The Warlock Who Hungered for a Demon (7 page)

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Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth

Tags: #Romance MM, #erotic MM, #Romance

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he’d kept so zealously.

Noah slipped out of Rhys’s body, wincing as he did so. It was

hard to believe that, mere seconds before, they’d been lost in the

throes of orgasm, and now Noah had to explain something so horrid.

He’d have much preferred it if Rhys never found out. He should

have left before he got involved even further with Rhys. But how

could he resist the incubus? He just loved Rhys so very much that he

couldn’t even trust his reason where the demon was concerned. He

didn’t even know what would be better for Rhys.

“Leave?” Rhys asked, having obviously caught on to the thought.

“Was that your plan? To abandon me without even saying good-bye?

To die alone and hope that I’d eventually forget you?”

Noah grimaced. This connection would take a while to get used

to. He’d grown accustomed to hiding the more unpleasant things from

Rhys, and it looked like it would no longer work from now on.

Perhaps it was better this way. Without their bond, Noah might have

never mustered enough courage to tell Rhys the truth.

“I’m sorry, baby,” he replied. “I just didn’t see any other way. I

knew you would be hurt, but if I’m around you when I die, it would

be even worse.”

The Warlock Who Hungered for a Demon


Rhys’s hand collided with Noah’s cheek. “Don’t say such things.

You’re not going to die. There has to be a way.” His expression

cleared as he seemed to come up with an idea. “The Sidhe! The Sidhe

helped heal severe injuries before. They cured my dad after the

vampires’ attack. They can help you as well.”

Noah shook his head sadly. “Unfortunately, they can’t. I should

know. I tried.”

As he spoke, he summoned the memory of the last time he’d been

on the Sidhe island. He had held the same hope as Rhys did now, but

after what he’d found out there, it had become clear to him that a

future with Rhys was impossible.
“How do you feel?” King Sterling

asked Noah. “How’s your head?”

Noah looked at the Sidhe ruler and mentally sought for the ache

that had been his constant companion for a while now. “It’s gone,”

he said with a gasp. “It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

Sterling helped Noah out of the glowing water of the Silver Pool.

It was a place of purity and magic, the most potent source of the

Sidhes’ magic that was said to be able to heal all wounds. Noah had

approached Sterling so that he could use it, and to his surprise, the

king had granted Noah’s request.

As Noah left the water, though, a pang of pain struck him again. It

wasn’t as strong as the headaches he had suffered from before

coming here, but even so, it unsettled him.

“King Sterling, I...I think something might be wrong.”

Sterling released a heavy sigh. “I’m so sorry, Noah. Your tumor

has receded, it’s true, but the Silver Pool can only provide a

temporary cure. Once you leave, the tumor will slowly start growing


Noah felt like he’d had happiness within his reach and it had

slipped between his fingers once again. “But…” He was choking. He

couldn’t get any air. “But how can that be?”


Scarlet Hyacinth

“The spell you cast to end your father’s life was very powerful.

Some things cannot be changed, not even through the magic of the


Noah took a deep breath, struggling to accept what Sterling was

saying. “How much time do I have?”

“Through repetitive treatment, you might live for years from now,

even a decade. But eventually, the tumor will become immune to the

Silver Pool’s influence. I cannot be sure when that will occur.”

Sterling didn’t say it outright, but this meant that Noah’s sickness

could easily worsen in one month or even a day. Regardless, the

Sidhe royal had been very supportive, so Noah had to thank him. “I

appreciate your assistance in this matter, King Sterling, and your

discretion,” he said.

“You are most welcome, Noah. I only wish I could help you more,

but you are always welcome here whenever you need access to the

Silver Pool. And worry not. No one will know of this.”

“My thanks again,” Noah said. “I should be going now. Rhys is

probably wondering where I ran off to, and I’ve already encroached

on your time enough.”

Sterling just gave him an indulgent smile. “Very well, Noah.

There is a change of clothes in the next room. Take care and make

sure you don’t stress your magic too much. I will see you again before

you leave.”

Noah whispered a good-bye and left the Silver Pool area. He had

earned a little more time, a delay until the inevitable happened. Now,

a question appeared. What would he do with it?

As Noah remembered, he allowed Rhys to see into his mind as

well, and he was not surprised when Rhys recoiled in shock. Even

without being an incubus, Noah could feel the other man’s pain.

“I’m so sorry, baby,” he said again. “It’s a direct consequence of

the spell I cast to kill my father. You know how powerful he was.”

Noah released a bitter laugh. “And the irony of it remains that, back

then, he still eluded death by stealing Daire’s body.”

The Warlock Who Hungered for a Demon


“There’s nothing ironic about this, Noah,” Rhys replied. “You

can’t die. You can’t die. You absolutely can’t die.”

With every repetition of the phrase, Rhys’s voice grew louder, as

if he was trying to convince himself of the truth of the words. Noah

pulled his lover close, caressing his soft hair. In spite of it all, he

couldn’t help but be happy that the sex between them had healed

Rhys, making him look even more beautiful than ever. “Shh, baby.

Calm down. It’s going to be okay.”

“Don’t say things you don’t mean, Noah,” Rhys retorted, breaking

away from him. “If you’d truly thought that, you’d have told me all of

this before.”

Unfortunately, it was true. Right now, the only thing Noah could

provide was empty comfort since the cold, unyielding reality lay right

there, within Noah’s memories, in the words Sterling had said to him.

Noah had once made a choice. He had seen what his father’s

wickedness was doing to the coven, and as much as it had pained him,

he’d realized the only way to stop it was by killing Tyrell. To do so,

however, he’d been forced to use black magic, forces his body wasn’t

accustomed to. The array of spells required to stop Tyrell’s life had

also birthed the tumor now growing within Noah’s brain.

As if taking a decision, Rhys climbed into Noah’s lap and

wrapped his arms around his neck. “I won’t let you die, Noah. I

promise you that.”

It pained Noah to say it, but he doubted Rhys could help him

where Sterling had failed. “I’m not sure there’s anything left to try,

baby,” he answered.

“There must be a way,” Rhys replied stubbornly. “I’ll find it. I

won’t rest until I do.”

“But what about the vampires and the demons?” Noah inquired,


“Fuck it all. I don’t care about any of it. You’re the only one who

matters to me.” His expression softened as he caressed Noah’s cheek.


Scarlet Hyacinth

“Do you remember how your father used to say that shifters are weak

because they allow their mates to become their first priority?”

Noah nodded, still dazed from Rhys’s reaction. “Well, I don’t

think we’re weak,” Rhys continued. “I think we’re strong, love, so

very strong, as long as we stick together. And life wouldn’t have

brought us together to separate us so soon. I refuse to believe it.”

As Rhys spoke, a spark of hope appeared in Noah’s chest. Perhaps

not all was lost. He had to believe in Rhys, and in himself. He had to

believe that they still had a chance, because he loved Rhys too much

to give up.

* * * *

A few days later

King Sterling Tomacelli watched Rhys with an assessing

expression, his blue eyes like chips of ice piercing Rhys to the very

core. “I understand that you want to help Noah,” he said, “but I

haven’t been able to figure out a more permanent method to heal


Rhys didn’t avert his gaze. Even now, his new mate was

undergoing the procedure that would make his tumor recede again.

But how long would the Silver Pool be able to help? Rhys needed to

find a solution to this quickly. The mere thought of losing Noah made

his blood run cold in his veins.

“The truth is, Rhys, that the affliction Noah suffers from isn’t like

a normal cancerous tumor. As you know, the Silver Pool could easily

deal with something like that. But this particular problem originates

from Noah’s own spell. He used some very dangerous magic in order

to breach the barriers protecting Tyrell Hall, and while he did kill his

father, there were effects on Noah himself. Let me explain it to you

this way. It’s like with a shotgun. When the strength of the blast is

very powerful, it recoils against your hand and can hurt you if you’re

The Warlock Who Hungered for a Demon


not careful. Suffice to say, the spell that affects Noah now wasn’t one

he used on a regular basis.”

Yes, Rhys knew what Sterling was referring to. Black magic was

like that, which was why demons were among the few species who

constantly used it. Alas, incubus spells were nothing like the ones

Noah had cast, so Rhys could do very little to assist his mate with


A thought occurred to him, something that had been circling his

mind for a while now. What they needed was a specialist, a person

who knew more about this kind of dark magic. Another demon.

Noah’s voice drifted in Rhys’s mind, strong and decisive.

Absolutely not. There are demons on our trail hunting us, and you

want to cooperate with them?”

“Anything is better than you dying,”
Rhys replied.

“Rhys, baby, you don’t even know where we would begin. The

only clue we got in finding out who awakened the Yamamoto

vampires was from your brother. He can’t possibly help us now, and I

don’t think anyone from your family could.”

Noah was right in that regard, of course. Rhys’s father had been

actually thrilled that Rhys had decided to leave with Noah for the

Sidhe island. His dad hadn’t been so happy. Rhys still couldn’t

believe Romaine had known about Noah’s tumor and had hidden it

from him. Someone like Romaine, who had his own mate, should

understand the extent of Rhys’s bond with Noah. For that reason, it

was somewhat better that Rhys had left, but at the same time, it made

it impossible for them to even ask for help. On the other hand, it

might be better since Rhys’s father would certainly not be pleased

upon finding out Rhys’s idea.

“I’m not pleased, either,”
Noah pointed out.
“Look, I’ll heal with

the effect of the Silver Pool. Don’t rush things. I don’t want you hurt

because of me.”

Rhys didn’t bother to point out that his own welfare depended on

Noah’s. He didn’t even want to live if Noah died, and since he was an


Scarlet Hyacinth

incubus, he had no doubt that it would happen. The strangest thing

was that he didn’t fear for himself. He was terrified of a world

deprived of Noah’s strength, of his uniqueness, and his power of self-


“I’m not worth you even thinking such things,”
Noah said in his


“You’re worth that, and more,”
Rhys replied, frustrated. In spite

of how much Rhys loved the warlock, his feelings had so far been

unable to defeat Noah’s low opinion of himself. But that would not

stop Rhys. He’d do anything to save Noah.

As if guessing Rhys’s thoughts, Sterling offered Rhys a serious

look. “Of course, there is someone who might be able to give you

some insight on this. Understand, this is a dangerous path and I

cannot guarantee the results, but it might provide you with what you


Rhys’s eyes widened. “Who? Who is it, King Sterling?”

“Have you ever heard of pixies?”

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