The Wolf's Mate Book 4: Michael & Shyne (20 page)

BOOK: The Wolf's Mate Book 4: Michael & Shyne
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"You okay, man?" Fritz asked.  He leaned over the counter, and Michael looked up at him from where he knelt with a handful of thick glass shards.  Fritz was grinning in a knowing way, giving him a sympathetic shrug.  "When they want it, they want it.  That's one hard truth I learned."

"I hear ya."  Michael managed a weak smile and straightened, tossing the broken pieces in the trash.  He told Fritz they would catch up later, asked his dad to clean up the mess, and stomped over to Shyne.  He grabbed her by the upper arm and hauled her off the stool and towed her through the bar towards the back.  He unlocked the office, trooped her inside, and slammed the door.  When the lock clicked, he spun and found himself pinned to the door.

Her body was mashed against his as she gripped his wrists and pressed the backs of his hands into the cool metal door.  Lips as soft as the satin panties in his pocket teased him, and he parted for her questing tongue and tangled it with his own.  She delved into his mouth as if she could discover every secret place inside while the lower half of her body ground against him.

He was only barely aware when she drew his arms behind his back and wrapped something around them.  When it tightened, drawing his wrists together with something that was soft and stretchy, he cracked his eyes open and caught the devilish gleam in her eyes.  He was fairly certain she had tied him up with her bra.  Raking her nails down the front of his shirt, she slipped to her knees in front of him, her fingertips resting on his belt buckle.

She kept her eyes trained on his as she worked the belt open, unfastened his jeans, and slowly lowered the zipper.  His breath seized in his chest, his brain stalled out, and his eyes refused to blink in case they missed one microsecond of her actions.  Her fingers hooked in either side of his jeans, and with much more effort than actually necessary, she worked them down his hips with his boxer briefs, easing his cock out.

With one hand fisted at the base, she nuzzled her cheek against the swollen head and drew her lips slowly over the tip.  Her eyes darkened as her tongue snaked out, curling over the top as she squeezed him harder.  His muscles bunched as he watched her lap at his cock like it was the best tasting lollipop ever, and he struggled not to tear her bra apart and ravage her.  She sucked just the tip into her mouth, her teeth perfectly covered by her lips and her tongue deviling the vein underneath that made his legs quake and his stomach tense.  He watched her suck him down, and when she retreated, his hips followed.

Varying between light sucking and tantalizing nibbling, she drove him right to the edge again and again, until drops of sweat broke out on his brow and his body ached from holding himself in such tight control.  He wanted to grab her head and fuck her mouth.  He wanted to rip her clothes off and bury himself in her for days.  He wanted...he wanted...oh...fuck...

Her free hand smoothly cupped his balls, and his eyes rolled back in his head when one of her fingers found that sensitive place just behind them and she stroked it light and fast.  "Shit, baby, baby, please," he groaned, fisting his hands tightly to try to regain some of his control.

His cock popped from her mouth with an audible sound, and her sex swollen lips were dark and glistening.  Her finger still worked him, her hand cupping his balls like a warm weight.

He managed to coax a few welcome breaths into his oxygen starved lungs and rasped, "I want to come inside you."

All teasing was gone from her eyes as she stood up on shaky legs and undid the fabric binding his wrists.  He toed off his shoes and worked his pants off as he cast a fast glance around the office.  There was nothing in the office except a file cabinet, a desk and a chair.

He pushed her gently towards the desk, stopping when her ass bumped into it.  "Take those pants off before I tear them off," he ordered, and she licked her lips and did as he asked, shoving them down her shapely legs.  She only got as far as her knees and stopped, attempting to turn around and lean over the desk, but he didn't want that.  He wanted to watch her as he fucked her, as he drove them both higher and higher.  He dropped to one  knee, pushing her hip slightly so she sat down on the desk and pulled her shoes off, followed by her socks and then finally, her jeans.  She lay back seductively on the blotter, her ass right at the edge of the desk.  He rose in front of her, snared her legs at the knees and slammed his cock into her.  She cried out in bliss as he claimed her hard, watching her eyes glaze over as pleasure thundered down on her.

Her tight heaven was wet and hot as he buried himself balls-deep inside.  He tightened his control so he didn't come immediately.  Spreading her legs apart as far as he could without injuring her, he growled, "Let me see your tits, baby," and she let out a seductive purr and lifted her top above her bare breasts.  He drove into her hard, just to enjoy watching her breasts bounce, the tight nipples just begging to be sucked and teased.

He felt his wolf simmering under the surface as if the scent of her desire was a beacon for both parts of him.  He flexed his hips, driving himself into her silky depths, the evidence of her arousal glistening on his cock as he hammered into her.

Her mouth was parted as she panted and moaned, and her eyes cracked open and bore into him, full of lust and desire.  He lifted her slightly by her knees, changing the angle of his thrusts, and she groaned loudly, her arms tensing as she gripped the desk tightly.  Her belly quivered, and her thighs tightened as he fucked her hard.  Sweat slicked his body, his senses on fire as his sharp hearing caught the increased staccato of her heartbeat as she neared climax and the mewling cries of pleasure from her swollen, glistening lips.  Her skin was hot to the touch, and her scent — her fucking scent! — was driving him wild.

She exploded around him with a sharp cry of pleasure, her back arching as she bucked and writhed.  Her toes curled as she chanted his name, and he let go of his tight control and gave in to the heat that coiled inside him.  His cock spasmed inside her as he shouted her name and dug his fingers into her knees.

He eased his hold on her knees and lowered her legs.  He planted his hands firmly on the desk as he leaned over her, and she lifted her legs and gripped his waist, to keep him inside her for a little while longer.  Although his first thought was to chastise her for teasing him so mercilessly, he had a feeling that she would be hurt if he said something so blunt after such an amazing time.  Perhaps she was feeling a little out of her element, surrounded by wolves when she wasn't one.  Or maybe she was just that horny.  Either way, he wouldn't tarnish the gift she'd given him.

"Love you," he promised, nuzzling under her chin as her fingers tangled in his sweat-dampened hair and she made a sound that could only be construed as completely, entirely blissed out.  Pride washed through him, and his wolf preened in his mind.  He'd done that.  He'd fucked her so well.  Hell yes.

"I love you."  Best statement ever.

When his bones resolidified, he pulled out of her and helped her sit up.  They dressed silently, but there was no mistaking the satisfaction on her face as they walked out of the office hand in hand.  She looked well fucked, but she was his mate, and that's what wolves did.  If his earlier thoughts about her feeling inadequate were right, and she felt the need to claim him like this from time to time, well, he was just going to let her do that whenever she liked.  He would totally jump on that grenade.

They'd been in the office for well over an hour.  When they returned behind the bar, Fray, the band member who was a bartender, opened bottles and put them on a tray, casting a knowing look in his direction.  "Alpha asked to see you when you're free," Fray said, handing the filled tray to one of the waitresses.

"Thanks."  He put his arm around Shyne and led her over to the booth where his brother was sitting with Bo.  Jason asked them to sit down.  Shyne asked about Cades and was told that she was tired and didn't want to come out.

"If she'd known you were going to be here, she probably would have come anyway, though.  I'm sure she'll be bummed she missed you," Jason said, and Michael caught how much Jason wanted Shyne and Cades to be friends.  Hell, he wanted it, too.

"Oh, that sucks.  Can I visit her tomorrow?"  She winked at Michael, "If I can talk, that is?"

Chuckling, he shook his head at her as Jason ignored what he didn't understand and told Shyne that she could come over for breakfast at his folks like they did every Saturday. 
If we're awake, since I plan to fuck her stupid all night
, he amended in his head.  He and Jason talked about the bar and Michael's first impressions of how their parents and the band were going to get along.  He expected it to go well.  Although the band was their own pack, they clearly respected Michael's parents as not only wolf elders but as their direct bosses.  More than once that night he'd seen them turn to either his mom or dad for help.  The burden of the bar lifted slowly from his shoulders, replaced with the more interesting and welcome responsibilities of his future wife and their family.

True to both of their promises, when they got home from the bar that night, they didn't stop playing until the sun was up and exhaustion plucked at the edges of their consciousness.  After a long, hot shower involving a lot more rubbing than actually necessary, he drove them over to his parents for their weekly breakfast.  She rubbed her eyes as she yawned when he parked in front of the house.

Her voice cracked when she yawned, and he laughed, which made her scowl, making him laugh harder.  "Geez, I sound like a foghorn," she grumbled, but amusement glittered in her eyes.

He pulled her close as they walked up the front steps, "No, you sound like a well-loved woman.  It's a total compliment to me."

"You've got a gigantic ego."


Snorting, she stepped into the front hall.  "I said

He laughed.  She was so much fun.  Perfect in every way. 
How the hell did we get so lucky?
he asked his wolf who appeared to be panting idiotically as she sauntered down the hardwood-laden hallway.

Cades and Shyne gorged on his mother's famous cream cheese stuffed French toast, deep in a conversation about the baby shower the following Saturday.  She was due at the end of August, and according to Jason, it couldn't come fast enough.

While the girls did the dishes, which the chauvinistic side of his personality thought was just fine, he, Jason and his dad went into the upstairs office and discussed a few pack issues and then the house.  He would meet his dad at the bank that week and sign the papers.  Already there were packing boxes in the rooms.  It would be weird to live here without his parents, but he could think of no more special place to share with Shyne and their children then the home he'd grown up in.

When the dishes were done, he took Shyne home, and she fell asleep as soon as he pulled out into the street.  He undressed them both, closed the blinds, and held her against him as he drifted off to sleep, certain there was nothing better in the universe than what he had right then.  His woman, in his arms, in his bed.







Chapter 13



Karly Mayfield looked around the closed restaurant formerly known as
and tried to picture what it would look like full of customers and staff.  Ever since she had mated Linus and shared her cooking with the pack at parties and get-togethers, the constant praise always suggested she should take over the only restaurant in Allen.  It had belonged to Cadence's father, and when he passed away, the pack that had shared the town with the Tressel Pack had taken it over.  When that pack left, they transferred it over to the Tressel Pack, but there was no one to run it so it sat empty.

She had picked up the key from Jason.  Although he didn't say anything to her when she picked it up, she knew he was quietly optimistic that she would be willing to help open the restaurant again.  When the other pack had left, before she came to town, Jason and his top-ranked had voted to keep only the bar open that had belonged to the other pack's alpha.  Wolves liked to hang out and drink, and if they had no place to do so in the mostly-wolf town, then they might get into trouble looking for such a place elsewhere.

The interior was standard-issue non-descript restaurant.  Red checkered plastic tablecloths sat on four and six-seat tables in the center of the floor, and booths done in red vinyl lined the walls.  The walls themselves were paneling, and the lighting fixtures were plain.  The kitchen was a surprise.  It contained high quality appliances and was well laid out.  She stood behind the pass, placing her hands on the smooth, cool metal countertop and closing her eyes.  She imagined herself at work, planning the menu, sharing her cooking secrets with her staff, watching her friends and fellow pack members enjoying the food she prepared.

She touched her flat belly with her hand and opened her eyes.  Her sweet son Remy was almost six months old, but already she longed for another child.  She and Linus hadn't really talked about how many kids they wanted in definite numbers, but they both wanted several.  If she took on this project, opening the restaurant would delay any plans to further expand their family for a while.  Linus, like all wolves, was very protective of her once she became pregnant, even more so than his usual protective nature.  She listened to the voices arguing in her head and finally decided that, since it was part of her life-long dream to run a restaurant and since she had the help of her old neighbor and baker-extraordinaire Mrs. B, she could do this now.  If she happened to become pregnant in the meantime, she and Linus would deal with it when it happened.  She already had everything she could ever want in her husband and her son, but Linus had encouraged her to pursue her dream.  With his support, she felt like she could do anything.

BOOK: The Wolf's Mate Book 4: Michael & Shyne
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