The View from Prince Street

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Authors: Mary Ellen Taylor

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At the Corner of King Street

“All in all I really enjoyed this novel. . . . I look forward to reading past and future novels of Mary Ellen Taylor and her tales of Alexandria.”

—Chick Lit Plus

“Talented Southern author Mary Ellen Taylor sets her collection of novels in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. . . . Readers will be totally mesmerized by this beautifully written book.”

—Single Titles

“If you enjoy Southern fiction and a good story with deep family history with an air of mystery and even some black magic thrown in, you should definitely read
At the Corner of King Street.

—Southern Girl Reads

Sweet Expectations

“When Daisy McCrae's already semi-scrambled life abruptly turns even more upside down, it leads to deeper soul-searching, the exploration of family ties, and a quest for the ultimate meaning of her purpose and direction. . . . With Daisy's narration alternating with her sister Rachel's, the story unfurls at a slow yet steady pace, nicely layering characters, subplots, and backstory.”


“Sweet and totally satisfying . . . Absorbing characters, a hint of mystery, and touching self-discovery elevate this novel above many others in the genre.”

RT Book Reviews

“[A] charming and very engaging story about the nature of family and the meaning of love, all set in the most delightful bakery one could ever imagine. The story is full of sugar and spice and is highly recommended for anyone looking for a pleasant and well-written novel.”

Seattle PI

The Union Street Bakery

“Like a good recipe, the new novel
The Union Street Bakery
has a little bit of everything that makes a satisfying experience. . . . Taylor pairs the past with the present to please history fans as well as those who like tales of family secrets, reinvention, and renewal. . . . Taylor, who lives in Virginia, conveys the essence of the community, of regular shop patrons and history literally around every corner in centuries-old buildings. . . . Taylor serves up a great mix of vivid setting, history, drama, and everyday life in
The Union Street Bakery
. Here's hoping she writes more like it.”

The Herald-Sun

“A wonderful story about sisters, family, and the things that matter most. I loved this beautifully written journey of self-discovery.”

—Wendy Wax, national bestselling author of
The House on Mermaid Point

“Interesting and intriguing . . . [A] fast-paced story of sisters, family, what really matters, betrayal, faith, healing, and life in general. If you enjoy historical facts, heritage, adoption, family, and love, you will enjoy
The Union Street Bakery
. . . . [A] wonderful story!”

—My Book Addiction Reviews

“An excellent job of showing how important a family can be and who your real family is. Ms. Taylor . . . makes you care not only about Daisy but about all the family and friends involved. . . . Get a copy and settle in a comfortable chair with a cup of tea or coffee.”

—Long and Short Reviews

“Readers will love Daisy and the McCrae family and be engrossed in both the historical and the present puzzles Daisy and her family must solve. Taylor never takes the simple plot path or gives in to melodrama. . . . Highly recommended for anyone who loves family stories with intelligence and heart.”


“I found myself so caught up in this family's lives and turning the pages late into the night. You will not be able to put this book down until you turn the very last page. . . . I can't wait to read more by Ms. Taylor.”

—Fresh Fiction

Berkley titles by Mary Ellen Taylor





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This book is an original publication of the Berkley Publishing Group.

Copyright © 2016 by Mary Burton.

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eBook ISBN: 978-0-698-18339-1

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Taylor, Mary Ellen, 1961–

The view from Prince Street / Mary Ellen Taylor.—Berkley trade paperback edition.

pages ; cm.—(Alexandria series)

ISBN 978-0-425-27826-0 (paperback)

1. Life change events—Fiction. 2. Self-realization in women—Fiction. 3. Family secrets—Fiction. 4. Domestic fiction. I. Title.

PS3620.A95943V54 2016




Berkley trade paperback edition / January 2016

Cover illustration by Alan Ayers.

Cover design by Diana Kolsky.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: The recipes contained in this book have been created for the ingredients and techniques indicated. The publisher is not responsible for your specific health or allergy needs that may require supervision. Nor is the publisher responsible for any adverse reactions you may have to the recipes contained in the book, whether you follow them as written or modify them to suit your personal dietary needs or tastes.



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