The Wicked Wallflower

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Authors: Maya Rodale

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For all the bluestockings.

And for Tony,

who wooed me with books and

who reads almost as fast as I do.



tempted to take sole credit for this book, I cannot. I am completely indebted to Sara Jane Stone, Amanda Kimble-­Evans, and Tony Haile, who read early drafts and offered valuable feedback.

Many thanks to the team at Avon for getting my books into ­people's hands, especially Jessie, Pam, Shawn, and Dana. Thank you to Tom for another gorgeous cover. Most of all, thank you to my lovely and talented editor, Tessa.

I am grateful to my fellow authors Caroline Linden, Miranda Neville, and Katharine Ashe for friendship and conversations one can only have with other romance authors. When I need a break from the nineteenth century, I turn to my friends and fans on Facebook, who were tremendously helpful when it came to suggesting character names and providing the titles for Emma's books.

I'd also like to thank my family, my agent, my husband, and my darling dog, Penelope.



London, 1821

Lady Emma Avery's life would truly begin. Glittering parties, rakish rogues, breathtaking romance . . . all those things that only ever happened in books would finally,
happen to her.

Any minute now Emma would be announced at her first London ball. The great husband hunt would finally,
begin. She'd spent four years preparing as a student at Lady Penelope's Finishing School for Young Ladies. She spent the entire afternoon forcing her brown hair to curl and enduring fittings for a lovely ivory silk and lace gown, even though she would've rather been reading.

All the preparation would be worth it when some rogue swept her off her feet in a whirlwind of romance, which would happen, oh, any minute now.

“Lord and Lady Avery. Lady Emma.” The butler at Lady Wrotham's ball announced their arrival. No one in the crowded ballroom took note.

Emma kept her head held high. She was new to London.

At the first opportunity, Emma found her two dearest friends from Lady Penelope's: Lady Olivia Archer and Miss Prudence Payton. They had staked out a position in the corner of the ballroom, where they watched the other ­couples dancing, flirting, and conversing.

“I hardly have any names on my dance card,” Emma said, slightly despairing. This was not how she imagined her debut.

“There are just four names on mine,” Olivia said. “But I think the gentlemen only agreed to escape my mother. I really can't blame them.”

“I haven't any,” Prudence replied glumly.

“The night is still young,” Emma declared. “And this is only our first ball of our first season.”

“I wager
dance card is full,” Prudence said. They all turned to look at Lady Katherine Abernathy—­blond, beautiful, and
surrounded by a gaggle of young, handsome suitors. She smiled like a cat in cream.

“Oh, hello!” she called out to them. The three tensed, for Lady Katherine had never, in the history of their acquaintance, had a kind word for any of them.

“My friends from Finishing School,” she explained to her swarming pack of beaux. First she introduced Lady Olivia and Miss Prudence. Then Lady Katherine paused to smile wickedly. “And Lady Emma. But we all called
the Buxom Bluestocking.”

The gentlemen, desperate to please or perhaps mistaking this cruelty for wit or humor, burst into uproarious laughter. Emma felt her cheeks flame red. She had actually prayed for Lady Katherine to drop that horrid nickname. And this was how God answered.

“Have I died and gone to hell? Tell me I have,” she pleaded to her friends.

“I'm afraid this is actually happening,” Prudence said sorrowfully. Olivia clasped Emma's hand.

“This is not how the evening was supposed to go,” Emma said through clenched teeth. It was bad enough that she blushed while everyone laughed at her—­tonight, of all nights.

She. Would. Not. Cry.

Through their laughter, Emma didn't hear the orchestra begin playing the third waltz. But she did see a handsome gentleman awkwardly attempting to push his way through.

Mr. Benedict Chase. They had been introduced earlier. He was one of the few to pencil his name on her dance card. She wouldn't blame him if he cried off. Who could possibly want to waltz with a girl known as Buxom Bluestocking?

But no, as Lady Katherine and her suitors watched, he bowed before Emma and then led her to the dance floor.

“The Buxom Bluestocking?” Mr. Chase inquired.

Emma bit her lip and looked away.

“I love a woman who reads,” he said kindly. Emma's gaze locked with his; she saw he wasn't teasing. He liked her—­when everyone else laughed at her expense. She also noted that he was handsome. He looked at her mouth as if he wanted to kiss her.

Emma promptly fell in love with Mr. Benedict Chase.

He whirled her around the ballroom; she felt dizzy from it. Or was that the heady, intoxicating sensation of true love? She smiled happily. Her cheeks were still pink—­but from pleasure, not embarrassment.

is what she had prepared for. If only this moment could last forever.

This moment came to an abrupt stop when a large, hulking masculine body stepped backward and bumped into her. The force of their collision sent her sprawling to her knees on the parquet floor.

Emma peered up at the horrible, inconsiderate brute and found herself peering at the most breathtakingly handsome man she had ever seen. He could only be the Duke of Ashbrooke, an infamous scoundrel who made frequent appearances in the gossip columns.

“My apologies. Didn't see you there,” the duke said with a smile that was renowned for melting hearts and weakening women's resolve.

Emma just scowled.

He had ruined her perfect moment with the man she loved.

Then, like a gentleman and not the rogue he was reputed to be, the duke offered her his hand. Not to be outdone, Benedict did as well.

Emma glanced from the duke to Benedict, each reaching out for her hand. She didn't hesitate. Her choice was clear. She chose the man who
her. She chose love.


Chapter 1

The graduates of Lady Penelope's Finishing School for Young Ladies make excellent matches . . . eventually.



April, 1824

Lady Emma Avery's Bedroom

Lady Penelope's Finishing School for Young Ladies, it was expected that Lady Emma Avery and her friends, Lady Olivia Archer and Miss Prudence Payton, would make good matches on the marriage mart within a season or two of their debut. They had done no such thing.

Having endured Lady Wrotham's ball celebrating the start of the 1824 season earlier that night, the girls returned to Emma's house, procured a bottle of sherry, and proceeded to face a dire truth.

“To our
season,” Emma said with a sigh, raising her glass. Reluctantly, Olivia and Prudence did so as well, clinking the cut crystal goblets together and taking small ladylike sips.

“As of tonight, there are just three months until Lady Penelope's Anniversary Ball,” Prudence said, giving voice to the dreadful fact that had been weighing on all of their minds.

At the end of every season, all the graduates—­
and their husbands
—­gathered to celebrate the anniversary of the school's founding, as well as announce the matches made that season and pray for those yet unwed.

To miss the event was simply not done.

To attend the event without a husband was excruciating.

“Thus if we are not married by within three months time, we shall be the first batch of spinsters in the history of the school,” Olivia said in a small voice. “No one has ever ended their fourth season unwed. Except for us.”

Olivia, seated primly on the pale blue carpet, nervously fussed with her skirts. Emma leaned back against the bed, bumping her head on the post. Prudence sighed.

There was also the unspoken truth that they all
romance, love, families of their own and happily-­ever-­after. With each year that went by, it became harder and harder to smile at another of their classmates' weddings or the birth of another baby. Inside, the same aching, desperate feeling: When will it be my turn? When?

“In the one-hundred-year history of the school, it was bound to happen,” Prudence said. “Mathematically speaking.”

“Lady Katherine Abernathy is also still unwed,” Olivia pointed out.

“By choice,” Emma replied. “She has refused numerous proposals. She need only say yes to one of them.” Beautiful, blond, and despicable Lady Katherine Abernathy had delighted in tormenting Emma and her friends at Lady P's with cutting remarks, cruel pranks . . . always followed by demands for help with her lessons from the Buxom Bluestocking.

“I suppose it doesn't need to be said that we haven't received any proposals. At all. Whatsoever,” Olivia said glumly.

“No, it doesn't,” Prudence said. “I am well aware that I have received none and shall not receive any, so long as the ton calls me Prude Prudence.”

“At least you are not known as Prissy Missy,” Olivia replied. “The name does not seem to entice gentlemen. Surprisingly.”

“Neither of those are as bad as the Buxom Bluestocking,” Emma said, shuddering at the horrid nickname she had earned thanks to her figure and her penchant for reading.

With life on the marriage mart cruel to a girl known as the Buxom Bluestocking, she had retreated even more into her books, which only made things worse.

Prudence refilled their empty glasses and raised hers in toast. “To London's Least Likely,” she declared wryly.

Olivia pursed her lips and Emma groaned. The prior season, the “gentlemen” at White's had concocted a cruel new game in which they named London's Least Likely to Cause a Scandal (Olivia), Misbehave (Emma), Be Caught In Compromising Position (Prudence).

The revelation of this did not enhance their marital prospects.

They weren't
They just weren't

“Something must be done,” Olivia said. “I cannot bear the thought of standing there while our class takes a bow and we are the only unmarried ones in the lot. My mother will probably weep openly at what a failure I am.”

“That ball is the least of my worries,” Emma declared. “I have overheard my parents arguing, for we cannot afford another season in town. If I do not marry soon, I shall have to rusticate in Lincolnshire. For the rest of my life. Unless . . .“

“Unless you can make Benedict come up to scratch,” Prudence finished.

Emma nodded. Benedict had been her one and only beau for three seasons now. When everyone teased her bluestocking tendencies, he asked her about the books she'd read and her opinions of them. He
that she was bookish—­when her mother despaired of her and the rest of the ton teased her. Benedict and she dreamt of a town house they might share, possessing a well-­stocked library with a roaring fire, large windows overlooking a garden, and children tucked in a nursery upstairs.

Other than Prudence and Olivia, he was the one person she could just be herself with. Emma loved him desperately.

It was only a matter of time until he proposed—­
thought so.

But then disaster struck.

“If only it were that simple,” Emma said with a sigh. “His father has recently made a disastrous investment and is now insisting that Benedict and his brother marry heiresses.”

“If he would have proposed last season this wouldn't be an issue,” Prudence said.

“Or the season before
,” Emma added. Indeed, she and Benedict had a sort of understanding for three seasons now. He'd asked her father for permission to court her—­all that was missing was the proposal. “I love him. But he is not the most enterprising of men.”

“Which means
must do something, if anything is to be done at all,” Prudence concluded. Emma nodded in agreement.

“If only you would come into a fortune,” Olivia mused. “That would solve everything.”

Emma smiled sheepishly and said, “I might have perused Debrett's to discern if I had any wealthy, elderly, sickly relatives I wasn't aware of. There were none.”

“How does one force a man's hand anyway?” Olivia asked. “Besides being caught in a compromising position, which is always an option if we are truly desperate.”

“Sometimes,” Emma whispered, leaning in conspiratorially, “I wish that the announcement were just in the newspaper and done. Then he'd be honor-bound to marry me, fortune or not.”

“ ‘Mr. Benedict Chase, second son of Viscount Rossmore, is pleased to announce his engagement to Lady Emma Avery,' ” Prudence recited.

“We should do it,” Olivia said. Then she giggled. And hiccupped.

“Are you mad?” Emma gasped. “You have had far too much sherry.”

“Our situation is desperate,” Olivia said. “Do you really want to be the only failure of Lady Penelope's in the entire
history of the school? Don't you wish to marry and have children and not be nagged about eligible bachelors?”

“I do want all those things,” Emma said fiercely. “But you must agree that forging a betrothal announcement is a bit much. Perhaps I might just confide my feelings to him. Or convince him that my meager dowry will be enough if we live frugally. Or perhaps I should settle. I could find a wealthy older man searching for a second or even third wife. Perhaps he will die and leave me a fortune before I grow too old.”

The prospect did not enthrall.

“No, we mustn't settle,” Olivia said firmly. “We have waited too long to settle. Lady Penelope would never wish for us to settle. We must do something.”

Prudence crossed the room to Emma's writing desk in search of paper and pen under all the stacks of books Emma had read, or planned to read, or was in the midst of reading.

“Olivia, you write it,” Prudence said, handing her the materials. “You have the best penmanship.”

“Indeed, it is one of my many talents that gentlemen care not one whit about, along with my skill with an embroidery needle, watercolor brush, or my deft handling of a teapot,” Olivia muttered. Then she asked, “What should I write?”

“Nothing!” Emma protested. “You should not write anything.”

“ ‘To
The London Weekly
,' ” Prudence said grandly. “ ‘Mr. Benedict Chase, handsome but impoverished second son of cruel Viscount Rossmore, is delighted to announce his engagement to the lovely Lady Emma Avery—­' ”

“Toss that in the fire immediately!” Emma cried, lunging for the paper Olivia held high above her head.

“Ladies do not attempt to steal the private correspondence of others,” Olivia admonished.

“Ladies do not compose outrageous falsehoods for nefarious purposes,” Emma countered.

“Speaking of fire, do you smell smoke?” Prudence asked, sniffing the air. “No, maybe not. I must be imagining things. Like your future happiness going up in flames.”

“Olivia, you cannot be serious! You have had far too much sherry!”

“If you are going to send a betrothal announcement to the newspaper—­” Prudence said thoughtfully.

“Which I am not going to do,” Emma cut in firmly.

“—­why settle for Benedict?”

Olivia's eyes went wide. Emma didn't even entertain the notion.

“Because I love Benedict,” she said. She did love him, truly and deeply. She wanted to belong to him, and to live the life she imagined for them. She had the townhouse picked out, along with the china pattern, their children's names, and the fabric for the drawing room drapes. “I love him. Which is beside the point because I am not going to—­”

“Who else shall we announce her betrothal to, Prudence?” Olivia asked, and ever the gracious and attentive hostess, refilled their empty glasses.

Prudence pursed her lips. She paused thoughtfully. She even sipped her sherry. Emma could practically see her compiling a list of eligible bachelors, evaluating them and dismissing them.

Prudence grinned. It was a wicked grin. One that made Emma's stomach feel as if it were turning cartwheels. Olivia leaned forward expectantly. Emma braced herself with another fortifying sip of sherry.

“Ashbrooke,” Prudence said with a curve of her lips.

Emma spat out her sip of sherry—­all over the letter announcing her betrothal to Benedict, thus completely ruining it with a smattering of red splotches.

“The Duke of Ashbrooke!” Olivia shrieked.

“Shhh,” Prudence shushed her.

“You are absolutely, stark raving mad,” Emma said flatly. “I should ring for the footmen to escort you to Bedlam.”

“He's so . . . dreamy,” Olivia said in a wispy voice.

Emma rolled her eyes and said, “He's a notorious libertine.”

“He's the most eligible bachelor of the season,” Prudence pointed out. “Of
season.” It was the truth, but it was also irrelevant.

“Men like him do not associate with girls like us,” Emma said, highlighting a far more pertinent truth. “Ashbrooke is out of our league. He's out of everyone's league, except perhaps oh-­so-­perfect Lady Katherine Abernathy. That is, if he even deigned to associate with debutantes. Everyone knows he is not the marrying kind.”

“He just hasn't met the right woman,” Olivia said.

“Because he's always with the wrong ones,” Emma replied. “He has seduced the female half of London, effortlessly.”

“Except for us,” Olivia said glumly. “He's just so . . .“

“So virile,” Prudence said, a blush stealing over her cheeks. “And masculine.”

“Or arrogant,” Emma said. That was one thing she loved about Benedict. His kindness, his open-­mindedness, his humility. Benedict listened to her, and you could just tell that Ashbrooke didn't pause to consider anyone else, if he paused to think at all.

“How can you know what he is like?” Prudence asked. “Have you ever spoken to him?”

“Of course not. Men like him do not speak to girls like me. It's probably a universal law,” Emma said. “Besides, men that handsome need not develop charm or humility because women and the world just fall at their feet, breathlessly, eager to do their bidding. He wins easily at everything, which means he's never had to work for anything. I'm sure he's a pompous, arrogant bore.”

“But you agree he is handsome,” Olivia said gravely.

“I am not blind. Or dead,” Emma conceded. “But I love Benedict!”

“You must be the only woman in the
whole entire world
who is immune to the Ashbrooke Effect,” Olivia said. “Amazing. You are a medical marvel.”

“First of all, the Ashbrooke Effect is not an actual medical condition,” Emma lectured, after another sip of her drink. “Secondly, I refuse to believe it even exists at all.”

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