Their Border Lands Refuge [Men of the Border Lands 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (5 page)

BOOK: Their Border Lands Refuge [Men of the Border Lands 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“If you touch me I’ll never last. I need you, Skyler. I need to be inside you like I need my next breath.”

Unable to say anything, she held out her arms to him. It was all the encouragement he needed. Simon thrust his dick into her cunt and stilled above her with his eyes closed as if savoring the moment. Then he was plunging into her over and over until his cock bumped against her cervix, sending sparks straight to her clit. The unexpected tingles sent her senses soaring. Where Owen was thicker than Simon, he was longer and could bump her cervix with each thrust of his cock.

She wrapped her legs around his body in an attempt to keep him lodged deep within her body, but he pulled free and continued pumping into her over and over until she didn’t think she would last another second. The orgasm threatened to consume her as it chased up her spine. Just as she exploded, she turned her head and saw Owen standing in the doorway with shock evident on his face.

Then pleasure blinded her to everything but the intense feelings bombarding her senses. Then Simon roared over her as he filled her full of his cum, holding her hips in his tight grasp. He all but collapsed over her, pressing wet kisses along her belly and chest.

Reality slapped her in the face again when she opened her eyes and saw Owen holding onto the door frame as if he couldn’t stand on his own. She gasped and tried to push Simon off of her.


Simon stood up and settled himself back in his jeans. Then he turned toward the door. Skyler tried to scoot off the table, but Simon wouldn’t move.

“Owen?” Simon’s raspy voice held a question in it.

“I–I heard her scream and came to check on her.” He shook his head and turned to leave.

“Please, Owen.” Skyler couldn’t stand to see him turn from her.

“Man, don’t leave. She needs to know you’re okay with this.”

Owen held up his hand but backed away then disappeared from the doorway.

Skyler had managed to sit up but now she crumbled, devastated at the knowledge that Owen was upset. She choked on her sob as Simon tried to comfort her.

“Shh, baby. He’ll be okay. He’s not upset with you. He’s mad at me for taking you without him being here. I’m sorry.”

She managed to push him away from her and ran for the stairs. The devastated look on Owen’s face burned in her mind as she closed herself up in the bathroom. Sinking to the floor by the tub, Skyler cried until she had no more tears left to shed. Then she stripped out of her top and bra to stand under the tepid water of the shower to try and wash away the memory of Simon’s hands and lips on her body.

What was she going to do? She loved Owen with all her heart, but Simon had managed to crawl beneath her skin as well. She cared about him. How could she face Owen after having seen his reaction? He’d told her they would share her. He had pushed her toward Simon over and over. How was she supposed to feel now?

Stepping out of the shower, Skyler dried off in a daze. She walked into the bedroom and climbed in bed to curl up under the sheet. A cold, empty feeling surrounded her. Nothing was ever going to be the same again.


* * * *


“What in the hell are you doing?” Simon’s shout startled him from where he’d been leaning against the fence behind the garden.

White-hot fury engulfed him at the censure in Simon’s voice. Whirling around, Owen growled and jumped on the other man. They grappled for a few seconds, and then Simon had Owen on the ground, holding him down so that he couldn’t move.

“Calm the fuck down, Owen. What in the hell did you think was going to happen if you kept pushing us together?”

“You fucked her without talking to me first.”

“We talked about this before you ever moved out here. What? Am I supposed to ask for your permission every time I plan to have sex with her?”

“She’s mine!” Owen fought Simon’s hold on him, but the other man was bigger and stronger.

All the built-up pain and anger at himself for not being able to take care of Skyler on his own came roaring into him. She was everything to him. How was he supposed to stand by and let another man touch her without feeling jealous and hurt? Bitterness tasted bilious in his mouth.

“Owen, stop feeling sorry for yourself and listen to me. Skyler is back in the house crying her eyes out because she thinks you’re angry with her. She only did what you’ve been pushing her to do ever since you got here and now you’re punishing her for it.”

He stopped fighting and drew in several deep breaths. As if realizing that he was no longer a threat, Simon released him and stood up, stepping back to give him room to get to his feet. Everything was going to hell. Thinking about how her face had crumbled when she saw him sent a sharp pain through his chest.

“I didn’t realize how much it would hurt to see her with you. I thought I had it all settled in my head until I walked in and saw you—saw her…”

“I know, man. It was thoughtless of me to take her like I did. Not just because you should have been with us at least the first time but also for doing it in the kitchen on the table. She deserves a soft bed and a gentle touch.”

Owen looked away from the other man. “She likes having sex in unexpected places and she likes it a little rough sometimes.”

“You need to go and assure her that you’re okay with what happened. She needs to know that you don’t blame her or think less of her. She’s hurting.” Simon sighed. “I’m going to go check on the cows and then put up everything for the day. The rest can wait until tomorrow.”

Owen nodded without looking at the other man. He was a little ashamed of how he’d acted. Hell, he was a lot ashamed. Simon was right. They had discussed it over several letters before he’d left to come here. Then they had talked about it once he and Skyler had arrived. This was all his fault. He’d been pushing them together and ignoring his feelings about it. He should have gotten his head on straight before he allowed anything to happen.

Groaning, Owen headed toward the house. He had to figure out how to make it right with Skyler. She didn’t deserve to suffer for his foolish actions. He walked into the kitchen, avoiding looking at the table. Taking the stairs two at a time, he walked up to their bedroom door and knocked. There was no answer. He leaned his head against the door and shored up his resolve to be okay with what was happening between her and Simon.

When he opened the door, the room was in shadows with the afternoon sun giving little light on that side of the house. He waited until his eyes had adjusted to the gloom then walked into the room and closed the door behind him. He could barely make out a shape under the sheet on the bed. She looked so tiny lying there in a neat little ball.

Owen sat on the side of the bed and ran his hand up and down her back through the covers.

“Skyler. I’m sorry I acted like I did. There’s no excuse for it.” He waited for some sign that she had heard him. Nothing.

He leaned his head back on his shoulders and took a deep breath. How was he going to make this right? A hundred thoughts flew through his head, but none of them seemed like a good idea. Instead, he bent over and pulled off his boots, then stood up and stripped his clothes off before climbing into bed to curl around her. She stiffened at his touch, but soon relaxed as he stroked her skin with his fingertips.

“I love you, Skyler. Nothing will ever change that. You’re my everything, baby. Please forgive me.”

She didn’t say anything, but her body was soft against his. That was something. He had hurt her deeply. As much as he wanted to sink his cock into her pussy and remove the memory of Simon’s touch, Owen knew it wasn’t the right thing to do. Instead, he wrapped himself around her and laid soft kisses against her shoulder.

They lay like that a long time until he was almost certain she had fallen asleep. She was the most important thing in his life and he’d screwed up. He could only pray that she would eventually forgive him. Until then, he would do everything in his power to show her that he was fine with her and Simon being together.

He must have drifted off asleep at some point because he never knew it when she had left the bed. He lifted his head to look around the room for her. The room was almost pitch black except for the soft light of the moon shining through the sheer curtains. He shoved off the sheet and sat up on the edge of the bed. The bathroom door was open, so she wasn’t in there.

He pulled on his jeans and padded toward the door. It was slightly ajar. He figured she had gone downstairs. He walked past Simon’s door then took the stairs down to the den. He found Skyler curled up on the couch with a cup of coffee in her hand.

“Hey.” He walked over to the couch and sat down next to her.

“Hey.” She didn’t look at him.

“Couldn’t sleep?”

She shrugged and sipped the coffee. Even in the gloom he could see the evidence of her misery in her tear-ravaged face. Reddened eyes turned to him when he reached out and touched her hand.

“It’s okay, baby. Everything is okay. I was a fool. I thought I could share you without it bothering me because
had decided to do it.”

“What am I supposed to do now? I can’t take it back. I can’t stop the feelings I have for him now.”

“I don’t expect you to. Simon is a good man. He cares about you, too. I went about this the wrong way. I pushed you until neither of you stood a chance. Then I went back on my promises. We’re going to work this out, Sky. Don’t cry anymore. I can’t stand to see you cry.”

He took the coffee cup from her hands and set it on the end table before pulling her into his arms. She collapsed into them, burrowing up against him as if she couldn’t get close enough. He rested his chin on her head and swallowed back his own tears.

“I love you, Owen. Nothing will ever change that.”

“I know. But I know there’s room in your heart for Simon, too.”

She finally looked up at him, longing in her eyes. He leaned down and gently kissed her on the lips. She searched his face as if looking for something. Evidently she found it because she smiled and curled up in his arms. Relief flowed through him as he realized with her smile she had accepted his apology.

“We better head back to bed, Sky. It’s probably only a few hours ’til dawn and time to get up again.”

She slowly uncurled from his lap and stood up, holding her hand out to him in the process. Owen took it and allowed her to anchor him as he stood up. They were entering a new phase in their relationship and he had almost blown it. It was up to him to smooth things over between her and Simon now as well. He didn’t want her to feel awkward around the other man in his presence.

As they settled back in bed again, he thought about how to do that. By the time he’d fallen asleep, Owen had the germ of an idea brewing in his mind. It was something they probably should have done from day one. Now only time would tell if it would work out.

Chapter Five


The next several days were a bit strained at first, but Skyler managed to get through them without losing her mind. She caught herself watching Owen’s reaction every time she was around Simon or even talked to him. She couldn’t help being uneasy at first.

The other man didn’t treat her any different. He continued to act as if nothing had happened and everyone was happy. When she was close to him, he touched her and teased her. She finally got out of the habit of checking Owen’s response to everything that dealt with Simon. Instead, she relaxed and began to enjoy the other man’s unique approach to wooing her.

Once, when he brought her some wildflowers he had pulled from the field, she glanced over at Owen to catch him chuckling behind his hand. It was enough to finally lift the careful chain she had kept around her emotions and actions. They were a family and needed to act more like one.

Each day, one of the men went out to work with the cattle while the other one stayed behind to work around the house and garden so he would be able to keep watch over her. On the days that Simon stayed behind, she found herself flirting with the man shamelessly. Having Owen’s approval seemed to have lifted a veil from her allowing her to be herself in front of the other man.

One night after dinner, Skyler was washing the dishes and Owen was drying. Suddenly Owen pulled her back into his arms.

“Simon, she’s ticklish around her ribs. See if you can get her to giggling. I love to hear her giggle.”

“Don’t you dare, Simon. I don’t like to be tickled.” She tried to pull free of Owen’s arms without luck.

Simon smiled and dried his hands before dropping the cloth on the counter. He ran his hand from her neck down between her breasts to rest at her belly all the time looking over her shoulder at Owen. Suddenly he was lifting her shirt off her belly with one hand and trailing a finger from her belly button up her abdomen to stop just below her breasts. There he drew an imaginary line with his fingertip that tingled as much as it tickled.

“I think you like being tickled.” He dropped to his knees and began licking his way around her abdomen.

“Please, that tickles. Stop, Simon.” Her words came out breathy, almost in a whisper.

He didn’t stop. He finally made his way to where her breasts lay against her chest. He licked at the underside of them then nipped at them. Skyler nearly came unglued at the contrasting sensations. What were they up to?

“She’s sensitive all over, Owen.”

“I think she needs some loving.”

Simon grew still. She could see the cautious excitement in his eyes. He searched her face as if looking for some clue as to how she felt about that. It was as if all of them held their breaths to see how the other one would react. She figured that it would be up to her to either put a stop to their playing now or give the go-ahead to take things to the next level.

Skyler dropped her head back against Owen’s chest and licked her lips with a slow sweep of her tongue. She could feel their eyes on her as she did it. Her chest was thrust out toward Simon. She took advantage of that and thrust them closer to his mouth with a slow moan. It did the trick. Simon couldn’t resist. Closing his eyes, he leaned forward less than an inch and licked her once again. She bucked against Owen with a soft whimper. The men went wild.

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