The Wild Side (Forever Wild #4) (4 page)

BOOK: The Wild Side (Forever Wild #4)
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Half an Hour Later


The executive suite was everything it should be: black leather couches, a stocked fridge, big-screen TV, glass doors that we could close, or ten reclining private seats outside of the glass doors to sit and watch the game. It was everything that luxury could be.

John and Melanie were enjoy
ing every minute of it, sitting outside in the seats, watching the game as they drank expensive champagne straight from the bottle. But Wes ... Wes didn’t seem to be enjoying it so much.

“Hey ... are you okay?” I walked over to where he sat on one of the leather couches, staring off into space. As soon as I saw down on the arm of the chair he looked up at me and gave me a small smile.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I guess I’m just tired is all.”

I rolled my
eyes. “Seriously. That’s a lame-ass excuse and you know it.”

He shrugged. “What do you want me to say?”

“How about the truth? You always tell me you want honesty, how about giving me some?”

He shook his head, letting out a slight laugh that came out like a breath of air through his nose. “This whole night is like one big trip. I have to pretend I’m someone else in front of your sister and her boyfriend and then smile when your former fuck buddy and probably soon-to-be-new-boyfriend just happens to show up at the bar w
e’re at and gives us these nice-ass luxury box tickets.”

I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms over my chest. “Are you trying to say that I planned for Max to show up or something?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. It just seemed awfully convenient is all.”

I stood up as if he slapped me. “I can’t believe you’re pulling this shit right now. I don’t know why you have this jealousy thing going on right now with him, but as you can see I’m at the game with you. Not him. I’ve been going to bed every night with you. Not him.”

He stood up, his eyes meeting mine. “Yeah, but is that where you want to be? Stay with me and give up Max as a client or a boyfriend and all that he can give you?” He shook his head. “I can’t compete with any of this.”

“I never asked you to,” I whispered.

“Are we interrupting something?” Melanie giggled.

I turned and saw her and John standing in the doorway.

I shook my head and stepped away from Wes. “Nope, nothing at all.”

“Good, because I have to pee. Really bad!” Melanie walked over to me and looped her arm through mine, dragging me toward the door. Yup, my little sister was drunk. She was only this forceful when she had too much to drink.

“You know I think there is a private bathroom off the room ...” I said once we were in the hallway, but Melanie was already dragging me halfway down the hall before she stopped and faced me.

“I don’t really have to pee.” She stared at me. “I was listening to your conversation with Wes.”

“You eavesdropping bitch.” I flicked her boob, which was hard to find in the oversized Blackhawks jersey John bought her and made her put on once we got to the game.

“Ow.” She covered her chest and narrowed her eyes. “That was uncalled for, especially when I’m about to give you some sisterly advice.”

I crossed my arms. “Oh really? All of a sudden you’re the wise one now.”

“Just shut up and listen for once, okay?” Turns out the drinks were giving my sister a backbone. I had to listen if she was
being drunk and testy, so I nodded.

“When John and I started dating and I had all my jealousy issues you told me to give him a chance. To let go of all of the things that were holding me back.”

“I don’t think that’s the case here,” I interrupted.

Melanie held her hand up. “I’m not finished.”

“Okay, then go on.”

“Wes is obviously jealous of Max. I mean
, look at what the dude did tonight. He gave us a freaking luxury box and John ate it up like a kid with Halloween candy. And you!” She poked me in the chest. “You didn’t object to it either when Wes was sitting right there with his jaw clenched so hard I thought he was going to chomp it off.”

“What was I supposed to do? Say I didn’t want it and piss off my client?”

“How would you feel if the shoe was on the other foot and it was Wes’s ex that was standing there and offering him something? Would you be cool with it?” Melanie asked, raising her eyebrows.

That was a good question. I never thought about that scenario. What if there
was some sort of Alabama ex that came back into Wes’s life who was begging for him back and had beauty queen looks, money, and a lot more than I could offer him? I’d probably feel the exact way that he did right now. Like absolute shit. And at that moment I knew for certain that if I had this strong of feelings for the guy, there was no way that I could divorce him and I should probably tell my sister the truth.

“Well, hop
efully he wouldn’t have some ex-girlfriend coming back for him, because she’d have to go through his wife first.”

“His wife?” Melanie tilted her head ever so slightly. She may have been tipsy, but the words looked like they were sobering her up.

“Yeah. Wes is your brother-in-law.”

Two Hours Later


After clearing out the room’s mini bar, we decided to take a cab home. I’m not even sure if the game was
over. I didn’t remember watching any of it.

I plopped onto the couch with Wes taking the seat beside me. “So did that count as our bachelor and bachelorette party then?”

“Pfffft,” Melanie blew a raspberry and took a seat on John’s lap, who was sitting on the recliner. “That doesn’t count for anything. Unless it somehow counts as our wedding gift to you.”

uh, y’all aren’t getting away that easy. I’m requesting a stand mixer if we’re getting a wedding gift.” Wes laughed.

“Dude, don’t knock the stand mixer. Those things are the shit,” John said, pointing a finger at Wes.

Wes put his arms up. “Hey, I wasn’t disrespecting the stand mixer.”

“Good, because I don’t want to have to hate you. I kind of like you. And Val.” John turned and looked at me, pointing his finger in my direction. “Don’t fuck it up with this one.”

“Hey!” I pointed at him. “First off, don’t tell me what to do, and second off, put that finger away because I don’t know where it’s been.”

“Mostly inside your sister.” He grinned.

“If any of that happens on my air mattress I’m not going to be happy.” I wrinkled my nose. “Or at least keep it quiet and wash my sheets afterward.”

“Aye, aye, captain.” Melanie saluted me.

I reached under the couch and grabbed the box and pump for the air mattress. “Do you guys need any help blowing it up?”

, we’re good.” Melanie stood up and grabbed the box. “I know where the sheets are in the closet. You two just go in the bedroom and have some alone time away from us. You probably have a lot to talk about. Or not talk or something. I’m drunk and kind of just word vomiting right now.”

I kissed her forehead. “We’ll do that. Goodnight, Mel.”

“Goodnight, Val.” She looked over my shoulder. “Goodnight, brother-in-law.”

“Night, Melanie,” Wes, said, his smile evident with each word.

He put his arm around me as we walked into the bedroom, shutting the door behind us. As soon as I heard the hum of the pump for the air mattress I let out a deep breath and then spoke. “I’m sorry, it just came out and I told Melanie. I didn’t mean to. I know we were going to keep it a secret, but I had to tell her.”

We shook his head and then cupped my face, leaning in and placing the lightest kiss on my lips. “I don’t mind that you told them at all. I’m glad that you did, actually.”

“And why is that?”

“It means that you aren’t trying to hide me. That you actually like having me around.”

I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him closer to me. “I do. I really do.”

“So what happens now?” he whispered into my lips.

“We see where walking on the wild side takes us. In the past two weeks I’ve already married a man I just men in Vegas, put in my two weeks at a big PR company, and now I’m willing to give up one of my biggest clients if it means keeping you around. You only live once, right?” I pressed my forehead to his.

“You’re amazing. Do you realize how amazing you are?” He kissed me lightly.

I kissed him back briefly before breaking the kiss to answer him. “Me? You’re the one with the voice and body of a god.”

He leaned back, pulling his shirt off and tossing it to the side. “It’s all yours. For as long as you’ll have me.” He put my hand on his heart. “I’m yours, Valerie.”

“Promise?” I whispered, looping my fingers into his belt loops and pulling him closer.

He pressed his forehead to mine. “Promise.”

Then I did the only thing there was left to do. I kissed him, pouring what I wanted to say into the kiss. That I was falling in love with him. Everything about my husband by mistake was turning into the best thing that ever happened to me.

He undid the buttons on my jeans and slowly unzippered them, pulling them d
own until his thumb was at the front of my panties. He skimmed the front of the silky material before he pushed them aside and slid his thumb along my clit. “You’re already so wet,” he whispered into my ear before running his tongue along it. “And you have me so fucking turned on, too. I don’t even know if I can make it to the bed.” He took my hand and moved it from his belt loops to his massive bulge.

I traced my finger down his jeans. “How quiet can you be?”

He grinned, dropping down to his knees in front of me. “It’s not me you should be worried about.” He pulled my jeans down and then shucked them off. Then, deliciously slowly he peeled my panties off. Wes licked his lips before softly kissing a line up my thighs. I thought he was going in for my center but instead he just hovered over it, breathing softly against my skin and then going back to kiss a small trail from my thighs and up to my belly button. The stubble of his cheeks mixed with the warm sensation of his breath was pure torture.

“Are you just trying
to test my patience?” I hissed.

He grinned, looking up at me
, and then ran his tongue down from my belly button until he reached my lips. The guy knew exactly what he was doing. I gripped onto his hair as he flicked his tongue against my clit. As his tongue moved, he slowly hooked a finger inside of me, stroking it against me until my body quaked and my thighs gave way. I came so hard I bit down on my bottom lip so I wouldn’t scream.

Wes gripped my thighs and leapt up,
pulling my bottom lip from my mouth with his teeth, nipping at it before he licked it. “I need you. Now,” he growled into my mouth.

I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, pulling them down with his boxers as quickly as I could. While the other night was gentle and sweet, this time was pure, raw passion and I loved the sweet side of him and the wild side.

As soon as he kicked his pants off, he grabbed my hips and guided me to the ground so that he was hovering over me. The bed was only a few feet away, but instead we laid on the throw rug near the door.

here?” I leaned up on my elbows, staring into his eyes. They were filled with such lust and passion that just the sight of them turned me on.

“Yeah.” He pressed into me and I gasped
, feeling his familiar fullness take hold as I gripped his ass, pushing him deeper inside of me.

He kissed a line from my neck and up to my jawline, thrusting harder into me. “You always feel so good, Valerie.”

“You do too, Wes.”

He pulled back slightly, his hands cupping my breasts. “Tell me I’m yours,” he whispered.

I thought it might have just been a heat-of-the-moment thing, but then he slowed down, his eyes meeting mine as he moved to the same beat as my heart. “Tell me, Valerie. Say it.”

“You’re mine, Wes. Mine
, all mine.” I clutched his shoulders, pulling him closer to me. His heart beat wildly in sync with mine and just the thought of knowing that he was there, with me, wanting to be there, and the fact that at that same time his piercing hit my Gspot, was enough to make me come.

I moaned in his ear, nipping down on
it to keep from being too loud. He moaned right after thrusting a few more times before his body went stiff and he laid on top of me, his head on my chest.

“Sorry,” he said between breaths. “It’s hard to last too long sometimes with you.” He leaned up on his elbows. “I didn’t plan on any of that happening. You just really turn me on. Sometimes. Okay. All the time.”

I shook my head, pushing back his hair. “There’s nothing to apologize for. It was amazing as always.”

“What are you going to tell your sister and John if they say anything?”

“That we were having another honeymoon.”


Want to know what happens next? Stay tuned for Wild For You. Valerie said that she wasn’t the type of girl that believed in happily ever afters, so will she finally get hers or does Max Green have something to say about it?

BOOK: The Wild Side (Forever Wild #4)
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