Their Ex's Redrock Serial Bundle 1-4 (19 page)

Read Their Ex's Redrock Serial Bundle 1-4 Online

Authors: Shirl Anders

Tags: #multicultural romance, #second chance, #Contemporary Romance, #wedding

BOOK: Their Ex's Redrock Serial Bundle 1-4
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“Come here.” He patted the space beside him.

She started scooting toward him, saying, “I didn’t know if I should sit closer because we are on this no sex, dating thing.”

“Keeping it cool by dating means kissing, necking, and couch spooning,” he explained to her, right before he maneuvered her on the couch in front of him, laying them down for a tight spoon. Her head ended up on his bicep, and her plush ass ended up pressed onto his erection, as he hung his arm over her waist.

She looked back over her shoulder at him. “Vincent?” she questioned.

He hugged her tighter. “Ignore it, beautiful. I am,” he said of his hard-on. “It’ll be around with this new deal,” he explained.

“If I could be erect, I would be too,” she said, settling her cheek back onto his bicep.

That got a chuckle out of him, as he thought about the fact he couldn’t remember the last time he had this simple closeness with a woman. One who wanted to cuddle on the couch.

Tess watched his picked show for a while before she finally got to the questions he knew were coming. He had a few of his own.

She didn’t look back at him as she asked, “So you served Luna, then? How did she take it?”

Vincent inhaled the soft scent of Tess’ hair, then he answered, “Surprised me and said it was for the best.”

He felt the astonishment in Tess’ body. “Wow, is that going to be good, then?”

He shrugged, and his motion lifted her head and lowered it on the muscle of his bicep. “Who the hell knows? She was embarrassed about the concert going bust. She’d laid Navarro a new asshole about that it was
fault. The next thing I know, she’s on Coronado's lap and he’s telling her she needs a bigger venue and he can get it for her.”

“Will she be okay?” Tess asked, lifting to look back at him. That was her sweetness ... even worrying about his cracked ex-wife.

“I think he’ll keep her awhile, then dump her after he sees it’s not working on me. Then she’ll be our psycho again.”

“She’ll get possessive again?”

“No doubt.”

Tess settled back on him. “I’m going to keep taking those defense classes.”

He grasped her waist. “Tag will give them to you. I’ll supervise.”

She nodded. “Okay.”

“I got something on her, beautiful. I’m going to use it to keep her away from us.”

“You do?” This time he got a full body turn from Tess, until she faced him and tangled her legs with his. Her cheek went to his bicep again. “That other man she’s in bed with?”

“Yeah, O’Neil gave up pictures.”

“Finn?” Tess questioned, then her nose scrunched.

He said before she could ask, “Don’t ask. Maybe someday I can explain.”

Her hand came up and smoothed over his chest. “So you think the pictures will keep her away, then?”

“Maybe ... looks like she dropped your bastard husband. I was going to use them as a threat to send to him.”

“Okay, well, I will keep my fingers crossed it works ... somehow.”

“Beautiful, speaking about your soon-to-be ex, wanna tell me what you think this bankruptcy thing is?”

“I think I’m not going to like what I find,” she said, looking worried.

“You get with your lawyer, tell him these revelations, and I have a guy can delve into this accounting.”


ess looked at the bedroom ceiling in the dark. Vincent really meant
sex. They’d cuddled on the couch, talked, then got up for bed where he’d walked her to her door. He’d kissed her lighter than he’d ever done, then patted her ass and walked to his bedroom.

After crawling into bed with his tee shirt on she’d lain there a long time, half expecting him to show up in the dark. Well, that and she was fighting not touching herself ...

She huffed a breath, tried turning onto her side, and stared at the darkness ... “It’s a good thing,” she muttered. She should be thrilled Vincent wanted to slow things down and get to know one another. They’d been headlong ... Any woman would be relieved. This meant long term. Right? But she wasn’t any of those things. She was horny and worried. Worried he’d discover she was just a boring housewife with a flower shop, while he was, she was beginning to suspect, a wealthy man with a variety of exciting interests and jobs.

Suddenly, her cell sounded out of the dark, and she reached, searching the bedside table where she’d put it. When she lay back, looking at it, excitement immediately rushed through her seeing it was Vincent. Quickly, she accepted the call.

“Honey?” she answered.

“Your panties wet?” his husky rumble asked.

Wow, if they weren’t before, they
now. But they had been! “Yes,” she whispered, squirming on the bed.

“Phone sex,” his voice growled, and her heartbeat went skipping with more aroused excitement.

Next morning, after she’d showered and come down stairs, she started blushing, while looking at Vincent by the coffeemaker. He gave her an I-know-all-your-dark-desires, lazy and burning look. While she remembered the things he’d whispered that she should do in the dark. Pull her panties off ... touch herself ... listen to him stroking his cock. Then when things got heated, Vincent’s yummy bossy side had come out and he’d ordered her on her hands and knees to finish herself off. After that she’d tried to be really sexy, saying she was licking his cock and sucking it hard.

She’d never done anything like it in her life.

Just thinking about it, with him looking at her as if he wanted to lick her all over, made her nipples go hard. He instantly noticed that with a wicked chuckle.

“We’ll never make it without having sex,” she pronounced, stopping on the other side of the kitchen island. His eyes narrowed on her, while his gaze still looked at the evidence of her taut nipples poking out her camisole tee. Then he seemed to shake free, raising a less burning and sexy gaze to her.

“Right,” he admitted. “Morning, beautiful.”

“Morning, handsome.” She smiled back, hoping he liked the endearment. He looked a bit surprised, and she said, “You are handsome, devastatingly hot.

She turned away, hoping to hide her blush as she searched for her purses, finding them, then starting to transfer the things from her clutch purse of the night before with her head down.

“Take you to your shop. How’s your work today?” he asked.

Good, he was going to let her gushing about him go. “Hmm, I have to go in and arrange any orders, but school’s on break all week so I have Shannon there all day.” Then she took a breath to broach the next subject. “It’s a good thing because this afternoon, I need to go get my things from Rowdie’s.”

Problem with this ... seeing Finn again and where to put her things. It seemed so bold to just bring them to Vincent’s

“I’ll take care of it, beautiful.”

Her purse transfer finished, she raised her head. “I unpacked everything over there.”

“I’ll pack,” he stated firmly, and she saw he was setting a plate with toast and eggs on the island counter. His side.

She wandered over and he handed her a fork. “Umm, I really want to pack my own stuff.” She was surprised Vincent made toast. That was two things he could make in the kitchen.

Vincent left, then returned with a mug of coffee to set by her breakfast ... coffee he’d made her.

“We’ll both go,” he finally decided.

Tess got some eggs on her fork, then watched Vincent set his plate next to hers. Breakfast
Things she’d not felt in a long time ... maybe like since the beginning of her marriage or maybe never quite like this, began warming inside her.

“Umm,” she muttered. “I just don’t know what to do with all my stuff.” She paused chewing, then said, “Maybe I should get a storage unit, then I can fit stuff from the house in it too.”

“I have shit too,” Vincent agreed. “Lots at the big house.”

“Big house?” Tess questioned, then biting into her toast.

Vincent glanced at her, and after he looked back at his meal, her eyes roved over him. He was wearing a long-sleeve dark blue thermal that hugged his muscular upper body and he had on faded jeans with a belt and big silver buckle of a flying hawk. She’d like to get a closer look at the hawk, but she’d have to bend over to do it. His feet were bare and it was a sexy male look.

“In Silver Canyon Estates,” Vincent muttered.

Tess was in an appreciative Vincent daze, but that got her attention. Rich people lived there. Like
rich. She knew many of the tribe members, especially ones on their council, lived out there. There hadn’t even been a Silver Canyon Estate until after the Indian casino was built. Making many of them rich.

Vincent must be wealthy. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. Of course, she knew he just ran charities ... something only rich men did. But it appeared he was also partially in charge of Redrock. They’d been too busy in bed and dodging ex’s’ fire for her to really register all those things about him.

She was just going to ask him if he would maybe lose that big house, when he asked her the same thing. “You won’t keep the house, baby?”

“Umm,” she muttered, kind of stuck on Vincent being rich. “Maybe, but I don’t trust him with my stuff.”

“How much stuff?”

That attracted her gaze back to him. He sure didn’t dress like a rich man. Boy, she was glad. Vincent in a thermal and jeans was so hot she could just stop everything and look at him all day ... but in a suit, maybe not so much. Steven wore suits, and come to think of it she really didn’t like that.

“Baby?” his voice sounded again. “Where you at?”

“Just slow in the morning,” she lied. “Enough stuff I am going to get a storage unit,” she decided. “Oh, and movers too.”

He turned to face her, leaning closer. “Now that part I really got. I’ll take care of moving you.”

She searched his face, for what she didn’t know. Did he really mean it? Lugging her stuff was quite personal and, well, kind of boyfriend-like, at least. “Okay.” She decided she really liked the idea.

“It’s all just going to end up here eventually,” he declared, then lifted his coffee mug to his lips. His eyes stayed on her, judging her reaction, which was surprise.

Vincent watched how cute Tess was avoiding what he’d said. But it was true, and he was just going to move her stuff to his place without telling her. He had a modern barn out back that had his motorcycle, quads, a big motorhome he used sometimes, and lots of space for both their things. He’d smooth it over later. After she found out.

She kept her head down, fiddling with her coat and purse, until he got her out the door and he’d turned back from locking it. He caught her wrist right before she was going to take the first step down off the porch. He tugged until he had her where he wanted her ... pressed full frontal.

“I’ve waited long enough.” His voice, always rough, sounded uncompromising.

“Waited for what,” she exclaimed with a softness that always aroused him. Her purse banged his hip as he pressed the small of her back keeping her tight and keeping those breasts of hers nicely pillowed on his chest. She had on some sort of jeans skirt. She wore skirts a lot, and he liked it a lot, but it took concentration to keep his hands from going under the hem.

“For morning tongue,” he told her startled blue eyes. Then he dipped his head. Glad a second later when she rose up on her cowboy boots to meet his mouth.

He tangled his hand in her silky red hair and kissed her until she was practically climbing up his body to get more. Then he broke their searching lips apart. “Every morning, we kiss,” he ordered her.

“It’s hard to just kiss you and stop,” she admitted, fiddling with his hair as she spoke. “I guess that is your way of telling me I need to initiate stuff more,” she muttered.

He pressed his lips near her ear. “Maybe,” he muttered back.

With Luna he was a dog lapping around her and all the sexual attention had to be on her and how
liked it. With Tess this was all new and it felt fucking fantastic. He’d known he was a tough thinker, but he’d not known he had all this, “bossy” as Tess called it, in him.

No way was he going back. And he was pretty certain his woman liked it that way.

He didn’t answer her, just guided her to his truck and drove her to her shop with the plan he’d come back to get her in a couple hours.

They kissed lightly before she got out. She initiated it, and he smoothed his knuckles down her cheek once. “Call your lawyer about your ex’s financials.”

She nodded. “Okay.” Then she started to get out, but paused partially out the door to look back at him. “And, Vincent, I really like this ... Us.” She whispered the last part, then she was swinging her stellar ass, covered by a short skirt, up to the back door of her shop. While he watched every move.


incent headed to the Silver Canyon house, intent on getting his personal stuff, getting the rest ready to be picked up, then getting out. Last time he would have to be in the place would be the best.

When he got there, he got sideswiped. He’d been hauling up the grand staircase, intent on getting to his upstairs office to pack the few things he’d left there, when the master bedroom door opened just as he was set to walk by it. He braced himself expecting to see Luna, but fuck him, Coronado walked out. He should have damn well checked the five-car garage for cars, but he’d been certain Luna would be camped at Coronado’s ... not the other way around.

He got a close look at him for the first time and he saw that Coronado was a tall Italian with black curly hair interspersed with some gray. The prick was in a blue floor-length robe and at least he was as surprised to see him as Vincent was.

“Unbelievable,” Vincent uttered, stopping, and then backing up.

Coronado would have been handsome but for a severely broken nose that had not been set right.

“She’s too thoroughly screwed right now to see you,” Coronado clipped with a curled upper lip.

Vincent didn’t utter a word—he just turned and headed back down the staircase. Coronado blurted behind him, “
kind of pussy man lets his wife be screwed by another man, in his own home.”

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