The Wives: The Women Behind Russia's Literary Giants (51 page)

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Authors: Alexandra Popoff

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Literary

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D.M. Thomas, Alexander Solzhenitsyn: A Century in His Life, 512.


Lyudmila Saraskina,
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
, 821.


, July 23, 1993.


Komsomol´skaya Pravda
, December 31, 1994.


Russian Television Channel

, May 27, 2003.


Lyudmila Saraskina,
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
, 869.


, March 1, 2001, N 41.


Lyudmila Saraskina,
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
, 869–70.


Alexander Solzhenitsyn,
Publitsistika v tryoh tomah
(Yaroslavl: Verhe-Volzhskoe knizhnoe izdatelstvo, 1995.)


K.N. Bugaeva,
Vospominaniya ob Andree Belom
, ed. John Malmstad (Sankt- Peterburg: Izdatel’stvo Ivana Limbaha, 2001), 19.


Select Bibliography

Primary Sources

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The Master and Margarita
. Trans. Michael Glenny. New York: Harper & Row, 1967.

Sobranie sochinenij v pyati tomah
. Moskva: Hudozhestvannaya literatura,1990.

Complete Poetry of Osip Emilievich Mandelstam
. Trans. Burton Raffel and Alla Burago. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1973.

The Diaries of Sophia Tolstoy
. Trans. Cathy Porter. New York: Random House, 1985.

The Diary of Dostoevskys’ Wife
. Trans. Madge Pamberton. New York: Macmillan, 1928.

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. Ed. V. Losev and L. Yanovskaya. Moskva: Knizhnaya palata, 1990.

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Hope Against Hope
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Invisible Allies
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Plays: Volume Three
. Trans. Marvin Kantor with Tanya Tulchinsky. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1998.

War and
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Admoni, Vladimir,

Aikhenvald, Yuly,

Akhmatova, Anna,
, 168

Aldanov, Mark,

Alexander I,

Alexander II,

Alexander III,

Alexandrov, Mikhail, 38

Alexandrovich, Nikolai,

Alexy II, Patriarch,

Allilueva, Svetlana,

Amis, Martin,

And the Light Shineth in Darkness, 85

Andropov, Yuri,

Angarsky, Nikolai,

Anna Karenina

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