TheFallenStarBookSeries1 (29 page)

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Authors: Jessica Sorensen

BOOK: TheFallenStarBookSeries1
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Trembling with fear, I sank to the floor, catching one last glimpse of those haunting yellow eyes before I closed my own. I hugged my knees to my chest and waited for the cold to suck the life out of me. This was it. This was the end of me.

I wished I’d been able to live a less lonely life.

A loud bang, followed by a shriek, and then something fell, hitting the floor with a heavy thud.

Buzzing filled my head as I cracked open my eyelids. I let out a gasp. Sprawled out on the floor, just in front of my feet, was the Death Walker, either unconscious or dead. I couldn’t tell for sure since it looked dead even when it was alive.

“Gemma, are you okay?”

I raised my chin up and met Alex’s bright green eyes. I nodded. My throat felt as dry as the desert air, and I swallowed hard, trying to hydrate it enough so I could form some sort of words. “Yeah.”

Alex hopped over the body of the Death Walker and extended his hand out to me. I took it, catching my breath at the sight of the bluish-purple shade my skin had taken on.

“Don’t panic.” Alex wrapped his hand around mine and pulled me to my feet. His skin was so warm it practically burned against my overly chilled skin. He kept a hold of my hand and began rubbing it in attempt to create friction and bring warmth. Then he took my other hand, pressed my palms together, and cupped his hands around mine.

“It’ll be okay,” he said and breathed on my hands, deluging my skin with warmth.

“Why does it always happen to my hands?” I asked, my body shaking from the cold that still lingered in the air. Or maybe it was from my nerves.

“It’s where you lose your circulation first,” Alex explained with another breath. “The Death Walkers cold works the same way as the normal cold air does. It starts at your fingers and toes, and works its way up. The only difference is theirs works much quicker.”

“Toes?” I flitted a glance down at my DC’s, frightened at the idea of what was in them. Purple and blue toes? Toes that would need to be amputated? I’d heard about people losing their toes from the cold back in Afton, after they’d gotten lost somewhere while snowmobiling or snowboarding.

I really wanted to keep my toes.

“You’ll be fine,” Alex assured me. “Let’s just get you to the car.” He breathed one last breath on my hands, and then let them go. Then he yanked out something that was stuck in the Death Walkers back. It was the Sword of Immortality. The jagged blade was covered in sticky black goo—the Death Walkers blood, I assumed.

“Where did you get that?” I asked.

“Laylen and Aislin. Their pulling the car around right now so we can get out of here.” He wiped the blade on the cloak of the Death Walker, cleaning off the goo. Then he held out his hand to me. “Come on.”

I took his hand, trying to ignore the flutter his touch caused my heart to do.  “What about the other Death Walkers?”

“They’re dead.”

I tried my best not to look at the foul creature as I stepped over its body, but I still caught a hint of its rotting face and felt my stomach churn. “You killed all of them?”

“There were only two.” He pulled me toward the door. “And this,” he lifted the sword into the air, “makes killing them easy.”

I followed Alex down the hall, my legs shaking the whole time. I think I’d enter some kind of state of shock or something.  My body felt numb and strange, and the way the world swayed in beautiful bright colors and shapes couldn’t have been normal. To be honest, I barely remember making it to the car. But somehow, a little while later, I was sitting in the back seat of Laylen’s GTO with the warmth of the heater blasting across my skin, and the sound of tires screeching as we peeled away from the Black Dungeon.

Chapter 20



There was something wrong with my head. It wasn’t like anything had physically broken, more like I’d mentally cracked. Whether it was from the shock of barely escaping my death, or the last few hours finally catching up with me, I didn’t know. But for whatever reason, I couldn’t seem to focus. Everything kept spinning and spinning, like I was trapped on an out-of-control merry-go-round. I was starting to get nauseous when Alex had me lie down and elevate my legs, mumbling something about how it would keep me from going into shock.

So there I was, lying down in the back seat of the GTO, with my legs resting on Alex’s lap. It didn’t occur to me until later that lying down in a skirt and putting my feet on a guys lap may not have been the greatest of ideas. When I started to grasp a hold of reality again, I realized that, if he really wanted to, Alex could see straight up my skirt. Luckily, he seemed fixated on staring out the window. And really, who was I kidding? There was no way Alex wanted to look up my skirt.

I sighed, tugging down the hem of it.

Alex turned his head and looked down at me. “Oh good, you’re awake.”

“Was I asleep?” I asked. I couldn’t remember drifting off.

His eyes skimmed over my face like he was checking for visible signs of my head being broken. “Are you sure you didn’t bump your head?”

I thought back to when I’d just about been killed. “No…I’m pretty sure there was no head bumping.”

He glanced at Aislin. They both exchanged a look I couldn’t interpret.

“What?” I asked, starting to sit up. Whoa. Can you say head rush? I pressed the heel of my hand to my forehead. “Ouch.”

“Gemma, you need to lie back down,” Alex insisted.

I slid my legs off his lap and sat up straight. “What’s going on?”

They exchanged another look, and this time I thought I saw a hint of disappointment in Alex’s expression.

“Why do you two keep giving each other weird looks?” My head had stopped spinning now, and I realized not only had the car stopped, but Laylen wasn’t in it. “And where’s Laylen?”

“He’s inside.” Aislin pointed out the window at a redbrick building with the words
Adessa’s Herbs and Spices printed across the door. “He went in to check things out and make sure everything was okay before we all went inside.”

“Oh…well, why do you guys keep looking at each other like that?” I asked.

“Like what?” Alex asked so casually I knew he was playing dumb.

I looked back and forth between the two of them. Neither of their expressions gave anything away. But still, I could sense something was up.

“Are you sure you didn’t hit your head?” Alex wondered. “You’re acting kind of funny. Are you feeling okay?”

Hmm…Am I feeling okay? Suddenly, I had an epiphany. “Wait just a second,” I held my hands up in front of me exasperatedly. “Did you guys think I’d gone back to not being able to feel again or something?” Aislin shifted uncomfortably in her seat, and I could tell I’d guessed what they were thinking. “Why would you think that?”

“Because you were acting weird,” Alex replied in a laidback tone that would have made you think we’d been discussing the weather, not my emotions disappearing again.

“You were so mellow,” Aislin added in an unsteady voice.

“Oh.” I raised my eyebrows. “So you guys thought that I’d bumped my head or something and knocked the old Gemma back in.”

Neither of them said anything. Aislin fiddled with the visor above her head, and Alex stared out the window. I knew he was only trying to avoid making eye contact with me, seeing is how we were in a dark, desolated area, and there was nothing particularly fascinating to look at outside.

“Well, that’s nice,” I muttered, slumping back in my seat.

Aislin slowly turned around in her seat and looked at me with sad eyes. “Gemma, we didn’t mean it like that. We just thought…”

“That I’d stopped feeling,” I finished for her grudgingly. “Well sorry to break it to you, but I don’t think a bump on the head is going to knock me back into to
.” Then I crossed my arms and pretended like I was harboring this huge secret about what had caused the sudden onset of my emotions. Really, I had no freaking clue what had caused my emotions to suddenly be released. But they didn’t need to know that. Letting them think I knew more than what I was telling them, strangely enough, felt very gratifying.

“Gemma, if you know something,” Alex began, but I turned my back to him and stared out the window, tracing the lines of the surrounding buildings with my eyes.

I tried to brush off the fact that Alex seemed disappointed that I’d showed emotion. Who cared what he thought. Not me. I could feel and that was all that matter. Okay, well, that was a lie. But whatever. I was going to try my best not to focus on how Alex felt about me because, if I did, it would probably eat away at my insides.

As I stared at Adessa’s Herb’s and Spice’s, I noticed a crescent moon outlined by a black star sketching the window of the door.  I glanced at the tattoo on Aislin’s shoulder. It was exactly the same as what was on the window.

“What is that?” I asked, pointing at her shoulder.

She traced the lines of the tattoo with her finger. “It’s the witches mark. After I became a witch, it appeared on my skin.”

“Like the mark of immortality?” I inquired.

Her eyebrows dipped down in perplexity. “How do you know about that?”

“Laylen told me while we were at the Black Dungeon,” I explained.

“Oh great,” Alex scoffed. “What else did he tell you?”

“Nothing,” I said, which was a lie since I now knew what a Black Angel was. “So does everyone have a mark?”

Aislin nodded. “I actually have two. One because I’m a witch.” She lifted her foot onto the center console and flipped the ceiling light on. A black circle trimmed by fiery gold flames tattooed the side of her ankle. “And one because I’m a Keeper.”

“And what? They just all of a sudden showed up?”

“Yeah, my Keeper’s mark appeared when I was about twelve. It was also about the same time I really started learning about what it is to be a Keeper. And my witches mark showed up when I was about fifteen, which is when I first found out I possessed Wicca magic.”

I wondered how many marks Alex had. Was he more than just a Keeper?

“If you’re wondering if I have one, the answer is yes,” he said, like he’d read my mind or something.

Hold on. What if he could read minds? I mean, with everything else I’d learned over the last twenty-four hours, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if there was such a thing as mind-reading abilities. If Alex could read minds then that would totally suck, considering how my thoughts tended to center around him and his beautifulness.

“I only have one mark, though,” he said, meeting my eyes “The Keepers mark.”

. What a relief. “Does it look the same as Aislin’s?”

He nodded. “Same mark, just in a different spot.”

Why, for the life of me, did his remark fire up the electricity was beyond me. I chewed on my bottom lip, severely distracted by my thoughts of where his mark could be.

A sly grin spread across his face. “If you want, I can show you where it is.”

“Alex,” Aislin hissed. “What are you doing?”

“Relax,” Alex said. “There’s no need to get all wound up. I was just teasing her.”

I came to the conclusion right then and there that maybe Alex had some kind of a bipolar disorder or something. First he hated me. Then he’d kissed me. Sometimes I irritated him. And sometimes he was teasing me. For someone who didn’t want me to feel, he was sure sending my emotions
all over the place.

Looking out the window, Aislin heaved a huge sigh of relief. “Oh good, we can go in.”

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