The View from the Bridge (37 page)

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Authors: Nicholas Meyer

BOOK: The View from the Bridge
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Similarly, there are a great many friends and coworkers who have stood by me, put up with my nonsense, or held my hand, in a word hung in there and helped sustain me in my life as I hope I have helped them in theirs.
I can't possibly name them all, but as regards the creation of this book, I must acknowledge Alan Gasmer, who suggested I write it; Charlotte Sheedy, who thought she could sell it; Rick Kot, my diligent editor, who sought to spare me my worst excesses; John McNamara, who encouraged me to keep them in; and my assistant, Wendy Kush, for staying unfazed throughout.
I must also thank Karen Moore for introducing me to my shipmate Harve Bennett and the world of
Star Trek.
I owe thanks as well to the cast of the original show, who generously put up with my new ideas and graciously let a stranger among them.
And to my
Star Trek VI
writing partner, Denny Martin Flinn, now sadly departed, as well as my able editor and comrade-in-arms on
Star Trek II
The Day After
, the late William Dornisch.
Also, the late Ned Tanen, who was “crazy” enough to green-light the film version of
The Seven-Per-Cent Solution
, let me try my hand at
Don Quixote
, and generally stayed more amused than angry when I tried his patience.
Thanks as well to Ron Roose, film editor par excellence and the best friend a man could ask for.
And also Tony Bill, Craig Fisher, Michael Phillips, Michael Lerner, Herb Jaffe, Steven-Charles Jaffe, Bob Papazian, John Pomfret, Shep Faison, Siobhan Darrow, Eric Young, Alex Young, Jeff Kleeman, Mark Edmundson, Stanley Jaffe, Gary Lucchesi, Holly Palance, Tom Rosenberg, Max Kennedy, Roger Spottiswoode, Juris Jurjevics, David Foster, Marty and Sandy Davidson, William Kinsolving, Harry and Mary Jane Ufland, Pierce Brosnan, Tim Van Rellim, Mary Jo Slater, Jerry Leider, David Chapman, Bob Shapiro, David Dierks, and Aaron Zidenberg.
And finally, a special thanks to my family, to Lauren, also to Rachel, Mad eline, and Roxanne, whose unflagging enthusiasm for movies and for life has helped inspire my own—
And to Stephanie, to whom I owe everything.
Abel, Robert
Abrams, J. J.
Adam, Ken
Adventures of Robin Hood, The
African Queen, The
Alexander, Karl
Allen, Woody
Alley, Kirstie
All the President's Men
American Insurrection
Amiel, Jon
Andrews, Amy
Andropov, Yuri
Arkin, Alan
Arnaz, Desi
Arnott, Peter
Around the World in Eighty Days
Ashley, Ted
Assault on a Queen
Assault on a Queen
Auntie Mame
Avon Books
Back to the Future
Ball, Lucille
Banker to the Poor
Barber, Ed
Baryshnikov, Mikhail
Beatty, Warren
Beich, Al
Benjamin, Dick
Bennett, Harve
Benton, Robert
Bernstein, Leonard
Besch, Bibi
Bluhdorn, Charlie
Bogart, Humphrey
Book of Hours
(Duc de Berry)
Booth, Edwin
Booth, John Wilkes
Bound for Glory
Bradley, Paul
Brando, Marlon
Bresson, Robert
Bridge on the River Kwai, The
Bringing Up Baby
Brosnan, Cassie
Brosnan, Pierce
Broyard, Anatole
Bruce, Nigel
Buchanan, Pat
Buckley, William F. Jr.
Burton, Richard
Bush, George
Butrick, Merritt
Caine, Michael
Cambern, Donn
Candy, John
Capra, Frank
Captain Horatio Hornblower R. N.
Carmina Burana
Cattrall, Kim
Chandler, Raymond
Chapman, David
Chicago Sun-Times
China Syndrome, The
Citizen Kane
Clarkson, Patricia
Classics Illustrated
Cohen, Art
Coixet, Isabel
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Collins, Michael
Colman, Ronald
Columbia Pictures
Company Business
Confessions of a Homing Pigeon
Fifth Business
Connery, Sean
Conrad, Joseph
Coppola, Francis Ford
Cornwell, Bernard
Cottilard, Marion
Courage, Alexander
Cruz, Penélope
Curse of the Cat People, The
Curtis, Robin
Daily Iowan
Darling Lili,
Davies, Robertson
Davis, Bette
Davis, Martin
Day After, The
Day After Tomorrow, The
Deceivers, The
Deceivers, The
Deep Space Nine
Dhiegh, Khigh
Dierks, Dave
Diller, Barry
Don Quixote
Doohan, James
Dornisch, Bill
Doyle, Arthur Conan
Doyle, William
E. P. Dutton
Duvall, Robert
Dying Animal, The
Dykstra, John
Earp, Wyatt
Easton, Bob
Eastwood, Clint
Easy Rider
Eggar, Samantha
Eidelman, Cliff
Einstein, Albert
Eisner, Michael
Ellsberg, Daniel
E. P. Dutton
Face in the Crowd, A
Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr.
Farnon, Robert
Farrar, Scott
Fatal Attraction
Fate of the Earth, The
Fielding, Lewis J.
Field of Blood
Field of Blood
The Informant
Fields, Verna
Fifth Business
Fifth Business
Finney, Jack
Fiorentino, Linda
Fletcher, Robert
Flinn, Denny Martin
Flynn, Errol
Forester. S.
Foster, David
Foster, Jodie
Frame-Up, The
Fräulein Doktor
Frederick the Great
Freud, Sigmund
The Seven-Per-Cent Solution
Fukuyama, Francis
Galaxy Quest
Gambino, Richard
Gandhi, Mohandas K.
Ganis, Sid
Gere, Richard
Giamatti, Paul
Gibbons, Winifred
Gilbert, W. S.
Gilliam, Terry
Godard, Jean-Luc
Godfather, The
Godfather Part II, The
Goldberg, Whoopi
Goldman, William
Goldsmith, Jerry
Goldwyn, John
Gone with the Wind
Goodbye, Mr. Chips
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Green, Jack
Greene, Graham
Greenwood, Bruce
Grosbard, Ulu
Guerre, Martin
Hackman, Gene
Hall, Cecelia
Hanks, Tom
Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich
Hawthorne Books
Heat and Dust
Hennessy, David
Henry V,
Herzog, Werner
Hiller, Arthur
Hirst, Michael
Holmes, Sherlock
The Seven-Per-Cent Solution
The West End Horror
Holst, Gustav
Honey Factor, The
Hopkins, Anthony
Hopper, Dennis
Hornblower, Horatio
Horner, Harry
Horner, James
Hornstein, Marty
Hoskins, Bob
Houdini, Harry
Howard, David
Howard, Toni
Hughes, Howard
Human Stain, The
Human, Stain, The
Hume, Ed
Huston, John
Huston, Walter
I Am Not Spock
I Am Spock
ILM (Industrial Light & Magic)
Informant, The
International Famous Agency (IFA)
Invasion of the Bee Girls
Isaacs, David
Ivory, James
Jack the Ripper
Jaffe, Herb
Jaffe, Mari-Carmen
Jaffe, Stanley
Jaffe, Steven-Charles
Jagger, Mick
James, Henry
Jennings, Joe
Jewell, Austen
Judge Dee and the Haunted Monastery
Jurjevics, Juris
Kael, Pauline
Kagan, Jeremy
Kamen, Stan
Kapoor, Shashi
Karas, Anton
Katzenberg, Jeffrey
Kauffman, Phil
Kaye, Nora
Kazan, Elia
Kelley, DeForest
Kent, Alexander
Kidman, Nicole
King Kong
Kingsley, Ben
Kings Road
Kinski, Klaus
Kinsley, Michael
Kipling, Rudyard
Kirkpatrick, David
Kirkpatrick, Jeane
Kissinger, Henry
Koenig, Walter
Konchalovsky, Andrei
Koppel, Ted
Kubrick, Stanley
La Guardia, Fiorello
Lakeshore Entertainment
Lansing, Sherry
Lassally, Walter
Latin Lovers
Laurence, Fran
Lawrence of Arabia
LeRoy, Mervyn
Letter, The
Levine, Ken
Lincoln, Abraham
Lithgow, John
Lohman, Paul
London, Barry
Love Story
Love Story
Love Story Story
Lucas, George
Lucchesi, Gary
Ludovico, Lucia
Lyne, Adrian
Macdonald, Ross (Kenneth Millar)
McDowell, Malcolm
Machiado, Ole
McKellan, Ian
Mae West
Malle, Louis
Manchurian Candidate, The
Mancuso, Frank
Mango, Alex
Man of La Mancha
Man Who Would Be King, The
Marcus, David
Maslin, Janet
Master and Commander
Masters, John
Matoian, John
May, Elaine
M. Butterfly
Merchant, Ismail
Merchant Ivory Films
Meredith, James
Meyer, Lauren
Meyer, Nicholas:
as actor
childhood of
as director
father of
as film reviewer
first full-length screenplay of
girlfriend of (Kelly)
mother of
moves to Los Angeles
Oscar nomination of
in Paramount's publicity department
stepmother of
at University of Iowa
at Warner Brothers story department
as writer
Meyer, Rachel
Meyer, Stephanie
Micah Clarke
Mikado, The
Milchan, Arnon
Milk, Harvey
Millar, Kenneth (Ross Macdonald)
Minor, Mike
Minsky, Howard
Mirisch, Walter
Mission: Impossible
Monroe, Marilyn
Montalban, Ricardo
Monte Carlo Television Festival
Moore, Karen
Morris, Edmund
Morris, Oswald
Mortimer, John
Morton, Joe
Muller, Julian
Murch, Walter
Murphy, Eddie
Nabokov, Vladimir
Nardino, Gary
Nederland, Jim
New Leaf, A
Newton, Robert
New York
New York Post
New York Times
Nichols, Mike
Nichols, Nichelle
Nicita, Rick
Night That Panicked America, The
Nimoy, Leonard
Nixon, Richard
North and South, Book
O'Brien, Patrick
Odd Man Out
Odyssey, The
Okrand, Marc
Olivier, Laurence
O'Neill, Eugene
On the Beach
On the Waterfront
Orion Picturs

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