The Wolf's Mate Book 5: Bo & Reika (15 page)

BOOK: The Wolf's Mate Book 5: Bo & Reika
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He stepped free of his clothes and knelt on the bed between her legs.  Warm fingers tickled their way up the insides of her legs, from the arch of her feet to the apex of her thighs, upwards to circle around her hipbones where sensitive skin was stretched taut, and then up the curve of her waist.  Her skin tingled as he touched her, the look on his face telling her that he thought she was the most precious thing he’d ever seen.

His fingers slipped up the center of her body between her breasts and traced the contour of her collarbone before sliding through her hair and holding her still as his mouth descended on hers once more.  Her stomach fluttered as he kissed her, and her free hand gripped him, digging into his flesh with her nails with each pleasurable stroke of his tongue against hers.  She wound her legs around his waist, and he settled lower on her, his cock resting just above her pussy, where a few slight thrusts of his hips ground his rigid length against her swollen clit.

She moaned into his mouth, and he swallowed the sound, tilting his head further to deepen the kiss.  Her body throbbed and her mind spun uselessly.  He kissed across her cheek to her ear, where he traced the curve with his tongue, his hot breath washing over her skin.

“So fucking gorgeous,” he whispered before kissing down her neck to her shoulder.  His hands cupped her breasts, his rough thumbs teased her already hard nipples, alternating between circling them and pressing them between his thumb and forefinger.  Each mild pinch made her breath catch, the ache blooming into pleasurable tingling.  Lifting one breast, he lowered his head and darted his tongue across the pointed tip.  He swiped his tongue across the other nipple before sucking it deep into his mouth with torturously slow pressure.  Arching her back, she fisted her hand in his hair and said his name on a shaky breath.

Moving between her breasts, he licked and sucked the nipples until they were hot, tingling tips, dark and aching from his mouth and hands.  His large hands moved down the curve of her waist as he pressed chaste kisses to each nipple and slipped down the bed.  She mourned the loss of his weight and heat.  He shoved her thighs roughly apart and slid his hands underneath to lift her lower body off the bed.  For a brief moment, their eyes held, and she watched his hazel eyes darken as he probed her clit with his tongue.

Holding her body off the bed, he tilted his head and licked around the entrance to her body, delving his tongue into her hot core with fast strokes.  Her legs fell wider, and she closed her eyes, surrendering to the sensations that coursed through her.  Bo’s fingers dug into her ass as he speared his tongue into her pussy, stroking the sensitive inner walls and scraping his stubble against her tender flesh.  Her body wept, liquefying.  One hand slipped forward, and his thumb replaced his tongue, pressing into her while his lips captured her swollen, sensitive clit.

He sucked her hard nub in a rhythm, gently then hard, slow then fast, fingers splayed on her ass and holding her up so he could feast on her.  Her belly tightened and she took in a deep breath.  His thumb moved out of her pussy and circled her arousal around her tightest place.

She felt his teeth graze her clit as his thumb breeched her, pushing inside while his tongue lashed her clit.  Pressure built in her.  His thumb pushed in all the way and he sucked her clit hard, fast, and deeply into his mouth and pulled his thumb out.  As he plunged his thumb back into her, she came, her body exploding as she arched up with a cry of pleasure, her hips thrusting between his mouth and his thumb.  Riding her pleasure, he thrust his thumb in and out of her body and licked her clit with hard, fast strokes.  Her climax never ebbed, but rose higher and higher until she wailed his name and came a second time.

Writhing under him as he pulled his thumb from her completely, he moved over top of her, and caught her chin in his fingers.

“Are you mine yet, sweetheart?” he asked.

“Please, Bo, please,” she moaned, wrapping her legs around his waist and pulling on him.

He groaned, seeming to struggle against his own control, and with a low, heavy sound, he thrust into her.  Her hips met his again and again, as their bodies pressed together.  She lifted one leg higher on his back and curled the other down lower on one leg, spreading her body slightly, digging her fingers into his shoulder.  He swiveled his hips as he pounded into her, reaching a hand between them to finger her clit.

His rough finger flicked her tender clit in time to his cock thrusting into her hot, wet pussy.  Her body clenched his again and again as he deviled her clit and dropped his head down to her shoulder, breathing hard.  Her panting cries of pleasure drifted into one long moan as her body locked up in a spiral of pleasure and shuddered under him.

“Fuck, yes, fuck,” Bo chanted, pounding into her with wild abandon, following her climax with his own as he rode out her pleasure and came with one final, hard thrust, burying himself inside her.

Settling his weight on his elbows, he kissed her, nuzzling her cheek and neck.  “I love you so much, baby,” Bo said with a rough voice.  He moved off her, knelt in front of his jeans and searched the front pockets.  He stood with a small key and unlocked her wrist from the cuff.

He put the key on the small side table and went to a cooler and brought back two bottles of water.  As he sat next to her and handed her a bottle of water, he said, “I know you didn’t promise yet.”

She took a long drink, leaning her head back against the pillow and closing her eyes.  “You’re asking me to be okay with you putting your life on the line for me, Bo.  I never will be.”

“You want to be with another wolf?”

Her eyes popped open.  “What? Of course not.”

His eyes narrowed.  “You want me fucking another she-wolf?”  He stroked his hand across her belly.  “You want another she-wolf to carry my children?”

She took in a slow breath as a riot of emotions coursed over her at the thought of his hands touching anyone but her.  Of his mouth kissing another woman.

She steeled herself.  Reminded her jealous wolf that staying with him could very well mean his death.

Placing the water bottle on the side table, she rolled to her side away from him and covered herself with a blanket.  She felt his eyes on her, but she refused to give in.  Admitting that she was his and he was hers … it just wasn’t something she was willing to do, even if knowing that he would find another female eventually was like a fiery blade in her heart.

That’s how the next few days went.  They talked.  He made her meals, and they ate together.  And in between the mundane stuff, he blew her mind with screaming, hot sex.  Against the wall.  On the stairs.  In the tiny bathroom.  Every time he asked her to promise to stay, she refused, biting her tongue to keep from swearing a vow in her passion.  But he was steadily wearing away at her defenses while their time together wound down.

Bo was stretched out next to her on the bed, eyes closed in sleep and a peaceful expression on his face.  A glance at the clock on the wall told her it was nearly eleven on Thursday, their third night in the cellar of the barn.  In one of their many talks, he had told her that they were supposed to meet her pack and the lynxes at three p.m. on Saturday.  Earlier that evening, as they’d made love, she’d stared into his passion-filled gaze and knew that whether she promised to stick with him or not, he was going to fight for her.   He would handcuff her again, haul her around like a ragdoll, and go to battle for her blood-debt.  She’d come to understand that her refusal to accept his willingness to fight for her was hurting him.  Not physically, of course, but emotionally.  Here was a man who was walking right into hell for her without a second thought, and continuing to refuse his decision made a mockery of their bond.

Her fingertips ghosted over the marks on his shoulder where her jaws had snapped down hard and deep to force the healing venom into his body.  They lingered, a reminder that even if the human part of her had refused to acknowledge that they were truemates, her wolf-self had known all along.

Fear lodged in her throat like a tight fist as she snuggled into him, curving her leg around his hip and sliding her hand up his smooth back.  She couldn’t hold back her feelings any longer, and if he wanted her support, if he wanted her vow that she would stand beside him, trust him, to fight for her, then she would give it.  Willingly.

“Bo?”  She nuzzled his chin and scratched her fingernails lightly across his back.  “Bo, wake up.  I need you.”

His arms tightened around her, and his eyes opened slowly.  “Are you alright, sweetheart?”

She ignored her worry for his safety, shoved the dark thoughts away, and opened her heart.  “I love you.”

His eyes widened, and his brows lifted for a brief moment before he rolled over top of her and grinned.  “I love you, too.”

She wiggled under him.  “Make love to me.”

Her legs parted, and he slipped into the cradle of her body, his cock hardening as their mouths met in a deep kiss.  His tongue tangled with hers, dancing and touching every inch.  Their hands clasped together, and he rose above her, thrusting into her with one hard press until their bodies were wed together as tightly as possible.  Squeezing his hands, she locked her ankles in the small of his back and met his pounding thrusts with her own.  Their bodies sang together, a song of bliss and love and passion that made lights wink behind her eyes and her heart pound in her chest.

As pleasure poured over her, the words on her lips were the truest she’d ever spoken.

“I’ll never leave you, I swear!”






Chapter 11


Bo didn’t think success had ever been so sweet.  Here was his sweetheart, his
, writhing under him in ecstasy, as she promised she’d never leave.

The tight heaven of her body locked down on him, and he came hard, pumping deep into her.  He let go of her hands and gathered her close, kissing her as she panted for breath and shivered.

Her arms wrapped around him, and she whispered, “Mark me, Bo, and make me yours forever.”

The happy growl rumbled from his chest as he kissed her once and tilted her head.  Their kind normally marked at the back of the neck, directly over the spine, but Bo wanted her marks visible to everyone.  While she still shuddered from her post-orgasmic bliss, he sank his teeth into the side of her neck.

“Oh,” she moaned, wiggling under him and scraping her nails down his sides.  She shifted her head slightly and sank her own fangs down into the side of his neck.  His whole body shuddered as they held each other captive.  He’d never known fangs could be so erotic, but damn if he didn’t want her to bite him more often.

Extracting her fangs, she said with a sex-roughened voice, “If you die on me, I’m going to be so pissed.”  She licked across the marks and growled softly.  Extracting his fangs from her neck, he caught her blood on his tongue and sighed happily.

“I have no intention of dying, sweetheart.”

She brushed the back of her hand across his cheek.  Now that her guard was down, he could see the love she had for him clearly, could feel their wolves communing together in the way that only truemates could.  For the rest of their lives, he would be able to find her wherever she was, and now that his leg was healed, he could protect her not only in his human form, but also his wolf form.

“There are three of them.”  She frowned, her brows drawing together.  He kissed the corner of her mouth and rolled them both to their sides.

“Baby, please trust me.  Trust me to keep you safe.  Trust that I know what I’m doing.  I don’t take this lightly.  If I thought for a moment that I might lose, I would take you so far away from here, bury us so deep, that they’d never find us.”

He could see the war in her eyes and knew that she still battled with her desire to see him safe.  Wolf mates shared protective feelings for each other equally.  His need to protect her was equal to her need to protect him.  He knew that humans didn’t always understand that.  They often viewed the males as having all the power, all the protective instincts.  But a she-wolf was a beautiful and deadly force of nature.  He’d seen Reika fight off those three lynxes, and even though she lost that battle, she had been as determined and as fierce as any she-wolf he’d ever known.  And her healing abilities just made her that much more unique and powerful in his mind.

“I do trust you, Bo.  I do.”  She closed her eyes and pressed her forehead against his.  “I do.”

He fingered the already healing marks on her neck.  “You’re mine now, Reika.  As long as there is breath in my body, no one will ever touch you again.”

She kissed him and they made love once more, slowly this time, so he could savor everything about her.

BOOK: The Wolf's Mate Book 5: Bo & Reika
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