The Vow: Dangerous Suggestions Book 1 (2 page)

Read The Vow: Dangerous Suggestions Book 1 Online

Authors: Ella Price

Tags: #love story, #supernatural, #werewolf, #werewolves

BOOK: The Vow: Dangerous Suggestions Book 1
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Chapter 2

There was a knock on my door, and I
scowled. It was way too early for housekeeping to bother me. I just
got here. I debated whether I should even acknowledge the person at
the door.

I know you are in there,”
the man from downstairs said from the other side of the

I was a little surprised, and annoyed.
If he was anything; he was persistent, and that was extremely
annoying. I opened the door and looked at him. “What do you want?”
I asked trying to sound as disgruntled as possible.

He craned his neck to look around me,
into my room. “Your room is nicer than mine,” he said as he pushed
past me into my room.

I decided not to fight him; it was
pointless. He was going to be a pain. “Who are you?” I asked as I
watched him walk around the room looking at everything.

My name is Mason, what is
yours?” he asked as he looked over at me.

I don’t have one, and I
wasn’t asking for your name. I want to know why you can see what I
do,” I said impatiently. Names didn’t matter to me. I wasn’t trying
to be his friend; I was just curious about how he could see my

You don’t have one?” he
asked skeptically. He actually thought I was lying. I knew names
were part of the human tradition, but the reality was, I didn’t
have a name. I didn’t need one. I didn’t have family, friends, or
lovers to say my name, so it was a little pointless to me. I don’t
even recall ever being asked my name, until now of

No, I don’t. Are you
human?” I asked deciding to be blunt. I wasn’t quite sure what else
he would be if he wasn’t human. I didn’t really consider myself
human, but I didn’t know how else to classify myself. I looked
human; I just didn’t act or feel human; well I at least didn’t act
or feel like I saw other humans acting and feeling.

He looked at me amused. “No, are

I watched him, contemplating his
answer. I was trying to decide if he was making fun of me, or if he
was serious. Did he consider himself human? Maybe not. He was the
first person I had to interact with against my will.

You are a strange one,
aren’t you?” he asked watching me amused.

I’m strange?” I asked
skeptically. “You barge into people’s rooms when you have no clue
who they are.”

He laughed. “I have a feeling you have
no clue who you are either; so I think I am safe.” He stripped his
shirt off and walked over to the bed.

What are you doing?” I
asked watching him curiously.

Taking my clothes off,”
he said simply like it was no big deal. He dropped his jeans, and
he was completely naked. I never saw a man naked in person, but I
had seen pictures. He had a very nice body for a male. “You’re not
going to blush, or look away?” he asked amused.

Am I supposed to?” I
asked meeting his eyes.

You are really strange,”
he said as he walked to the mini bar. He was watching me like I was
something new and interesting.

I’m strange, when you are
the one walking around my room naked,” I said slightly amused. I
didn’t know much about humans, but I did know most of them weren’t
this brazen. Most of them were modest, this guy just didn’t

He smiled. “My kind isn’t shy about
being naked. I was going to ask you if you wanted to fuck, but now
I am not so sure that would be a good idea.”

I raised my eyebrows. He was extremely
blunt. Male humans weren’t even this open. He did say his kind. I
wondered what he meant. “What did you mean when you said ‘your
kind’?” I asked watching him intently.

He laughed. “I just asked you to have
sex, and you are worried about what I meant by saying my

Your point?” I said
slightly confused. I had no intention on having sex with him, so I
thought it best not to even address it. I did want to know more
about his kind. I had to admit I was intrigued.

He watched me a little unsure. “Ok,
are you like an alien or something?”

I watched him curiously. He was
answering my questions with questions, and it was annoying. “I
don’t know, maybe. Are there aliens? You seem to know more about
this than I do,” I said softly.

He watched me, and the look of
confusion on his face was an indicator that I was strange even to
him, and he was the one claiming not to be human. “I’m a werewolf;
that is what I meant by my kind. What the hell are you?” he asked
sounding a little worried. He suddenly didn’t seem like he felt as
at home as he had just a few minutes before.

I shrugged as I walked over, and sat
down on the couch. His revelation about being a werewolf should
have sounded strange, but I wasn’t closed minded enough to call him
a liar. For all I knew, it could be true. Who was I to tell him he
was lying, when I didn’t know whether or not they existed. “I’m not
sure. Am I supposed to be something in particular?” I asked as I
continued to watch him. The look of confusion and uncertainty on
his face was slightly amusing to me.

He scoffed. “You are something
alright. Is this some kind of joke?”

I looked at him confused. “Why would I
play a joke on you? You are the one who came to my room, not the
other way around.”

He took a sip of his drink while he
contemplated it. “Do you want a drink?” he asked indicating the

I don’t drink,” I said
calmly. I never even tried alcohol. People seemed to drink to
escape their reality. My reality didn’t bother me bad enough that I
needed to escape it.

What do you do?” he asked

I tilted my head slightly as I watched
him. He was calling me strange, but it was him that was the strange
one. “I don’t do much of anything. You said; you are a werewolf,
were you lying?” I asked curiously. I was tired of talking about
me; I wanted to talk about him.

No; I am a werewolf, and
if you were human you would be calling me a liar,” he said

What do you think I am,
if I am not human?” I asked skeptically.

I don’t know,” he said as
he watched me. “I was thinking vampire because of the whole
mind-fucking thing you do, but you aren’t because you are
breathing; then I was thinking Fae, but again I’m not so sure. The
whole eye changing thing really confused me. I don’t have a clue
what does that,” he said as he contemplated what he was

I don’t know what you are
talking about. My eyes do not change color,” I said

Whatever; your left eye
went from dark green to brilliant blue. I am a werewolf; remember.
You can’t get anything past me,” he said amused.

If you have no clue what
I am, then maybe I am human,” I said simply.

Ha! You wish,” he said,
then he downed the rest of his drink.

Why would I wish that?
They seem really boring. I watch them constantly, and they rush
around with very little purpose. It is rather disturbing,” I said

Ok, now you sound like a
vampire,” he said amused. He paused for a minute as we both watched
each other cautiously. “Do you want to fuck?” he asked again;
breaking the silence.

I rolled my eyes. “I think I would
have responded the first time you mentioned it if I did. Why don’t
you go pay someone, like so many human men seem to do,” I said as I
picked at an invisible piece of lint on my coat. I was trying to
dismiss him without actually saying it.

Again, I am not human. I
can’t just fuck humans. We sometimes have strength issues. We can
hurt them easily,” he said as he walked over to the bed. He flopped
down on my bed and stretched out.

You can’t be the only
werewolf. Go find a female one of you, and get off my bed,” I said
starting to get slightly annoyed as I got to my feet. He was making
himself at homes despite my numerous efforts to deter

He propped himself up on his elbows
and grinned at me. “I am currently in hiding, so that is not an
option. Come on, you will enjoy it, I promise.”

I swear you are starting
to irritate me. You just made me get you a room, and now for some
reason, you are in mine,” I said trying to remain calm. He made me
feel things I wasn’t used to, and I wasn’t sure I liked it. I was
used to silence, and being alone. He was invading my

Come on, don’t be so
uptight,” he said trying to encourage me. It was all for his own
benefit. He was assuming I interacted with males on a regular
basis, and he was wrong. I never spent much time thinking about
being with a man. Part of me wondered what it would be like, but
another part of me didn’t seem to think it was a necessary part of

I know nothing about you,
and you know nothing about me. You can’t honestly expect me to have
sex with you,” I said skeptically.

He watched me like he was trying to
decide what to say. “I bet you never have a boyfriend.”

Why would I? I get along
fine on my own,” I said simply.

He narrowed his eyes. “You really are
the strangest person I have ever met.”

I smiled. “I was thinking the same
thing about you. Now do you need a reminder of where the door

He sighed in defeat and climbed off
the bed. “Well, if you aren’t going to be friendly; then I will
go,” he growled as he yanked his pants on.

It was obvious my rejection upset him,
but I didn’t really understand it. I was more than hospitable. He
was the one being pushy, and a little rude. “I didn’t mean to
offend you,” I said calmly as he pulled his shirt on.

He scoffed. “I am not sure if you mean
that. You’re a damn robot as far as I can tell.”

I watched him a little confused as he
walked to the door. I didn’t react like he did, but that didn’t
make me a robot, at least I didn’t think it did. I was about to
argue my observation, but he walked out before I could say
anything. The door slammed shut, and I just stared at it. He was
definitely strange. I was a little glad to be rid of him. He was a
nuisance to me.

I sighed and slipped my coat off as I
contemplated what he said. Maybe I was a little emotionless, but I
wasn’t a robot just because I didn’t wear my emotions on my sleeve.
I laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. I could smell his
light cologne on the comforter. I didn’t know why I even paid any
attention to him like that. I pushed the thought away and closed my
eyes. I needed rest, then maybe I would spend time contemplating

Chapter 3

I opened my eyes when the incessant
banging on my door wouldn’t end. I got to my feet, and walked to
the door. I opened the door, and Mason grinned at me. He pushed
past me into the room like he did the last time he was here. This
time he seemed antsier.

Obviously I didn’t offend
you that bad if you are already back,” I said dryly, as I shut the

What do you mean already
back, it has been like seven hours,” he said as he walked to the

What do you want?” I
asked tiredly. I wasn’t interested in the back and forth arguing at
the moment.

Nothing, I was just
stopping by to hang out. I don’t know anyone else here,” he said
watching me.

I had a feeling he was lying, by how
nervous he was acting, but I wasn’t sure if I should say anything.
“Well, I am going back to bed. You can stay, as long as you remain
on the couch,” I said firmly as I walked back to the

You’re no fun,” he said
as he settled down on the couch. He was right; I wasn’t, but then
again it wasn’t my mission to be fun. At the moment, my mission was
to sleep.

I woke up to the door slamming. I was
on my side so I couldn’t see whether Mason went in or out, but I
was annoyed either way. Before I had time to do anything, I was
yanked off the bed. I was pulled to my feet by some huge guy I
didn’t recognize.

Mason started cussing as two other
guys pulled him to his feet. “Friends of yours?” I asked

I wouldn’t call them
friends,” Mason said nervously as he glanced at the men holding

How long did you think
you could run Mason?” the one male holding me growled as he looked
over at Mason.

A while; you guys aren’t
that smart,” Mason said defiantly.

Who is the girl?” he
asked turning his attention back to me. I was glad the man decided
to ignore Mason’s instigating comment.

I have nothing to do with
anything he did,” I said simply. I was hoping they would just take
him, and let me go. I wasn’t sure what he did, but he obviously
made someone mad.

The man holding me watched me
curiously. “Who are you, and why aren’t you afraid?”

Afraid of what?” I asked
confused. There was nothing to be afraid of. Obviously these were
the people looking for Mason, not me.

Mason rolled his eyes. “If there was
ever a time, not to act off, this would be it,” he said

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