The Weaker Vessel: Woman's Lot in Seventeenth-Century England (121 page)

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Authors: Antonia Fraser

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Great Britain, #Social History, #General, #Modern

BOOK: The Weaker Vessel: Woman's Lot in Seventeenth-Century England
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Verney, Cary (Cary Gardiner, later Stewkeley, sister of Sir Ralph),
Verney, Sir Edmund (father of Sir Ralph),
Verney, Edmund (‘Mun’, son of Sir Ralph),
Verney, Henry,
Verney, John (Jack, son of Sir Ralph),
Verney, Dame Margaret (mother of Sir Ralph),
Verney, Mary Lady (Mary Blacknall, wife of Sir Ralph),
; marriage to Ralph Verney,
; and deaths of her children,
; selects a wet-nurse for her son,
; appeals against sequestration,
; death of,
Verney, Mary (wife of Edmund ‘Mun’),
Verney, Molly (sister of Sir Ralph),
Verney, Molly (‘Little Molly’, daughter of Edmund ‘Mun’),
Verney, Peg (Peg Elmes, sister of Sir Ralph),
Verney, Pegg (daughter of Sir Ralph),
Verney, Pen (sister of Sir Ralph),
Verney, Sir Ralph,
; marriage to Mary Blacknall,
; views on Nancy Denton’s education,
; views on nursing,
; exile and sequestration of his estate,
; and death of his wife,
Verney, Ralph (son of Sir Ralph),
Verney, Sue (sister of Sir Ralph),
Verney family,
Verney letters,
Vicars, John,
Villiers, George
st Duke of
Villiers, George
nd Duke of
Villiers, Sir John
Purbeck, Viscount
Villiers, Robert
Wright, Robert
Villiers, ‘Su’
Denbigh, Countess of
Virgin Mary,
Virgin’s Pattern, The
Virgin Troops (Maiden Troops),
Virtuoso, The
vizard masks,
Voice for the King of Saints
Vyner, Mary Lady,
Vyner, Sir Robert,
wages: of dairymaids,
; of servants,
; of nurses,
; of prostitutes,
; of actresses,
; of midwives,
Wakeley, Anne,
Walker, Dr Anthony,
Walker, Elizabeth,
Walker, Elizabeth (daughter),
Walker, Johnny,
Walker, Mary,
Walker, Robert,
Wall, Mrs,
Wall, Isolt,
Waller, Edmund,
Waller, Sir Henry,
Waller, Lady,
Waller, Sir William,
Waller’s Horse (‘Waller’s Dogs’),
Walpole, Sir Robert,
Walsingham, Sir Francis,
Wandering Whore, The
Wandesford, Alice
Thornton, Alice
Ward, Barbara,
Ward, Mary,
Wards, Court of,
Warner, Father John,
Warren, Captain,
Warren, Elizabeth,
Warwick, Charles Rich
th Earl of,
Warwick, Eleanor Countess of
Sussex, Countess of
Warwick, Mary Countess of (Mary Rich
; marriage to Charles Rich,
; her household routine,
; and Lady Essex Rich,
; and children,
; as a widow,
; her books,
; and Katherine Boyle,
; her will,
; and Lord Goring,
Warwick, Robert Rich
nd Earl of,
Warwick, Susan Countess of (Susan Halliday),
Warwick House,
Watts, Dr Isaac,
weaker vessel, the: origins of phrase,
; nature of weakness,
; quoted,
Weaver, Elizabeth
Farley, Elizabeth
Weaver, James,
Webbe, Thomas,
; Honoria Denny to James Lord Hay,
; Frances Coke to Sir John Villiers,
; Mary Blacknall to Ralph Verney,
; Lucy Pelham to Gervase Pierrepont,
; Rachel Lady Vaughan to William Russell,
; Anne Pierrepont to John Lord Roos,
; Mary Cromwell to Lord Fauconberg,
; Hester Davenport to Lord Oxford,
see also
wedding sermons,
Weekly Journal
Weldon, Sir Anthony,
Wenham, Jane,
West, Lieutenant-Colonel,
West Indies,
Westminster Abbey,
Westminster Liberty Regiment,
Westmorland, Earls of,
Whateley, William,
Wheeler, Elizabeth (Elizabeth Child),
Wheeler, Lady,
Wheeler, Martha,
Wheeler, William,
Whitby, manor of,
Whitelocke, Bulstrode,
Whole Duty of Man, The
Whore’s Rhetorick, The
Whorwood, Brome,
Whorwood, Jane,
Whorwood, Sir Thomas,
Whyte, Hester,
Whyte, Rowland,
453; concept of lusty widow,
; legal and economic independence of,
; and remarriage,
; ideal of devoted widow,
; pursued as heiresses,
; in poorer classes,
; and old age,
; as potential witches,
; of soldiers,
; and female franchise,
; businesswomen,
Wilkins, Bishop,
Wilkins, Mrs,
Wilkinson, Rev, Robert,
Willet, Deb,
William III (William of Orange),
William the Silent,
Williams, Elizabeth,
Williams, Roger,
Willimot, Joan,
Willis, Sue,
Willoughby, William,
Willughby, ‘Mrs’,
Willughby, Dr Percival,
Wilson, Arthur,
Wilson, J. H.,
Wilton House,
Winch, Mrs,
Winchester, Bishop of,
Winchester, Honora Marchioness of,
Winchester, John Paulet
th Marquess of,
Winchester House,
Winchilsea, Anne Countess of (Anne Finch

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