The Week of the Dead (18 page)

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Authors: Viktor Longfellow

BOOK: The Week of the Dead
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“Like what?”

“Sounds like metal.” All they could see was what the pole light would illuminate. The noise was coming from the way they had come that afternoon. There were no lights, no voices, only two shoes walking across the asphalt. One shoe and then the other followed by the sound of metal dragging across the rough road with every step. As it got closer, there was a new sound. It was the jingling of a chain with every advancing pace. Devin and Jamison watched from their positions as the sound made it appear closer to the farmhouse. Devin stuck his head in through the window and grabbed a shotgun from the cab of the truck. He pointed the barrel in the direction. The frogs stopped croaking, and there was silence as the noise came closer to the light. Jamison switched his safety off.

A shoed foot came into the light, followed by another shoed foot that had a leg shackle on its ankle. The shoes were matched with an orange jumpsuit with florescent stripes on it. “Convict,” Devin said silently.

“Human?” Jamison asked.

“Can’t tell.” The person in the orange jumpsuit was now passing in front of the house.

“Stay hidden. Even if he is human, he’s still a convict. Fuck ’em,” Jamison said. There was a sneeze heard from inside the house. Jamison and Devin both met eyes as they turned back toward the convict. It had stopped in the road and turned toward the house. It shambled its way toward the light pole.

“He’s not human,” Devin said from the truck.

“I’ll take him,” Jamison said as he walked to the front of the truck. He saw the convict shamble toward him. His pupils glistened against the soft light. Jamison raised his rifle to his face and let out a single round. When Devin’s ears stopped ringing, he saw the convict was face down on the ground. There was motion in the house as those who had heard the shot came to see. As Jamison and Devin went to check the body, they heard something. Something they had never heard before.

A harmony of sounds could be heard in the distance. The sound everyone had experienced in the last forty-eight hours. The sound of something hungry, only it wasn’t just one, it was many. Jamison had just rung the dinner bell.

Daddy issues

Chapter 41

Tuesday 2300


ell, holy shit, sir!” General Bartlett said as he extended an open hand to Richard. “Where did you learn to do that?”

“Navy SEALs, 1987,” he said as he took the general’s hand. “Sorry about that. He was being a little piss ant, and he deserved that ass beating.”

“Yes, sir, everyone is a little tense after what happened.”

“Man to man, what the hell is happening, general?”

“The world has gone to shit, and we’re trying to save as many people as we can.”

“Total domination?”

“Not yet. The AO is still too populated. Pockets of resistance.”

“Where’s POTUS in all this?”

“Aboard Air Force One currently.”

“A lot of fuckin’ good that’s doing us.”

“Agreed. How did you come by this vital information?”

Ethan, Josh, and the rest of them were watching this exchange of small short sentences until Richard pointed at Josh. “That one.”

General Bartlett turned to Josh. “Where did you find this?”

Josh exchanged a glance at Ethan who shook his head. “The Internet, sir,” Josh responded politely. “So you just searched ‘Crazy man,’ and this is what came up?”

“Yeah, something like that,” Josh said as he folded his arms.

“Right. Well, good job, son. If you’ll excuse us, we’re trying to save the world here,” Bartlett said as he went back toward the tent.

“Here’s a thought,” Richard said as he pulled aside and spoke quietly.

“I don’t know if that will work. Think about the casualties.” Bartlett was heard. Richard whispered something again. “I’ll pass it along.” The general saluted the retired colonel and disappeared back in the tent.

“Come along,” Richard said.

Junior placed his knife back in its holster and helped the remaining conscious soldier to his feet. “Sorry ’bout that,” Junior said as he handed him back his rifle. He left to catch up with his father who was walking back to the campfire with Ethan and Josh. “What was that about, Daddy?”

Richard let out a sigh as he took a seat. “Remember when I told you I was in the navy and I left every now and again to fight the bad guys?”

“Yeah,” Junior replied as he stared intently at his father.

“Well, I did a lot more than that. The Cold War was happening. We were at war with the Communists. My job was to make sure we could retaliate against the Soviet Union if we were ever attacked.”

“Uh-huh…,” Junior said waiting for his father to continue.

“We had backup plans for the back up plans.”

“I thought you were at training?” Junior asked.

“We were. Since nothing happened in the war, I wanted you to live the American dream. I didn’t want you to know what we did,” he said as he looked his son’s blank face.

“What exactly did you do?”

A New Evil

Chapter 42

Tuesday 2310


veryone! Get up! Pack your shit! We’re leaving!” Devin shouted as he moved through the house clapping his hands vigorously. “Get your shit! Go to the vehicles!” he said as he rounded the corner to the next room.

“There’s a group of those things coming this way! Get dressed!” Erica spoke over the people rummaging their belongings. Jamison, Daniels, and Walker were in the middle of the road. They could only see a few yards in front of them from the pole light.

Their attention turned to the people pouring out the front door and making their way to the vehicles. One engine fired up. The driver flipped the headlights on. Jamison was the first to notice. He raised his rifle along with Walker. They began firing wildly into the procession of oncoming bodies shuffling their way toward the farmhouse. “Daniels! We need something more!” Jamison said as he saw the bullets having little effect on the group.

“On it!” Daniels handed his weapon to Walker and marched to the transport truck and began blindly pillaging until he found what he was looking for. “This’ll do,” he said as he heaved the .50 caliber to the tailgate. He attempted to pull it to the ground using the preinstalled tripod. As rounds were being fired, Daniels pulled the first foot off. The weight of the machine gun weighted heavily upon his chest as he attempted to bring the weapon down. He pulled with all of his might. “I need another mag!” he heard Jamison shout in between rounds being fired.

Suddenly, the weight of the gun was lifted off his chest. “Really?” Devin said as he held the other side of the machine gun. The two men hoisted the weapon in front of the vehicles as Jamison and Walker had made room for them. “Mount up! Stay behind us!” he shouted. “Ready to go! Walker said as he tapped Daniels on the head signaling the weapon was ready. He pulled the action back and opened fire. The others took cover as Daniels sprayed left to right and back again with the .50 caliber machine gun. It sounded like a thunderstorm next to their faces. Daniels mowed down as many as he could see. After the bodies had piled up, Daniels looked over the sights of the machine gun. Daniels saw what he cut down. Most didn’t get back up; some were cut in half trying to crawl toward their next meal.

“What the fuck?” Devin said as he saw a pair of eyes staring back at them.

“It didn’t go down,” Daniels said.

“Shoot it again,” Devin said. Daniels got back behind the weapon and took aim. The eyes widened and ducked to the ground. Daniels was pissed. “Did you see that?”

“If you’re human, you better speak, or you’re going to join these motherfuckers!” The air was filled with a loud roar like that of a bear. “Fuck this asshole!” Daniels said as he opened fire in the direction it was last seen. The street light donned the silhouette of dirt billowing from the rounds smashing into the soft ground.

The red eyes came from its hiding place and began running toward the machine gun. “The head!” Devin shouted as he raised his shotgun. Daniels couldn’t hear over the thunderous sound of the .50 cal firing. The creature ran as it roared. Bullets sprayed black mist as they tore through its chest cavity. It reached the barrel of the machine gun and pushed it to the side. Daniels felt the gun leave his hands, and he stared at the crimson body that was staring back at him. “Fuck you freak!” Daniels declared as he pulled his pistol from his holster. The creature roared at Daniels as the bullets that were still lodged in its body began to fall to the ground at its feet. Devin raised his shotgun and smashed it in the back of the head. The creature turned and faced Devin. “Oh fuck!” he said as he raised his weapon again. The creature came to Devin who didn’t flinch. Devin pulled his knife from his side and stabbed it in the forehead. It let out a bloodcurdling scream as it focused its attention on the knife sticking out of its forehead. Devin was amazed that the knife didn’t penetrate further than an inch. “It won’t fucking die!” he said.

The creature swung wildly and caught Devin across the chin, throwing him into the side of the truck. The creature threw the knife to the ground. The humans watched as the knife wound close in front of their eyes. “Holy shit!” the humans began opening fire into the creature without any avail. Devin got back to his feet. The creature latched on to Daniels’ neck and forced its teeth into his flesh. Daniels let out a scream until blood came pouring out of his mouth. As Devin watched, a flicker of light caught his attention; he blinked, and the creature and Daniels were engulfed in flames. The fire caused the creature to release its grip on Daniels and release a scream of pain. It fell to the ground as it continued to burn. “Sorry, Daniels,” Erica said as she held another bottle with a rag stuffed in the top. Daniels was on fire. He was screaming for a moment; suddenly Daniels’s screams became gargled. The young fresh skin of his face turned gray. The eyes seen through the fire had become red. The wound on his neck ceased to bleed red; instead it turned white and pooled as a white pus material came from the wound. Devin grabbed the other bottle from Erica. She held the lighter as he held the bottle. Devin threw the Molotov aimed at Daniels’s face.

They watched as the bodies burned. Walker broke the silence with a gunshot as he was cleaning up those who were crawling. Jamison appeared around the side of the truck. “Is that Daniels?” Devin nodded. “Aw, shit!” he said as he removed his pistol and placed a round in each of the burning bodies’ craniums. “Just in case,” he said. He bent down and removed Daniels’ dog tag. Walker met up around the now-charring body.

“What the fuck was that thing?” Jamison said as he examined the burning remains. Devin felt the adrenaline leave his body.

“I don’t know, man. Fuck this shit. Let’s get out of here. Agreed?” No one answered. “Mount up! Let’s get the fuck out of here!” Devin said to those who had stayed in the house.

“Some of them already scattered,” Walker said as he pointed at the distant red lights.

“Keep an eye on them. They might find somewhere safe.” Devin turned to look at the pickup truck facing the house.

The one who attempted to drive it had been bitten. Devin walked to the twitching carcass and fired a round into its face. The keys were in the ignition already. He jumped in the cab of the truck and threw the stick into reverse. He backed up to the machine gun that was still smoking on the tripod stand. “Walker, what do you think?”

“How much ammo is left?” He said as he threw some things into a vehicle.

“’Bout half a can.” Devin retorted.

“Better than nothing, bro.” Walker came to Devin’s side, and the two men used all their might to place the weapon in the back of the pickup.

“Get some tie-downs, and we’ll have us a tactical,” Devin said as he marveled at his idea that came to be. Erica jumped in the passenger seat of the pickup.

“I’m going where you go,” she said with a remorseful face. He reached and touched her hand and squeezed it. Devin released his grip and took the knife from her open hand. He sliced more tally marks into his forearm. He wiped the blade clean and handed it to Erica. She hesitated, looking at the blade in her hand. She wiped the blade again on her clothes. She slowly sliced two tally marks on her deltoid muscle. “Do I count the gas station?”

“No, don’t know how many except the one that hit the car that one counts.” The caravan left the farmhouse. The bodies were left of the ground as they peeled out onto the road. Those who just witnessed the monstrosity that killed Daniels sat quietly trying to gather their thoughts. There was a new evil emerging.

The Song of the Dead

Chapter 43

Wednesday 0018


than was cradling Jenna who had fallen asleep. Josh and Ashley calmly looked at the campfire. Richard had gone back to the military tent as Junior tended to the fire. The busyness of Mud Island had become ambient noise. The stars had been shining for few hours. The helicopters had been gone for a few hours and haven’t returned. The inflow of survivors had diminished. The lift had stopped since there were no more people on the other side of the channel. The only things on the other side of the channel were creatures and the remnants of a great city. Many were aimlessly bumping into things. “What are you thinking?” Josh whispered to whoever heard him. Ashley remained silently focused on the campfire. Jenna let out a moan as Ethan stroked her hair.

“I think we should do to this guy’s hideout. He obviously has information and a means to survive,” Ethan said quietly.

“What about Parker? Wouldn’t you be pissed if someone gave you bad news and asked to sleep on your couch while there are people out to eat you?” Josh said, trying not to raise his voice.

“I know you’re scared, dude. I am too, but you and I both know we can’t stay here,” Ethan said as he looked around from the ground.

“Why not?” Josh asked attentively.

“Lots of reasons,” Ashley started. “First, there are things trying to get us, and we’re in an open field. Two, lots of people here. If one person panics, we lose everyone. Lastly, disease. There are lots of people here and only a few toilets. We’ll run out of food and water. If we somehow get more, it’s highly probable that dysentery and other outbreaks will be the end of us.”

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