The Wife of a Lesser Man (LA Cops Series Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: The Wife of a Lesser Man (LA Cops Series Book 1)
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He directed his gaze back at Shelley.  “Are you okay?  It’s not like you to drink like that….especially when you’ve gotta work the next day.” 

Shelley nodded.  “I need to go to bed”. 

“Don’t you want your toast?”  Sarah called. 

Shelley waved her hand behind her and kept walking up the stairs. 

Mark watched her until she reached the top of the stairs, then he turned his gaze to Sarah.  “What’s going on?”  He asked, taking the toast out of the oven and reaching for the butter.  Sarah saw him and gently slapped his hand.  She looked at him and waved her index finger in front of her face, signalling that was a no-no.  Opening the fridge and reaching for the non-hydrogenated margarine she answered, “She’s fine.  Us women freak out sometimes in our old age I guess.”  She smirked, handing him the margarine. 

He spread the margarine and took a bite.  With his mouth full, he wiped his lip with his finger and said, “Come on Sarah, this is me.  I know my wife’s behaviour and this isn’t normal.  Is she worrying about me?  About the kids?  Am I working too many hours again?  What’s the deal?  It’s obviously bothering her and she doesn’t want to tell me about it.”  He swallowed, waiting for her to answer.

“You’ll have to talk to her about it.  I don’t meddle….well, at least not with people I like.”  She pulled a piece of toast off the bottom and placed it in her mouth. 

Mark finished the last of the toast and swallowed, satisfied with her response.  “Do you want to stay?  I think Shelley made up both the girls’ rooms.” 

She brushed her hands off.  “No, I’m fine.  I’ve got an early day tomorrow, but thanks.”  She kissed him on the cheek and he followed her out to the front door.

“Thanks for being a good friend.  You’re a gem.”  

“That’s what my colleagues tell me.”  She raised both her hands in the air and shrugged her shoulders.  “See ya.”  She waved and Mark closed the door behind her.

Mark stood at the door for a moment, looking at the ceiling.  He tried to envision what Shelley was doing upstairs.  He didn’t hear anything, so he figured she’d probably passed out with her clothes still on.  He wouldn’t wake her and undress her if she had.  She was still wearing her casual outfit anyhow. 

As he headed up the stairs, he noticed the light was still on.  When he entered the bedroom, there she was, laying naked on the bed with her arms outstretched above her; like she wanted to be handcuffed to the head board.

“What’s this?”  He asked, standing above her head, pulling her arms down so they rested beside her.

“Well…..I think I might be still a little drunk…..and I
I’m horny baby.”  She licked her index finger and slowly began a trail between her legs.  Mark stopped her hand.

“Shelley stop.”  He said gently.  She took his hand and directed it down to her breast.  When his hand rested on her breast, he hesitated.  His gaze met hers and for a moment he thought he felt desire.  With his thumb and index finger he rounded her nipple and it hardened in response.  She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, savouring his touch.  Mark followed his natural urge to lick and suck her breasts, and as he did, she put her hand down his pyjama pants and felt for his penis.  It was still flaccid so she began kneading it seductively and groaned in response. 

Shelley was prepared to be patient and pull out all the stops for him.  She knew getting him over this wouldn’t be easy but she was willing to do whatever it took to gain back some of her sex life.  She smiled thinking how happy she would be having all of Mark back, even if they were reduced to simple lovemaking on an irregular basis.  Anything was better than nothing for an unknown amount of time.  Her hand continued working on his flaccid penis when she decided to change tack.

Sitting up on the headboard, she motioned for him to have a turn lying down.  She teased his chest with her tongue and lips.  When she reached his penis with her mouth, he once again stopped her. 

He sighed and wiped his face with his hands, motioning down to his penis.  “This isn’t working.”  He said, sitting up.  “I’m sorry, but as you can see, nothing’s happening.”  Shelley detected a hint of frustration in his voice.  “That’s okay sweetie, let me have a go at it.”  She gently pushed him back down on the pillow.  Mark closed his eyes and let her take over.  But to no avail.  Five minutes later, while the experience was pleasurable, his body failed to respond. 

Mark’s hand stroked Shelley’s hair, letting her know it was over.  She rested her head down on his thighs and looked up at him.  “Maybe we just need more time,” she said, rubbing his stomach.  He nodded without looking directly at her.  “I…I know it’s been a while.  And I know you have needs,” Mark said hesitantly.  “I know we’ve never done this before, but maybe I can just please you?” 

Shelley suddenly felt like the whole world had just been restored with one sentence.  She raised her head and looked at him like he had just said they won the lottery.  “Yes!  Oh my god yes!  Please!”  She nodded emphatically.  As he rose to get into position, she put her hand on his chest.  “Can you just give me a moment?  I did have a lot to drink today...”  She nodded toward the bathroom. 

“Be my guest.”  He raised his hand, motioning her to the door.

Shelley jumped up and danced to the bathroom.  The hallway was still lit but in her haste she stubbed her toe on the bathroom door jam.  “Damn!”  She cried out.  “Are you okay?”  Mark called.  “Yeah, just stubbed my damn toe!”  The baby toe was bleeding and the nail tore slightly at the end.  The nail clippers were at the very back of the medicine cabinet, so she had to remove all the assorted pill bottles, nail polishes, Q-tip containers and makeup blocking the way.  Once she clipped the stray piece of nail away, she washed up the blood with some peroxide and located the band aids in the bottom cabinet, among another jungle of assorted products; this time tampon boxes and toilet paper rolls.   Then she realized she really had to pee badly so she abandoned all the mess on the floor.  

When she returned to the bedroom, Mark lay on the pillow with his head turned to the side, asleep.  She pursed her lips and if it weren’t for her stubbed toe, she would have kicked the bed.  Instead she chided herself for being mad. 
At least the will was there.
  She thought to herself, and she turned off the lamp.





























Chapter 10


Mark jumped up out of a dead sleep.  His arms and head felt like they weighed fifty pounds.  He couldn’t remember why he awoke for a second and then suddenly he heard his cell phone squeal.  Shelley lay there completely oblivious, likely still sleeping off the buzz from earlier.  His feet felt the carpeted floor and he tried to run quickly to catch the phone before it rang again, but his legs wouldn’t carry him fast enough.  He was tired.  The phone was sitting on the seat of Shelley’s dressing chair, and as he reached it, he could hear her stir.  The LED light came on as he opened it up and hit the call button.  It was Constable Nelson. 

Mark cleared his throat and looked at the clock.  It was 3:00 a.m.  “Nelson, what’s happened?”  He answered, his voice still sounded sleepy.

“S…Sir, there’s been another murder.  I just got the call from um…. dispatch a moment ago and it was on my beat.”  

“Okay, have you been to the scene yet?”

“Um, yes sir.  I’m here now.  Dispatch is sending a crew and they told me to contact you.”  Mark was perplexed.  He felt bad for Nelson; he seemed to be getting all the mundane jobs that anyone could do.  Mark heard his other line beep.  “Can you hold on a minute?  I’ve got another call coming in.”  He looked at the screen and changed tack.  “Never mind.  Nelson I’ll have to let you go.”

“Uh…ok sir, I’ll see you shortly.”

Mark pressed the flash button and he could hear lots of background noise; sirens, voices and shouting.  The scene sounded much different, as though Nelson was hiding in the bathroom or in his patrol car while everyone else was on scene.

“Hey Richard, what’s the story?”  He looked over at Shelley who was reaching to turn on the lamp, rubbing her eyes and yawning simultaneously.

“Hey buddy, sorry to wake you.  I was awake anyway and heard the squawk box.  You know I can’t sleep without the damn thing on.”  Mark raised his eyebrows; surprised he still did that.  He began reaching for a fresh uniform out of the closet, nodding thanks to Shelley for turning on the lamp so he could find his way around.  The phone was squished between his ear and shoulder while he pulled on his pants. 

“It’s another homicide,” Richard said levelly.

“Oh yeah.”  Mark replied when what he really wanted to say was ‘uh oh.’

“Yeah, you better get over here right away. Charlie’s on his way with a crew.”

“Yeah, Nelson told me.” 

“It’s another gun shot….close range straight through the head.”  There was another blasting of sirens.  He allowed the noise to pass before speaking again.

“Jesus,” Mark said under his breath.

“Yeah.  It’s a bit early to tell, but my guess is this is serial.” 

“Where’s the scene?”  Mark asked, anticipating his long days were about to become a lot longer.

“Lisa’s already texted it to you.  It shouldn’t take you more than ten minutes to get here.  It’s just past the highway on the other side of town.  Blake and Ranger.” 

“Be there in a jiffy.”  Mark hung up the phone and shrugged on his vest.  He picked his cap up off Shelley’s dressing table and leaned over to kiss her goodbye.

“Go back to sleep baby.  I’ve no idea when I’ll be home.” 

“Okay. Love you.”  Shelley answered and turned off the lamp as she watched him walk out and close the bedroom door.


Mark entered the address into his GPS while the driver side door was still open.  He reached into the back seat to grab the cherry and placed it on the roof.  The button to activate all his emergency indicators-siren, lights-was stuck.  Using the heel of his palm he gave it a swift belt upward and suddenly it looked like a bad Christmas movie in his patrol car.  Since it was 3:00 am, he decided to wait until he hit the main street before turning on the sirens.  Within ten seconds he was weaving in and out of cars like a pinball.

When he pulled closer to the crime scene, it wasn’t difficult to determine where he needed to be.  The pandemonium surrounding the block was unmistakable.  The house was located on a small street one block in from the main road.  There were people standing on the street, all scattered haphazardly like peppercorns on a bagel.  The house hadn’t yet been partitioned off and there were two police cars parked in the driveway, and two on either side of the house.  Mark arrived just as Charlie’s crew appeared.  He made eye contact and motioned them to park their truck in front of the cruisers at the bottom of the driveway.  Mark created a slight barricade by parking sideways in the middle of the street, leaving his cherry flashing.

He spotted two ladies in their robes standing on the lawn, chatting.  “Excuse me ladies, but would you mind moving to the sidewalk please?”  His voice was gentle but firm as he directed them with his arm in an ‘L’ to the bottom of the driveway to the left of the cruisers.  Nelson came up behind him carrying the yellow caution tape.

“Sir, um, I was just about to do that.”  Nelson’s voice quivered, his hands were slightly unbalanced and shaky.

“Sure Nelson, you take over.”  He patted him on the shoulder and walked towards the front door.

Mark tipped his hat and saluted the two officers standing on the other side of the door.  The house was a two story, seventies style detached with brown trim and a sun porch that could be viewed from the front of the house.  The interior was shallow.  There was only one bedroom on the main floor.  The living room was to the left of the kitchen, which was right at the entrance.  Richard was kneeling in front of the victim.

Her body lay on the couch.  Her red hair was sprawled over the top of the cushions like a scarlet blanket.  Her body was spread out as though she’d just done a backward dive into a pool.  She was sideways with her head on an angle.  The couch was a beige tone and it was splattered with blood, which continued to drip on the floor.  Her mouth remained open, as though she tried to scream just before the shot hit her square between the eyes, just above her brows.

“Where’s the rest of the gang?”  Mark asked as he approached, pulling his slacks up on his thighs and bending down, even with Richard’s face.

“Andy’s out back with Rodrigues, Pascal and Thomas are upstairs and you saw Nelson and the other two already,” he answered without eye contact.

“Good.  Charlie’s on his way in, too.”

Richard nodded. 

“So, what do we know so far?” 

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