Read The Wars of Watergate Online
Authors: Stanley I. Kutler
Richard Helms, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, testifying before the Senate Select Committee. (
Washington Star
Nixon with Thomas Pappas, “the Greek bearing gifts.” (LAM)
Patrick Buchanan. (National Archives)
Donald Segretti, convicted for campaign “dirty tricks” in 1972. (
Washington Star
Hugh Sloan, CREEP Treasurer, testifying in 1973. (
Washington Star
Federal Judge John Sirica, who presided over several Watergate trials. (
Washington Star
Assistant Attorney General Henry Petersen, who directed early phases of the Watergate investigation. (
Washington Star
White House Counsel John Dean in May 1973, after his dismissal by the President. (National Archives)
Leonard Garment (left), after his appointment as Counsel in May 1973, with Ron Ziegler. (National Archives)
Melvin Laird, Nixon, and Chief of Staff Alexander Haig after the forced resignations of Haldeman and Ehrlichman, June 1973. (National Archives)
White House aides with Presidential Counsel J. Fred Buzhardt. (National Archives)
Vice Chairman Howard Baker (left) and Chairman Sam Ervin of the Senate Select Committee, June 1973. (
Washington Star
Senate Select Committee Counsel Samuel Dash (left) and Senator Lowell Weicker, June 1973. (
Washington Star