Read The Wary Widow Online

Authors: Jerrica Knight-Catania

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Regency, #Historical Romance

The Wary Widow (17 page)

BOOK: The Wary Widow
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Andrew was glad for the time alone with Chloe. Out here in the country, they could walk freely without judgment, and enjoy one another’s company. And hopefully come to some kind of conclusion about what their future might hold.

The sun was indeed setting as they stepped out of the small manor house. There was a cool breeze and
a dampness
to the air that heralded rain. Chloe walked quietly next to him, her arms folded over her chest. She looked exhausted, and he wished he could pull her into his arms and hold her while she slept again.

Good God, his desire to take care of her was almost overwhelming. But taking care of her meant taking care of her family as well.

“I would like to call in a doctor from London.”

Chloe turned to him, shock in her features. “Surely you must realize that my family could not afford the services of a London doctor.”

He gave her a wry smile. “Pray, take no offense, madam, but I am not blind. Your family’s situation is rather apparent.”

Chloe looked away. Had he embarrassed her?

“I’m sorry I said that, Chloe, was my intention to pay for services rendered, if you will let me. Your sister needs help and I daresay the local veterinarian cannot offer proper care.”

She seemed to think about it for a moment. Andrew wondered why anyone would have to think over such a thing when
sister was lying on her deathbed. He supposed everyone had
pride. But then, when he glanced at her again, he realized tears streaked her cheeks.

Content that they were a safe distance from the cottage, or onlookers of any kind, he pulled her to him and held her tight. Her body was warm, but she shivered in his embrace. Her hair still smelled like rose water, as it had the night before. He drew her even closer, desperate to ease her tears.

She pulled back slightly. Her doe eyes blinked up at him with apparent gratitude, and Andrew was helpless to his next move. He lowered his mouth and gently brushed his lips against hers. Her sweet scent mingled with salty tears. He tasted them, as if doing so might make them go away. But the more he kissed her, the more tears that fell.

He put a hand to her cheek and brushed them away. Chloe’s arms wrapped around his waist and she squeezed him to her.

“Oh, Andrew,” she whimpered when he took his mouth away to kiss her cheeks and the curve of her jaw.

“What is it, my love?” he asked, without removing his lips from her person.


Andrew stopped suddenly and pulled back. She looked almost pained by the admission. Her brows knitted together and her lips were pulled taut while she awaited his reaction.

But he didn’t know what to say. Love was a powerful word—one that he’d used so little in his life—but the truth was that he’d never loved anyone like he loved this woman. He loved her with every bit of his soul. How could he not tell her? He opened his mouth to speak, but she stopped him with a single finger to his lips.

“Don’t say anything now,” she said to him. “Just take me somewhere we can be alone.”

“Alone?” he repeated, trying not to get his hopes up.

Chloe nodded. “I need you, Andrew.”

Oh, God. Those three little words dug deep into his soul, and brought his body to full attention. But what a cad he would be to take advantage of her in this situation.

“Chloe, not now,” he said gruffly. “You’re grieved and confused. Let us wait.”

For a moment he thought she might agree and concede, but then her expression changed rapidly into one of indignity. He’d never seen her angry or without control of her temper, but clearly something he said had chafed her.

“How dare you tell me what I’m feeling right now?” Her voice was surprisingly even despite the words she spoke. “You have no idea what I’m feeling or what I want.”

“I didn’t mean

“No!” Angry tears spilled over onto her cheeks. “Do you know how long it’s been? Do you know how terribly lonely I’ve been since Sam died? Or how guilty I feel for even
another man? And do you have any idea how scared I am that I might lose my sister?”

“I know

“No, you don’t know.” She turned her moist brown eyes on him and blinked several times before speaking again; this time her voice was practically a whisper. “When I said I needed you, I meant it. I need you to make me feel alive again. I need you to help me forget, just for a moment, all the terrible things that have happened in my life. I know it’s an awful lot of pressure to

Andrew cut her off with a kiss, unable to take anymore. She was practically begging him to do what he’d dreamt about doing for weeks now. And who was he to argue with her? If she needed him, he was going to provide whatever it was she sought.

“Where should we go?” he asked, his voice hoarse with desire.

Chloe gave him a teary half-smile and looked around. “Follow me.”


Chloe grabbed onto Andrew’s hand and pulled him down the path through the small patch of trees. When they reached the massive oak that she knew so well, she stopped and turned her face heavenward.

Andrew followed her gaze. “You wish for me to make love to you in a tree house?”

Chloe let out a giggle that sounded rather odd since she’d be crying for the better part of the last half hour. “It is the best I can do under the circumstances,” she explained.

“Shall I go first and pull you up, or do you wish for a boost from behind.”

“Neither, thank you,” she said, tilting her nose into the air. “I can manage just fine on my own.”

Without another word, she grabbed onto the small wooden planks that had been nailed to the tree to make a ladder. They were worn from years of use by her siblings and herself, but she shimmied up them with the ease of a nine-year-old boy. Andrew followed quickly behind. The movement of his muscles under his coat intrigued her as he pulled himself up and dusted himself off. He looked around, taking in the interior of the tiny tree house, though there wasn’t much to see.

A few wooden toys lay on the floor in the corner, but other than that the place was bare. When Andrew finally looked at Chloe, she shivered with anticipation. It barely crossed her mind that he was still betrothed to her cousin or that her sister lay sick in her bed. Or that Sam was the only man she'd ever planned to be with. Fifteen minutes. That was all she needed—all she wanted—to forget that anything existed except the two of them.

Andrew walked toward Chloe and knelt down in front of her. Then he grabbed her about the waist, pressing his face to her belly. Chloe ran her fingers through his hair and closed her eyes as his hands reached around to her buttocks. Desperate to feel his lips on hers again, she dropped to her knees and took his face in her hands. In one swift movement, Andrew drew her to him and kissed her urgently. She matched his urgency.

He whispered her name like a benediction as he trailed frantic kisses down her neck to her décolletage. He threw off her shawl, revealing her gown from the previous evening and its rather low bodice.

Only then did Chloe realize she’d forgotten to change, but she was too aroused to care. And what did it really matter when in a moment the dress would be on the floor?

Andrew’s mouth found its way over the soft mound of her right breast. His thumb grazed the edge of the bodice and then pulled it down until her nipple popped free. He glanced down at the taut bud and moaned.

“Oh, dear God,” he breathed before taking her into his mouth.

Chloe gave an appreciative moan in return as her body turned to mush. The play of his tongue on her nipple made her weak, and she started to sway back onto her haunches.

Andrew looked up as his arm tightened around her to hold her upright. “Wait one moment,” he said, pulling his jacket from his shoulders.

He threw it down on the floor behind her, but Chloe barely noticed. She was too focused on Andrew’s hard, muscular body to notice anything else.

“Good heavens,” she breathed. “I don’t think even Michelangelo could have dreamed up such a sculpture.”

Andrew smiled as he pulled his shirt over his head and Chloe gave a little gasp. She had never been witness to such a masculine sight. She felt the dampness pool between her legs at the mere thought of having him on top of her, inside of her.

“It’s your turn, love,” he cooed, coming closer to her. “Let me see that goddess body of yours.”

Oh, Lord, it had been so long since she’d been naked with a man, it almost felt like her wedding night all over again. She swallowed hard. What if he didn’t like the way she looked? Her breasts were not as large as some—certainly not as large as
Lizzie’s—and she’d been called unfashionably thin by her Aunt Prudence

A clap of thunder jolted both of them from their trance-like states. Before Chloe could protest, Andrew reached around and unfastened her dress. The bodice fell forward. Her breasts were still covered, but the threadbare cloth of her chemise left little to the imagination.

Andrew pulled the chemise
exposing her bare breasts to the chilly, spring air. He groaned as he took one full breast into his hand and kneaded it. Chloe's dress fell, unsupported, to pool around her knees, and Andrew lifted the chemise over her head, leaving her completely naked. She shivered as a breeze crossed between the tiny window openings of the tree house.

Ever the gentleman, Andrew took only a brief moment to admire her, and then pulled her to him. Gently, he lowered her to his coat on the floor and covered her with his warm body.

Chloe’s breath was coming quick now with anticipation. Andrew’s cock pressed against her belly and she moved her hands between them to undo his breeches. He smiled again and Chloe felt as though she might melt right through the floor. Together, they untied his breeches and then Andrew lifted up to pull them away. His cock sprung free, hard and rigid, and Chloe once again gave a little gasp.

“Are you all right?” Andrew asked with concern.

She nodded. “It’s just long,” she reminded him. “Far too long.”

With that, Andrew lowered his head to hers and kissed her. His hands roamed the sensitive flesh along her side and along the outer edge of her breast. All her senses came to life and cried out for release.

“Please, Andrew,” she begged. “Please don’t make me wait any longer.”

“I wouldn't dream of it,” Andrew quipped. “I'm not a very patient man myself.”

Chloe wanted to giggle, enjoy the comfortable banter, but she couldn’t. Not with his member inching its way inside of her, stretching and filling her until the rest of the world drifted away. She could only think of how wonderful he felt inside of her, this strong, virile man.

Andrew moved slowly, pulling out until only the tip remained inside of her, and then thrusting back in until he filled her to the hilt. Over and over he teased, bringing Chloe briefly to the edge of ecstasy every time. But when he lowered his head to her tightened nipple and suckled, she could not take anymore.

Sensing that she was near her release, Andrew thrust faster and harder, until at last, they both cried out in heavenly bliss.

BOOK: The Wary Widow
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