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Authors: Lavie Tidhar
To Nicola Sinclair, friend and muse, for always pushing me when I need a push.
To my parents, for always being there, and for providing the space where I wrote the first version of what would at last become
The Violent Century
To Richard Kunzmann for friendship and help when it was most needed.
To Marcus Rauchfuss for graciously correcting my German, and to Ekaterina Sedia for help with the Sverhlyudi. Any mistakes are entirely my own.
Both Bella Pagan and Shimon Adaf read an earlier draft of the manuscript and offered much useful criticism. To them my thanks.
To Shimon, too, for inspiration, and to Nir Yaniv, for much patient listening.
To my agent and friend, John Berlyne, for sticking by me.
And to Elizabeth, always.
Also by Lavie Tidhar
Martian Sands
The Bookman
Camera Obscura
The Great Game
Also by Lavie Tidhar
Martian Sands
The Bookman
Camera Obscura
The Great Game