The Visitor

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Authors: K. A. Applegate

BOOK: The Visitor
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For Michael



Title Page

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three


Join the Fight

About the Author



y name is Rachel. I won’t tell you my last name. None of us will ever tell you our last names. Whenever I do use a last name, it’s a fake. Sorry, but that’s the way it has to be. And we won’t tell you the name of our town, or our school, or even what state we are in. If I told you my last name, the Yeerks would be able to find my friends and me. And if they ever find us, it will be the end.

They might kill us. Or worse.

Yes, there really is something worse than death. I’ve seen it. I’ve heard the cries of despair from those doomed to be slaves of the Yeerks. I’ve watched as the evil gray slugs writhe and squeeze in through
the ear and take over what was a free human being.

There are five of us. Just five: Jake, Cassie, Marco, Tobias, and me. Marco came up with a name for us, for what we are now. He called us
. I guess that’s as good a name as any for what we are. Mostly, I still just feel like a normal kid, you know? But I guess normal kids don’t turn into elephants or bald eagles. And normal kids don’t spend their free time fighting to save the world from the nightmares called Yeerks.

That day, the sun was bright. It warmed the earth below us. Warm air rose in an invisible bubble, a thermal. The thermal pushed up beneath our wings and we circled higher and higher and higher, till it almost seemed we could touch space.

Somewhere up there in cold space, up in orbit, was the Yeerk mother ship. Perhaps right over our heads.

The Yeerks are parasites. In their natural state they are just big slugs who live in a sludgy pond called a Yeerk pool. But the Yeerks have the power to take over other bodies. They have enslaved many races throughout the galaxy—the Taxxons, the Hork-Bajir, and others. And now they had come to Earth, looking for more bodies to control.

Who was there to try and stop them? Well, off in space, there were the Andalites. But the Andalites
were far away, and it would take them a long time to come to rescue the people of Earth.

On Earth, no one knew of the Yeerks. No one but five kids who were having fun being birds and riding the thermals.

I looked over at my friends. Some were a little way below, some were higher up. Jake was flapping his wings a little more than the rest of us. He had adopted a falcon morph. Falcons don’t soar quite as well as hawks or eagles.

Tobias was the smoothest flyer. That was partly because red-tailed hawks are natural acrobats. Partly it was because Tobias had much more practice flying than the rest of us.

Too much practice.

I said.

he said.

I wasn’t exactly sure that I wanted to dive, but what could I say? I don’t usually turn down a challenge. So I said,

Tobias bent his wings back and plummeted toward the ground like a bullet.

I tucked my wings back and went after him.

The ground came rushing up at me.

I was falling! Falling, with nothing at all to stop me from splatting right into the ground!

It was like a nightmare.

We were going like sixty miles an hour, as fast as a speeding car. Sixty miles an hour, aiming right for the ground.

But even though it was scary, it was also way cool.

Forget surfing. Forget skateboarding. Forget snowboarding. You haven’t had a thrill till you’ve ridden the thermals a mile into the air and then gone hurtling straight down at maximum speed.

Air streamed past, just like when you open the car window and you’re going really fast. It was like being in the middle of a hurricane. The leading edge of my wings was battered and vibrating. I felt my tail making dozens of tiny adjustments, moving a single feather one way or the other to keep me pointed straight. But one wrong move and I could have tumbled end over end. At this speed, if I suddenly tumbled I feared I could break a wing. A broken wing this high up was a death sentence.

I didn’t finish the sentence. But I
suddenly had this vision of me, the
me, Rachel, dropping like a stone toward the hard ground below.

I guess Tobias could sense the fear that was building in me.

Tobias advised.

I said nervously. It’s strange when you’re in a morph. You have the animal’s brain in with your own. Usually you can control that animal intelligence. But not always. And sometimes you have to learn to let go, to let the animal take charge.

I relaxed. Instantly the vibration lessened. I felt more stable. The eagle was in charge and Tobias was right: The eagle knew how to fly.

Then, to my amazement, I saw something go zipping right past us, faster than either me or Tobias. It was Jake. His peregrine falcon’s smaller wings made it harder for him to float on the thermals. But those same wings made him unbelievably fast in diving. It was almost like Tobias and I were standing still.

Jake yelled in our heads.

I would have smiled, if I’d had a mouth. Jake is like me. He loves excitement and adventure and being a little crazy. Maybe we’re so alike because we’re cousins.

Also, we’re both a little competitive, I guess. It bothered me that he was a faster diver than I was. Just like it bothered him that I could soar better. I guess that sounds ridiculous, huh?


Something went right by my head.

Tobias asked.

I said.

Instinctively, I pulled up out of the dive, straining every muscle in my wings as I opened them, and felt the shock of wind resistance. It was like opening a parachute.

The rest followed my lead. We were still a few thousand feet up, but much closer to the ground than we had been.


I felt something go right through my tail feathers. I said.

Cassie said. She and Marco had joined up with us. They had both morphed the same osprey. It was hard to tell them apart because you can’t really tell
thought-speech comes from.

I was really mad.

Marco reported.

I yelled.

A normal eagle or hawk or falcon would not have been able to figure that out. But we weren’t just raptors. We still had our human intelligence. There are times to let the animal take over. There are other times when that superior human intelligence comes in handy.

Jake yelled.

Instantly I turned a sharp right. The bullet went whizzing by harmlessly.

Tobias said.

Tobias has special reasons for disliking anyone who would shoot at a bird.

I agreed.

I explained what I wanted to do and the five of us flew off, out of range of the shooters. When we were far enough away, we went into a steep dive, down, down, faster and faster toward the trees.

I thought I was scared diving from high up. Now I was diving at lower altitude, aiming directly at the trees. This was a whole new level of terror. With my eagle’s eyes I could see the bark on the trees. I could
on the bark of the trees. It was like those trees were right in front of us.

I hoped the eagle knew when to pull out of the dive. If I slammed into one of those trees at sixty miles an hour, I was Spam.

Then, at just the right split second, like a perfectly trained squadron of fighter jets, we opened our wings and swooshed into the trees.


I heard Marco yell.

It was like some video-game nightmare. We kept most of the speed from the dive and now we were zooming through the trees so fast that tree trunks were just a brown blur all around us.

Tree! Bank left

Tree! Bank right

Dozens of feathers made the slightest individual adjustments. Muscles in my wings trimmed the angle of attack a millimeter one way, a millimeter back.

Tree! Tree! Treetreetreetreetree!

I yelled, half from terror and half from the total, out-of-control thrill of it.

In and out. Around and through. Zoom.

Suddenly there they were, just ahead in a clearing. Two teenage creeps sitting in the back of a
pickup truck. One guy had a blond ponytail. The other one wore a baseball cap. They were a hundred yards away, like being all the way down a football field, but my eagle eyes were so good I could count their eyelashes.

The guy with the ponytail had the rifle. The other guy was drinking a beer. They were still scanning the skies, looking for us.

Guess what, morons? I thought as we raced at them. We’re not up
anymore. We’re right here …

In …

Your …



hey didn’t even have enough time to look surprised before we struck.

As a bald eagle, I was the biggest of the five of us. I could carry the heaviest load.

I raked my talons forward.

I opened them wide.


Tobias’s hawk let loose an intimidating shriek.

My talons hit the gun barrel and closed on it.

Tobias slashed the ponytail guy’s head with his own talons. Ponytail shouted in pain and surprise and loosened his grip on the rifle.

“Hey!” the second guy yelled.

I was out of there with the rifle in my talons.

With the additional weight of the rifle, it was a struggle getting any altitude.

“That bird has your gun, Chester! And that other one stole my beer!”

I glanced over and saw Marco. At least I think it was Marco. He had the beer can in his talons, half-crumpled.

Marco said in his most parentlike voice.

I heard the ponytail guy complaining down below. “That ain’t right. It ain’t right that no bird should take my rifle like that.”

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