errands. I promise I will be back soon, and we will celebrate the right way. Don’t forget, beautiful, I love you.


Her eyes filled with tears as she thought about what he was doing for her. She only celebrated her birthday with her mom after that night with Kai. This was the first time she was really letting herself be vulnerable again. It terrified her. Right then her phone rang.
‘Mom Calling.’
She wiped her eyes and answered. “Hi, mom.”

“Happy birthday, darling girl,” she chirped.

“Thank you.” Bethany’s voice broke.

“Are you okay?” Her mom quickly asked.

“Fine. Jordan was gone when I woke but he left me a beautiful note. He called the diner and got me the day off.”

“I like that boy. He’s being good to you. Remember my dear, that is what you deserve.”

“Mom, I love him.” She admitted aloud for the first time.

“I know that. I think he knows it too, but sooner or later you are going to have to tell him that.” Bethany sighed. She knew that.

“I know. I asked him if I could have till the wedding. And now with Tai having to become vampire. I’m glad I have that time.”

“Good point,” her mom stated.

“Did Kai talk to you?” Her mom replied with a sigh.

“Yes, we talked. He’s pretty stuck on Gloria Keller.” Bethany nodded even though her mother couldn’t see. She knew there was more than what met the eye the last time Kai dropped Gloria off. He was playing it up as well though. “Have good day, happy birthday again. Love you.”

“Love you too, mom.” The called ended and just then Jordan walked through the door.


He had just pulled back into the parking of the apartment. He had been going since early this morning and he was excited to spend the day with her. Excited to celebrate her birthday with her.

He walked up the stairs and entered the apartment, breakfast in hand and a gift he had to get her the minute he saw it. “Morning, Birthday Girl,” he said as he closed the door. She turned and rushed towards him.

He had a split second to put the bags down before she was in his arms. “Thank you.”

“I haven’t done anything yet,” he chuckled.

“Even I know that’s not the truth,” she said pulling back and locking her eyes with his. He leaned forward and gave her a quick kiss.

“I brought breakfast. Let’s eat and then we can discuss my plans.” He winked. She stepped out of his arms allowing him to pick up his bags again. He laced their fingers together and walked them over to the breakfast bar.

“It smells good.” He smiled at her.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked as he prepared their plates.

She shrugged, “I really haven’t celebrated since my twenty-first. Mom and I have dinner usually, but we never make a huge deal about it.” He nodded. He understood. Her twenty-first the night she lost her virginity to Kai. The night that changed things for her.

“I understand,” he whispered.

“I have a feeling things are about to change.” She smirked at him.

“Yes. I need a moment to get things ready.” She nodded and he walked into his bedroom. He had to wrap her gift.

When he exited the room, he had the wrapped present in hand. She smiled up at him, “For me?” He nodded at her.

“A little later.” He smirked as he set the gift on the breakfast bar.

“Oh, so you are going to torture me,” she amused.

He went to her and wrapped his arms around her middle. “Happy birthday,” he muttered against her mouth. He felt her shiver against him.

“Thank you, Superman.” She smiled placing a quick kiss on his lips. He didn’t let the kiss linger, because he knew he wouldn’t be strong today at all. He stepped away from her turning to get the food out. He tried to adjust himself on the down low, but she laughed. Damn, busted!

“Problem?” she chuckled.

“Not at all.” He smiled as he turned towards her with a plate full of food.

She sat down at the stool and dug in. He joined her after making sure she had coffee too. “So, do you have plans today?” she asked him.

“Yep, spending the day with you, beautiful. I thought we could make you a cake. I also bought stuff to make pizza.” He answered as he took a bite of his breakfast.

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