The Writer and the World

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Authors: V.S. Naipaul

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Acclaim for V. S. Naipaul’s


“A welcome and worthy volume…. Only Naipaul can take a dim view of so much and so many, yet keep that dimness fantastically illuminated…. His prose is often simultaneously a blunt instrument and a surgical one, equally freighted with broad dismissive statements and blood-lettingly dissective insight.”

San Francisco Chronicle

“Perceptive … inspired, provocative…. Naipaul has succeeded in richly articulating a writer’s engagement with and exploration of the world.”

The San Diego Union-Tribune

“A profound, bracing meditation on the legacy of the colonial world…. His writing [offers] the world through eyes possessed of a noble clarity.”

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

“A worthwhile addition to anyone’s library…. Thought-provoking…. The quality and credibility of Naipaul’s words become apparent when you find yourself savoring [his] descriptions…. Once finished with the collection, the reader will never see the world through the same eyes again.”

Fort Worth Star-Telegram

“Witheringly astute…. One of our finest living writers…. Naipaul’s is a crystalline, no-nonsense style…. He gives you the real world.”

The Weekly Standard

“Naipaul is essential reading today for anyone interested in a dissection of the universal tension that exists now between the East and the West…. He’s a master stylist and technician, a delicate arranger of material and narratives…. He handles every one of his themes intelligently and deftly…. He brings his intensity and interest to bear equally on all of his subjects…. His scholarship is exhaustive, his intuition trustworthy, and his scrutiny is unwavering.”

The Oregonian

“Because his intelligence is his genius, to watch Naipaul think about what he is looking at (no matter what the vantage point) is to learn how exceptional writing is done. The rage is the drive, the mind is the talent, but the sentences he taught himself to write, they are the magic.”

Los Angeles Times Book Review

“Wonderfully insightful…. Few writers are as qualified for the present moment, and few writers are as needed.”

The Orlando Sentinel

“Naipaul forces the traveler to think…. [He is] ever curious, ever exact in his observations.”

Austin American-Statesman

“Possessed of a vigorous, casually elegant prose style and infinite curiosity, [Naipaul] has managed to elude every possible ideological niche while producing an extraordinary body of work…. His is a many-angled way of seeing the world; he speaks to us in a voice of necessary lament and, unlike so many who set themselves up as secular prophets, he is in no way inauthentic.”

The New York Times Book Review

“Splendid…. Elegant and understated…. Naipaul is insatiable in his pursuit of facts and brilliant in his analysis of them.”

The Star-Ledger

“Naipaul’s essays … depict a chaotic world, torn by ethnic, religious and cultural antagonisms, but they also discover the humanity that unites us, and thereby provide the kind of reassurance that perhaps only literature affords.”

San Jose Mercury News

V. S. Naipaul


V. S. Naipaul was born in Trinidad in 1932. He went to England on a scholarship in 1950. After four years at Oxford he began to write, and since then he has followed no other profession. He is the author of more than twenty-five books of fiction and nonfiction and the recipient of numerous honors, including the Nobel Prize in 2001, the Booker Prize in 1971, and a knighthood for services to literature in 1990. He lives in Wiltshire, England.


Literary Occasions
Between Father and Son: Family Letters
Beyond Belief: Islamic Excursions Among the Converted Peoples
India: A Million Mutinies Now
A Turn in the South
Finding the Center
Among the Believers
The Return of Eva Perón
The Killings in Trinidad)
India: A Wounded Civilization
The Overcrowded Barracoon
The Loss of El Dorado
An Area of Darkness
The Middle Passage

Half a Life
A Way in the World
The Enigma of Arrival
A Bend in the River
In a Free State
A Flag on the Island
The Mimic Men
Mr. Stone and the Knights Companion
A House for Mr. Biswas
The Suffrage of Elvira
Miguel Street
The Mystic Masseur

Published in an omnibus edition entitled
The Nightwatchman’s Occurrence Book




In the Middle of the Journey

Jamshed into Jimmy

A Second Visit

The Election in Ajmer


Papa and the Power Set

The Shipwrecked Six Thousand

The Ultimate Colony

The Overcrowded Barracoon


Michael X and the Black Power Killings in Trinidad: Peace and Power

A New King for the Congo: Mobutu and the Nihilism of Africa

The Crocodiles of Yamoussoukro


Columbus and Crusoe

Jacques Soustelle and the Decline of the West

New York with Norman Mailer

Steinbeck in Monterey

Argentina and the Ghost of Eva Perón, 1972–1991

The Air-Conditioned Bubble: The Republicans in Dallas

Heavy Manners in Grenada

A Handful of Dust: Cheddi Jagan and the Revolution in Guyana

Postscript: Our Universal Civilization


1929 and 1935, the English novelist Evelyn Waugh published no less than four books about his journeys to Africa, South America and the Mediterranean. “I was simply a young man, typical of my age,” Waugh later explained. The travel to such far-off exotic places as British Guyana and Belgian Congo was an “initiation to manhood,” as much for Waugh as for his friends, Graham Greene, who went to Liberia, and Robert Byron, who travelled to Persia and Afghanistan.

When in 1945, Waugh made a selection from his four travel books, his mood was elegiac. The Second World War had just ended; the long day of the Empire, when the going was, in Waugh’s own words, good, seemed about to wane. As Waugh saw it, “All that seeming-solid, patiently built, gorgeously ornamented structure of Western life” had melted, leaving “only a puddle of mud.” The world that he had once felt to be “wide open before us” was now full of “displaced persons”; there was little room in it for travel books, or tourists.

There is something melodramatic you now sense about such pessimism, in which the clichés of the time—the decline of the West, the rise of barbarism—seem to have got mixed up with Waugh’s own disdain for the vulgar present and a longing for the Georgian certainties of his hectic youth. It makes a poor guide to the history of the last half century. For while it is true that the European empires created in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries have disappeared, the power and the wealth of the West that made the world seem wide open to Waugh and other English travellers has increased in a way few people could have imagined in the 1940s.

Indeed, the gap between Europe and the parts of the world it once directly ruled has widened even further. Modernity, an accomplished fact in the West, remains a fraught, repeatedly frustrated aspiration in other parts of the world. One consequence of this has been the arrival in the revitalized cities of Europe and North America of hundreds of thousands
of immigrants: the once-picturesque natives of Africa, Asia and South America who have had to flee the chaos and diminishing possibilities of their half-modern societies.

Half a century later, these “displaced persons,” who Evelyn Waugh feared would break into and upset the old world order, contribute, with increasing confidence, to the cosmopolitan life and culture of cities like London and New York. In England itself, there is an ever-growing literature that describes their varied lives: the experiences of colonial subjects who have had to remake themselves out of a bewilderingly diverse material for a new life in the old imperial centre. Much publicity and excitement currently attends this literature. Various academic categories—Commonwealth, Multicultural, Diasporic, Indo-Anglian, Caribbean, African, etc.—have proliferated around it, encouraging among individual writers a correct political passion that often compensates for the maturity and skill only a few of them have fitfully achieved.

But even this young literature, still only developing its own traditions, would have been hard to imagine in 1945, when the prospect for Britain as well as its new immigrants looked bleak. This is why it is astonishing to realize that less than five years after Waugh’s grim vision of a post-war world, V. S. Naipaul travelled to England as a scholarship student from the tiny Caribbean island of Trinidad; and by 1957, decades before our glamorous multicultural times, had already begun, with scarcely an audience in sight, in what now looks like a dispiriting vacuum, one of the most brilliant—and by far the unlikeliest—literary careers of the last hundred years.

, Naipaul was doubly, or trebly, displaced. The dereliction of late-nineteenth-century North India had forced his Brahmin grandparents to make the long journey by sea to the plantation colony of Trinidad, where they worked as indentured labourers. In 1932, when Naipaul was born, his father, Seepersad, had barely begun to lift himself out of his family’s near-destitute circumstances in the Trinidad countryside.

There was little place in Trinidad for people in Naipaul’s position, to whom the larger, more complex societies elsewhere alone promised an escape from a life of squalor and deprivation. And then, as if life in a foreign land as a young man a long way from home wasn’t arduous enough,
the promise of escape, in Naipaul’s case, had become tied to an absurdly high literary ambition.

As a badly paid journalist for the
Trinidad Guardian
, Seepersad had written some short stories about the village life of his childhood. His son inherited his quite miraculous—given the general background of peasant poverty—literary aspiration, and took it with him to England where it became confused, during a time of poverty and insecurity, with a longing for metropolitan glamour and serenity: with the desire to be a writer like Evelyn Waugh, “aloof everywhere, unsurprised, immensely knowing.”

Six long years of struggle and futility followed before Naipaul discovered, in such books as
Miguel Street
The Mystic Masseur
The Suffrage of Elvira
(1958) and
A House for Mr. Biswas
(1961), his true subject. It was a discovery that was essentially of his own self: of the colonial who had grown up on a tiny, backward island in the Caribbean, amidst an insular Indian community, and then with the racially mixed population of Port of Spain: the man who had no clear past or affiliations, and who had to figure out the world he had been thrown into while attempting to perceive the many strands that made up his self.

books behind him, Naipaul travelled to the British, Dutch and French colonies of Jamaica, Trinidad, Guyana, Surinam and Martinique, he was only beginning to comprehend the great movements of history that had produced and marked him: the Muslim invasions of India, the rise of the European empires, the colonization of the Caribbean islands by Spain and Britain, the setting up of the sugar plantations, the transport of cheap slave labour from Africa and Asia, the unprecedented mixing of Indian, African and Chinese populations on a few small dependencies of the British empire.

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