The Wedding Agreement (17 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Hayley

BOOK: The Wedding Agreement
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Cass looked over to Alex, searching his face for a sign that he was thinking the same thing. She wished she could tell him her thoughts, but she didn't even completely know what she was thinking herself. So instead, she closed her eyes, surrendering herself to the man next to her as he moved to climb on top of her, his hard cock teasing her deliciously as it slid against her.

“So sexy,” he rasped. “Look at me, Cass.”

She breathed deeply, opening her eyes to gaze up at him. His hair was slightly messy from her hands running through it, and his dark eyes were hooded, heavy in the dim light as he looked down at her. She brought a hand to his cheek, brushed her thumb over it gently, and then brought it around to the back of his neck so she could pull him against her lips.

And with that, the delicate moment disappeared, and they were all carnal need—their lips sucking on each other's greedily like neither could get enough. Alex's mouth was everywhere in a matter of seconds, kissing from her ankle up to between her thighs where she was slick with her hunger for him.

“Don't,” he said, when he could tell she was ready to come. His tongue slowed its movements, but they
didn't cease completely. “I want to be right there with you.”

And she wanted him to be too. So she pulled his face up toward her own, a silent command for him to stop what he was doing before it was too late. He complied, allowing his face to meet hers again. Cass' legs wrapped around him tightly, and she could feel him at her entrance. “I want you, Alex,” she pleaded, grabbing the flesh of his muscular ass and urging him inside her.

Just as she thought he would, he resisted. At least his body did. She was sure his mind had other plans. “Cass, I need—”

“No, you don't,” she said. She'd been on the pill for years, and Alex knew that. They'd always chosen to use a condom anyway. But this time she couldn't bear the thought of having anything between them. Even a thin layer of latex was too much. She wanted skin on skin, wanted to feel every inch of him.

Alex seemed to understand her intended message and thrust himself inside with one long drive. He stayed there, unmoving, for a moment, his fingers tangling in her hair as he pressed light kisses to her forehead and the bridge of her nose. Then he began to move slowly, and the feeling lit her up: the push of soft skin over hard steel as it slid inside of her. She'd already been so close to coming with Alex's mouth on her, and now as his rhythm increased, she didn't know how long she could hold off.

Alex groaned into her neck, and the sound vibrating against her was nearly enough to make her lose it. She felt herself on the edge, seconds away from plummeting over it. And she wanted Alex there with her. “Please, Alex,” she begged through an exhalation. “Come with me.”

He gave her a few sharp thrusts, his body rubbing over her clit as the tip of his cock hit a spot inside her that made her unravel around him. Then she could feel him let go too, his cock twitching inside her as he filled her with every drop he had. Gradually, their movements slowed until they stopped completely and Alex rolled off her, resting his arm across her stomach.

She knew she should go to the bathroom and clean up, but she couldn't bring herself to move. “That was . . .” She let her voice trail off, unsure of how to finish her sentence.

Then Alex spoke, his voice no more than a whisper. “I know.”

Chapter 21


The setting was familiar but the plot wasn't. Cass didn't normally welcome overnight company. It had always seemed more intimate than she'd been willing to get with any of the men she'd dated in the past. But feeling Alex's naked, solid body behind her, the weight of his arm draped over her, the steady rise and fall of his chiseled chest, she had to admit—she was suddenly a fan. She snuggled closer, allowing the unmistakable press of Alex's morning erection to nestle between her ass cheeks.
Yeah, I can definitely get used to this.

A quick swat to her backside startled her. “Stop molesting me in my sleep,” Alex murmured as he pressed his face into her hair and placed a soft kiss at her nape.

She ground her ass harder against him. “Are you really complaining?”

Alex tightened his hold on her and growled. “Hell no. Do that again.”

Cass reached back and tangled her hands in Alex's hair as she rocked into him, his cock sliding up and down the crease of her ass.

“Fuck, that feels so good.” Alex slipped his hand down her bare stomach and in between her legs. He began rubbing her clit slowly as Cass sped up her movements. Neither of them tried to turn it into more; what it was was already
good. This coupling was all about the chase for release, so different from the sweet melding of bodies they'd experienced the night before.

Cass came first, her body shaking from the unbelievable torrent of sensations running through her. Alex exploded on her back a minute or so later. It was raunchy and carnal and hot as hell.

Alex pushed her gently onto her stomach. “Stay put. I'll get something to clean up with.” He dropped a kiss on her shoulder before getting up. He returned quickly with a warm washcloth and wiped her back before snuggling back down beside her. “Have anything to eat around here?”

Cass scoffed in mock horror. “You expect me to feed you too?”

She felt Alex's chuckle reverberate through her body. “You wore me out. The least you can do is replenish my energy.”

“No, the
I can do is point you toward the nearest coffee shop. What time is it anyway?”

“Six thirty.”

Cass groaned. “My alarm isn't set to go off for another half an hour. Let's go back to sleep.”

“For thirty minutes? What's the point in that?”

“The point is that sleep is awesome,” Cass replied,
her eyes already closed and her breathing starting to even out. She was startled back to alertness by Alex's fingers digging into her ribs.

“You are not seriously going back to sleep.”

Cass bucked and slapped at Alex's hands. “Stop assaulting me. I'm tired.”

Alex rolled over onto all fours and began bouncing on the bed. “Get up, Cassidy. I'm more persistent than any alarm clock.”

“‘Annoying' is a more accurate term.” She rolled onto her back so she was looking up at him.
God, he's gorgeous.
It wasn't that she'd never noticed how attractive Alex was, but there was really nothing that compared to sleep-rumpled Alex, with his hair sticking up in all directions, a sexy stubble spread across his chiseled jaw. Cass lifted her hand to rub over the roughness on his face. “You're pretty,” she said with a sincere smile.

He returned her smile as he bent down to place a closed-mouth kiss on her lips. “You're not so bad yourself.”

They stared at each other for a moment, Cass' hand gently grazing over Alex's skin. There seemed to be more said in those few minutes of silence than had been spoken in the nearly two years they'd known each other. Of course, Cass could project her own thoughts only through her eyes—that their relationship was shifting, that they both wanted more, that this was the beginning of something equally terrifying and exhilarating. Finally Cass dropped her hand. “I guess I can whip something up.”

Alex dipped again and nipped at her shoulder. “Don't say the word ‘whip' when you're naked under me.” He pulled back, reluctantly it seemed, and let her roll out of bed. After pulling on his boxers while
she put on a camisole and underwear, he followed Cass out of the bedroom.

Cass opened the refrigerator, and Alex pressed up against her so he could peer inside as well. “Omelet?” she asked.

“Sure. What do you want in it?”

They chose cheese and a few vegetables she had. Moving around each other seamlessly, they made breakfast and settled down to eat together at Cass' small kitchen table. Alex had retrieved both of their phones, and they ate quietly as they scrolled through their favorite news sites. Despite the fact that they weren't saying much, Cass was overcome with a sense of how
it all felt.

*   *   *

“Why are there so many people here?” Cass asked as she looked around the arena at the plethora of fans.

Alex turned to her, his brows knitted. “What do you mean? Why wouldn't there be people here?”

Cass shrugged. “I guess I didn't know this was such a big thing. I've never even heard of any of these guys.”

“Just because you haven't seen them on TMZ doesn't mean they're not talented.”

Cass decided to ignore his TMZ comment. “They're clearly not
talented. Otherwise they'd be playing real football.”

Spreading his hands before him to gesture to the field, Alex said, “This is real football. What the hell are you talking about?”

“This is
real football. This is arena football. Which you, for God only knows what reason, dragged me two hours away to watch. Seriously, with the price of gas, I'd think you'd be less wasteful.”

Alex stared at her for a second. “I'm really not sure what I see in you.”

Smirking, Cass replied, “I'm great in bed.”

“Yeah, that must be it.”

“We could be in a bed right now. Instead we're watching a bunch of guys getting all sweaty together.” Cass snapped her fingers. “I get it. This is like a kink for you. I can get into it. Just give me a second.”

“I'm seriously considering leaving you here.”

“You used to be more fun. Wedding planning has changed you.”

Alex let loose a laugh that he'd clearly tried to hold in. “You're the one who's not fun. This place is packed with people who enjoy these games.”

Cass looked around. “Very true. Too bad they're all ten.”

“Totally untrue. Their parents are here too.”

Cass burst out laughing, which caused Alex to smile. Damn, how she loved that smile. It was white and perfect, and she wanted to trace it with her tongue.

Alex slung an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “Stop fucking with me, and watch the game,” he whispered in her ear.

She curled into him, resting her hand on his chest. “But I love fucking you.”

Alex's face lit up with that damn smile again. “Stop flirting with me when we're surrounded by ten-year-olds,” he said, throwing her wiseass remark back at her.

“Flirting with you? You just accused me of fucking with you. Which is it?”

“You have an odd ability to do both things simultaneously.” He pointed to the field in front of them. “Watch.”

Cass sat back in her seat and watched the game for a few minutes. Her gaze drifted from the field to the adoring crowd cheering for the Richmond team as they plowed down the turf and scored. She had to admit, it was kind of fun. “This is my first arena-football game.”

“You're kidding,” Alex deadpanned.

She bumped his shoulder with hers. “Shut up. I just mean I never would've thought to come to one of these. But I have to admit, it's not so bad.”

“What a ringing endorsement. You should e-mail your thoughts to the team. I bet they'll want to add your opinion to their Web site to attract new fans.”

“I hate you.”

Alex smirked at her, making it clear that he knew she far from hated him.

He still had his arm around her, and she continued to lean into his hard body. It was amazing how much had changed between them in such a short time. For starters, they were almost always touching now. Simple gestures like a hand to the small of her back as they went out to grab dinner together, or her legs draped over his as they sat on the couch and argued about who liked shittier television, or the way they'd get lost in looking at one another at random points during their time together. They had been close for a long time, but there was an intimacy between them now that Cass was sure they both felt even though they'd never discussed it.

If she were being honest with herself, it was a bit overwhelming for her. Cass had always been one to like her space, but Alex had infiltrated every aspect of her life. And she liked him there.
Isn't that some crazy shit?
What she liked even more was waking up next to him, which had been happening with more
frequency lately. She told herself that they were just banging each other's brains out before Alex had Nina full-time. Because soon Nina would be around constantly. And while she was happy that Alex was getting to spend the time with his little girl, Cass was definitely going to miss being able to fuck him on any available surface anytime she wanted to.

“Come on! Stop him!” Alex yelled, effectively ending Cass' internal musings.

“Why are you yelling? They can't hear you.”

Alex glared at her, causing her to laugh again. She couldn't deny it—she loved winding Alex up. She had a true talent for it, and Cass was a firm believer in exploiting her strengths.

It didn't take more than a quarter for Cass to get caught up in the game and begin yelling alongside Alex. Despite her earlier ribbing, she had always liked football. The aggression spoke to her on a cellular level.

By the time the game ended, they'd each consumed three beers and an obscene amount of junk food, and Cass had conned Alex into buying her a giant foam finger, which she was sure he instantly regretted since she'd used it as though it were her real hand for the rest of the game. She couldn't help it if she was a hand-talker—or at least she was when she had an awesome foam finger. Too bad Alex snatched it from her and gave it to a young kid near them during the fourth quarter.

They left the arena with their hands clasped, fingers interlaced like it was the most natural thing in the world. And it truly felt like it was. But the naturalness threw Cass even more. While part of her liked it, part of her feared it too. So once they settled in the car and began the long drive home, Cass decided to get them back on more comfortable ground.

Casually leaning on the center console, she let her hand rest just above Alex's knee. “How often do you go to those games?”

Alex shifted a little in his seat. “Not that often. I wish I had time to go more.”

“We should take Nina,” Cass said as she shifted her hand up higher on his thigh.

“That'd be fun.”

She drifted her hand over the denim so that it was halfway up his thigh. “You know me. I'm all about fun.”

“Are you now?”

“Mmm-hmm.” Cass' hand migrated up to the crease where his leg met his hip.

“You may need to prove that to me,” Alex said as his breathing picked up.

“Well,” she started as she cupped him through his jeans, “you know how I love to prove myself.” Her ministrations over his cock were slow, but if the hitch of his breath was any indication, her hand was having the desired effect. “Am I proving how much fun I am, or do you need more evidence?”

Alex's eyes were on the road but his head was pushed back into the headrest, his strong hands gripping the wheel. “I'd hate for you to not give a hundred percent effort.”

“Very good point.” Her hands moved to unfasten his belt, unbutton his jeans, and drag down the zipper. She reached into his boxers to wrap around his cock and pull it through the opening. Cass couldn't deny that the sight of Alex's cock always turned her on. “Hmm, my hand's getting tired.”

“Oh yeah?” Alex's words were coming in pants, his arousal as evident in his voice as in the hardness in her hand.

“Yeah. Maybe I should rest it.” And with that, Cass
bent over the console and sucked Alex into her mouth. She kept one hand wrapped around the base as she took as much of him in her mouth as she could. She bobbed over him with fervor, not interested in teasing or dragging this out. Giving a sexy-as-hell FBI agent road head was hitting all the right buttons, and she couldn't have slowed her pace if she'd wanted to.

She dragged her tongue up the vein under his cock before licking the head, paying specific attention to his slit. She lapped at the precum leaking from him like he was a melting Popsicle, making him moan and slap his hand against the steering wheel.

“Cass . . . fuck.”

She pulled off with a pop. “That's going to be difficult to maneuver while you're driving,” she teased. Then she sank her head over him again, taking him deep over and over.

“Shit, fuck, I'm going to come.”

She hummed around his cock, knowing that the vibration would increase his pleasure. His groan was all the affirmation she needed. She hummed again and that was all it took.

Alex released a guttural sound as his orgasm tore through him.

Cass swallowed his cum, sucking him dry as if he were the best lollipop she'd ever had. Once she had licked him clean, she let him fall from her lips. She took her time tucking him back in and closing up his jeans as best she could. Then Cass straightened in her seat and glanced over at Alex. He looked like he had just finished a marathon. “You okay there, champ?”

“Never better,” was his slightly breathless reply.

Cass couldn't help but feel proud of herself as she watched this supercop lose his composure. She sat quietly, looking out the window as Alex recovered.
But her head whipped to look out of the windshield and then over at Alex as the car quickly jerked off the highway and onto the shoulder. “What's wrong?”

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