The War of Pawns (The Human Chronicles -- Book Three) (24 page)

BOOK: The War of Pawns (The Human Chronicles -- Book Three)
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“We’re going to Langley?” Adam asked.


“Are you flying us somewhere,” Riyad inquired from the backseat.

“Nope, but you are.”

“What’s going on, LT? We deserve to know,” Adam said, more forcefully this time.

Lt. Tobias turned in his seat so he could see the faces in the dimly-lit backseat. “That spaceship you came in on was moved here to Langley. It’s over at the NASA research area.”

“Are you sure? Is it still intact?” Adam was suddenly excited.

“I’m sure it’s there. The CO managed to find out where it was a couple of days ago. As far as whether it has survived the attacks, that’s anyone’s guess.”

“Are you going to let us fly it off the planet?” Adam’s tone was deadly serious. This could be a way he could get back in the fight.

“That’s an affirmative, Mr. Cain. If you’re up for it?”

“Damn right, sir. I can’t do shit sitting in a prison here on Earth. At least out there,” he motioned toward the sky, “I can spill some blood.”

“That was the CO’s thought as well. He has a mission for you, sailor.” Then he scanned the faces of Sherri and Riyad as well. “And the two of you as well – if you’re willing.”

Riyad spoke up immediately. “I’m in. Some of my greatest glory was as a superman among the aliens.”

“And you, Ms. Valentine?”

There was a deep frown on Sherri’s forehead. All eyes were on her. Finally she nodded. “On two conditions. First, I need to get a message to my folks, letting them know that I’m alive and well.” And then she hesitated.

“And the second?”

“That you stop calling me
Ms. Valentine

In light of all that was happening to them, everyone in the Humvee burst out laughing.


Chapter Thirty-Four


For his part, Adam felt an intense sense of relief – assuming the shuttle was still in one piece, and that the NASA scientists hadn’t torn it apart. For the past week he had felt such an overpowering sense of helplessness. He knew what was happening in the politics of the moment, and yet he was unable to do anything about it.

And now Maria and Cassie.

The worst thing Adam could imagine was being locked away in a cell somewhere, unable to act, while the hatred of an entire race was directed at him. He knew the propaganda against him would continue, even if he was able to escape the planet. He just wouldn’t be around to see it. And if he was free to act, out among the stars, then maybe he could gather the evidence he would need to clear his name…

Tobias informed them that all cellphone communications were down, as were television transmissions. The Juireans had cleared the space around the planet of all satellites, be they civilian or military. So Tobias promised Sherri that he would use his military walkie-talkie to start a chain of relay messages aimed at letting her parents know she was alive. This brightened Sherri’s mood immensely, at least until the time they turned off of Armistead and onto Sweeny Boulevard, and pulled up to the main gate at Langley Air Force Base.

A dazed-looking Airman, looking to be not more than 20, stepped up to the driver’s side of the lead Humvee and looked inside. Lt. Tobias leaned over, crowding Peanut in the driver’s seat. The Airman saluted Tobias.

“What going on here, Airman? How has the base come through?”

“Sir, we got hit by about six or seven of those balls of fire. What the hell’s going on, sir? Who’s doing this to us?”

“It’s a long and unbelievable story,” Tobias said. “Are you aware of any damage to the NASA facility?”

“That’s north of here,” the airman replied. “Most of the damage has been to the runways and hangers. I don’t think anything hit in that area.”

“Thank you, Airman.” And then remembering what Adam had said about the Klin stepping in to stop the attack before total destruction, Tobias said, “The worst of the attacks should be over, son. You can relax, and maybe see about checking on your family, if you have one here.”

“Thank you, sir, but it’s just me here. Most of the guys with families have already taken off. The sergeant gave them permission.”

“Very well. I appreciate your dedication to your country, Airman. Carry on.”

“Yes, sir,” and the Airman saluted again, this time with a little more crispness in the motion.


The convoy proceeded through the gate and turned left on Lee Road. The narrow, two-lane road took them west of the runways, where they could see numerous fires burning off to the east, the eerie light dancing through the thick smoke.

Captain Allen had learned that the shuttle had been moved to Langley and placed in a hanger off of Lindbergh Way near Taylor Street, where NASA scientists and engineers could begin to study its operation. Apparently, most of the aeronautical community was not aware of the Klin, and so they still marveled at the chance to study the advanced technology of an actual alien spacecraft. Adam was sure the people at the NASA facility were ecstatic beyond belief at the opportunity that had been dropped in their laps. He also knew that come tomorrow, their entire reality would change forever.

The people in the Humvee were relieved to see that there was no damage to the buildings at this end of the base, and even more so as the huge hanger came into view on their left. It was a large building, with a corrugated door towering thirty meters tall and forty wide. The hanger door was shut, and there was small entrance door set just to the right.

Tobias slid out of the Humvee and approached the door. It was locked, but he could see light coming through its tiny opaque window, as well as from the various other windows that ran along the top of the wall. There were also various cars still in the parking lot along the west side of the building. With an alien spacecraft to examine, Tobias couldn’t image that the place would be closed for the night.

He banged on the door, and after a moment, a voice called out from the other side. “Who is it?”

“Lt. Andy Tobias, United States Navy SEALs. Open the door.”

“This is a secure facility, Lieutenant. Do you have clearance?”

“Cut the bullshit, pinhead. You know what’s going on out here. And we know you have an alien spaceship inside. So open the fucking door, or we’ll blow it open.”

Tobias could hear the latch being released, and then the door cracked open. Tobias pushed his way through, followed quickly by Adam, Sherri, and Riyad, along with Peanut in full tactical gear. The room inside was brightly lit, with about a dozen scientists, all in their ubiquitous white lab coats, standing around staring at them.

“What’s going on?” a skinny man closest to the door asked. “There’s been some kind of horrible attack, and we’ve lost all contact with the outside. No phones, no internet, no T.V, nothing.”

“Aliens, my friend,” Riyad said as he passed the scientist. Behind him came a dozen more SEALs. “They’ve come for their little toy you have here,” he teased, as a look of terror spread across the faces of the scientists.

The shuttle was sitting in the main hanger area, facing inward, with spotlights aimed on it and the rear panel open.

“Get this door open,” Tobias commanded, indicating the main hanger door, and several of the SEALs set off to make it so.

Adam stepped up next to him. “We need to turn it around and get it outside.”

“Roger that.” Tobias told two of his men to climb on the tractors that had originally pulled the craft inside the hanger and to swing it back around. The shuttle was not built with wheels, just runners, so when the men began to turn the craft, the screeching of metal on the concrete floor was deafening. But soon the behemoth was turned and scraping its way onto the tarmac outside the hanger and into the smoky evening air.

“Where are you taking it?” the lead scientist asked, his voice frantic. “We don’t know how it works yet. We’ve just started our analysis.”

“We’ve got that covered,” Tobias said, dismissing the scientist with a wave of his hand. Then he turned to face the wiry and pale-skinned man. “Besides, come tomorrow, you’re probably all going to be out of a job!”

Once the craft was outside, Tobias ordered that the two supply trucks be driven into the large troop bay at the rear of the shuttle. Riyad hurried past the large trucks and went forward into the pilothouse to begin charging the generators.

Sherri stood with the non-converts, Billy Piscopo by her side, engrossed in conversation.

Adam approached Lieutenant Tobias and offered his hand. “Thanks for everything, Mr. Tobias. I really appreciate the risk you’re taking by helping us. I hope everything goes well for you down here after we leave.” And then out of the corner of his eye, Adam noticed as all the SEALs disappeared into the rear of the shuttle. Adam turned back to the lieutenant, his eyes wide.

“You didn’t think we’d let you have all the fun, did you? We’re coming with you, Mr. Cain. All of us.”

Adam was stunned. He never imaged that the SEALs would be coming along, too. “But sir, what about all your families and friends?”

“I’m one of those swinging bachelors, Adam, as are all the other SEALs who have volunteered for this mission. Of course, I do have an ex-wife, but she wouldn’t give a damn where I end up, just so long as I ain’t botherin’ her. I figure a few thousand light years away should make her happy.”

And then Billy Piscopo stepped up to the two of them. “I’ve been talking with the guys, and we’d like to come along, too, if that’s okay?”

“Are you sure? You know we’re probably never coming back to Earth.”

“We realize that. But we also believe we’re going to be treated just like you were if we stay. No one’s going to believe us about the abductions, and how we were treated by the 2G’s. And the government has kept us locked up for a week, even before the attack. I don’t think they were ever going to let us out, just so we could run around free to tell our stories, especially not now.”

“Of course you’re welcome, Billy. All of you are,” Adam said, turning back to Tobias. “But you do realize we may not even make it off the planet before someone takes us out, either the Klin or the Juireans.”

“We live our lives on the edge of a sword all the time, Mr. Cain. We’re wasting time standing out here discussing this.”

“Aye, aye sir. Let’s get aboard.”

Adam then ran over to the scientists, who had all gathered in the opening to the hanger. “All of you need to clear out! We’re going to initiate a gravity well, and when we do, this entire building is going to be ripped to shreds. You have five minutes to get as far away as you can.”

“A gravity well?” someone yelled out from the group. “Like a singularity? That’s amazing! Take me with you!” And before Adam knew it, four of the scientists ran forward and into the back of the shuttle.

“No, you can’t—” and then he stopped. Adam had never had scientists around before, especially rocket scientists like these guys. They could come in handy…

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