The Wannabes (14 page)

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Authors: Tammy Coons

BOOK: The Wannabes
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CORBIN, ALEX AND Stella opted for
the mall instead of fishing, and sent the guys on their way. Alex was very
quiet throughout the stores. Corbin assumed it was because she was tired and
busied herself with finding the perfect outfit to wear. Corbin pulled some
summer dresses from the rack and headed for the dressing rooms. She tried on
each one and settled on a comfy halter type dress. It was low cut in the front,
revealing her cleavage. She admired her reflection in the mirror and smoothed
out the dress. Deciding on a second opinion, she opened the door and peeked
out. Alex and Stella sat on the loveseat; each one had their faces buried in
their cell phones.

“Does this one show too much of my boobs?”

Both looked up at her, shook their heads then returned their
eyes to their phones. Corbin shrugged then went back inside of the dressing
room. She looked in the mirror again and tugged and pulled at the neckline of
the dress. This dress put her way out of her comfort zone, but yet so had
Ryder. He had opened her eyes to so many new things in and out of the bedroom. She
quickly changed her clothes and without another thought, purchased the dress.

“Are we done?” Alex huffed.

“I guess.” Corbin cocked an eyebrow at her.

“Good, because I need some sleep before work tonight. And I
would appreciate it if everyone could keep their voices down.” Alex wore a

“Are you ok Alex?” Stella asked.

“Yea, I am just peachy. Let’s get out of here.” Alex walked
away from them and headed for the exit. Corbin turned to Stella who shrugged.



“I THOUGHT YOU said there were fish
in here,” Mike said as he casted his line out into the water.

“I caught a bunch last weekend.” Moses reeled his line in.

“Maybe you caught them all.” Ryder smirked. Moses gave him a
shrug then casted his line out again.

Ryder plopped down on a log, pulled out his cell phone and
checked the time. It was already 5:00p.m. In two more hours he would be alone
with Corbin. He couldn’t wait.

“Are there any good French restaurants around here?”

“Don’t ask me, I only know of the steakhouses.” Mike
crouched down next to his fishing pole.

“That is a tough one. But if you ever get the chance, go to
Jefferson Point. It’s about an hour and 20 minutes away from here but the town
is gorgeous. I took Alex there last weekend. We did some wine tasting and
walked through the antique shops.” Moses had a huge smile on his face.

“Are you sure you took my sister? I never knew she liked to
do that kind of stuff.” Ryder laughed.

“Wine tasting…you?” Mike snickered. Moses seemed too ignore

“Wait…yes, I do remember a place in Muscello,” Moses snapped
his fingers then whipped out his phone and began typing. He held his phone out
to Ryder.

“David’s? That doesn’t sound French.”

“I think it’s actually pronounced Daveed’s,” Moses attempted
a French accent.

“Oh, oui oui,” Ryder laughed.

“The food is pretty good, and it has a nice dining

“How are the prices?”

“Fairly reasonable, they serve some excellent cheeses and
their crème bruilee is delicious.” Moses rubbed his stomach.

“Seriously guys, you sound like a couple of chicks talkin’.”
Mike reeled in his fishing pole then walked towards the truck.

“Oh, Mike don’t leave us here alone with these yucky fish
and worms. I just got a manicure,” Moses replied in a high pitched tone. He
pretended to wipe hair from his eyes.

“Fuck you.” Mike turned and flipped them off. Moses erupted
into a fit of laughter. Ryder soon joined in.



CORBIN SAT IN front of Stella’s
mirror and watched as she worked her magic on her hair and makeup. She picked
up her phone and saw that it was 6:00p.m. Her stomach was a tangled bundle of
nerves. She heard the apartment door open and her stomach did a flip.

“Is anyone home?” Ryder’s voice rang out. Stella stopped
what she was doing and peeked out her door.

“Corbin and I are in here, and if I were you, I would tone
your voice down. Alex is a little cranky today,” Stella said in a hushed tone.

“Alex is always cranky,” Ryder said loudly

“Do you have a death wish?”

“I ain’t sacred,” Ryder said even louder.

Stella let out a huge sigh, shut the bedroom door then
continued on with curling Corbin’s hair. Soon they heard Alex’s bedroom door
open and her yelling. Corbin and Stella moved closer to the door.

“I am trying to get some sleep!” Alex yelled and Ryder

“I’m sorry, what crawled up your ass?”

“Ryder, you are such an asshole!” Alex’s door slammed shut.
Soon the two heard a knocking on Alex’s door.

“Alex, if you want to talk about what is bothering you, let
me in.” They heard the door reopen.

The two hurried to the side of Stella’s room that was
closest to Alex’s.

“Can you hear anything?” Stella whispered. Corbin strained
against the wall then shook her head.

What the hell was going on?




bedroom where Ryder stood before her dressed in jeans and a green button up
shirt that was unbuttoned in just the right spot, just enough to reveal the
hint of his tattoos. He eyed her up and down, his eyes resting on her chest.

“Beautiful,” he smiled that sly smile.

“You look good too.” She bit her lip.

“Are you ready to go?” He reached for her hand. She gave him
a nod and they entwined their fingers together. He led her out the door and
down the stairs, stopped at the bottom of them and kissed her softly on the
lips. Corbin felt as if her legs had turned into JELL-O. He pulled away then
walked her to his car. He opened the door for her and she slid into the passenger
seat. She folded her shaking hands in her lap and took a deep breath, letting
it out slowly. Ryder got in the car and when he started it, Jackyl’s She Loves
my Cock blared from the CD player. Corbin burst out laughing as he fumbled with
the volume button.


“Don’t be, I love that song,” Corbin managed between

“You never cease to amaze me, Corbin.” He gave her a wink
then continued on out of the parking lot. They were silent for a moment then
Ryder cleared his throat.

“Have you ever been to the French restaurant, David’s in

“No I have always wanted to go but Rob….” She stopped
herself from continuing on and looked out the window. She felt him place a hand
on her leg.

“It’s ok, Corbin. I know he was a major part in your life
for a long time.” She turned back to him, he glanced at her then stared out to
the road. She watched a smile play out on his lips. “Just promise me you won’t
call out his name when we are in bed together.”

“I don’t think you will ever have to worry about that.” Her
bold words surprised her. Ryder picked up her hand and gave it a kiss.

When they pulled into the parking lot at David’s, it was

“Shit, I hope we can get a table,” Ryder said. Corbin
reached for the door handle and Ryder stopped her. “Let me.” He leaned over and
gave her a quick kiss. He got out and walked to her side, opened the door and
held his hand out to her. Corbin looked up at him, the lights from the sign on
the building highlighted all of his facial features. And the green shirt he wore
made eyes look even greener. She found herself wanting nothing than to have
him, in her bed, or in the car, at that moment. He seemed to read her mind. He
brought her up to him and kissed her deeply. He wrapped his arms tightly around
her waist and pushed her up against the car. When he pulled away his breathing
was labored.

“We need to stop. I really don’t want to go in there with a
hard on.” Corbin chuckled and gave him one more kiss.

“Hmmm…” Corbin tapped her chin. It was Ryder’s turn to

“Let’s see if we can get a table.” Ryder ran a hand through
his hair and seemed to be gathering his breath. Corbin took him by the hand and
they went inside. They stopped at the Maître d’, the man eyed Ryder up and


Corbin watched as Ryder leaned into the man and read his
name tag. “Yes, Paul, two please.”

“The wait time is about 30 minutes at this point, sir.”

“Do you have a bar?”

“Well of course.”

“Ok then put us down in your little book and we will wait

Paul sighed, “Name?”

“You can call me Mr. James.” Ryder gave Paul a wink and the
peace sign. He then ushered Corbin towards the bar.

“What was that all about?” Corbin asked as they sat.

“What do you mean?” Ryder shrugged.

“That whole, you can call me Mr. James stuff?”

“That dude was being a pompous ass. I hate when people think
they are better than me. Just because he was wearing an expensive suit doesn’t
mean shit.”

“Ryder James, I have never seen anyone get under your skin
before.” Corbin raised an eyebrow at him.

“Ryder?” a female voice asked. Corbin watched Ryder’s face
pale. He looked to the ceiling and mouthed the word fuck. Corbin looked behind
him and saw a small blonde, her arm hooked with Rob’s. Corbin felt her heart
literally stop in her chest. She looked to Ryder and watched as he turned in
his seat.

“Tina and Rob, fucking great,” he said. He grabbed Corbin’s
hand and squeezed it. Corbin couldn’t remove her eyes from Rob who just stood
and smirked.

“Tina told me about this place, I have always wanted to try
it,” Rob said. Corbin felt her jaw drop and also Ryder’s squeeze got a little

“Awesome,” was Ryder’s reply. He placed his face in front of
Corbin’s and brought her attention to him. He mouthed the words ‘are you ok?’
Corbin gave him a nod.

“How are you, Ryder? I tried calling you,” Tina stammered.
Ryder kept his eyes on Corbin’s.

“Right now, I am doing great. And I know you tried to call
me, so I changed my phone number. Now if you two could please leave us the fuck
alone, I am trying to enjoy a night out with…my...beautiful date.” He touched
her face and that brought her back to him. She didn’t care about anything else
but the feeling of his hands on her, nothing else mattered.

“Good bye, Rob,” she managed. She kissed Ryder and from
behind them heard Rob call her a slut and Tina huffed. Ryder jerked away and
rushed to Rob, they stood nose to nose.

“It’s time for you to leave, Robbie.” Ryder pushed his
sleeves up. Corbin watched as Rob’s face contorted into a look of fear.

“This ain’t over, ass,” Rob spat. He turned away and yanked
Tina out the door with him.

Ryder returned to his seat next to her. “I am so sorry about

“It’s not your fault.” Corbin touched his hand and he
entwined his fingers with hers. “Who was the girl?”

“That was Tina.”

“Oh yeah, she was at Rebels and has a twin sister. Is she an
old girlfriend?”

“Hell no, just somebody I knew while I was in Infected

“Oh… a groupie?”Corbin asked.

“Yeah, something like that.” Corbin watched as Ryder

“Were they your number one fans?” Corbin teased. She watched
a smile appear on Ryder’s face.

“Mr. James, your table is ready,”



SOON AFTER THEY were seated a waiter
approached them.

“Corbin Frederick?” Ryder watched as the waiter practically
eye raped Corbin.

“Oh my God, Josh! You work here?” Corbin replied.

“Yea, just for the summer… you look so different.” Ryder
watched as Corbin blushed and Josh’s eyes rested on Corbin’s cleavage. He
crossed his arms and cleared his throat.

“Sorry Ryder, this is Josh Stevens. We went to college
together.” Corbin smiled.

Josh gave Ryder a wave, Ryder gave him a nod.

“Do you want to order?” Corbin asked as she perused the

“Nah, go ahead, I trust you.” Ryder ran a hand threw his

As he listened to her order their meal in that sweet
language his eyes remained on her mouth. Her lips were the color of cherries
and he watched their every move when she spoke. His mind shifted to earlier
when she had gone down on him with that talented mouth. He had been blown many
times, but not nearly as well as Corbin’s performance. Never before had he came
so fast, usually it took him an hour to get off. He felt his dick start

“Ryder…” Corbin voice snapped him away from his naughty

“Yeah.” He shifted in his seat.

“What do you want to drink?”

“Ahm…what are you having?”

“A glass of red wine.”

“Yuck, do you have any Blue Moon, Josh?” Ryder cocked his
head towards him.


“I’ll have one of those then.”

Josh gave him a nod then headed off towards the bar.

“I am so jealous of Josh, he got a full ride to the University
of Iowa.” Corbin tucked her hair behind her ear.

“I thought you were going there too?”

“Well unfortunately, I didn’t get a scholarship, and the
tuition is so high.”

“That sucks, why didn’t you get a scholarship?”

“I had to take some time off from school, you know to help
my mom,” Corbin shrugged then she seemed to trail off in her thoughts. Josh sat
their drinks down and began conversing with Corbin again. Ryder sat back in his
seat and took a long pull from his beer. He visualized choking Josh out so that
he would stop talking. He smirked then snorted aloud. Corbin stopped talking
and turned to him, Ryder gave her a wink and took another drink from his beer.

Soon their food came and Ryder was pleased to see what she
had ordered. They gorged themselves on a cheese board, beef carpacio, and
French onion soup.

“That was delicious,” Corbin cooed.

“I love carpacio and I have a killer recipe for French onion

“If you keep cooking like you have been, I am going to be as
big as a house.” Corbin laughed.

“Do you want another glass of wine?” Ryder waved to Josh.

“Sure,” Corbin swished the small amount of liquid in her
glass then drank it.

“Corbin needs a refill and I’ll take another Blue Moon.”
Josh gave them a quick nod then hurried away.

“Thank you for bringing me here tonight.” Corbin looked him
in the eyes.

“I am glad you enjoyed it.” Ryder gave her his sly smile.

“I can’t believe Rob was here, he is such an ass. I tried
and tried to get him to bring me here on a date.” Corbin shook her head, “I’m
sorry for bringing that up.”

“It’s his loss and my gain.”

Corbin reached across the table and grabbed his hand. They
locked eyes. Josh sat their drinks down and tried to start another conversation
with Corbin. But this time her eyes remained on his. He lost himself in her
deep brown eyes, and to tell the truth, he was ready to stay lost with her and
only her.

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