The Wizard of Lies: Bernie Madoff and the Death of Trust (68 page)

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Authors: Diana B. Henriques,Pam Ward

Tags: #True Crime, #Swindlers and Swindling, #Ponzi Schemes, #Criminals & Outlaws, #Commercial Crimes, #Biography & Autobiography, #White Collar Crime, #Hoaxes & Deceptions

BOOK: The Wizard of Lies: Bernie Madoff and the Death of Trust
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Chaitment suit and liquidation rules for


derivatives, and

lessons of Madoff scandal and

number of, in 2008

Wall Street theft from client accounts and

“Ponzi Victims Bill of Rights,”

Popham Company

preferred stock


Primeo funds

Primex trading system

Private Securities Litigation Reform Act (1995)

Prudential Bache



Queens College


Ramaz prep school

Rampart Investment Management

Ravens social club

Reagan, Ronald

regional brokerage firms

See also
Securities and Exchange Commission; Securities Investors Protection Corporation;
and specific firms and investigations

automation and

deregulation and

Europe and

fixed commissions and

hedge funds and

history of

investor protection and

Madoff criticizes

negligence and

order flow controversy and

reform of, post-2008

Renaissance Technologies

Reserve fund

Retirement Accounts Inc.

retirement savings

retrocession fees

Richards, Lee S., III

Richards, Lori

Richmond Fairfield Associates

Rockefeller, David

Rogers, Casey & Barksdale

Rogerscasey Inc.

Ross, Burt

Roth, Eric

Rothko, Mark

Rothschild et Cie

Rye funds


Sage, Maurice

Salomon Brothers

Salomon Smith Barney

Samuels, Andrew Ross

Santa Clara fund

Sarbanes, Paul

savings and loans crisis

Schama, Simon

Schapiro, Mary

Schlichter, Arthur

Schulman, Robert I.

Schwartz, Michael

Second Circuit Court of Appeals

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

article and

Chais and

Cohmad and

deregulation and

failure of, and reform post-2008

failure of, in Madoff case

financial crisis of 2008 and

fixed commissions and

Friehling and

hedge funds and

investigation by, after Madoff confession

investigation of 1992

investigation of 2001

investigation of 2005

investigation of late 2005

Joel suspended by

Kotz report of 2009

Madoff arrest and

Madoff critique of

Madoff employees charged by

Madoff family not charged by

Madoff sons report father to

Madoff victims and

Markopolos and

NASD and

Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations

OTC and

regulations of 1970s

Shana Madoff’s husband and

Securities Industry Association

Securities Investor Protection Act (1970)

Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC)

cash advances by

creditor meetings and

indirect investors and

legal expenses and

Madoff case taken by

net equity dispute and

Picard assigned as trustee by

Picower settlement and

reform of

Sedgwick, Kyra

September 11, 2001, attacks

Shad, John

Shapiro, Carl

philanthropy and

settlement by

Shapiro, Ellen

Shapiro, Ruth

Shearson Lehman Hutton

Sheehan, David J.

Shopwell chain

short sales

Siegman, Miriam

Simons, Nat


Smith Barney

Sonar report

Sorkin, Ira Lee “Ike,”

Sorkin, Nathan

Sorkin, Rosalie

Soros, George

sovereign immunity principle

Soviet Union, former

S&P 500


Spielberg, Steven

Spitzer, Eliot

split-strike conversion strategy

size constraints and

Sporkin, Stanley

spread, defined

Squadron, Howard

Squillari, Eleanor


Stanton, Louis L.

Steinhardt, Michael

Sterling Stamos fund

stock market.
See also specific exchanges

bear, of 1970s

bull, of 1949

bull, of 1960s

bull, of 1980s

crash of 1987

crash of 2008

early regulation of

paper crunch and automation of

stock option, defined

subordinated lending theory

Suh, Simona

suitability rule

Sullivan, Richard J.

Swanson, Eric

Swiss banks


Tampax company


Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

tech-stock bubble

Teicher, Victor

Telfran Associates

Temple Israel (Minneapolis)

Thema funds

third market

Thomajan, Mary

Thomsen, Linda Chatman

Toub, Alix Noel

Toub, Philip J.

Town & Country

Traders Magazine

Treasury bills

Treasury Department

Tremont Partners

Tucker, Jeffrey

Tufts University



UJA-Federation of New York


Unicredit holding company

Union Bancaire Privée (UBP)

United States of America v. Bernard L. Madoff

U.S. Attorney’s Office

U.S. Congress

House Financial Services Committee hearings

U.S. Marshals Service


Velvel, Lawrence R.

Vietnam War

Vijayvergiya, Amit


Wall Street

Wall Street Journal

Ward, Grant

warrant arbitrage

Weinstein, Sheryl

Weizmann Institute of Science

“when issued” market

Wiener, Charlie

Wiesel, Elie

Wilke, John

Wilpon, Fred

Wilpon family

Windsor IBC

Wing, John R. “Rusty,”

Wolfe, Mauro

“World’s Largest Hedge Fund Is a Fraud, The” (Markopolos)

World Trade Center


Yeshiva University


Zabel, William D.

Zarb, Frank G.

Zuckerman, Mort

Times Books
Henry Holt and Company, LLC
Publishers since 1866
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York 10010

Henry Holt
is a registered trademark of Henry Holt and Company, LLC.

Copyright © 2011 by Diana B. Henriques
All rights reserved.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.
ISBN: 978-1-4299-7371-7

Henry Holt books are available for special promotions and premiums.
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