The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (166 page)

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“No. D and I went for a run.” He pulled his forehead up into a wrinkle. “Why is it so hard to believe that I run?” Declan tried to cover her laugh and I elbowed her in the ribs.

“You trying to get into shape?”

“Just thought I could lose a few pounds.” Jack’s face fell into a frown. I knew he thought it was an image thing and he hated that. He always told me if anyone didn’t like me for who I was or what I looked like than they weren’t worth my time. “Don’t give me that look it’s not what you think. I gained fifteen pounds my freshman year and none of my clothes fit. I would prefer to fit in what I have than go out and buy new stuff.”

“Didn’t you just finish your sophomore year?” Jasper said, looking me up down indicating I was holding out on how much weight I had really gained. I flipped him off.

Jack thought it over for a minute. I could tell by the look on his face he was trying to figure out if I was telling the truth or not. He should know better than anyone how much I hated shopping and tried to avoid it at all cost. Growing up with four brothers I didn’t have a lot of time for the girly things which included shopping. Jack was the one who was forced to take care of all of us. Our dad died when we were young and our mom, well, she had to go away for a while. Jack stepped in and took over the role of both parents and shopping for a girl was not something he knew how to do. I learned to get in and get out quickly with only the minimal basics and if I didn’t move fast enough I would be forced to wear whatever my brother picked out, which usually consisted of turtle necks, baggy sweaters and baggy jeans. I won’t even get into the trauma of bra shopping.

“If you want to get in shape I can help you out.” Jasper laughed, making Jack narrow his eyes at him. “You too, you could use it.” I stifled my laugh.  “How’s your physical therapy going?”

“I’m done next week.”

“Good, then I’ll talk to your doctor and see what your restrictions are and get you started.” Jasper tried to hide his irritation. Jack smiled, resting an arm behind his head, and relaxing back in the chair as Jasper worked the tattoo gun over his forearm.

“How about when you’re done with Jack you can draw me up something.”

“Over my dead body,” Jack warned.

“Jack, I already have a tattoo. What’s the big deal? And you guys are covered in them. How is that fair?”

Jack glared at Jasper. “I already told you I didn’t do it and she won’t tell me who it was. If I ever find the guy he’s dead.”

I’d die before I told any of them who did my first tattoo. Especially for the fact that it just happened to be one of Jasper’s best friends who also happened to be the same guy who took my virginity. Those two things I would take to the grave with me. It’s not like Colby was a bad guy, he was actually pretty great, but marking someone’s sister without permission was a big no-no as they had reminded me several times and sleeping with a friend’s sister was the ultimate betrayal. All my brother’s friends were forewarned to keep their hands off of me. I think the reason I chose Colby – besides the fact that he’s extremely hot – was because I knew he would never hurt me and the risk of being caught for doing something you’re not supposed to just made it all that more appealing.

“Knock it off you two and I did want Jas to do it but he refused to,” which was probably better, considering the placement of the tattoo. Although it was Colby’s idea on where to put it and how big it should be.

“You know I can just go anywhere and get one. I thought you would prefer it if I saved my money and having Jas do it you know it won’t get messed up.” Jasper kept his mouth shut knowing I was right. If Jack wasn’t here I’m sure I could convince Jasper to do it. “I don’t want to hear anymore you’re too young crap either because Jas told Jacob he would give him one for a graduation present.” Jasper gave me the look of death for opening my big mouth, but I didn’t care, I was trying to make a point. Growing up surrounded by boys I had to fight to get what I wanted.

Jack barely blinked an eye at my tattle. I’m sure he already knew about it but was just trying to play it off and I swear if he pulled the,
‘Jacob’s a guy’
card, I would throw down right here and now. Jack knew I was stubborn and I would get my way eventually. Being the only girl Jack always took a little extra pity on me. A pouty lip and a bat of my lashes I could usually get him to cave. He gave a slight nod of approval to Jasper. Jasper sighed and told me he would set something up for my birthday which was only a few weeks away. I clapped excitedly and then headed out with Declan to get everyone lunch.

We spent the next two hours catching up with Jack. He told us he did whatever he could to get home for Jacob’s graduation. He wouldn’t talk about his time in Iraq, which was okay. I told him all about this past school year. I left out the part about my new summer job at the bar. I knew they would find out eventually. I heard Jasper mention the place a few times, but I knew that was one place they wouldn’t want me to work and I wasn’t ready to be forced to quit. I needed the money.

When Jasper was done, he cleaned up, and I told Jack he could stay with Declan and me at the apartment so he could still surprise Jacob and Jaxson. He thanked me for the offer but decided to go surprise Jaxson now. I was surprised Jaxson wasn’t already here. He and Jasper lived together and their house was only two blocks away, but then I remember him saying he got a job for the summer where he worked mostly weekends.

Forgetting we ran here, I asked the boys for a ride until Declan pulled me out the door saying we would be fine running back. I gave a Jack a quick hug goodbye and whispered, “Help me,” as Declan yanked on my arm. He laughed as I was dragged out the door. Declan ran circles around me as I walked/jogged back to our apartment. I checked the time to see I had a few hours before I had to get ready for tonight. I crashed face first on my bed and took a much needed nap.




              Chapter 3


I made it back to the townhouse sometime around three. Colton and Greyson were on the couch playing video games when I stumbled in. Colton looked at his watch. “She must of have been something. I don’t think I have ever seen you come in this late.”

“She was something alright,” I mumbled to myself.

“Details brother,” Greyson demanded as he jerked his thumbs back and forth on the remote controller never taking his eyes off of the TV.

I fell back on the recliner and ran my hand over my face. “I’m trying to forget.”

“What? We are talking about the blonde from last night, right?”


“Come on, what, she have like a third nipple or something – oh fuck you!” Greyson yelled, throwing the remote. Colton smiled at his victory and reached over to grab a cigarette. Greyson leaned back on the couch. “So what was so bad about her?”

“Just not what I expected.” I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees.

“That’s because you’re in love with a woman who doesn’t exist,” Colton said, flicking ash off his cigarette.

Greyson leaned forward. “Please don’t tell me you’re still hung up on this mystery chick?” When I didn’t respond he took it as a yes. “Dude, it was six months ago! Let go of the fantasy and move on.”

As much of a dick as Greyson was, he was right. I needed to let go of the imaginary girl with the ivy tattoo. “I’m gonna hit the shower.” I got up and headed back to my room. The only room that had its own bathroom. I tore off my clothes, dropping each item on the floor as I headed into the shower. I turned the water on hot and stepped in letting the stream hit my face. I washed away the memories of last night and watched it all go down the drain. I grabbed a towel from the rack and wrapped it around my waist. Then I wiped the fog away from the mirror. When I saw the long pieces of my hair flopping over my eyes I knew it was time for a haircut not to mention I was long overdue for a shave. I looked down at the unfinished tattoo on my arm and knew I should call sometime this week to get that finished. I had a lot of shit to do that I was putting off.

I squeezed the last of the toothpaste onto my toothbrush. Okay, time to get my ass in gear. I got dressed and combed my hair to the side, making it look somewhat presentable. The one thing I loved about this haircut was that it had many looks. It was short on the sides, but not shaved, and long enough on top that I could spike it into a crazy Mohawk when I wanted. And when I needed to look more respectable I could comb it over to side, but with the length it was at now it was getting harder to maintain. I made a mental list of things I needed to do and grabbed my keys on the way out. “Where you going?” Colton asked.

“Running some errands.”

“You going to dinner at your dad’s?”
Fuck, I forgot about that
. “He called while you were in the shower.” Colton stood up and slapped me on the shoulder. “Don’t worry. I’ll be there to referee.” I raised my brows at him. “He told me to come.” I nodded once. Of course he would want Colton there. He liked him more than he did his own son. I’ve known Colton since we were little. My dad and his dad were business partners. His parents died in a plane crash when he was young. After the accident my dad brought Colton to live with us and later adopted him. I didn’t mind. Colton and I got along great and he was more like a brother to me than my own stuck up half-brother. He was also the only one who could keep the peace between my dad and me.

“Is CiCi going to be there?” Greyson asked, wiggling his brows.

“Fuck off,” Colton and I said at the same time making Greyson laugh. Greyson knew how to push our buttons and loved to get under our skin, but when it came down to it he was an awesome friend. He knew sisters were off limits but he still loved to be a prick. I threw an empty water bottle at him.

“Tell her I said hi and looking forward to the next time she comes to one of our shows.” I narrowed my eyes at him and closed the door leaving him laughing to himself. When I sat down on the smooth leather of my restored mustang, my hair fell forward into my eyes, and I knew now the first thing on my list was to get a haircut.

Two hours later and we were heading to my dad’s for Sunday funday as Colton liked to call it. He always placed a bet to see how long it would take my dad and me to get into an argument. I only usually lasted an hour, but I was going to try my hardest to make it through the whole dinner before I stormed out.

We were greeted at the door by Charles, my dad’s butler. “What’s up Charles,” I smiled, patting his arm.

“Good evening Mr. Casper and Mr. Colton. Your father and mother are in the living room.”

“Stepmother,” I corrected. Charles gave me a sympathetic smile and gestured for us to join the rest of the family.

Before we even rounded the corner I was attacked by a tiny fairy. “Casper!” she shrieked, gripping her small arms around my legs.

I untangled her hands and bent down to meet her at eye level. “Katalina, how is my favorite fairy princess?”

“Look at my wings, they’re purple.” She turned so I could see the bright sparkly wings she had strapped onto her back. Glitter covered the back of her white sundress and long blonde hair.

“I love them,” I smiled.

I stood up to greet the rest of my family. “Wait!” Katalina yelled. She took her sparkly wand and waved it over us. “Now you may enter.”

“Why thank you your majesty.” Colton and I did a small bow before we followed her into the living room. My father was sitting in his chair while the atrocious blonde bimbo he called my stepmother refilled his drink. She was younger than my sister who was thirty and his third wife. I don’t blame the first two for leaving. He was a son of a bitch and cared more about money and appearance than he did anything else.

When he saw me approach his eyes gave a disapproving look. I bit my tongue. I just had to make it through dinner. Two hours and I was free. “Casper, it’s nice to see,” Dallas greeted, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I fought the urge to pull away. “Colton, good to see you as well.”

“And you as well, Mrs. Covington.”

“How many times have I told you, you can call me Dallas?”

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