The Whiskerly Sisters (24 page)

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Authors: BB Occleshaw

BOOK: The Whiskerly Sisters
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Since Jax elected not to respond to his message, another, shorter reply soon followed.

The IRS have given me only two weeks to pay the bill. Hurry my love. I need your help so very much. Des xx

Des, $50,000 is a lot of money and I don’t know if I can get my hands on it in such a short time. I will see what can be done. Love J xx

My angel, any help would be welcome right now – $15,000 or $20,000 would keep the taxman off my back. Please wire what you can as soon as possible. I am about to begin laying off some of my workers. I would like to write more, but I am just off to collect Aimee from school. Let me know what you can loan me. All my love always, your Desmond xxx

Under instructions for her friends, Jax did not access her account for the next ninety six hours. When she did so, she found four messages from an increasingly desperate Des.

My angel, I went to church today and prayed for you. I am so blessed to know someone as wonderful as you, who believes in our future together as much as I do and who has no hesitation in offering her unstinting support to me. Oh my darling, how I love you and all that you are. Des xxx

My own Jacqueline, today I was forced to lay off some of my workers. It was hell, a black day for me. I have employed some of these men for twenty years. If you had seen the looks on their faces, you would understand how important your support is to me right now. I know you will not fail me. Send what you can. Let me know when you have the money and I will tell you where to wire it. Be assured of my love. I think of you every day and always last thing at night when I lay my head on my pillow. I only hope we are not too late to save our business, angel. Your Des xxx

My love, I have not heard from you. Is everything alright with you? Are you sick? I am worried about you. All my concerns here pale into insignificance in the knowledge that you might be hurt or unwell somewhere and that I cannot reach you to help you as you would do – will do – for me. Please talk to me angel. I am beside myself with worry for you. More workers were laid off today. It has caused me such grief. These people rely on me. What am I to do? Tell me, my Jacqueline, my own. Help me. I love you. Your loving future husband, Des xxx

Jacqueline, where are you? Please talk to me. Des x

My dearest Des, I am so sorry to have caused you such concern and worry by not getting in touch sooner. I understand your situation and really do want to do all I can to assist you. I too hate to think of all those workers and their families without an income or food on their table when there is something I can do to help. However, things are happening here for me too in the UK. I have such amazing news and I only wish I could share it with you, but I cannot. Please believe me when I say that I have so much hope for us right now and that it will only be a short while before I can offer you all that you deserve. Please, please you must promise not to ask. I truly cannot say – only that I am so excited. I wish, wish, wish I could say more. Trust me, my love. All will be settled. Your Jacqueline xxx

My own true love, how my heart soared to receive your message. To know that all is well with you is enough. I cannot help but wonder at your news – I am human, after all, but I will not ask; only trust in the Lord and your loving support. I had another letter from the IRS yesterday. Time is running out for me, angel, but I must not think of myself only. You are always at the centre of my thoughts and all that I have is yours – only for the loan of a few thousand dollars and we can be together so that I can provide for you. Hurry my love. Time is short. Your loving Des xxx

My darling Des, fend them off. Say anything, but stall them. I am confident that, in the next few days, I will be able to surpass even your expectations and show you what kind of woman you are in love with. Only do not ask – you are a business man – you know how these things are and I must not risk disclosure at this time even to the man I trust most in the whole world. Oh darling, cross your fingers and pray for good news. I wish I could send you some of the money right this minute to keep those bloodsucking sharks at bay, but my money is tied up for just a short while and I cannot release it. Believe me, I so want to. I wish I could say more. All my love, your Jacqueline xxx

Darling Jacqueline, of course I trust and believe in you – my future wife, my loving spouse for eternity. Oh how wonderful life will be for us. I will hold the IRS back and do all I can to keep my business running while you do whatever it is that you must do to support our future. I eagerly await your good news. All my love, Des xxxxxxx

After reading Des’s last message, Jax felt satisfied that things were going according to plan. Logging off, she went downstairs to fix herself something to eat. She had quite a bit of research and background reading to undertake after which she would report in to the Whiskerlies to confirm the final phase.


itting alone at the formica table, sipping coke while the world came and went around her, Izza reflected on the changes in her life over the past few startling months. Could it really have been less than nine months ago since her sister had uncovered Tony in the front seat of his car shagging some faceless bimbo? Did the relaxed, contented, fulfilled young woman of today have any connection to the cowed, defensive, needy girl of yesteryear?

The clumsy, awkward caterpillar, crawling along on the ground, hiding under leaves and grubbing out its life in the dirt was gone. In its place, a glorious, golden butterfly had emerged from its chrysalis intent on fully enjoying its time in the sun, flexing its wings, feeling its inert power and sipping nectar from the choicest fruits. Izza grinned to herself at the thought. This bedazzling, bewitching butterfly was definitely planning a lot more than one brilliant summer.

It had begun on the fateful evening in the town park when she had unexpectedly come across Tony’s car, but had she not met up with Darren and his gang, she probably would not be where she was now. She might have been dead in a ditch. She could have been whoring for drugs. She might even have gone back to Tony. She shivered inwardly at the thought of what might have been.

Having watched passively as her sister had ousted the unfaithful Tony and his lady friend from the passenger seat of his car and felt the horrifying force of yet another betrayal, Izza had simply bolted. Fleeing more from her feelings than from Tony, she had just run off with no destination in mind and she had carried on running mindlessly, possibly even in circles, until she found herself lost in the middle of a sink estate on the edge of town. She had finally slumped to the ground against the partly collapsed fence of a terraced house, crying bitterly into her folded arms, protesting heartbreakingly against what life had brought her thus far.

Nothing stirred while the girl poured out her heart into her hands. Eventually, the torrent began to subside and she looked up to examine her surroundings more closely. She surveyed her feet, which she realised were actually throbbing. Unlacing her trainers, she took one foot carefully out of her Nikes. It was red and pulsating, hot with the shock of such a long, unplanned sprint. She found she had several blisters. Her other foot was much the same. She looked down at herself. She was dirty and sweaty. Her mouth felt dry and she realised she was thirsty. How she would have loved to throw herself into a hot bath and have her father fix her something to eat. She needed to get home. Rising to her feet, she held the fence for support. She had no idea where she was. She decided she would just have to knock at one of the doors and ask for help.


It was just as she had made her decision that Darren came into her line of sight, swaggering towards her, water bottle in one hand and with a small gang of mates following in his wake. He stood swaying in front of her. To Izza, he seemed clearly high on something, but he didn’t appear threatening.

“What-oh!” he said. “What have we here?” A pretty lady in distress – what do you think, lads?” he continued.

Clearly as leader of the group, his question was rhetorical and his friends just muttered under their breath, sniggered or looked curiously at the shoeless girl in front of them.

“Aw look, she’s been crying. Had a bad day at the office? Daddy forgotten to give you any pocket money? Poor little lamb,” he jeered. “Bit posh for round here, ain’t ya?”

“Er ya, actually I’m lost,” the girl volunteered. “Do you think you could point me in the direction of the main road?” she asked.

“Er ya, actually I’m lost. Do you think you could point me in the direction of the main road,” mimicked Darren over-pronouncing his vowels in his attempt at an upmarket accent, clearly enjoying the opportunity for a little easy bravado in front of his mates. His friends immediately hooted with laughter at his mockery of the girl and began slapping their thighs in approval.

“Okay darlin’, you can come with us. We’ll see yer right, won’t we boys?” said Darren, giving an exaggerated wink.

“No please, it’s alright. I’ll just phone my dad on the mobile and he can come and pick me up.” Izza was now beginning to feel a little uneasy.

“Gotta mobile have we? Fabulous. ‘And it over,” ordered Darren, holding out his hand.

“Yeah, what else you got, darling?” added one of his underlings, stepping forward.

“Come one inch closer and I will knock your fucking head off,” replied Izza with all the authority she could muster, shocking herself as much as the others.

“Ooh, got some spirit, have we? I like a girl with a bit o’fight in her. Listen, it’s okay love, we’re only playing with you. We didn’t mean to frighten you but, seriously, you are a bit posh to be walking around here at this time of night. Come with us – we’ll see you right.”

In an instant, Darren had turned from slightly threatening to warm and friendly, but Izza wasn’t buying it. She stood her ground, trying to look as aggressive as possible, but with her insides turning to jelly.

“Listen,” continued Darren. “We’re off to the common – that’s where we live, but we go right past the bypass on the way through and we can point you in the right direction for the town centre. If you like, you can just follow us. We won’t touch you.”

Turning, he walked away with his friends following, leaving the frightened girl behind. Izza hesitated, unsure what to do. Should she follow them, she wondered or should she stay put? Perhaps she should stick with her original plan and knock on a nearby door to ask for help. Whatever instinct it was that told her to follow Darren turned out to be a life saver. Hesitating for only a few moments, watching the boys disappear into the darkness, she cautiously began to follow them, making sure she kept her distance. After a short while, Izza was forced to slow down. Her feet were too sore for her trainers, but she was struggling to walk bare foot along the path. Slowly, she drew further and further behind the gang of boys.

Eventually, she was force to stop altogether and that was when Darren turned and came back to her.

“What’s up?” he asked and the girl indicated her feet.

“I can’t walk very well,” she replied. “Blisters.”

Darren edged closer towards her and stooped down. He took one of her feet in his surprisingly gentle hands and examined it.

Straightening up, he looked at Izza and said, “Only one thing for it,” and, without further ado, he leant forward and swiftly lifted the surprised girl into a fireman’s lift. Immediately she began to struggle but, after a few seconds, realised that it was futile. Whatever was about to happen next, she had brought it on herself. She guessed she could scream, but they were in an isolated spot and there were too many of them and only one of her.

After a while, one of Darren’s mates took his turn and carried her piggy back style through a small housing estate, past a business park and on towards the common. Johnny, the tall, silent one took the final leg. Izza couldn’t believe her eyes when the group finally broke through a small screen of hedges, bordering the common, and into what looked to her like a communal camp with several tents surrounding a central open fire. Johnny placed her gently on the ground in front of some girls, who were sitting around the fire, smoking and talking. They looked with interest at the newcomer, sizing up the situation quickly. Someone stood up and stirred a pot, which was bubbling gently over the campfire; someone else went into one of the tents and returned with a First Aid box. It wasn’t long before Izza was sitting nursing a cup of tea whilst the worst excesses of her panicked flight were being sponged and antiseptic cream applied. Very little was said and no questions asked. A little later, she was given something to eat and offered a sleeping bag. As she gratefully eased her aching body into its comforting folds, she heard the sound of an acoustic guitar being played outside her tent and she drifted to sleep to its rhythm.

She was woken the following morning to the chink of pottery and stone as a cup of tea was placed next to her. She opened her eyes to find Darren grinning down at her.

“Feeling better?” he asked.

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