The Visitor (18 page)

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Authors: Boris TZAPRENKO

BOOK: The Visitor
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There, Madam Okkala. You have the floor. First and foremost, where do these images come from?”

Before this first and foremost, I would like to point out that you have only shown a short excerpt from what I wanted to reveal to the public and you have only kept scenes that aren’t interesting when taken in isolation. Notably, you’ve removed everything that shows the smallness of the cages in which the animals live, the slaughter scenes where we see them struggling, upside down, drowning in their own blood when they are executed. The prepared flesh scene, shown at the very end of my video, was there so that the public could make the link between what they buy and the terrible suffering experienced by sentient beings, cut in pieces while still alive after living through hell.”

We didn't want to shock the public, Madam Okkala. We have ethics. As such, I would be grateful that you subdue your comments, this is prime time and...”

And you're afraid of losing audience, isn’t that so? You prefer that viewers continue to watch quietly eating the flesh that is on their plates without knowing where it came from. Flesh sold in small trays by Nature Foods or Ralchadomac! Shouldn’t they learn that the animal was still conscious when the slaughter line operator began cutting them up with electric saws! That he couldn't cry out in pain because his vocal cords had been sliced!”

Madam Okkala, I swear to you that we strive to respect freedom of expression, but you’re going too far. I would be grateful not to abuse of it to shock viewers. Think of the children that may be in front of the television.”

You give me the right to speak, but censor my videos and ask me to sweeten my words...”

Let’s say, to present them in a less aggressive manner. We don’t want viewers to feel assaulted. They didn’t ask for that...”

Neither have they explicitly requested that we hide the truth from them, as far as I know! Yet, by filtering the information that I bring, from my videos as well as from my comments, it’s exactly what you’re contributing to. You ask me to respect the people who listen to us, but it is precisely what I’m doing by bringing to them elements of reflection that you hide from them. That you hide from them deliberately too! And why? To please to Ralchadomac and Nature Foods, of course! Your bosses would certainly not want to lose revenue brought to them by advertising their products.”

Mister Akkoronta and Mister Ykkypol, your operating methods are being questioned by Madam Okkala. Would you care to respond?... You want to start, Mister Akkoronta, it's your turn.”

I would only like to point out that this lady advocates veganism. That she has decided to no longer eat meat, that’s her business, but if she imposes her choice on everybody else,
that’s when it’s going too far! Everyone must be free to eat whatever they want...”

Refraining from eating flesh is the only solution to permanently shut down your death camps,” cut in Okkala. “To finally put an end to your concentration camp universe.”

Ykkypol stared at his partner's sister and took the floor:

You may dispute the production and slaughter methods, but be aware that we do all we can for the welfare of our animals. We put them to death in a respectful manner and...”

Ukkosal made a long creaking noise with his neck scales expressing sinister laughter. For a short time, he became the center of attention, but Ykkypol resumed speaking:

I was saying that we could dispute the methods of production and slaughter, but Madam Okkala moves the debate to the legitimacy of eating animals. I would like to point out to her that it’s how nature works. Animals devour each other. The lions, for example, hunt herbivores to eat. We, umas, we are at the top of the food chain because obviously our species dominates all others. It’s not a question of pride, it’s because we are the most advanced. The strong eat the weak. Even our friendly hinecs eat meat. Isn’t that so, Madam?”

But, Mister Ykkypol, since you feel that we should take example on animals, it’s my turn to point out that the lions, that inspire your conduct, also kill new-borns that aren’t theirs and that the hinecs that you cite so much sagacity quite often sniff each other’s anus. Does that allow us to kill babies by biting them and sniff each other’s posterior? It's a really funny paradox to stress that we are the most advanced while taking as a model species that are less so than us. ‘
I justify my actions taking you as a model, because you are my inferior
’ is absolutely meaningless! I hope that you’ll have the good grace to agree with me!”


Yes, Madam Ukkuulaae,” said the host. “You want to intervene?”

Indeed! Unlike Madam Okkala, I myself defend the right to eat meat. However, I have lots of criticism for farms such
as Ralchadomac or Nature Foods. I would like to explain my problems as a manager of a small farm.

We’re listening to you...”

I only share a part of what you said, Madam Okkala. I have no doubt that the conditions for breeding and slaughter are inuman in these large holdings. But then to advocate discontinuation of meat consumption! That’s a really extremist position.”

Viewers will note that veganism is the only case where the extremist is the one who’s opposed to death. In all other cases, it’s the one who doesn’t hesitate to kill.”

Me and my husband, we love our profession and our beasts. Don’t put all farmers in the same bag. Us, we respect our animals.”

By taking them in the end to the slaughterhouse. This scares me! I hope that you don't intend to respect me!”

Once more, Ukkosal’s laughter was heard, more discreet, but also sinister.

But all the same! We must eat to live!”

Of course! But here, before you, I’m living proof that we can live without eating flesh.”

I’m not prepared to talk about that. We’ve always eaten meat and I have trouble understanding this vegan movement, as you call it, that decides from one day to the next that we can do without it. I’m willing to discuss that later, but for now I have other concerns. I would like to speak to the Minister of Agriculture.”

I'm listening, Madam,”said the woman.

Products found in the stores that come from Ralchadomac and Nature Foods are sold cheaper than mine cost to produce. I’m therefore forced to sell at a loss, and by a large amount, so that distribution  purchasing centers are willing to take them from me. I'm not the only one in this situation, I’m the spokesperson for all small operators who are in my situation. I would ask you, Minister of Agriculture, what do you think of that and what are you planning to do for us.”

I’m very sensitive to your problems, Madam, believe me. But, ultimately, the consumer is king. We cannot require that products be sold at a higher price to help you. But we are considering to help small producers by lowering the social charges. I'll take care of this urgent issue as soon as possible. But, since I have the floor, I would like to ask a question of Madam Okkala.”

I’m all yours, Madam,” declared the President of Two One Four.

Yes... Er... Don’t you find it indecent, Madam, in light of the current situation of farmers, to defend animals with as much determination? By loving beasts so much, aren’t you scorning umas? And my question goes even further: with everything that is happening in our world, all these conflicts that are tearing us apart, don’t you find it ridiculous to defend the comfort a few bovs and a few chickens or ducks? I think that your misplaced sentimentality is a mark of contempt for umas.”

What I find indecent is that you would encourage an industry based on the daily murder of millions of sensitive creatures, that you participate in the scheming of cover-ups so that consumers cannot make the link between what they are buying and these crimes. What I find obscene is that you accuse me of contempt for my fellows while I’m just bringing them the truth, while you are trying to prevent me from doing so in order to keep the producers voting for you. As for what I find ridiculous, they are the pathetic efforts of your question to go further, as you said.”

You’ve just told us the lack of consideration that you have for all farmers who feed us and for me in particular. It’s possible that some viewers susceptible to your words will have a poorer opinion of me. But, so far, you haven’t really answered my question: do you think it’s appropriate to worry about animals when umas have so many problems?”

Imagine yourself under the rule of a superior species that exploits us, just as we ourselves are exploiting other Teruma species. Imagine also that these beings, while dominating us,
are also occupied like us in slaughtering each other, with the same insanity as us. Would you not with all your heart wish that some of them would be fighting to free us, to shut down their slaughterhouses? Or would you find this activism uncalled for, as long as all their own conflicts and other problems aren’t resolved?”

Your science fiction images lead away us from true subject, Madam... I didn’t expect such a whimsical response!”

And myself, of a retort so empty of meaning, Madam Minister. Fortunately you have made the effort, meritorious, but unsuccessful, to go further. This isn’t science fiction, but instead an image intended to put you in the shoes of beings that we oppress. I want to make you realize that it isn’t ‘worrying about animals’ as you say, but only to stop exploiting them. I’m not speaking of active support. So it isn’t even a question to spending time or finding ways to help these populations, because they are populations, but only to stop exploiting them.”

While the Minister of Agriculture struggled to keep her composure and a demeanor to her advantage, the philosopher scratched his throat and made a meaningful movement of his crest.

Mister Akklonp, you wish to intervene, it seems?”

Yes... I would like to speak to the President of Two One Four.”

I’m at your disposal, sir!” said Okkala.

Before getting into the heart of my remarks, can you clarify to the public the meaning of those three digits?”

It’s in reference to the law that declares that "all animals as sentient beings must be placed by their owner in conditions consistent with the biological imperatives of its kind", sir.”

You can well see that it specifies ‘of its kind’, Madam.”

Yes, I see that. It's no surprise. The conditions for a fish are not the same as for a bird.”

Of course, of course, but I would like to point out that considering a species goes much further than conditions for physical comfort. According to the term that you love very much to use, you vegans, you designate yourselves as antispeciesists. Please, can you explain to this assembly the meaning of this word? This will help me come to the fact.”

Antispeciesist means against speciesism. Speciesism is the ideology of discrimination based on the species. As racism is discrimination based on race. It’s essential to have a word for an evil, to track it down, when it is insidiously lurks in the dark recesses of our cultural habits. Before that the word 'racist' existed, we were racist without knowing it. Before the word ‘sexism’ was added to our vocabulary, it was difficult to make someone aware that he had this flaw. We must now live with this new word 'speciesism' that will help us move forward to uncover this evil by pointing it out.”

I see that you’re a strongly passionate person and that you expose your convictions with a lot of fervor. So antispeciesism puts forward the idea that all species have the same worth, isn’t that so? In other words, they are equal? Is that right?”

Under the law, yes. All creatures should have the right to freely live their lives without being exploited. It’s for this reason that we must start by no longer eating them. It's equality concerning that particular right and not equality of treatment, of course, because it goes without saying that a bird doesn’t have the same needs as a uma, a mole or a bov. To summarize, each species has the right to live free in the environment that it belongs to and which is necessary for it.”

Hmm... I understand. So must we endure mosquito bites without trying to get rid of them because our blood is necessary?”

I’ve never denied the right to defend ourselves. Defending and exploiting, isn’t the same thing. I only said that it wasn’t moral to exploit a species. Do you think that cruelly torturing bovs, that don't bite us, will protect us from mosquitoes? If that was really the case, we would have nothing to fear from these insects!”

Okay, I understand what you mean. According to you, all species are equal in what concerns their right to dispose freely of their lives.”


Hmm... Yet the sacrifice of an animal's life can serve the interest of a uma. For food, leather, to make experiments in medical research, also and many other things that I must be forgetting. And understand that it’s difficult to give the same importance to the life of poultry than that of a uma! All lives are not created equal!”


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