The Wedding Beat (18 page)

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Authors: Devan Sipher

BOOK: The Wedding Beat
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I blinked several times, like a foreign exchange student trying to comprehend what she was saying.

“I was thinking about coming back to LA next month,” I blurted.

“Great.” That was all she said. Just “great.” No suggestion of who in particular it might be great for.

“I had a really nice time last night.” I was attempting triage.

“I’m really glad,” she said, “and I’m really glad you’re going to meet Alexander.” Somewhere on the planet was a guy who wouldn’t take that response as a blow to his manhood. I desperately wanted to be that guy.

“I’ve got to take a shower,” she said. “Do you want the number for the airport shuttle?”

I dressed quickly, and she gave me a brisk hug, like I was the runner-up on a reality dating show. I waited until the door closed behind me before slamming my fist into my thigh as hard as I could.
How could I be so stupid?

I reminded myself I had sex. I had great sex. I put on my aviator sunglasses, determined to look tough. Or as tough as I could look standing on the side of the road in a wrinkled suit, waiting for a shuttle bus.

“I’m flying United,” I said to the baby-faced driver. He nodded as he ripped my ticket, inadvertently flaunting the gold band on his left hand.

Chapter Eighteen

Dork Is a Four-Letter Word

here was no way I was going to write a story about Alexander’s wedding.

“Then why are you meeting with him?” Hope asked. I had called her for solace, not syllogism. But after three tracheal intubations in one morning, she was not at her most sympathetic.

“I don’t want Brooke to think I’m angry,” I said as I raced to make the light at Broadway and Houston, hurtling myself across eight lanes of traffic.


“An angry person wouldn’t go to the meeting.”

“Neither would a sane person.”

All week, I’d done everything I could to hide any sign of being hurt. I bent over backward to ensure there was nothing in my column about Roxanne and Ari that hinted at hard feelings.

As far as Brooke knew, I hooked up at weddings every week. Perk of my job. All those bridesmaids. All those publicists. She had no way of knowing how much I had tormented myself before kissing her, let alone how much I had thought about it afterward. And she never would.

“I promised to meet the guy,” I said, galloping past Dean & DeLuca, “and that’s what I’m going to do.”

“Well, since you’re so hell-bent on meeting new people, I want you to meet A.J.” I just ran right into that one. “You could join us for dinner next week.”

I could also attend a seminar on septic-tank maintenance, but it’s not something I would volunteer to do. It wasn’t that I was biased against A.J. I just didn’t think I had the stamina for being with a couple in the throes of new love. They had been dating only six weeks. My preference was to wait—until they broke up.

“Sure,” I said, hoping the high pitch of my voice suggested enthusiasm. “But can we discuss this when I’m not ten minutes late for an interview?”

I had agreed to meet Alexander at Balthazar, a SoHo bistro that many consider
un morceau
of Paris in New York. An overrated
, with the Gaul-ing combination of French attitude and New York prices. It was very popular among people who didn’t blink at paying fifteen dollars for a bagel and cream cheese. I wasn’t sure how appropriate it was for Alexander to indulge in such luxuries, since he was on the city payroll as a deputy mayor. I was planning on sticking to just a cup of
before making my exit and rushing back to the office for a departmental staff meeting.

The powwow was set up to counteract rumors about the buyouts. Of course, it was having the opposite effect, but it gave me an excuse to keep things short with Alexander. A quick in
and out, and I would be done with Brooke. It wasn’t that I regretted what happened in LA, but it made me doubt the reliability of my instincts—and my charm.

The hostess at Balthazar displayed only a trace of disdain as she escorted me past the zinc bar through the noisy and unduly crowded, dark-paneled dining room. Approaching Alexander’s table, I was surprised to see he had brought his fiancée with him, and even more surprised by her age. An elegant woman with gray-streaked hair pulled back from her face, she appeared to be in her late fifties, while Alexander was a strapping Bradley Cooper look-alike more than twenty years her junior.

They sat side by side on a red banquette, his hand in hers, and I had to admit, their story had just become a lot more interesting. There were quick introductions, and she said her name was Genevieve. “Do I detect an accent?” I pulled out a notepad. I hadn’t intended to, but the journalist in me couldn’t help asking a few questions.

“Boarding school in Switzerland,” she said. “You’re good.” She seemed sincerely impressed.

“So, I’m guessing you’ve traveled a lot.”

“My father said I was born with a Baedeker in my bassinet.” I liked that she wasn’t embarrassed to show her age. “Alexander is the same way. We’re very similar.”

“Two peas in a pod,” Alexander said, kissing her hand.

My stomach convulsed at the excessive display of affection, but if I judged all bridal couples on the gag factor, I would rarely write an article.

“Alexander speaks four languages,” she informed me.

“My mother taught me well,” he said.

“She must be very proud,” I said reflexively.

“I am,” said Genevieve.

Holy maternity!
She was his mother? I’d seen my fair share of inappropriate parents, but this was borderline clinical.

They Eskimo kissed.

“We’re so excited that you’re going to be writing something about our celebration,” she said.

OUR celebration? Boundaries, people. Get some boundaries.

“Unfortunately, it turns out, I don’t think I’ll be able to fit you in,” I said to Alexander, segueing into my prepared spiel. “May is a busy month for weddings. We get submissions from three hundred couples a week.”

“But none of them are as interesting,” Genevieve said.

No. I write only about boring people.
I smiled through gritted teeth.

“You can’t imagine how much my mother’s been looking forward to this,” he said. “I hate to disappoint her.”

How did a man so unhealthily attached to his mother find someone to share his life while I couldn’t? I wondered what his fiancée was like and if the fourth plate setting on the table was for her, but I didn’t plan on staying long enough to find out.

“I’m sorry, but it’s my editor’s decision.” Fortunately, Renée gave us carte blanche to pin blame on her whenever we encountered resistance.

“Well, he’d be crazy not to include Alexander,” Genevieve opined.

is a she,” I said, trying not to sound contemptuous.

“Good for her. I so admire working girls.”

My phone rang. It was Captain Al, who was editing my column. “I’m sorry,” I said, “I have to take this.”

I turned away, but I couldn’t hear amid the cacophony of conversations. I would have left right then, but if it got back to
Brooke that I’d been rude, it would have defeated my entire purpose for being there. I headed down a back hallway toward the lavatories with my cell phone held to one ear and a finger stuck in the other.

“I liked your story,” Captain Al grumbled. It was a rare compliment. I wished I could have savored the moment somewhere other than a men’s room.

“You need to rethink the lede,” he said.

He giveth and he taketh away. I assumed his complaint was that I had used a quote for my first line, which was highly discouraged. The question was whether it was a good enough quote to be worth fighting for:

“Dorks like us don’t have Hollywood love stories,” said Roxanne Goldman.

The irony was that it
a Hollywood-style love story, and I found it charming that a successful television producer raised in Beverly Hills considered herself a dork.

“I think it makes the reader like her,” I said. “It’s quirky. It’s unexpected.”

“It’s obscene.”

That was harsh.

“The word,” he said. “‘Dork.’ It’s slang for the male sexual organ.”

That was news to me. Though I wasn’t about to admit it.

“Look it up in the dictionary, and come up with a new lede. You have thirty minutes.”

“Thirty minutes?”

“You’re lucky I’m giving you that. We’re shutting down in an hour so everyone can go to the department meeting. I need the column clean by then.”

I hustled back to the table to grab my pad and go. A dark-haired woman was sitting across from Alexander and
Genevieve. I felt like warning her to run, but I had problems of my own.

“I want you to meet my fiancée,” Alexander said as I reached for my coat.

One look at her and the air was knocked out of me. I staggered backward when she flashed a dimpled smile.

“Gavin, this is Melinda.”

Chapter Nineteen

Facts and Figures

had found her. I had lost her.

A thick, jagged line sliced downward across the auditorium’s projection screen. “This graph displays The Paper’s advertising revenue for the last decade,” said Tucker, standing at the front of the jam-packed room.

The budget problems at The Paper were far worse than I had realized. Even if layoffs were averted in the near future, online ad rates were only a tiny fraction of print ads, which meant in the long term, there would be only enough money for a fraction of the staff.

What was I going to do? About Melinda. I couldn’t get her out of my head. I superimposed her face on every photograph displayed, and reformatted each pie chart as a compilation of her attributes: 25 percent charm, 17.8 percent altruism, 14.3 percent ingenuity (I could intuit her ingenuity), 19.6 percent
beauty (I considered her 100 percent beautiful, but I was trying not to view her solely from a sexual perspective).

My mathematical glorification was interrupted by a promotional video with high-tech graphics and peppy music. Talking heads praised The Paper’s longevity and integrity, as if those qualities could shield the company from financial reality. Then again, we could all use a break from reality.

A couple was shown walking on a beach, and I imagined it was me alongside Melinda, her curves filling out a tropical green bikini and sarong. Then I reminded myself about Alexander. How could she be with someone so spineless? That was judgmental. Someone so soulless.

The video ended and a slide appeared with the words

“You are the ones who will make us relevant in the twenty-first century,” Tucker said. “We want you thinking outside the box. We don’t just want you thinking; we want you blogging. We want you chirping.” He looked down at his note cards. “I mean, tweeting.”

The slide quickly changed to
There were only two bullet points:
. Neither screamed out “game changer.”

there was a list of luminaries, including Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Oprah Winfrey. “There are many generous benefactors who we think could be interested in supporting our newspaper and the ideals we uphold.”

“We’re expecting people to donate their money to a for-profit company?” an editor asked.

“After careful consideration, we’ve determined that donations are an unlikely solution,” Tucker said, reading from another note card.

Yet there it was, officially part of a PowerPoint presentation. It wasn’t that I’d been expecting revelatory disclosures. Oh, who was I kidding? Yes, I had.

I wanted to know: How were we going to overcome the odds? How were we going to reinvent ourselves as trailblazers? How was I going to see Melinda again?

The most obvious reason to contact her was if I was writing an article about her wedding, but I’d already said I wasn’t. It would seem odd for me to randomly change my mind, in addition to being disingenuous. However, I wasn’t coming up with a better alternative.

“Another option is membership,” Tucker droned. “We see great potential in the idea of having customers purchase memberships to the newspaper.”

“They’re known as subscriptions,” someone in the back called out to scattered laughter.

“This is different,” Tucker said with a thin-lipped smile. “We want to create a sense of community. One with bonuses for belonging. Something along the lines of PBS, where you pay a membership fee and receive umbrellas or baseball caps. People love baseball caps.”

I was working at a company with some of the smartest, savviest people on the planet, and they were delusional.

So who was I to be otherwise?

I decided to do the story. I couldn’t claim it was admirable or even rational, but I needed to see Melinda again. I needed to know if she was thinking about me. It had nearly killed me running out of Balthazar after barely saying hello. I had sputtered something about not expecting her to be there. The understatement of my life. But there was little else I could say in front of Alexander. She had played it cooler, not giving any hint that
we knew each other or that she even recognized me. Unless she didn’t.

“Are there any more questions?”

What if she didn’t recognize me?

“Are there going to be layoffs?” someone demanded.

Was it possible Melinda didn’t remember me?

“Never ask a question if you don’t want to hear the answer.”

Chapter Twenty

Up, Up and Away

raffic uptown wasn’t moving. Eighth Avenue was a parking lot, thanks to the St. Patrick’s Day Parade three avenues over. Temporary insanity was my only excuse for being in a taxi.

I was meeting Melinda at a Starbucks near Lincoln Center, and I was counting the minutes. Still, I should have been grateful to be out of the office, where it was wall-to-wall anxiety as fear of layoffs took the form of conspiracy theories and desecrated vending machines.

With only a week until the buyout deadline, there wasn’t a conversation that took place that didn’t end with “So, are you thinking of taking the ‘you know’?” Decisions needed to be made or bets placed. Our workplace had been transformed into a casino, with management posing the question, Do you feel lucky?

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