The World of Caffeine (69 page)

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Authors: Bonnie K. Bealer Bennett Alan Weinberg

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Table 1. Caffeine Content of Foods and Beverages

Food or Beverage
Mg of Caffeine                  
COFFEE (6-oz cup)
Espresso (1.5 to 2 oz)
TEA (6-oz cup)
1 minute brew
3 minute brew
5 minute brew
Canned iced tea (12 oz)
Hot chocolate, from mix (6 oz)
Chocolate milk (6 oz)
Milk chocolate (1 oz)
Dark chocolate (1 oz)
Baking chocolate (1 oz)
M&M’s (1.75 oz)
Hershey’s Candy Bar (1.58 oz)
Hershey’s Special Dark Bar (1.3 oz)
Dannon Coffee Yogurt (100 ml)
Cocoa Puffs breakfast cereal (100 g)
Häagen Dazs Coffee Ice Cream (½ cup)

Table 2. Caffeine Percentage by Weight: Natural Sources

Range of Percentage of Caffeine by Weight
Roasted coffee beans
0.8 to 1.8
Tea leaves
2.0 to 4.1
Cocoa beans
.97 to 1.7
Cola nuts
1.0 to 2.2

Table 3. Caffeine Content of Soft Drinks

Drink (12 oz)                  
Mg of Caffeine                  
Jolt Cola
Mr. Pibb
Mountain Dew
Diet Mountain Dew
Mello Yellow
Diet Coke
Shasta Cola
Shasta Cherry Cola
Shasta Diet Cola
Dr Pepper
Diet Dr Pepper
Diet Pepsi
RC Cola
Diet RC
Diet Rite
Canada Dry Cola
Canada Dry Diet Cola

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