The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism (50 page)

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51. Hoda,
Gandhi and the Contemporary World.

The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi,
vol. 83, June 7, 1942–January 26, 1944 (New Delhi: Publications Division of the Government of India, 1999), 113,
/cwmg/VOL083.PDF (accessed November 14, 2013).

53. Mahatma Gandhi,
The Mind of Mahatma Gandhi: Encyclopedia of Ghandi’s Thoughts,
R. K. Prabhu and U. R. Rao (Ahmedabad, India: Jitendra T Desai Navajivan Mudranalaya, 1966), 243–44.

54. Adam Smith,
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations,
ed. Edwin Cannan (London: Methuen, 1961), 1: 475.

55. “Mahatma Gandhi’s Views,” TinyTech Plants, (accessed June 14, 2013).

56. Prarelal,
Mahatma Gandhi: Poornahuti
, vol. 10:
The Last Phase
, part 2 (Ahmedabad, India: Navajivan Trust, 1956), 522.

Chapter 7

1. “Skype in the Classroom,” Skype, 2013, (accessed November 6, 2013); Sarah Kessler, “Skype CEO: Our Goal Is to Connect 1 Million Classrooms,” Mashable, September 21, 2011, (accessed November 12, 2013).

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5. “Study Finds Environmental Education Programs Leads to Cleaner Air,” Air Quality Partnership, April 13, 2009, (April 11, 2013).

6. Kelly and Abel, “Fostering Ecological Citizenship.”

7. “Campus Compact Annual Membership Survey Results,” Campus Compact, 2011, http://www
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8. William Morgan, “Standardized Test Scores Improve with Service-Learning,” National Service-Learning Clearinghouse, 2000, (accessed May 1, 2013).

9. Andrew Martin and Andrew W. Lehren, “A Generation Hobbled by the Soaring Cost of College,”
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10. Carole Cadwalladr, “Do Online Courses Spell the End for the Traditional University?,”
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11. Tamar Lewin, “College of Future Could Be Come One, Come All,”
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12. Richard Pérez-Peña, “Harvard Asks Graduates to Donate Time to Free Online Humanities Class,”
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13. Kathryn Ware, “Coursera Co-founder Reports on First 10 Months of Educational Revolution,”
UVA Today,
February 21, 2013,
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14. Cindy Atoji Keene, “A Classroom for the Whole World,”
Boston Globe,
May 19, 2013,
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New York Times
, January 26, 2013,
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15. Cadwalladr, “Do Online Courses Spell the End.”

16. Ibid.

17. Josh Catone, “In the Future, The Cost of Education Will Be Zero,”
July 24, 2013, (accessed August 6, 2013).

18. Tamar Lewin, “Universities Team with Online Course Provider,”
New York Times,
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vider.html (accessed November 1, 2013).

19. “Costs for University of Maryland College Park,” CollegeCalc,
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20. Geoffrey A. Fowler, “An Early Report Card on Massive Open Online Courses,”
Wall Street Journal,
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21. Tamar Lewin, “Universities Reshaping Education on the Web,”
New York Times,
July 17, 2012,
tion-to-new-level.html?pagewanted=all (accessed October 28, 2013).

22. Kevin Carey, “Into the Future with MOOC’s,”
Chronicle of Higher Education,
September 3, 2012, (accessed October 28, 2013).

Chapter 8

1. Jeremy Rifkin,
End of Work
(New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1995), xv.

2. Jacob Goldstein and Lam Thuy Vo, “22 Million Americans Are Unemployed Or Underemployed,” NPR, April 4, 2013, httpwww.npr.orgblogsmoney2013040417569781323-million
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3. Jenny Marlar, “Global Unemployment at 8% in 2011,” Gallup World, April 17, 2012, (accessed October 15, 2013).

4. “Global Employment Trends 2013,” International Labor Organization, 2013, 10, http://www—dgreports/—dcomm/—publ/documents/publication/wcms_20
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5. “Difference Engine: Luddite Legacy,”
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6. Ibid.

7. Michaela D. Platzer and Glennon J. Harrison, “The U.S. Automotive Industry: National and State Trends in Manufacturing Employment,” Cornell University ILR School, August 2009, 8,
place (accessed July 7, 2013).

8. James Sherk,”Technology Explains Drop in Manufacturing Jobs,” Heritage Foundation, October 12, 2010,
-manufacturing-jobs (accessed August 10, 2013).

9. Mark J. Perry, “The US Economy Is Now Producing 2.2% More Output than before the Recession, but with 3.84 Million Fewer Workers,” American Enterprise Institute, November 6,2012,
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10. Boerje Langefors, “Automated Design,” in Robert Colborn,
Modern Science and Technology
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1965), 699.

Management Report on Numerically Controlled Machine Tools
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12. Alan A. Smith to J. O. McDonough, September 18, 1952, N/C Project Files, MIT Archives.

13. Peter Joseph, Roxanne Meadows, and Jacque Fresco, “The Zeitgeist Movement: Observations and Responses,”
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February 2009
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14. Caroline Baum, “So Who’s Stealing China’s Manufacturing Jobs?,”
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15. John Markoff, “Skilled Work, without the Worker,”
New York Times,
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try.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 (accessed July 1, 2013).

16. Ibid.

17. “World Robotics 2012 Industrial Robots,” International Federation of Robotics, http://www.ifr
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23. “Occupational Employment and Wages News Release,” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, March 29, 2013, (accessed August 3, 2013).

24. Condon, “Millions of Middle-Class Jobs Killed by Machines in Great Recession’s Wake.”

25. Alana Semuels, “Retail Jobs Are Disappearing as Shoppers Adjust to Self-Service,”
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27. Ricardo Sanchez, “Brick and Mortar vs. Online Retailers, A Decade Later . . . ,”
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28. Ibid.

29. Sun Joo Kim, “How Will Brick and Mortar Stores Survive?,”
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30. Barney Jopson, “Shoes Stores Sock It to Online Buyers,”
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32. Jason Perlow, “In the Battle of Clicks versus Bricks, Retail Must Transform or Die,”
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33. “Occupational Employment and Wages News Release,” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, March 29, 2013, (accessed June 8, 2013).

34. John Markoff, “Armies of Expensive Lawyers, Replaced by Cheaper Software,”
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35. Ibid.

36. Christopher Steiner, “Automatons Get Creative,”
New York Times,
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37. Ibid.

38. “IBM Watson: Ushering in a New Era of Computing,” IBM,
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40. Associated Press, “Watson’s Medical Expertise Offered Commercially,”
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