The Wedding Day (21 page)

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Authors: Joanne Clancy

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: The Wedding Day
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"Don't you remember his mom and dad moved to France during the summer. They were supposed to be going for a holiday but they loved it so much they never came back."

"Lucky them, I've always wanted to live in France, ever since the year I spent studying there." "I'd miss you too much if you moved away."

"I'd miss you too, besides I'm a high-powered business woman now, with an empire to run." Evette giggled, the Champagne had already gone straight to her head.

"Speaking of business, how's Amanda and the wedding of the century?"

Evette rolled her eyes. "They've gone skiing in Aspen for two weeks, so my life should be fairly quiet. I'll be glad of the break from her incessant emails and phone calls. Anyway, everything's under control, I think."

The buzzer heralded the arrival of their first guests.

"Come on up." Evette buzzed their parent's through the gates.


"Merry Christmas darlings! John Baxter enveloped his daughter's in a bear hug.

"Merry Christmas! Let me take the gifts from you," Evette grinned as she helped her mother place more parcels under the tree.

"All for me, I hope."

"Oh, Ev, you haven't changed since you were a child," her mother smiled fondly at her daughter. "I remember when you were small you were a terror for searching for your Christmas gifts. You'd ransack the entire house. Nowhere was safe from you."

Everyone laughed at the happy memories.

The two sisters busied themselves in the kitchen, making the final preparations for dinner, while their parents relaxed in the living room.

"I hope Paul and I are as happy as mom and dad when we're their age," Nicole sighed, helping herself to another glass of Buck's Fizz.

"I'm sure you'll be very happy together," Evette assured her sister. "You both want it to work and you're both willing to work at it."

"I hope so. I'm sorry for inviting Paul to dinner without asking you. It was such a spur of the moment decision and I couldn't stand the thought of him being alone on Christmas Day. It won't be too awkward for you, will it?"

"Don't be daft," Evette protested. "The more the merrier. If you can forgive Paul, then I can forgive him too."


"Everything looks and smells absolutely delicious," John smiled lovingly at his daughters as they brought in plates of food and placed them carefully on the table.

"My mouth is watering," Paul agreed.

"Darlings, you've outdone yourselves," Imelda Baxter looked appreciatively at the feast in front of her.

"If it tastes even half as good as your Christmas dinners, mom, we'll be thrilled," Nicole complimented her mother.

“Bon appetit, everybody, tuck in,” Nicole smiled around the table at her guests.

The table was laden down with a mouth-watering feast of food. The succulent turkey, with all the trimmings, took pride of place in the centre of the table. There were plates piled high with golden brown roast potatoes, brussel sprouts and a myriad array of roasted winter vegetables. Bread sauce, gravy and cranberry sauce made up the usual Christmas dinner condiments and of course there was plenty of wine flowing to keep everyone merry.

“You've outdone yourself, sis. This is one of the most delicious Christmas dinners I've enjoyed in years.”

“It's almost as tasty as your mother's cooking,” John agreed.

“Ahem,” Imelda coughed dramatically.

“I said almost as tasty, darling,” John laughed and squeezed his wife's hand.

“High praise indeed,” Nicole beamed at her guests.

“I'm absolutely stuffed,” Paul groaned and leaned back in his chair. “If I eat another bite I might just explode.”

“I've got pudding and brandy cream if anyone's interested?” Nicole teased.

“We’ll have some later, sis. How about we open our presents now?”

“Great idea,” Paul and Imelda agreed.

“You've been dying to open your gifts for weeks, Ev,” Nicole teased. “I'm surprised you managed to resist the temptation, especially when they were staring at you from under the tree.”

“It was difficult, I must admit, but I didn't dare open them. I knew you'd kill me.”


The ladies retired to the couch while Paul and John cleared the table and washed the dishes.

“Ahh, this is the life,” Imelda sighed as she curled up in her seat and slowly sipped the last of her wine. “It makes a pleasant change to have someone else cook the dinner, especially a dinner as tasty as that, thank you darlings.”

“You're welcome mom, our pleasure.”


Evette jumped up and began passing out the gifts as soon as John and Paul reappeared. There was a flurry of gift wrap and excitement whilst they opened their presents and thanked each other.

“Where's Paul?” Nicole asked. He'd suddenly disappeared.

“I'm right here, sweetheart,” he sat beside her and gave her a beautifully wrapped box. “I saved the best for last.”

“Whatever could it be?” Nicole smiled as she carefully unwrapped her gift. “You certainly didn't wrap this,” she teased him. “You're not exactly the most precise wrapper I know.”

Paul watched her face intently.

There, sitting in a dark purple velvet box was the most exquisite ring. It was a sapphire stone, surrounded with tiny, sparkling diamonds on a platinum band.

Nicole and everyone else gasped when they saw it. Paul took the box from her and got down on one knee.

“Nicole Ann Baxter, will you do me the great honour of marrying me?”

“Yes, of course!” she exclaimed, without hesitation.

He took her hand in his and delicately slipped the ring on her finger.

She hugged him tight and kissed him. She buried her face in his neck, desperately trying to swallow the lump in her throat. Tears of joy threatened to overwhelm her at any moment. “Congratulations!” they were both covered in hugs and kisses.

“This calls for Champagne!” Evette popped open a bottle of bubbly and filled everyone's glasses.

“A toast,” John said, raising his glass. “To love and new beginnings.”

“To love!”


Chapter 25



“Ev! Where are you? Call me back as soon as possible, please!” Nicole left her umpteenth voicemail on her sister's mobile phone.

She'd been trying to contact her all morning, as she really needed her sister's moral support. It was the afternoon of William's wedding and she didn't relish the prospect of attending the wedding by herself. Evette had promised to help her but she'd mysteriously slipped out of the apartment earlier that morning and hadn't answered her phone since.

Nicole still hadn't met William or his bride. There had been terrible snow storms in New York and his original flight had been grounded for days. He'd finally gotten a seat on the midnight flight from JFK.

They'd arranged to meet at the hotel, just hours before the wedding. Nicole was inexplicably nervous. She desperately wanted the wedding to go perfectly and so far it wasn't looking good.

She put the final touches to her hair and makeup and took one last glance at herself in the mirror. Her lilac trouser suit complemented her colouring and figure perfectly and she'd styled her hair into a sleek bob. She adjusted the rose which was attached to her lapel and sprayed herself liberally with Coco Mademoiselle.

“Hello,” she answered the phone on its first ring, silently praying that it was her sister.

“Taxi for Nicole Baxter,” said the voice on the other end of the line.

“Ok, I'll be down in a minute.”

She carefully folded the precious wedding dress and made her way downstairs.

Thank God it's not raining
, she thought as she climbed into the taxi.

“The Blarney Park Hotel and Towers,” she instructed the driver.

She checked her phone a million times on the way to the hotel.

“It'll never ring if you keep checking it,” the taxi driver said cheerfully, watching her in his mirror.

Nicole forced herself to smile.

Deep breaths, deep breaths. This will all be over in a few hours.


“Ev! Finally!” Nicole exclaimed. “Where are on earth have you been?”

“I'm at the hotel.”

“What are you doing at the hotel?”

“I thought we'd arranged to meet there.”

“We must have our wires crossed. Anyway, never mind. I'm on my way in a taxi now. I'll be there in ten minutes.”

“Ok, see you soon. I'm in the bridal suite. William's here already,” and with that she promptly hung up the phone, not giving her sister a chance to respond.

William's not supposed to arrive for an hour and why hasn't he called me? I’m his wedding planner, not Ev. This day just gets better and better
, Nicole sighed to herself.

“Happy New Year to you, love,” the taxi driver said as he pulled up outside the hotel.

“Same to you,” Nicole said curtly, hauling herself out of the taxi.


The hotel was already buzzing with New Year revellers. It was packed with people and there was loud music blaring from the bar.

I could do with a drink right now
, she thought longingly, as she gathered the wedding dress in her arms and walked past reception to the elevator.

She straightened her shoulders and put on her happiest face. It wouldn't be professional to let the client know how anxious and stressed she was feeling.

She took a deep breath and knocked on the door of the bridal suite. Evette immediately opened the door and beamed at her.

“Hi, sis,” she enveloped her sister in a big hug.

“Hi, Ev.”

Nicole was beginning to feel more and more confused. She walked past her sister into the beautiful room, which had panoramic views of the castle and its surrounding hills and valleys.

“Where's William?” Nicole asked, as she placed the wedding dress on the bed.

“I'm right here,” came a man's voice behind her, which sounded surprisingly familiar.

She swung around and gasped.

“Paul, what on earth are you doing here? Is everything ok? Are mom and dad alright?”

“Everyone's fine,” Paul soothed.

“Where's William?” she repeated, still not fully grasping the situation.

“I'm William, darling,” Paul smiled.

“What?” Nicole looked from Paul to Evette in utter bewilderment. She sat down on the edge of the bed, trying to comprehend what was happening.

“This is your wedding, Nic. There is no William. Paul was William all along. I only found out last week, on Christmas Day,” Evette expained.

“I was hoping she wouldn't reveal my big secret,” Paul smiled.

“It was difficult to keep it a secret,” Evette grinned. “I almost told you a million times this week.”

Relief and understanding finally dawned on Nicole and a huge smile spread across her face.

“I knew there was something going on. You've both been acting very mysteriously all week.”

Paul and Evette smiled indulgently at her.

“I think you need a drink sis.”

“Yes, please,” Nicole agreed, “a strong cup of tea with lots of sugar.”

“Coming right up.” Evette scurried away to fill the kettle.

“How were you so sure that I'd say yes?” Nicole teased Paul.

“It was a risk I was willing to take. My biggest worry was that you wouldn't agree to marry me, but when you accepted my proposal last week I knew everything would turn out well. After all, you arranged the whole wedding yourself.”

“You are too clever, Dr. Schofield,” Nicole wagged her finger at him. “This is my wedding dress?”

“Of course, it's all for you.”






“Are you nervous, darling?” John Baxter smiled at his daughter as they stood at the entrance to the church.

“I’m nervous and happy, Dad, so very happy.”

“I'm proud of you, darling.”

“I'm proud of me too,” she smiled as she took his proffered arm.


Nicole walked slowly up the aisle, returning the smiles of her family and friends who filled the little church. Paul stood near the altar, and this time he turned to watch his beautiful bride. He took her hand from her father and held it tight.

“I love you,” he whispered, gazing adoringly into her eyes.

She was overcome with love and relief. She stood beside the man she loved with all her heart, truly knowing that he loved her wholeheartedly in return.

“Do, you, Nicole Ann Baxter, take this man, Paul Michael Schofield, to be your lawfully wedded husband?” the priest asked.

“I do.”

“Do you, Paul Michael Schofield, take this woman, Nicole Ann Baxter, to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

Paul gazed lovingly into his bride's eyes and without hesitation answered, “I do.”





About the Author



Joanne Clancy is a writer from Cork, Ireland. She is an avid reader, an obsessive writer and a tea fiend!

She is the author of
Unforgettable Embrace
Unfaithfully Yours
, both of which were in the top thirty most downloaded books, in the category of Contemporary Romance, during January 2012.

Her third book,
My Love
, was in the top three most downloaded books, in the category of Love and Relationships, during February 2012.

Joanne is currently working on her next book which will be available during Summer 2012.

Joanne Clancy’s latest release,
The Wedding Day,
is now on sale.


Connect with Joanne Clancy






Books by Joanne Clancy



Unfaithfully Yours

by Joanne Clancy



5 stars ~ Lacey Dearie ~
The story really got me emotionally involved - I'd find myself saying to my husband, "You'll never guess what this total scumbag's up to now!" while he was trying to read his own book, like it was someone we both knew!
5 stars ~ Nat ~
The writing is vibrant and pacy and carried me along. I found myself becoming involved in the story and excited to find out what would happen next. I found the book to be very entertaining while at the same time making me think about how fragile our personal relationships can be.
4 stars ~ James ~
"Unfaithfully Yours" is a riveting read, full of intrigue and suspense. I loved it and I can't wait to read more of Joanne Clancy's books

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