Read The Zombie Chronicles - Book 2 (Apocalypse Infection Unleashed Series) Online
Authors: Chrissy Peebles
Tags: #teen fiction, #teenage girl, #undead horde, #Contemporary, #zombie outbreak, #teenager, #quality book, #siblings, #the apocalypse, #zombie girl, #Horror, #reanimated dead, #teen adventure, #ya horror, #crosscountry, #urban fantasy, #bestselling, #page turner, #teen reading, #the dead, #zombie novel, #zombies, #ya zombies, #Young Adult, #disaster, #series, #dead, #walking dead, #girl, #zombie genre, #teen romance, #Supernatural, #teens, #monsters, #zombie apocalypse, #apocalyptic, #undead, #horror tale, #dark fantasy, #zombie, #teen zombie, #zombie horror, #dark tale, #young adult horror, #zombie series, #zombie teen, #zombie book, #action, #juvenile love, #intrigue, #Love, #danger, #zombie ebook, #Paranormal, #walkers, #Fantasy, #teen hero, #ya thriller, #living dead, #zombie herd, #teen, #infection, #plague, #postapocalyptic, #ya adventure, #zombie trailer, #doom, #ya romance, #darker things, #strong hero, #juvenile, #teen book, #zombies series, #cure, #Suspense, #zombified, #serial, #chrissy peebles, #ya fantasy, #the living, #horror series, #Romance, #well written, #dead rising, #survival, #zombie fiction, #virus, #teenage boy, #Adventure, #a love story, #Thriller, #amanda hocking, #cheap book, #rotting, #chronicles, #zombie books, #zombie cure, #horror thriller
The receptionist walked in front of the desk, as if ready to sit down and scoot in.
I held in a breath.
We are so, so screwed.
This town has enough bloodshed on its hands,” she said.
I met Nick’s gaze, wide-eyed.
“What the heck?”
I mouthed.
Sure, people are bound to notice their loved ones disappearing in Kingsville,” the man continued, “but we’re in the middle of a zombie apocalypse—the perfect cover-up for murder.”
I guess if the mayor is spearheading the entire thing, there’s not much we can do to stop it. I’ll see you later. I’ve gotta get back to work.”
Suddenly, a scream echoed from outside, and the receptionist gasped.
What the heck?” she said.
C’mon! Let’s check it out,” the man said.
I heard the door click shut and peeked out. When we determined that the coast was clear, we knew we had one shot to make our getaway. Nick and I scrambled up from our hiding place and slipped out the door.
Is she dead?” Jackie yelled in a hysterical tone.
I’m dizzy. I think it’s from this heat,” Claire said, scrambling to her feet. “I just need to get back to my hotel room and get some rest.”
The man swung his gun around on all of us. His eyes bulged like a horse who’d just encountered a rattlesnake. I shuddered to think what would happen if he lost control and started shooting.
We need a doctor,” Jackie said, “not a sheriff!”
Put the gun down, mister!” Lucas said. “I was leaving, like you asked, but my friend about fainted.”
I let out a long breath as he slowly lowered his weapon.
We’ll take her back,” Nick said. “So sorry to scare you.”
The receptionist glared at me with those demon-possessed eyes, and I couldn’t help but wonder again if she was in transition.
Get her into bed,” the receptionist said, “and get some water for her to drink. She’ll be fine.”
Will do,” Jackie said, putting an arm around Claire.
The tall man pulled the receptionist’s hand. “Come on. Let’s go.”
That was good,” I said, once they were out of earshot. “Without you, we’d never have gotten away. We were so busted.”
Well? Did you find any leads on Tahoe?” Jackie asked as we all briskly walked away.
I shook my head. “No, but Nick and I overheard the receptionist and her friend talking. Tahoe is here, and he took the vials to some lab.”
Claire let out a breath. “So the idiot
here? I knew it!”
Did they mention where this lab is?” Lucas asked as we rounded the corner.
They didn’t say,” I said, climbing up a set of stairs, “but they did admit that their little picture-perfect town has a lot of bloodshed on its hands, courtesy of their very own mayor.”
Really?” Jackie asked in disbelief.
Yep, and there was something else.”
Apparently, we guys are
perfect specimens.”
What does that mean?” Jackie asked.
Put two and two together,” Claire said. “Lucas’s witchcraft idea is way off. I bet they’re doing some freaky Frankenstein testing on random people, and I’m no lab rat!”
I agree,” Lucas said. “I, for one, would prefer not to have my brain floating around in formaldehyde while some dude with Einstein hair straps the rest of me down, waiting for lightning to jumpstart my heart.”
You don’t know that’s what they’re up to,” Jackie said. “And again, it’s so farfetched.”
Yeah?” said Lucas. “Well, I hate to bring this up again, but I don’t recall zombies being exactly textbook.”
She shook her head, knowing he had a point.
This is like something out of a Hollywood script,” I said.
Nick glanced over his shoulder. “I’m not sure what it all means, but I know it doesn’t sound good.”
Not good at all,” Claire agreed. “What if there is a lab and they’re experimenting on strangers? How does that explain all the hallucinating?”
Or transitioning?” I was quick to add. “Maybe the virus escaped from the lab and is starting to infect people.”
What if it’s airborne?” Jackie asked in horror.
We don’t have proof of any of that.” Lucas reasoned. “Maybe the scientists ran out of test subjects and started testing on their own people.”
I wouldn’t put anything past these weirdoes,” Nick said.
Jackie gripped my hand. “Whatever the case, we need to leave as soon as possible.”
Nick nodded. “Staying the night here makes me nervous.” As we turned the corner, he suddenly stopped and bit his lip, and I knew something was on his mind.
What’s up?” I asked.
Jackie and Claire have no ties to Val. Why should they risk their lives for somebody they hardly know? Maybe they should leave before something horrible happens,” he whispered.
What’re you saying?” I asked.
We need to give the girls an out.”
I didn’t want Jackie to leave and worried that I might never see her again, but at the same time, I didn’t want anything horrible to happen to her.
Lucas shot Nick a long look, as if contemplating his words.
Nick’s attention turned back to the girls. “Maybe you should take the old man’s advice and get out of town. We can find the best spot to hop the fence and meet up in a day or two.”
Jackie shook her head. “Absolutely not!”
A thought crossed my mind. “They’ll have no weapons. You can’t send them out to Zombie Land with no way to defend themselves.”
Dean’s right,” Lucas said.
But they’re in danger here,” Nick said. “You really want them to stay in a town full of nuts? If it weren’t for Val, we’d all be long gone. They should get out while they still can. Besides, I’m sure we can find weapons somewhere for them.”
It’s my risk to take,” Jackie snapped. “Besides, it’s my fault you don’t have the vials. I’m staying to make things right.” She nudged Claire. “Tell them.”
Jackie and I have discussed this already. We’re not leaving, and you can’t make us. We owe Val. She saved our lives back at that glass house. She had our backs then, and we’ll have hers now.”
Lucas smiled. “Sounds like you’ve made your decision, ladies. I guess that makes us a team—and one heck of one at that!”
You bet!” Claire said, grinning.
Nick threw an arm around her. “Thanks for standing up to me. I really didn’t want you to leave, but I had to give you an out,” he said, pulling her close. “Thanks for putting up with me. I can be a real pain-in-the-you-know-what sometimes.”
I could say the same about me,” she whispered back.
I’m sorry for saying those horrible things to you before. I was grief-stricken, watching Val die like that. I guess words just tumbled out of my mouth, even if I didn’t really mean them.”
She hugged him tightly. “It’s okay. Even the most macho men hurt sometimes.”
Jackie grabbed my hand as we walked to the hotel door. “Think there’s hope for them?”
I chuckled.
As I pulled out my keycard, I noticed that the door was already slightly ajar. “What the heck?”
Was somebody here?” Lucas asked, dashing inside.
I raced into our room and immediately noticed the broken ropes and strewn covers. Val was missing! Nick’s eyes widened as my heart lurched. “Where’s Val?” I yelled.
To be continued…
The Zombie Chronicles – Book 3 – Deadly City