Read The Windfall Online

Authors: Ellie Danes,Lily Knight

The Windfall (24 page)

BOOK: The Windfall
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Cooper threw back his head and laughed, a warm expression taking over his face. “God, I missed you, Emma. Even if it has only been twenty-four hours. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world right now.”

I smiled and reached over to take his hand in mine, noticing the red, swollen areas on his hand. “What happened here, Cooper? Were you injured?”

He shifted in his seat, wincing as I ran my fingers over the bruises. “I might have run into Tim. Which resulted in Tim running into my fist.”

“Oh god,” I breathed. What was Tim’s problem? This time he had gone too far. “I can’t believe he won’t leave us alone! Did you call the police?”

“I didn’t have to,” he responded with a slight smile. “Don’t worry, he won’t be bothering either one of us again.”

“You didn’t kill him . . . did you?” I asked hesitantly.

“What? No, I just scared him off,” Cooper said in a rush, then he burst into laughter. “Geez, Emma, I might be from the hood but I’m not a killer.”

I let out a breath of relief as he pulled into my apartment complex, glad that I wasn’t going to find a dead body in his trunk or anything. Cooper parked in a spot near the building and hurried around to open my door. I was suddenly feeling a bit nervous about having him at my place. This was my personal space, and I had kept it to myself. Not even Tim had ever seen where I lived. It was my comfort zone, and I was letting him in.

I took a few steps toward my apartment then stopped and turned around. There was one more question I hadn’t asked him yet. A question I needed an answer for. “I need to ask you something.”

“Anything. Ask away.”

I took a deep breath. “Why did Felix and that other goon attack us, Cooper? Me and Dad? Why didn’t he come after you or your mom?”

Cooper’s face took on a new expression; one I couldn’t decipher right away. “That is an easy question to answer, Emma. He knew how much I care about you, how much you mean to me. I’m not sure how he knew, but he did. I think he night have been following us at some point, but I can’t prove it.”

I stepped toward him, a soft smile on my face. “You care about me?”

He reached down and brushed a strand of hair out of my face, his warm palm cupping my cheek. “A great deal, Emma. I hope that doesn’t scare you off. I can’t help it. I do care.”

I leaned against his palm, warmth spreading through my body. “I care about you, too, Cooper.”

He grinned and dropped his hand from my cheek, grabbing my hand in his. “Shall we?”

I nodded and walked into the building, where we were met immediately by William, who was blocking the entrance to the stairs. “Emma,” he said in his most intimidating tone.

“William,” I replied. I tried not to grin. I was well aware of what was going on. Dad had talked to William and now William had to throw his fatherly hat into the ring. “What are you doing?”

His expression shifted to Cooper, his eyes narrowing. “Is this the guy?”

“Oh, come on, William,” I said, exasperated. “Dad already gave his blessing.”

“It’s okay, Emma,” Cooper said, stepping forward and extending his hand. “Cooper Randall, sir.”

“William,” he said, shaking Cooper’s hand. “I’m the other guy in Emma’s life. If you hurt her, I will break you into a thousand pieces and dance on your body, got it? I’m not concerned with your little rough neighborhood history. I have my own ways of getting my point across.”

“Yes, sir,” Cooper said immediately, giving me a sidelong glance.

I rolled my eyes and looked at William. “Are you satisfied?”

“He didn’t run,” William said, clearly disappointed. “Was I not strong enough with my words? Do I not scare you?”

“Very much, sir,” Cooper responded, holding back a smile.

I stepped over and gave William a kiss on his cheek. “He’s good, William, I promise.”

“Next time you get taken hostage, call me. I want to be a part of it,” William said as I stepped back. “I can’t be outdone by your father. He will be talking about this for weeks.”

I laughed at the man and shook my head. “I’ll be sure you’re the first person I call. Right after the kidnappers allow me my one phone call. Come on,” I said, tugging on Cooper’s hand.

“It was nice to meet you, sir,” Cooper said as I pulled him past William.

William just nodded.

We walked up the stairs, and I opened the door to my apartment, allowing Cooper to get a good view of how I lived as I shut the door behind us. “I know it’s not much,” I started out. “But it’s home.”

Cooper took it all in, a softened expression on his face as he turned back to me. “Emma, it’s perfect. Besides, it’s not about what you have. It’s about whether or not you are happy with it.”

“Well, I can’t say I’m really happy with this,” I joked, releasing his hand to walk to the tiny kitchen. “But I love having William right downstairs and it gives me the freedom of not living with my dad, so I can’t complain too much. Would you like a beer?”

“Sure,” Cooper replied.

I pulled the last two bottles out of the fridge and popped the tops before handing one over, watching as Cooper took a long sip of his. After a day like we’d both had, it was the perfect way to wind down. I walked over to the couch and sat down. I was nervous about what was going to happen, what was going to be said between the two of us. I had no idea what Cooper’s plan was other than knowing he wasn’t going anywhere, but what did that mean for us?

Cooper wiped his hands on his pants and sat his beer on the side table before sitting down next to me, looking a bit nervous himself. “So, what kind of questions do you have? What do you want to know?”

“Not really sure, to be honest. Some of what I learned today was a bit of a shocker for me. Let’s start with . . . what are your plans for the money?” I asked, starting out with the easier one.

He shrugged, a quick smile coming over his striking face. “I honestly don’t really have any plans. I just want to be able to provide for those I care about so that they never have to worry about money or the problems not having it can cause.” He looked over at me. “That includes you, as well, Emma. I promise I won’t force it on you like I did the other day, but I will be more than willing to help you and your dad out if you will let me. We can get him a second opinion and make sure he always has the medications he needs.”

“I appreciate that,” I assured him. And I did. Cooper could do a lot of things with that kind of money but to hear that he only wanted to help others only endeared me to him even more. He was nothing like so many others who would have used that kind of money to buy luxury things and not even consider anyone around them. Not that I wanted Cooper to take care of me. I was more than capable of taking care of myself.

“Well, I only want to help,” he said, reaching out to wrap an arm around my shoulders and pull me close. I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder, my hand flat against his stomach. It was a comforting feeling. It was what I enjoyed about our relationship, how comfortable I was with him and how he made me feel. I didn’t need anything else in life. I just needed to know I was loved and cared for. I needed to know I was cherished, and Cooper made me feel that way. “What’s the next question?”

“Are you really going to stay in California?” I asked, smiling at the sound of his strong heartbeat under my cheek.

“I am,” he said, his fingers stroking softly through my hair. “I’m thinking this is the place to settle down. My immediate family is here; my mom is happy about being here; so why not?” He chuckled a little. “Plus, I’ve found a really good reason to stay here as well.”

“What’s that?” I asked, my mouth curving into a smile.

“Well, there’s this girl,” he said, rubbing his thumb up and down my arm.

“Oh really?” I asked teasingly. “And just who might this girl be? Am I going to have to beat up some barfly?” I turned my head to glare up at him.

“Jealousy is cute on you,” he said, laughing. “You just want to hear me say it, don’t you?”

“What girl wouldn’t?” I laughed, smiling at him. He leaned down and brushed his lips over mine, causing that shiver to snake down my spine.

“You are my reason, Emma. I wouldn’t give you up for all the money in the world. Just know that. I am yours for as long as you want me to be.”

I caught myself tugging my bottom lip between my teeth. “Oh, Cooper,” I sighed as he pressed his lips on mine once more. I reached up and pulled him to me, wanting him as close to me as I could get him. We had danced around it long enough. We had reached the point in our relationship that we both knew where it was going to take us. I was in love with this man. I had been from the moment he kissed me, even though I was too afraid to admit it.

I wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with the man who made me feel cherished, the man who wore his heart on his sleeve. The man sending every nerve in my body into a frenzy at that exact moment. Cooper growled and deepened the kiss, his tongue curving into my mouth. I allowed him in, my hands already reaching for the hem of his shirt. My fingers slid gently over the contours of his stomach and up to his chest before I fisted the bunched up shirt in my grasp to get it over his head.

He pulled back and looked me in the eyes, the heat I was feeling echoed back at me from his gaze. “Are you sure?”

“I’ve never been more sure in my life,” I breathed. “Though I would rather move this to the bedroom if you don’t mind.”

A sly smile curved over his lips and he helped me off of the couch, allowing me to lead him to my bedroom. There he took me into his strong arms, his hands roaming over my back. “I don’t know where to start,” he said hoarsely.

I stepped back and pulled the T-shirt over my head, baring my bra-covered breast to him. “Why don’t we start with this?”

His eyes dilated and he swallowed hard as I wiggled out of my jeans, standing before him in my favorite black bra and matching boy-shorts. I then reached up and helped him pull his shirt over his head, marveling at his chiseled chest as it came into view. He was beautiful.

With a grin on his face, he unbuckled his jeans and pushed them down until he was able to step out of them, removing socks, jeans, and shoes in one swift motion. It was actually rather impressive. Finally, he stood before me in his boxer briefs and a smile. “Okay, so now we match,” he joked.

I laughed and walked into his arms, enjoying the skin on skin contact. It felt so right being that way with Cooper. When his lips sought out mine, I threw my arms around his neck, giving myself up to him. This between us was going to be special.

“God, you are beautiful,” he said as his hands collided with the clasp of my bra, undoing it at a rapid pace. “I should probably warn you, it’s been a while. Like, a long while. This is probably going to be quick,” he said between kisses.

“We’ve got all night to practice,” I said, biting his bare shoulder lightly and following it with a tender kiss as my bra fell to the floor, my bare breasts brushing against the heat of his chest.

“That we do,” he said against my neck, his hands roaming down to cup my bottom and grip me against him. I could feel his need press against my stomach and I swallowed hard, my lower region reacting thusly. This was going to be extremely fast. Not just for him.

Stepping away, I wiggled out of my underwear and laid back on the bed, motioning for him to join me with one finger. His grin was feral as he stripped off what remained of his clothes and settled on top of me, his hands framing my face. “I have to tell you something, Emma.”

“You have my full attention,” I said, looking into his eyes.

He smiled and traced a finger tenderly along the edge of my face. “I am head over heels for you. I love you, Emma.”

I laughed a soft, nervous laugh, my hands roaming over his broad shoulders. “Well, that is quite a confession considering our current position.”

“It just felt right for the moment.” He smiled his crooked grin as my fingers explored the curves of his muscular shoulders.

I reached up and framed his face, the love I had for this man filling my heart. I had been so close to losing him today, all because we were both afraid of our pasts. But I had no intentions of letting him go, ever. Not without a fight. We could overcome anything together. “I love you, too.”

“Well, then, I guess that’s settled. We are in agreement.” He leaned down to kiss me.

I moaned as his hands roamed over my sensitive breasts, his head dipping down low to take one of my nipples in his mouth. The sensation was unlike anything I had experienced before. I arched my back, begging him to do it again. When his hand slipped lower, I urged him on, my body ready for his touch, begging to be gratified by him.

“Emma,” he breathed in my ear, his finger finding the aching core of me. “My god, you are ready.”

“Please don’t make me wait any longer,” I begged. He started to rub the area slow, his finger dipping in and out and nearly driving me crazy with need. I vaguely remember the point when I exploded, the pressure too much to bear. The warmth of Cooper’s touch left me as I shuddered. He laced his fingers through my hair and his lips descended on mine, his kiss hot and wanting as his tongue swept into my waiting mouth. I started to move against him, slowly and with determination, pulling back to see the emotions playing on his face. He was hot with desire, but there was tenderness in his eyes as he moved his body until I felt the length of him pushing into my entrance and filling me completely in one fell swoop. I arched my body against the invasion, barely able to breathe as he started to move within me, the pleasure of how his touch had felt coming back tenfold. I moaned as an orgasm began to overtake me and he slid his hands down to grip my hips.

“That’s it,” he urged, his thrusts becoming more and more frequent.

“Cooper,” I breathed, clutching at his back with my fingers as he drove into me. “Oh god, Cooper.”

“God, I love you,” he muttered as he lifted his hips to push into me. I moaned again and he muffled a growl into the dip of my shoulder.

“That’s it, let go,” he whispered in my ear as he came himself, slowing both of our movements.

I did just that and the orgasm took over, the groan of Cooper’s voice following soon after before he collapsed on top of me. For a moment, I just lay there, with my arms wrapped around his neck as I buried my face into his shoulder, a wealth of emotions coursing through me. This was an intimate connection between us, much more than just satisfying our lust. I couldn’t remember the last time sex had been so personal. I had never experienced such connecting with a partner before.

BOOK: The Windfall
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