The Year of Fear (40 page)

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Authors: Joe Urschel

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Grooms, W. J. (“Red”)

Guinane, Ed

Hall, J. C.

Hamm, William, Jr.

Barker, F., and Karpis in
Brown, T., as police cover for
as Dutch plan
Peifer organizer of
ransom paid in

Hammack, William

Hammett, Dashiell

Harding, Warren G.

Hermanson, Frank

Hills, Lee

Hitler, Adolph

Holden, Tommy

as Alcatraz inmate
Kelly mentored by
Leavenworth escape of
in Ottumwa robbery

Hollyhocks Inn

Hoover, J. Edgar

Hoover, Herbert

Hoover, J. Edgar

as crime hotline creator
death of
as Director Bureau of Investigation
master suspect list of
Nash, Frank, escape outrage for
negative opinions towards
at odds with Walsh and Wheeler
prison focus of
publicity for
as “Red Scare” architect
reputation damage for
reward offered for Nash, Frank
as unwilling to share spotlight
as winning public opinion

Hoover, J. Edgar, as head of Urschel case

as angered by Associated Press
Bureau firearm ban set aside by
Colvin tapped by
Cummings kidnap update by
editorials positive for
Jones put in charge by
kidnap call to
Kit kidnap mastermind to
as “Public Hero Number 1”
Rorer spurred on by
Shannon deal refused by
Urschel, C., thank you letter from

Hot Springs, AR

Akers as Chief of Detectives
Capone in
Galatas as crime lord in
McLaughlin strongman of
Nash, Frank, in
White Front Tavern in

Houston, Noel

Hudspeth, Robert H.

Hyde, Henry K.

as appreciative of Urschel, C., role
Bailey, Bates, Shannon trial by
closing arguments of
immediate trial sought by
Kelly threats for
Kelly trial by
Shannon deal dismissed by

Ickes, Harold


Indianapolis police

Indianapolis Star

Interior Department, U. S.

International News Service

Jamie, Alexander

Jarrett, Mrs. Walter

Jarrett, Walter

as accused by Kelly
Kelly identified by
Urschel kidnapped with

Jester, Elman

Johnson, Frank P.

Johnson, Gene

Johnson, Lyndon

Johnson, Mrs. Emil

Johnston, James

Jones, Gus T. (“Buster”)

as Agent in Charge
Bailey capture by
Bailey pursued by
early career of
as head of Alcatraz transfers
Kelly becomes focus of
Kelly loot recovered by
as massacre task force head
Paradise raid of
as unlike East Coast agents
as Urschel kidnap lead agent

Justice Department, U. S.
Department of Justice, U. S.

Kansas City, MO

Kansas City massacre

Bailey doubted involved in
events leading to
events of
Floyd suspect in
illegality of federal actions in
Richetti convicted of
task force dealt with

Kansas City police

armored “war wagon” of
federal agents not helped by

Kansas State Penitentiary Memorial Day escape

Karpis, Alvin

as Alcatraz inmate
as Federal Reserve robber

Katy Limited

Keating, Francis (“Jimmy”)

as Alcatraz inmate
Kelly mentored by
Leavenworth escape of
in Ottumwa robbery

Keenan, Joseph B.

closing arguments of
Kelly threats to
as liking Shannon deal
publicity on
Urschel indictments of
victory of

Kelly, George (“Machine Gun”)

Kelly, George (“Machine Gun”)

as Alcatraz inmate
as bootlegger
as born Barnes, George Francis, Jr.
death in Leavenworth of
early arrests of
early start of
as Federal Reserve suspect
Fort Worth home of
Kit marriage to
Kit meets, at Leavenworth Penitentiary
Kit talk focuses attention on
as Leavenworth inmate
letter to Cummings of
life sentence of
Machine Gun Kelly
movie on
as massacre suspect
as mistaken for Floyd
name change to
prison letters to Kit from
Ramsey, Geneva, first wife of
Ramsey, George, father-in-law of
road to fame of
sons of
Thompson submachine gun for
tough-guy image not warranted for
trial of

Kelly, George (“Machine Gun”), as bank robber

bank guard shot by
mentors of
in Ottumwa robbery
in Willmar robbery

Kelly, George (“Machine Gun”), as kidnapper

abduction of Urschel by
as agreed to deal for Shannon
Arnold, G., hostage of
during Bates, Bailey, Shannon trial
Daily Oklahoman letter of
as elusive in Urschel manhunt
Jarrett identification of
Jarrett implicated by
Kit claims innocence
letter to Keenan of
Memphis capture of
Michigan Tavern visit by
Moore, E. W. alias of
as moved to Oklahoma City
not guilty plea of
as persuaded to surrender
as Public Enemy Number One
Rorer captor of
Urschel and Jones hunt for
Urschel death threat of
Urschel kidnapper named by Shannon, A., in
Urschel ransom letter sent by
Waggoner kidnap plans of
Woolverton kidnap of

Kelly, Kathryn (“Kit”)

alias of
as bootlegger
born as Brooks, Cleo
Brooks, J. E., father of
Brooks, O., mother of
as buyer of Kelly machine gun
death of
Fort Worth home of
Frye, P., daughter of
getaway car driving of
husbands of
Kelly bragged about by
Kelly marriage to
Kelly met, at Leavenworth Penitentiary
as Kelly second wife
as killer of Thorne, C.
prison letters to Kelly by
release from prison of
West Virginia prison of

Kelly, Kathryn (“Kit”), as kidnapper

as agreed to deal for Shannon
Arnold, G., hostage of
Arnold, L., messenger of
during Bates, Bailey, Shannon trial
as disguised in Urschel manhunt
as elusive in Urschel manhunt
innocence self-declared in
Kelly persuaded to surrender by
lawyers for
life sentence of
Memphis capture of
Michigan Tavern visit by
as moved to Oklahoma City
not guilty plea of
prison letter to Kelly
Rorer captor of
testimony of
trial of
Urschel fortune noted by
as Urschel mastermind
Waggoner kidnap plans of

Kerr, George

Ketchum, Black Jack

kidnap insurance

See also
Kelly, George (“Machine Gun”), as kidnapper; Urschel, Charles, kidnapping

Beck case of
Boettcher case of
Bremer case of
Brown, J., focus of
citizens band against
Dall threat of
Dempsey job planned in
Dutch involved in
Factor case of
Goetz focus of
Hamm case of
Hoover against
in Illinois

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