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Authors: Jason Luke

The Word Master (14 page)

BOOK: The Word Master
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Chapter 23.


As I drove back to my apartment, I tried to avoid over analyzing the events of the night. Hindsight and insightful reflection are the things best left to great minds and non-fiction authors. I was just a guy trying to find happiness. My journey through life had been filled with unexpected diversions and questionable decisions. I worked on the theory that if I made a hundred choices and got fifty-one of them right, I was doing a little better than the average guy.

As far as philosophies go it was thin – I know, but that’s how I reconcile some of the more stupid things I had done in the past.

Deciding to train Nancy as my submissive was the kind of choice I was likely to regret, but not in a way that would impact my life. The stakes weren’t high – it either worked, or it was a flaming disaster that exploded in a fireball.

My money was on the latter.

When I got back to my apartment I was wide awake.

I settled down with an Alistair Maclean adventure novel, and suddenly I remembered April’s German girlfriend, Renata, and her intuitive suggestion that my own life up until now had been an adventure story tinged with tragedy. I thought about that…


I grunted. Everyone has dark secrets – terrible moments of utter despair and devastation. I buried my skeletons deep: so deep they could never rise to the surface…

I opened a beer and read the old book from cover to cover before daylight started creeping through a crack in the window curtains, and my body finally craved sleep.

When I woke it was late afternoon…

…and I was screaming through a nightmare.

Chapter 24.


I arrived out front of Nancy’s apartment at 7pm and sat comfortably in the silence while I waited for ten minutes before entering the building.

Domination is all about the details.

When most people are expecting visitors, the way Nancy was expecting me, they would naturally anticipate me to arrive on the hour – 7pm, 8pm… maybe 9pm. By sitting in the car for ten minutes I was waiting long enough for her to give up hope that I would arrive at 7pm, and start anticipating my arrival at the next hour.

I wanted her off balance. I wanted her to feel like she could never predict my actions, my mood, or my motivation. Her submission relied on us building a bond of trust, and on her surrendering all sense of control.

Like I said, domination is in the details, and it’s something I have given a lot of thought to over my years in the lifestyle. A Master can’t expect to make sweeping changes to a submissive’s personality immediately. Submission is like the drip effect – change needs to be gradual and consistent. It needs to be relentless, and yet in such small increments that the submissive’s world is not completely torn apart – her life needs to be dismantled and rebuilt in manageable stages. I had shocked and shaken Nancy the night before. Now the process began to transform her – to entice her to embrace her submissive side completely.

The doorman nodded as I went through the glass doors. “You here to see Miss Collett?”


He started moving towards a little counter that looked like a small reception desk in a hotel. “I’ll give her a call and let her know you are on your way up.”

I shook my head. “Don’t do that,” I said. “I want to surprise her.”

The doorman frowned. He ran his eyes over me like maybe he was looking for concealed weapons.

“It’s standard procedure. All visitors must be announced,” he resisted.

I nodded. “But I’m not a visitor,” I said. “We work together. She’s already expecting me.”

The old guy thought for a moment and must have calculated that the odds of me being an axe murderer were worth the risk of Nancy’s wrath for not letting her know I was on my way up. He nodded his head. “Sure,” he said.

I rode up to the 9
floor in the elevator and knocked lightly on Nancy’s door.

I heard the race of footsteps across the carpet and then the apartment door was flung open. Nancy’s face was flushed with delight and surprise. She was wearing makeup and perfume. She had a gown on, cinched tight around her waist.

“I wasn’t sure you were still coming,” she said in a breath.

She held the door open for me. I stepped across the threshold and pushed the door shut. I noticed an open book on the sofa and there was soft music playing in the background. The lighting was subdued. Nancy drifted across to a stereo and shut the music off. She touched at her hair and then smiled at me with genuine pleasure and relief.

“I’ve been thinking about you all day,” she admitted shyly. “The thought of you – of the way you treated me last night – it haunts me. I can’t tell you how excited I am right now… Master.”

She was talking, and I could see she was nervous. I hadn’t uttered a word and she felt compelled to fill the silence. I watched her with dark predator eyes, stalking her like prey.

“Take off the gown.”

Nancy’s smile faltered into silence. She tugged obediently at the cord around her waist, and then slid the fabric off her shoulders. She was wearing powder blue panties and bra. She stood self-consciously while I took my time gazing at her. She was a stunning woman – older than most I had trained – but still retaining the lithe toned curves and contours of her body. She lifted her chin slowly until our eyes met.

“The balcony,” I said.

She turned on her heel in a daze and went towards the glass doors. I followed her. The night was cool and a breeze flattened my shirt against my chest. I saw Nancy shudder, and I wondered if she could feel the cold, or sense the delicious anticipation.

She stood against the waist-high balcony wall. I came up behind her and unfastened her bra. She spasmed at the touch of me – her shoulder blades cleaved together for an instant and then relaxed. The breeze tugged at the tendrils of her hair. I slipped the straps of the bra down her arms and held it dangling from my fingertip.

Nancy’s nipples drew into hard little buds.

I dropped the bra – let it fall away into the dark night. Nancy gave a little gasp of shock and then her body became rigid. I caressed her arm, let my fingers tease across her chest until I had the weight of one breast cupped in the palm of my hand. Nancy wavered. I felt her body press back against mine.

“Now the panties,” I said.

She nodded her head without hesitation. She hooked her thumbs into the elastic waistband and tugged them down her thighs. She scooped the lace up and handed it to me. The panties were damp. I held them out over the balcony railing. They fluttered in the breeze for a moment and then went sailing down into the darkness.

“No lingerie from now on,” I said. My voice was a deep rumble, close to her ear. “From now on, you will present yourself to me completely naked. Do you understand that?”

“Yes, Master,” Nancy said. She choked down a breath of air in a tense gulp.

“Good girl. Now spread your legs.”

Nancy shuffled her feet apart and clung to the rail as if to brace herself. I trailed my hand along the inside of her thigh until my fingertips brushed across the heat of her pussy. She sobbed – the sound escaping her as if impossible to contain. She began to tremble. I could feel her legs begin to shake. I ran my fingers over the nub of her clit until they were slick with the wetness of her arousal, and then pushed them deep inside her.

Nancy groaned. Her body locked into a kind of sexual seizure. I slid my fingers deeper inside her and held them there, feeling her muscles clamp and contract with a rhythmic pulse.

“Look at the apartment complex across the road,” I whispered. “Can you see all the lights on?”

Nancy bit her lip. “Yes,” she gasped.

“Someone might be standing at their window right now. Someone might be watching us right now – it could be a couple at their window, and they’re watching you, Nancy.”

She made another sound of strangled arousal. The soft light from the interior of the apartment haloed our figures, and there was a sky full of stars around a golden moon. Nancy lifted her head and I saw her searching the square patches of light from each window in the building across the street.

“Maybe the couple is touching each other. Maybe the man is finger-fucking his girl right now the way I am teasing you. Or maybe it’s a man – a lonely man watching us, slowly stroking his cock as he stares at you and the way your breasts are swaying on display.”

Nancy hissed. I felt the sudden tight clench of her pussy around my probing fingers and she reeled on her feet. She pushed down against my hand, still clinging to the rail and using it for leverage.

I unzipped my jeans.

“Reach back and stroke my cock,” I told her in a harsh whisper. “Pleasure me until I feel like fucking you.”

Nancy’s fingers were frantic. She was grinding her hips, rocking her body to enhance the sensations between her thighs. She stroked me in a series of sharp urgent pulses and I felt myself swell between her fingers.

I eased my cock against her pussy. Nancy shuddered, then paused. She was desperate to feel me inside her, but not daring to move without instruction. I kept her waiting for long drawn out seconds.

“Your mystery man will be so hard by now,” I teased. “He would be slowly stroking himself, trying to draw out the pleasure. Maybe he’s waiting – waiting until he sees you throw back your head and scream with your release before he comes – maybe he’s aching to come with you…”

I lunged with my hips and my cock slid deep inside her with a single stroke. Nancy’s mouth fell open and she sighed. I dug my fingernails into the smooth flawless flesh of her back and scraped them down her spine, setting off a shock of electric tingles so that she arched her body and pushed back onto me until we were locked together around a rush of her wet arousal.

“Oh, god…!” it was a tortured sob – a mixture of desire and relief. Nancy slowly swiveled her hips until the length of me filled her completely.

“Now fuck me,” I hissed. “Slowly. Give your mystery man the show of his life. Let him know what a sexy submissive slut you are. Think about him watching us as you grind on me… and then let him hear you scream when you explode.”

Nancy grunted – and then tensed the muscles in her arms and shoulders. She lowered her head, staring down into the dark void, and then gradually she began to impale herself on my cock – each slide of her body along the length of my shaft an exquisite torture of arousal and concentration.

I did nothing to help. I stood with my legs braced and I gripped lightly at her hips. Nancy was going to earn her orgasm.

She used the railing as leverage, gripping so tight and pushing with her arms that her knuckles began to turn white. She was gasping and moaning with every lunge until her legs began to weaken into an uncontrolled tremble.

She was nearing the edge – teetering precariously on the brink of explosive relief. I snatched at a handful of her hair and pulled her head up so that the world could see her face twisted in ecstasy.

“Come for me!” I snapped, “And cry out so everyone knows.”

Nancy gasped. Her lungs filled with air and then the sound of her climax was driven from her in a ragged series of primal groans and rasping sobs. Her body convulsed. Her knees collapsed.

I held her upright as the waves of her orgasm flailed at her and then – when her body went soft and she was barely able to stand – I carried her in my arms to the bedroom…

When I stepped out of the elevator two hours later I had a duplicate key to Nancy’s apartment in my hand, and the scent of her sex, like cologne on my clothes. The old doorman was waiting for me. He had his hands bulged deep in his pockets. I nodded cordially and headed for the double glass entry doors.

“What kind of work do you do?” he called to me suddenly.

I stopped and regarded the man. “I’m a radio announcer,” I said.

“At Miss Collett’s radio station?”


The doorman made a surprised face. “Really?” his eyes were twinkling within a fine web of wrinkles. “So she’s your boss, right?”

I nodded. “That’s right.”

There was a moment of silence. Finally the man brought his hands from his pockets. In one hand was Nancy’s bra, and in the other hand were her panties – the garments I had dropped over the balcony.

“These fell on the walkway steps, right outside the doors,” the man said curiously, with no change to his expression that would betray his thoughts. He held up the lingerie like they were prize exhibits from a crime scene. “And I heard a woman cry out…”

I said nothing. The old man’s gaze was enigmatic. “I figured you might like to return them to the lady, y’know.”

I nodded. The doorman looked hard at me and I looked back at him, an understanding exchanged between us without a word being necessary.

“You keep them,” I said at last around a knowing smile. “The lady won’t be wearing lingerie any more.”

Chapter 25.


When I went into the radio station on Monday evening, April was prowling the corridor, waiting for me. She had her arms wrapped around herself like she was restrained in an imaginary straight-jacket, and there were livid spots of color on her cheeks. She came down the passage towards me, holding up her cell phone like it was a weapon.

“Have you seen or heard from Nancy fucking Collett?” April fumed as she came closer.

I chose my words carefully. “Not today,” I shook my head.

“Well I fucking have!”

I’m an intuitive guy – I pay attention. My super sharp instincts told me that April was pissed, and that Nancy was the problem.

Clever guy, right?

April thrust her cell phone into my hand. “Read that!”

I looked down at the phone. There was a text message – just a few lines. I ran my eyes over the message that Nancy had sent, and then looked up at April. She was hopping from one foot to the other in agitation.

“So?” I asked.

“So? So?” April looked incredulous. “She’s up to something.”

I frowned and looked back at the message. I read it again. Maybe I wasn’t as clever as I thought because it seemed perfectly harmless.

“She congratulated you for the work you are doing and said she trusts your professionalism…” I looked bewildered. “I don’t get it…”

April snatched her phone back and buried it deep in her handbag. “I don’t get it either, but there’s something there,” she insisted. “Something unwritten between the lines that I –”

She stopped abruptly at the sound of a door slamming closed. It was Grover. He was coming out of one of the editorial offices, and there was a sheepish expression on his face. He had the binoculars in his hand. He smiled at April, nodded at me.

I nodded back at the creep.

BOOK: The Word Master
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