The Whey Prescription (4 page)

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Authors: N.D. Christopher Vasey

Tags: #Health/Nutrition

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Principal Indications for the Whey Cure

The health concerns that can be affected positively by whey cures will be listed here—ranging from general concerns, such as fatigue and the effects of antibiotic treatment, to serious ailments such as cardiovascular diseases.

For each, a short explanation of the causes of the disease will be provided along with the manner in which whey can act on the disorders. This is by no means an exhaustive list; as we have seen, thanks to its general action of correcting the body’s internal cellular environment, numerous other problems can be cured by whey. Therefore, only the principal indications will be dealt with here.


Digestive problems (indigestion, gas, diarrhea) are possible side effects of antibiotic treatments; antibiotics in fact destroy the beneficial bacteria of the intestinal flora. The lactose contained in whey allows this intestinal flora to rebuild itself more quickly and easily.


When the muscles are worked, acid wastes are produced that reduce the body’s resistance and strength. By encouraging elimination of acid through the kidneys, whey allows athletes to increase the time they are able to perform or work out; it also reduces the time necessary for recuperation afterward.


Certain forms of cystitis (bladder infection) occur when the intestinal flora is out of balance and its microorganisms mutate and become virulent. Whey acts directly on the intestinal flora, working to correct the imbalance while also expelling microbes from the bladder by diuresis.


Blood is the principal link in the chain of cardiovascular disorders. The wastes transported by blood become deposited on the walls of the vessels and the walls of the heart, hindering blood flow and blocking its passage to a greater extent as time goes by. The purifying action of whey on the liver, kidneys, and intestines helps blood retain its purity and fluidity.


When an intestine is described as lazy, it means that it empties itself only on an episodic basis and does not evacuate all its contents; this occurs when intestinal peristalsis is insufficient. Peristalsis can be stimulated by the lactic acid and lactose that whey brings into the body. Whey has even proven effective at reeducating intestinal function among those people who have relied too heavily on the use of laxatives and purgatives to do what their bodies could no longer do.


Whey helps reduce sugar levels in the blood by stimulating the work performed by the liver and kidneys. Its lactose is suitable for consumption by diabetics, but the amount ingested must be calculated. Three level tablespoons of powdered whey are equal to one serving of bread.


When it is not a result of overwork, lack of sleep, or stress, fatigue is often due to the fact that the body cannot function freely because of the toxins that are clogging the system. By cleansing the body, whey contributes to the restoration of normal energy circulation.


Because whey supports and restores the beneficial bacteria of the intestinal flora, it prevents putrefaction and the production of gas.


After the emergency treatment required, whey makes it possible to correct the internal environment that is ultimately the cause of the disorders (blood viscosity, excess weight, high blood pressure).


Hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the anus with four possible causes: local irritations from intestinal toxins, deformation of the vessel resulting from excessive pressure by fecal matter, liver congestion, and high viscosity of the blood. The properties of whey will act on all four of these causes and therefore provide effective treatment for hemorrhoids.


There are numerous causes of high blood pressure. Whey acts effectively upon the following: excessive viscosity of the blood, water retention, excess salt in the tissues, and even clogging of the vessels and kidneys.


The lactose provided by whey is the food of choice for intestinal flora, which plays an important role in the digestive process. Whey also allows for better digestion through the support it offers the liver by encouraging the production of bile, a digestive fluid that is essential for the digestion of fatty substances. Whey is therefore an ideal treatment for chronic indigestion.


Rheumatic disorders, such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, and sciatica, are caused by toxins that attack and create lesions in the joints, toxins deposited in the inter-spatial area of the joints, and the demineralization of the cartilage and bone by acids. The chronic nature of these problems stems from poor diet and poor elimination. The detoxifying and mineral-restoring properties of whey therefore contribute valuable assistance to the treatment of all these diseases.


Whey is a physiologically suitable diuretic that will not irritate diseased kidneys.


When the kidneys are working too slowly, wastes will collect in their tissues and tubular areas in the form of grit or stones. The diuretic effect of whey stimulates the kidneys and increases the amount of fluid that is transiting through them, thereby ridding the kidneys of these deposits.


By cleansing the intestinal environment, whey provides relief to the liver, which can then regenerate and begin functioning more actively again. Whey can be used in cases of hepatic laziness, gallstones, jaundice, and cirrhosis.


Muscular spasms and cramps are often due to deficiencies in potassium and magnesium and are easily remedied by the high content of potassium and other minerals in whey.


The skin is the mirror of the body, reflecting the state of the internal cellular environment. When the main excretory organs are not sufficiently ridding the body of its wastes and the body becomes overloaded with toxins, it will seek to eliminate them through the skin. If the presence of toxins is too large, they will congest the sudoriferous and sebaceous glands and irritate the skin, causing pimples and producing eczema and other skin disorders.

The treatment of skin disorders, therefore, should be targeted less at the surface level of the skin; it should involve detoxification of the entire body and rebalancing of the intestinal environment, which is the primary source of wastes.


Because of its high potassium content and the diuretic effect that potassium has on the system, whey effectively expels excess water being retained in the body.


Whey is an ideal food for a weight-loss diet. It helps the body rid itself of wastes and excess water. As natural as bread and potatoes, whey can be eaten on a daily basis. Although it is dietetic, it still provides a small protein base, a light energy boost, and numerous minerals that permit the body to continue performing necessary tasks. Furthermore, eaten half an hour before meals, whey will reduce the sensation of hunger.


The Practice of the Cure




The whey cure can be followed using fresh liquid whey, as our ancestors did in the past, or whey reconstituted from powder.

Fresh Liquid Whey

Whey, in its natural liquid form, will go bad fairly quickly, so fresh whey should be used only by those who can obtain it directly from a cheese maker. Fresh whey should be drunk at once in the two to three hours after its manufacture.

Powdered Whey

If fresh whey is not available, the cure can be taken with whey prepared from powder. The manufacturing methods carefully preserve the properties of the whey almost in their totality. With cold or lukewarm water added to the powdered whey, a drink of whey can be reconstituted instantaneously. To obtain a concentration that is comparable to that of fresh whey, follow the instructions supplied by the product manufacturer. Different brands of whey powders are available commercially.

A company called Biosana makes natural fruit-based powdered whey and supplemental whey tablets, both of which are available in many different flavors (including raspberry, lemon, apple, vanilla, chocolate, and mocha). The possibility this offers for flavor variation is not a negligible consideration during cures of long duration. (See the resources section for further information on whey manufacturers and distributors.)

Whey will turn bad quickly whether fresh or prepared from powder. Make sure to prepare each glass of whey when needed; do not make a batch of it at the beginning of the day to be consumed later.


The dosages provided for the whey cure are based on an average. As with any cure, because of the wide variety of individual reactions and physical sensitivities of the people taking the cure—their specific diseases or disorders, age, and vitality—dosage should be determined on a case-by-case basis. It should be reduced if the effects of the cure are too violent and increased when necessary (that is, if the body is not eliminating enough wastes).


On the first day of the cure, drink
liter (1 cup) of whey. Every day thenceforward, add another
-liter dose until the ultimate desired amount has been reached. As previously discussed, dosage will vary depending on the specific case. For most people, the final amount to work up to should be between 2 and 3 liters. The
-liter doses should be drunk every fifteen minutes.

When the maximum amount has been reached, gradually reduce the dosage by
-liter increments per day until back to the original amount of
liter. This means that, depending on the ultimate amount chosen, the cure will last anywhere from six to twenty-four days.

For people who cannot tolerate drinking large quantities of liquid at one time and begin to feel sick with too much water in their stomachs, it is possible to set a length of twenty-one days to the cure, during which the amount of whey drunk every day will not change, for example 1 liter (or a little more than a quart) a day. The whey should still be drunk in
-liter doses every fifteen minutes until the desired amount has been consumed.

Whey should be drunk first thing in the morning. Breakfast, if it is eaten, should be very light. It is best to skip breakfast entirely (consuming only whey) and eat your first meal of the day at noon.

Whey Cure Variation

Instead of concentrating the ingestion of whey over a short span of time—two or three hours in the morning, as with the original cure—this variation allows the whey to be consumed over the course of the entire day. The
-liter ration is drunk once an hour instead of every fifteen minutes. In this cure, too, the dosage is increased by
liter a day until the maximum quantity desired has been obtained; then reduced on the same gradual basis. For those who prefer, the duration between doses of whey can be spaced out to an even greater extent among four set times: at rising, at the end of the morning, at the end of the afternoon, and just before going to bed.


The beneficial effects of the whey cure will be obvious even if one does no more than take the whey. However, these effects can be reinforced when the whey cure is followed in conjunction with a restrictive diet. Any restriction of food intake will trigger additional healing phenomena in the body; the greater the restriction, the more powerful the healing will be.

The first of these healing phenomena is the autolysis of wastes and diseased tissues. The word
literally means digestion (lysis) of one’s self (auto). Because food is restricted, the body no longer receives all the nutrients it needs, so it draws these substances from its own tissues. This autolysis does not occur in a random manner: the first things to be self-digested are wastes and diseased tissues.

The second healing phenomenon that is set in motion by dieting is a kind of eliminatory system overhaul and updating. Because the food intake has been reduced, the digestive system has less work to perform. The energy that is saved can be used for eliminatory functions: the liver, the kidneys, and the intestines all work much more actively to eliminate toxins.

Following a restrictive diet while taking the whey cure increases its beneficial effects. Three different levels of restriction are outlined in this section; each can be applied to the whey cure with any of the dosage schedules previously discussed.

General Version

Normal food intake is maintained, with the only difference being the addition of whey to the diet. This is the simplest version of the cure.

Strict Version

All foods are removed from the diet and only whey is consumed. This is a mono diet, which means a diet in which only one food is eaten exclusively. There are many different kinds of mono diets—the grape mono diet, the rice mono diet, the carrot mono diet, and so forth—and this would simply be a whey mono diet.

This is the most intensive version of the cure, in which the healing phenomena will take place with the most potency. This variation should not be followed unless you are already very familiar with the practice of mono diets or are under the supervision of a competent health care professional.

Intermediate Version

This variation sits halfway between the general version and the strict version. The intake of food is reduced in order to take advantage of the phenomena of autolysis and eliminatory updating that naturally occur with any diet; but the restriction is not as great as it is in the mono diet, so the cure is easier to tolerate. The diet can be restricted to varying degrees, so it is easily adaptable to the tastes and preferences of the individual.

The restriction can be quantitative: reducing daily food intake by one quarter or one half of the amount of food normally eaten in a day (measured in either grams or calories). For example, instead of eating 3200 calories, allow yourself no more than 2400 or even 1600 calories a day.

The restriction can also be qualitative: in this case the restriction would be based on certain foods, such as meats, animal products, and other foods that are difficult to digest. For example, you could eat what you generally eat, excluding meat and fish (a vegetarian diet). Or, you could omit from your normal diet all meat, fish, and any other kind of animal products, such as cheese and eggs (a vegan diet). To make the diet even more intensive, omit all cereal grains and flours in addition to all animal products. This would result in a diet consisting of only fruits and vegetables, eaten as desired: cooked (by themselves or in vegetable broth), raw, or juiced.


There is only one contraindication for the whey cure: lactose intolerance. This intolerance manifests by acidic diarrhea and lactosuria (elimination of lactose through the urine). Those who are lactose intolerant are fully aware of their condition, so they will know ahead of time that they should not follow the whey cure.

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