The West Winford Incident (7 page)

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Henry then went on to discuss the allocation of work required to identify the cause of the LP turbine disc failure. Dorinda McCann offered her Department's help in undertaking a worldwide literature search into any relevant information on localised corrosion of steels, together with preliminary laboratory tests, to determine the failure mechanism. Joe said he would collect together the background on any relevant previous failures of steam turbine components. He also announced that his company were intending to carry out laboratory tests on LP turbine disc steel, in a high-purity steam rig, in an attempt to reproduce the cracking observed.

The meeting adjourned for lunch. Miss Sage led the way up to the dining area on the seventeenth floor, where an even more spectacular view of London greeted them. Over lunch they all chatted amiably on a variety of topics, though this did not include technical matters. Dorinda and James were good company, which was a pleasant surprise for Dave and led him to wonder whether his predisposed suspicion of them was perhaps unjustified. Certainly, there was a general paranoia within SSD concerning the Central Lab staff at Slough; a wariness regarding their reputed tendency to cream off the high profile jobs, leaving the more mundane, routine problems, for their Wiltshire colleagues. They returned to their meeting room.

Dave had the uncomfortable feeling of being surplus to requirements, as he had not made a significant contribution to the meeting. However, Henry had clearly given some thought to his possible input, as he highlighted the clear need for some investigations directed towards establishing the particular operating conditions at West Winford. He pointed out that an important aspect of the whole investigation, in his view, was why West Winford? It was evident, from Joe's earlier submission, that there were similar steam turbines at other locations, both within the Strategic Supplies Authority and at numerous utilities around the world. In many cases these had been operating for longer than the failed turbine. Why then, had they not suffered any problems? The rest of the members listened keenly as Henry developed his point. He didn't believe that a more detailed consideration, of the actual conditions at West Winford, could be avoided and he thought that Dave was the person to take on this essential part of their work, as he was the local man. They all agreed. Dorinda suggested that one important area of work would be to obtain a detailed analysis of the steam quality at Winford, especially checking for contamination. Dave was pleased to be able to accept this project as he knew that both Tony and particularly Sweety, would be happy to get their department involved in this high profile investigation. Three of the Winford turbines were still in service, though routine overspeed testing had been suspended.


Dave was awaiting Tony Richards early the following morning when the sound of an aggressively driven car announced his Section Head's arrival. Laden down as usual, Tony breezed into his office. He listened whilst Dave summarised the proceedings of the inaugural Corrosion Sub-Committee meeting. Tony was pleased to learn that they were to have a clearly identifiable role, rather than just providing labour for the Central Labs, and he agreed to clear things with Sweety.

Back in his own office, Dave put in a call to ‘Bunsen' Goss from the Chemistry Section, and also to Alan Smith from Engineering, to see if they could meet after coffee. They both agreed. Bunsen was an analytical chemist, working on a project developing improved sampling techniques for the measurement of impurities in steam down to very low concentrations, whilst Alan Smith was a chemical engineer, who took on the design of test rigs for the department.

Dave outlined his ideas for obtaining an analysis of the LP steam at West Winford and asked Bunsen if it was feasible. His plan was to have continuous measurements made of the steam on its entry into the LP turbine. Bunsen almost glowed at the prospect. Indeed, he said, it would be possible and was something that he would willingly undertake. He explained that his lab research project on a novel steam sampling system was nearing completion and had performed well under laboratory conditions. His next logical step was to persuade some enterprising Station Superintendent to allow him to site-test his prototype sampler. This West Winford proposal, if approved, would avoid the need for him to go, cap-in-hand, around the stations looking for a patron.

Alan Smith was asked if he could foresee any problems fitting the sampler into the power station's LP steam system. He knew the layout and steam conditions at Winford and confirmed that it would be feasible. Dave, encouraged by the interest shown by the two men, broached another idea. Would it be possible to incorporate a test vessel into the sampling system, through which the sampled steam could be passed? Again Alan foresaw no problem. Finally, Dave explained that the job would need to be given top priority, as everything would have to be ready for the outage of Number 5 turbine in a little over six weeks.

His phone rang. It was Tony confirming approval. There was an ample budget for the inquiry work, the costs were miniscule compared to the potential costs of more failures. He asked Dave about his first thoughts for tackling the work proposed. Dave explained what had been suggested at the sub-committee meeting, as well as his discussions with Bunsen and Alan. He stressed his wish, yet to be put to the sub-committee, to have a vessel included in the test circuit. His plan was to have specimens, manufactured from the failed Winford disc material, put into the test vessel in an attempt to reproduce the type of cracking found in the failed disc. Tony was enthusiastic and could foresee no problem in getting approval for this extra item. Dave was excited with the prospect of, at last, making a contribution to this important investigation. After months of covering for his colleagues, it was now his turn. He returned to his office and set about drawing up a detailed proposal.

“Can we count on you tonight?” Geoff stuck his head around Dave's door.

“What's that?”

“Skittles, eight thirty.”

It was mid-afternoon, and Dave was still at an early stage in his planning.

“Not very convenient. I've masses to do here.”

“Oh! Come on. We really need you. It's against the ‘Roaring Lions'. They're top of the league. We have no chance unless we get our best team out.”

“It's no good trying flattery, I know you must be getting desperate if you need me to play.”

“You may be cynical but, fair play, you're correct. I'm afraid a couple of our stars have had to go off to Thornton and I'm down to five, so you must come,” coaxed Geoff.

“Well OK, but put me on first, then I can leave early. Sue will kill me if I'm out late again.”

At home, Sue was preparing the evening meal. She was going through the motions of a regular recipe, which was just as well as she was thinking of what to do about Peter's invitation for a tour of Bath. She had enjoyed his company but was undecided about accepting. Certainly he was charming and interesting but, no, she ought to refuse. Dave arrived home and, kissing Sue, remarked that the meal that was in preparation looked appetising. Would it be long, he wondered, as he had to go out. Only for an hour though, he added. Sue was not pleased, after another long day at home. She had imagined that now Dave had settled into his job and that the work in the department was almost back to normal, he would be spending more time with her. However, this was far from being the case, now that he had been thrust into the Winford inquiry work.

“Well, dinner won't be long, but I hope it will only be an hour. You're seldom home these days. Is it important?”

“Well, Geoff tells me it's vital as he's short for skittles.”

Sue resisted the temptation to take the discussion further.

The game was away at a pub near Devizes. Gritty had offered Dave a lift. The skittle alley was at the rear of the main building. It was dark, but they were aided by the shafts of light streaming through the windows as they made their way to the door. The room was full of noise, smoke and the smell of beer. Dave hadn't played for the team before, though he had joined in an informal game at a lab social evening. In the West Country, skittles was played on short, narrow wooden alleys and not anything like the ten-pin bowling alleys that were so popular in the USA. In fact there were just nine pins and the bowling balls were plain wooden ones and smaller than their transatlantic cousins.

Dave was greeted eagerly.

“You're on first old chap,” said Geoff encouragingly. “Just take it easy, nice and straight, don't force it. I'll get you a pint. What about you Gritty?”

“Only shandy, I'm driving.”

Dave and Gritty were due to play the first pair, but the plans had to be changed at the last minute when John Bolton rushed in and announced that he had to get back home early, as one of his kids was ill. This necessitated a reorganisation of the team order, with the result that Gritty was moved to play in the middle pair. Geoff and Ian would be the ‘anchor' pair.

John went first and scored a respectable seven and Dave was pleased and surprised to do the same. Their opponents scored eight and six, so all even. The next five rounds were eagerly contested with John and Dave coming out the unexpected winners, by one pin. Dave had been spurred on noisily by Geoff and his other team mates.

“Forty Two, that's terrific,” cried Geoff excitedly, “I'll get you another pint.”

“No. Beginner's luck. I'll get the drinks as I'll not be around long. Just as soon as Gritty's finished,” replied a very relieved Dave.

Dave collected his round of drinks and returned to find the middle pair in action. As he drank his pint, he chatted to a couple of chaps from the ‘Roaring Lions' team. Their conversation was interrupted periodically by cheers or groans, as one side or the other gained or lost an advantage. This middle match was also evenly balanced and high scoring with several ‘spares' being posted. The sticker-up was certainly earning his fee. Eventually the ‘Lions' edged in front. This gave them a two pin lead in the match. Very close.

Gritty came off the alley looking pleased with himself. More beer flowed as the opposition's last pair were preparing themselves. The final game began and the spectators became more animated. Cheers echoed around the alley – ‘Spare'.

“Great stuff, Ian,” Geoff roared. “Make the last one count.”

Ian steadied himself as the sticker-up reset the pins. He took a careful aim – five. Gritty cheered, the highest single total so far.

“Oh! Come on Dave. You can't leave now. Did you see that, fourteen?”

Dave succumbed to the general revelry and agreed that another pint to celebrate would be fine. He shouted encouragement to Geoff, who was about to bowl.

Against all the odds, ‘The Boffins', the SSD team, won. In spite of their defeat, the opposition were hospitable; it had been an excellent match, they agreed, and they bought a round of drinks for the victors.

It was late when Gritty dropped Dave off. He was happy. He was pleased with himself. He was late. How late he was not sure, but certainly if Sue hadn't been asleep she would have been keen to let him know!


Sue called Pam early the following morning to say that she would like to take up her offer of a lift to Bath when Peter was available. Pam was pleased and said that she would be meeting Charles in the next few days and would see if Peter was free.

Following the call, Sue experienced a mixture of emotions. Her first reaction had been bold defiance. Should she be the little wife to wait around and accommodate her husband's work and social interests? No. She had learned that she could not be content to accept the confines of the village either. Pam was her only established conduit to the real world, and Peter? He was so different from most of the men she knew. This resolute mood was, however, undermined periodically by the whispers of convention. Family life, in her experience, generally accorded with the traditional ways of her parents and siblings. Nice, safe, settled. The thought of her sister going to a pub alone was unthinkable and to meet a man. Oh God!

By the following Tuesday, Sue's nervousness was gaining supremacy over her defiance as she awaited Pam's arrival. Perhaps a little car sickness she thought as, leaving Corsham, she gazed briefly on the panoramic view of the sunlit By Brook valley.

Pam and Charles were, Sue learned, due to meet up at the car park and then travel on in Charles' car. They would leave Peter and Sue to do the tour and they would all meet back at the car park. Greetings were exchanged and Charles and Pam drove away.

“I'm so grateful that you could find the time,” said Sue. She was amazed that now she was here with Peter her doubts had disappeared; she felt comfortable. Peter said that he had been looking forward to seeing her again and that the good weather was an added bonus. He suggested they begin in the lower part of the city and perhaps, after some refreshment, tackle the stiff climb northwards.

The Pump Room and the Roman Baths were first on their tour and Sue was surprised to find, even at this early time of year, plenty of other tourists crowding around their guides or strolling in small groups, cameras at the ready. A couple of buskers were already settled, entertaining a crowd of French schoolchildren in Stall Street, as well as a pavement artist. As they made their way through the narrow streets, Peter exchanged a word here and there with acquaintances. Sue was impressed by Pulteney Bridge and the weir. The design of the bridge, Peter told her, had been inspired by the Ponte Vecchio in Florence. Their next stop was the Abbey with its impressive Eastern window, illustrating scenes in the life of Jesus. Sue gazed for some time at this sunlit, colourful display, attempting to interpret which biblical incident was being depicted in each of the various segments. Exiting into the startling brightness of the Abbey courtyard, they found an odd mix of people sitting around on the benches. Amongst the tourists taking a rest, schoolchildren filling in their question sheets and a romantic couple, were two elderly ladies feeding pigeons, plus half a dozen, bobble-hatted, rough sleepers hugging their bottles of beer. Across from the courtyard Peter led the way along a narrow passage to a pub. The Crystal Palace, though less spacious than the Francis Hotel, seemed more appropriate today; more compatible with their tourist mood, though it would be a few weeks before the main season began.

They chatted together with an ease which surprised Sue, given her earlier misgivings. Peter added more detail about the city and what they had seen so far. She asked, without any self-consciousness, what he did for a living. He smiled and said he assumed she could guess that it was nothing physical, such as on a building site or down a coal mine. Actually, he said, it was nothing very definite, but rather he dabbled and for the past few years he had devoted a great deal of his time to genealogy. This, he continued, began as just a hobby but now, although not lucrative, was almost a full time job. He related to Sue some of his experiences with evident enthusiasm. It sounded fascinating.

“I've often wondered about my own family history,” said Sue, “but we're just ordinary folk.”

Peter replied that that was no barrier.

“Everyone has a family and just digging around is usually very rewarding, not financially by any means, but it gives one a sense of local history and one's place in it.”

“I wouldn't know where to start. I suppose you need professional help.”

“Not at all. There are books, but be careful to choose one that's simple, straight forward and, most importantly, up to date.”

“Could you recommend one?”

“Ah! I can do better than that,” smiled Peter, drawing a small package from his shoulder bag. “For you.” Sue was startled. She opened it and found a small book inside. ‘Family Trails' by Peter Fenner. “I've just collected a few pre-release copies,” Peter explained. “That's what my short meeting was about when we were at the book shop last month.”

“Oh! No, I'm sorry Peter, I can't accept it.” Though Sue was surprised and discomforted at this development, her reply was decisive. She was conscious that since becoming involved with Pam and Peter, she was in danger of becoming beholden to them and this she would resist. Peter sensed this immediately and did not press the matter.

“Very well, Sue, but I'm sure you will not object to borrowing a copy.” He took from his bag another copy of the book which showed clear evidence of having been used. “You will find a few pencilled comments here and there, but it should suit your purposes, I'm sure.”

“That's very good of you, I'm sure I'll enjoy it.”

Peter, glancing at his watch, suggested that they should make their way northwards.

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